Other threats to journalists, Senad Hadžifejzović, Face TV, Sarajevo, 14.09.2022.

    Country BH
    Gender Male
    Date 14/09/2022
    City / Location Sarajevo
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Face TV
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    The verbal attack and insults of the candidate of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), Faruk Kapidžić, to the editor of Face Television, Senad Hadžifejzović.

    Kapidžić published a series of insults about Hadžifejzović on his Facebook profile, calling him, among other things, a “common thief”, a “blackmailed coward with a complicated name and origin”, a “sick” journalist, etc.

    Case status: Case registered in FMHL. The Steering Committee of BHJA issued a press release.

    SafeJournalist network reacted with a press release.