Cyber-attack on “Buletini Ekonomik”, AJK calls upon competent authorities to handle the case with priority


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned about the cyber-attack towards “Buletini Ekonomik”, and “Buletini Newsletter”.

According to the Buletini’s staff: “On 25.02.2022, the two main pages of Buletini Ekonomik on Facebook were attacked. Both sites “Buletini Ekonomik”, and “Buletini Newsletter”, are not in our management. The case was reported last night to the Kosovo Police and has given a statement regarding the attack. ”

AJK condemns this attack and calls upon competent authorities to handle the case with priority so that the perpetrators of this action are brought to justice.

AJK emphasizes the need for an immediate reaction of the competent authorities in order to carry out their work in an unhindered manner.