Other threats to journalists, Tamara Nikčević, Podgorica, 09.09.2022.

    Country MN
    Name and Surname Tamara nikčević
    Gender Female
    Date 09/09/2022
    City / Location
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator S.V.
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Gradska RTV
    Source Police Directorate
    Was journalist`s association informed No
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police Case was reported to the Prosecutor’s Office

    Journalist Tamara Nikčević received a disturbing message on September 9 from S.V. The case was reported to the police by the editor of Gradska RTV Dragoje Vojvodić due to harassment and insolent behavior directed at the journalist.

    The police identified the suspect, who was admitted to the Special Hospital for Psychiatry in Dobrota on the instructions of the Clinical Center.

    The prosecutor, who has not yet decided on his legal qualifications, has been introduced to  the case.