SKOPJE 21.08.2017 – The employees of the Association of Journalists in Macedonia participated on a training “Building a strategy for advocating and lobbying”.
The training was organized withing the project: “Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety” which is supported by the European Union and is implemented in the countries from the Western Balkans.
The two-day training was held in the AJM offices by the experienced trainer Suzana Jashic from Croatia. Jashic is an expert in the field of advocacy and lobbying and she was the president of the civil organization GONG, whose main goal is to promote and advance the human and civil rights.
This training served to create a long-term strategy for AJM in the field of advocacy and lobbying for the journalists rights and freedoms. The gained knowledge helps in building the capacities of the Association and its employees in order to influence on improving the media freedom and journalists’ safety through the modern ways of lobbying and advocacy.