Self-regulation and locked reforms – topics of the meeting between AJM, SEMM and Ambassador Geer


Progress in the implementation of media self-regulation, media reforms, security and protection of journalists and media workers were part of the topics discussed yesterday by representatives of AJM and SEMM with the Head of the EU Delegation to the country.

AJM representatives pointed to overdue reforms in the media sector and asked for support from the EU Delegation in Skopje for continuing the processes in the RNM Assembly. AJM reminded of the fact that the Criminal Code, which provides protection for media workers, has been stuck in parliamentary proceedings for eight months, as well as for the crisis with non-election of members in the media regulator and the MRT Council.

Representatives of the SEMM pointed to the increased number of complaints on media unethical reporting and violations of the Code of Ethics. SEMM statistics show that Article 1 of the Journalists’ Code is most often violated, which is related to the accuracy and truthfulness of information, as well as Article 8, which is related to sensationalist information.

The EU Ambassador expressed support for the efforts of the two organizations in improving the situation in the media sphere, and a joint meeting will soon follow to discuss in detail these issues with journalists and relevant parties from the media sector.