Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists,Jelena Obucina, Belgrade, 01.12.2022.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Jelena Obucina
    Pol Ženski
    Datum 01/12/2022
    Grad Belgrade
    Tip incidenta Pretnje smrću i pretnje teškim telesnim povredama
    Naziv medija Nova S
    Izvor Nova S
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da
    Pretnje smrcu i fizicke bezbednosti novinara Pretnje smrću ili fizičkim nasiljem upućene digitalnim putem (poruka na društvenim mrežama ili imejlom)

    The tabloid Alo announced on its website (and the other tabloid Informer reported) that the journalist threatened Vučić in the introduction of the show “Dnevnik” on November 29 that he would be “buried”, “by order of her boss Šolak”. This tabloid maliciously interpreted her introduction in which she says in jargon that Vučić will “bury himself” if he does not “smarten up” on the issue of Kosovo and sanctions against Russia. In the texts, these media reported: “Vučić, either recognize Kosovo or you will be buried – the tycoon media are threatening the president of Serbia again”, by which they targeted the journalist and exposed her to danger, which was followed by insults and threats on social networks, and in one of them she was threatened stake and burning, depicted in a sexualized context.