Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in Albania 2021


    Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in Albania 2021

    This report is the second one that monitors the changes in Albanian legislation and practice in regard to media freedom and the safety of journalists to engage in various advocacy activities aimed at advancing the political, legislative, and institutional environment in which the journalists and media work. The first report was published in 2021 and can be found here, authored by Blerjana Bino.

    The research methodology is composed of three groups of indicators developed based on a systematic analysis of various guidelines produced by relevant international organizations. In the course of the previous years, the originally developed qualitative indicators have been refined to address the distinctive socio-political context in the Western Balkans region and to reflect the specific needs and interests of the journalists in the seven countries.   For the 2021 Report in Albania, the Safe Journalists Network nominated Blerjana Bino as the national researcher and Kristina Voko as a media expert to review the report.

    Full Report in English

    Full Report in Albanian