Threats to the media and media organizations, 02.09.2022, Durrës

    Country AL
    Name and Surname Hysenbelliu Group
    Gender Group Hysenbelliu Group
    Date 02/09/2022
    City / Location Durres
    Type of incident Threats against media outlets and organizations
    By whom By public officials
    Type of media Radio and television online
    Media name Hysenbelliu Group
    Legal closure Ongoing (or case not closed)
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    On September 2, the government’s Agency for the Protection of the Territory demolished two swimming pools of a resort in Durrës, claiming that they were illegally built on state land.

    The resort is owned by Irfan Hysenbelli, a media owner who has had several problems with government officials in recent months. The government has accused these media outlets of blackmail, and the media outlets now accuse the government of retaliation because of their editorial line critical of the opposition in recent months.

    As reported in BalkanInsight: A pro-opposition media group in Albania (which owns the largest 24-hour news channel News24, Panorama, the largest print newspaper and other smaller media outlets) accused the socialist government of Prime Minister Edi Rama of harassing the businesses it owns to force it to change its editorial line – a charge the government has denied.

    The government spokesman Mr. Endri Fuga denied that Rama ordered the demolition, which followed several months of fighting between media owned by Hysenbelli and government officials.