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U toku izborne kampanje 2018. godine pojedini mediji i javni servisi više naklonjeni određenim političkim strankama i kandidatima


Poštivanje pluralizma informacija, te raznovrsnosti političkih, religijskih i drugih ideja dio je entitetskih zakona o javnim RTV servisima. U Zakonu o komunikacijama BiH navodi se da regulatorni principi emitiranja obuhvataju zaštitu slobode izražavanja i raznolikosti mišljenja „poštujući općeprihvaćene standarde ponašanja, nediskriminacije, pravičnosti, tačnosti i nepristrasnosti.“
Iz ovoga proizlazi da je Regulatorna agencija za komunikacije (RAK) obavezna da vodi računa o poštivanju političkog pluralizma u elektronskim medijima tokom cijele godine, bez obzira na izbore. Međutim, RAK vrši monitoring samo tokom predizborne kampanje ili nakon ad hoc odluka o monitoringu pojedinih medija.

U 2018. izbornoj godini RAK je u 51 slučaju izrekao izvršne mjere po osnovu utvrđenog kršenja relevantnih odredbi primjenjivih pravila i kodeksa Agencije, Zakona o komunikacijama i Izbornog zakona BiH i Pravilnika o medijskom predstavljanju aktivnosti političkih subjekata od dana raspisivanja izbora do dana održavanja izbora. Od ukupnog broja izrečenih kazni, u 17 slučajeva izrečene su novčane kazne od 181.500 KM (zbirno), te 19 pismenih i 3 usmena upozorenja, 3 suspenzije dozvole i 9 oduzimanja dozvola (Izvor: Godišnji izvještaj RAK-a za 2018. godinu).
Djelatnost javnih i privatnih medija tokom izborne kampanje regulirana je u članu 16. Izbornog zakona BiH. Pravila za medije u ovom Zakonu najvećim dijelom odnose se na elektronske medije, štampa se spominje samo na dva mjesta, dok online mediji uopće nisu obuhvaćeni. Zbog nepoštivanja pravila ravnopravnog i fer predstavljanja svih političkih subjekata u medijima, moguće je sankcionirati samo radio i TV-stanice, ali ne i druge medije. Poštivanje profesionalnih standarda u printanim i online medijima prati Vijeće za štampu i online medije u BiH, koje je samoregulacijsko tijelo.

Monitoring koji provode nevladine organizacije pokazuje da su pojedini mediji i javni servisi više naklonjeni određenim političkim strankama i kandidatima u odnosu na druge, te kako ne poštuju zakonske obaveze i regulatorna pravila. Tokom kampanje za Opšte/Opće izbore 2018. godine zabilježena su nedopustiva kršenja pravila, posebno u javnim servisima, zbog čega je nekoliko političara uputilo javna reagiranja i žalbe regulatoru, žaleći se na pristrasnost.

Pojedini javni servisi promovirali su određene političke kandidate prije zvaničnog početka izborne kampanje, 7. septembra 2018, što je bio slučaj sa Radio-televizijom Republike Srpske (RTRS), koja je u tom periodu u dva navrata ugostila tadašnjeg predsjednika RS-a i kandidata za člana Predsjedništva BiH Milorada Dodika. Nakon ovih gostovanja, pismom uredništvu RTRS-a obratio se tadašnji srpski član Predsjedništva BiH Mladen Ivanić, pitajući kada će i on dobiti termin u programu RTRS-a.
Mirsad Hadžikadić, nezavisni kandidat za bošnjačkog člana Predsjedništva BiH, 27. 9. 2018. godine iz protesta je napustio debatnu emisiju na Federalnoj televiziji (FTV), uz obrazloženje da FTV i Radio Federacije BiH donose uredničke odluke „koje nisu neutralne, a time ni u interesu javnosti“.

Također, bila je primjetna tendencija da sami političari biraju u kojim će medijima predstaviti svoj izborni program, na taj način svjesno šaljući poruku javnosti o medijima čiji sadržaj odobravaju, i obrnuto – o onima koji su, prema njihovom mišljenju, „nepoželjni“ i nekorektni u svom izvještavanju.

(Podaci iz izvještaja „Indikatori nivoa medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara u Bosni i Hercegovini 2019“)

MPs soon on the Law on RTCG: Public service gets an Ombudsman


PODGORICA, 20.07.2020. – Montenegrin MPs, before the imminent dissolution of the Parliament, should discuss the proposal of the Law on the National Public Broadcaster of Radio and Television of Montenegro.

The text of the law, same as the Law on Media, has been harmonized for almost two years and has only recently been put on the agenda of the Parliament of Montenegro.

One of the biggest innovations in regulating the work of the Radio Television of Montenegro (RTCG) is the introduction of self-regulation by appointing an ombudsman. A person with at least 10 years of experience in electronic media may be appointed as an ombudsman, and he is appointed by the Council for a period of three years.

The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM), which participated in the public debate, proposed that instead of the Management Board, a Management Finance Board be formed, which was accepted by the proposers.

“There is resistance among employees to impose a new body and a new number of those that will be financed by RTCG, without having a sense of purpose. By introducing the name “Managing Financial Board”, the employees would also understand what the goal of the law is, which must show that the establishment of this body is an advantage for the Public Service RTCG and for the public interest”, is one of the amendments.

One of the proposed solutions concerns the regulation of the RTCG Council.

“The Council is a body appointed and dismissed by the Parliament of Montenegro. However, the Council is not accountable to anyone for its work. Practice has shown that some actions or non-actions of the Council have caused damage to the Public Service. There is no statutory liability in case of damage to the Public Service, neither the members nor the President of the Council. By introducing the obligation to submit to the Assembly the Work Report, as well as the financial one, the level of responsibility in the work would be raised to a much higher level, both of the Council and RTCG in general, but also of the Parliament itself “, is one of the proposals of TUMM.

Furthermore, it was emphasized that the Council regulating the minimum work process during the strike is in conflict with the provisions of the Law on Strike, and that proposal is also accepted.

Skupština uskoro o Zakonu o RTCG: Javni servis dobija Ombudsmana


PODGORICA, 20.07.2020. – Crnogorski poslanici, prije skorog raspuštanja Parlamenta, trebalo da bi da raspravljaju i o predlogu Zakona o nacionalnom javnom emiteru radio i televizija Crne Gore.

Tekst zakona, poput Zakona o medijima, skoro dvije godine je usaglašavat i tek nedavno stavljen na dnevni red Skupštine Crne Gore.

Jedna od najvećih novina u regulisanju rada Radio televizije Crne Gore (RTCG) jeste uvođenje samoregulacije imenovanjem ombudsmana. Za ombudsmana može biti imenovano lice sa najmanje 10 godina iskustva rada u elektronskim medijima, a imenuje ga Savjet na period od tri godine.

Sindikat medija Crne Gore (SMCG), koji je učestvovao u javnoj raspravi, predložio je da se umjesto Upravnog odbora, formira Upravni finansijski odbor, što je prihvaćeno od strane predlagača.

„Kako je riječ o, prema percepciji javnosti i mnogim javnim stavovima, ogromnom novcu, kako je trošenje novca građana i ranije zahtijevalo preispitivanje, a zaposleni i njihovi sindikalni predstavnici to uporno zahtijevali, smatramo da bi se to tijelo moralo imenovati na način da imenom ukazuje na ozbiljnost namjere zakonodavca da se novac poreskih obveznika troši zakonito. Istovremeno, među zaposlenima se javlja otpor prema nametanju novog tijela i novog broja onih koje će RTCG finansirati, a da za to nemaju osjećaj svrishodnosti. Uvođenjem imena „Upravni finansijski odbor” i zaposleni bi razumjeli šta je cilj zakona koji mora da pokaže da je uspostvaljanje ovog tijela prednost po Javni servis RTCG i po interes javnosti“, jedan je od amandmana.

Jedno od predloženi rješenja tiče se i regulisanja Savjeta RTCG.

„Savjet je tijelo je koje imenuje i razrješava Skupština Crne Gore. Ipak, Savjet nikome nije odgovoran za svoj rad. Praksa je pokazala da su neka činjenja ili nečinjenja Savjeta, nanijela štetu Javnom servisu. Ne postoji nikakva propisana odgovornost za slučaj nanošenje štete Javnom servisu, ni članova ni predsjednika Savjeta. Uvođenjem obaveze podnošenja Skupštini Izvjestaja o radu ali i finansijskog, podigao bi se stepen odgovornosti u radu na mnogo viši nivo, kako Savjeta, tako i RTCG ukupno, ali i samog parlamenta“, jedan je od predloga SMCG.

Dalje, predloženo je da se nadležnosti Savjeta u regulisanju minimuma procesa rada u vrijeme štrajka u suprotnosti sa rješenjima iz Zakona o štrajku, što je takođe prihvaćeno.

Police arrest suspect in case of assault on Nova.rs reporter


BELGRADE, 20.07.2020. – The police arrested a man suspected of physically attacking Nova.rs news portal reporter during the July 9 protest in Belgrade, according to the Internal Affairs Ministry.

The officers arrested Pancevo resident with name initials G.B. under the suspicion of committing the criminal act of violent behaviour, said the police statement.

According to the report, the man is charged with physically attacking reporter Vojislav Milovancevic during the July 9 protest, in front of the National Assembly building.

MUP: Uhapšen osumnjičeni za napad na novinara


BEOGRAD, 20.07.2020. – Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova saopštilo je danas da je policija uhapsila G. B. (41) iz Pančeva zbog sumnje da je 9. jula, ispred Doma Narodne skupštine, fizički napao novinara portala Nova Vojislava Milovančevića.

Kako se navodi, G.B. se sumnjiči za krivično delo nasilničko ponašanje.

Po nalogu Prvog osnovnog javnog tužilaštva u Beogradu, protiv osumnjičenog će biti podneta krivična prijava.

Radna grupa za bezbednost novinara osuđuje napade na novinare i medijske ekipe tokom protesta i poziva da svi slučajevi budu prijavljeni nadležnima


Stalna radna grupa za bezbednost novinara osuđuje napade na novinare i medijske ekipe na protestima u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu i poziva ih da prijave napade, pretnje i ometanje u izvršavanju radnih zadataka sa kojima su se suočili, ako to do sada nisu učinili, kako bi policija i tužilaštvo mogli da pokrenu istrage i postupke protiv odgovornih.

Na sastanku Stalne radne grupe za bezbednost novinara koji je održan juče, 17. jula, predstavnici MUP-a naveli su da je policija u deset slučajeva prikupila podatke od napadnutih i povređenih novinara i medijskih radnika za vreme protesta. Identifikovani su napadači na novinara televizije N1 Petra Gajića i ekipu dopisništva RTS-a u Novom Sadu i krivične prijave protiv njih podnete nadležnim tužilaštvima.

Republičko javno tužilaštvo obavestilo je Stalnu radnu grupu za bezbednost novinara da u ovom momentu ima ukupno sedam događaja koji su prijavljeni za sedam novinara u vezi sa napadima na protestima.

Predstavnici novinarskih i medijskih udruženja izneli su podatke o evidentiranim slučajevima napada i ometanja rada novinara koji su se dogodili od strane nasilnih demonstranata i policije u periodu od 7. do 11. jula i naveli da je od 28 zabeleženih slučajeva samo jedan broj prijavljen policiji i tužilaštvu.

Predstavnici Stalne radne grupe složili su se da je potrebno da se novinari koji izveštavaju sa nasilnih protesta jasno identifikuju i da poštuju preporuke, poput Vodiča za izveštavanje sa nasilnih protesta,  koja će osigurati njihovu i bezbednost drugih.

Novinarska udruženja i nadležni organi nastaviće da u okviru Stalne radne grupe za bezbednost novinara razmenjuju informacije o napadima na novinare i medijske ekipe, napretku istraga i sudskih postupaka, kako bi se obezbedila efikasnija krivičnopravna zaštita novinara i sistemski osigurala bolja bezbednost novinara i medija u Srbiji.

Predstavnike u Stalnoj radnoj grupi za bezbednost novinara imaju Republičko javno tužilaštvo, Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova, Udruženje novinara Srbije, Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije, Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine, Asocijacija nezavisnih elektronskih medija, Asocijacija medija i Asocijacija onlajn medija.

The media community must show solidarity and jointly defend freedom of expression in BiH


SARAJEVO, July 16, 2020 – Solidarity within the media community and joint public pressure on political institutions and decision makers are key to solving many problems that journalists and media in BiH have been facing for years – from inadequate legal protection and media legislation, to the safety of journalists, freedom of expression and very poor economic status and conditions of their work – this was pointed out during the online discussion on the research “Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in BiH 2019”, organized by BH Journalists Association.

Political influences and economic pressures on BiH media are becoming more visible, and journalists have less and less freedom in creating the content they work on while facing self-censorship and censorship almost daily. In 2019, a total of 56 cases of attacks, threats and pressures on journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina were registered. Of that number, nine physical attacks on journalists and media employees were recorded, as well as eight death threats. The Free Media Help Line (FMHL) has data on 289 active defamation lawsuits against journalists and the media in the last five years. The average salary of journalists in BiH is 880 BAM. Overtime is not paid, and in many media houses, taxes for health and pension insurance are paid irregularly. The political and regional divisions in BiH are deeply reflected in the issue of journalistic solidarity and the possibility of forming a single trade union organization, which would bring together journalists from all over the country.

These are just some of the results of a research by BH Journalists, conducted within the regional network of journalists’ associations in the Western Balkans (www.safejournalists.net). The results of the research were discussed by prof. dr. Lejla Turčilo, Head of the Department of Communicology/Journalism at FPS Sarajevo, doc. dr. Daniela Jurčić from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Mostar, Velida Kulenović, journalist of Federal Radio and member of the BHJA Steering Committee, Esad Šabanagić, editor of the independent Krajina newspaper Reprezent, Faruk Kajtaz, editor of the independent online magazine Starmo.ba from Mostar and member of the BHJA Steering Committee, Borislav Vukojević, senior assistant at the FPS at the University of Banja Luka, Andrijana Pisarević, journalist of Srpskacafe, Borka Rudić, general secretary of BHJA and Maja Radević, researcher/project coordinator of BHJA.

As the participants in today’s online discussion pointed out, this kind of research should leave the circle of the media and academic community and must be discussed at the level of political decision-makers.

– It is discouraging that we are already getting used to such circumstances in which journalists and media work in BiH today – from the legal norms we have and which are generally good, but not applied in practice, to the issue of safety of journalists and economic conditions in the media, which are getting worse. It seems to me that there is no political will to solve these problems, and it is especially worrying that there is less and less will within the media community as well. However, public pressure is key to the visibility of all our problems. I’m afraid that citizens know very little about how and under what conditions journalists work and that is what needs to be changed because bad journalism endangers citizens and their right to be well informed, and not for someone to manipulate them – said prof. dr. Lejla Turčilo.

According to Daniela Jurčić, the situation in BiH media is largely a reflection of the political situation in the country,

– How can we expect our media to be professional and high-quality in addition to such corrupt politicians? I think that the education of journalists, especially young people, is very important here, as well as who can be a journalist at all. Interest in the study of journalism still exists although it is declining every year, and this is surprising given such a poor media image in BiH – says Jurčić.

Participants in the discussion particularly highlighted the extremely bad situation in local media operating in smaller communities, whose problems often remain in the shadows and are considered less important compared to public services and media from larger cities.

– The problems of local media and journalists who work for them mostly remain out of focus, although we have numerous reports and analyzes in which the status of local media has been highlighted as one of the main problems in the media community for years – says Faruk Kajtaz.

– There were no major changes in Zenica-Doboj Canton last year. Pressure on the media continued and journalists were even fired for disobedience, especially in the local media. It is enough to see what is happening on RTV Zenica. I am afraid it will only get worse because on the one hand, local elections and the start of the political campaign are approaching, and on the other hand you have the fact that during the pandemic journalists were much more exposed to the risks of their profession and in that period it became visible in what poor conditions we work – said Velida Kulenović.

Esad Šabanagić emphasized that one of the problems is large number of “wild” portals and media – it is not known who owns them, or who works in those media.

– That is why we need a law on the transparency of media ownership and to create a public register of media outlets. In general, journalists in BiH need more solidarity and truth, and less self-censorship and censorship – says Šabanagić.

Speaking about the legal protection of journalists and media, Borislav Vukojevic emphasized that it is devastating not only that journalists do not have adequate protection in cases of attacks on them, but that it sometimes takes on absurd dimensions so even though there is evidence, investigations in judicial institutions are suspended, very slow and inefficient. The same opinion is shared by professor Lejla Turčilo, who states that the connection between politics and the judiciary can be easily noticed on the examples of processing attacks on journalists.

– When it comes to lawsuits filed by journalists/media, these lawsuits are usually rejected or kept in drawers for months, and when the journalists are sued by those who are close to political powerful people, it all goes much faster. Such a relationship clearly shows the intention of judicial institutions and their connection with politics – concludes Lejla Turčilo.

The report “Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in BiH 2019” will be published in the next month.

Media law in Parlament: State help for private media


PODGORICA, 16.07.2020. – Almost two years of consultations on the new Media law have recently continued in the Montenegrin Parliament.

The Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro gave the green light for the bill, sending it to the further parliamentary procedure.

Now, the competent parliamentary committees should first decide on the text of the law, and then the representatives of the people in the Parliament.

Despite long consultations, which included Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, the law took an unusually long time to reach the parliamentary procedure, and then concrete work.

Consultations on the law began in 2018, and the draft was sent to the Assembly in December last year, and the Legislative Committee considered it at the beginning of July this year.

In the meantime, proposals for additional changes are constantly catching up, both from the civil sector, the media, and from MPs themselves.

The civil sector asked for further specification of the protection of journalist sources, free access to information, mandatory registration of all media, as well as the regulation of commenting on web portals. The media mainly focused on the Pluralism Fund and the way it is financed, while the deputies have so far submitted amendments to further regulate the freedom and independence of the media.

This law introduces the Fund for Media Pluralism for the first time in Montenegro. The Fund will be available to private media for various activities, provided by the law, and it will be financed in the amount of 0.08% of the annual state budget.

The money will be spent on contents, starting from the promotion of cultural diversity and preservation of tradition, European integration of Montenegro and current social, political and economic topics, to topics dedicated to science, culture, art and education, protection of rights and dignity of minority peoples and other minority nationalities and children, sports and youth. The Fund will also finance topics of importance for environmental protection, sustainable development and tourism, promotion of health and healthy lifestyles, promotion of agriculture and tourism, affirmation of entrepreneurship, consumer protection, fight against corruption, fight against addiction, social integration of vulnerable categories of society, development of civil society and volunteerism and promotion of media literacy.

The distribution of money from the Fund, once a year through a public competition, is done by the Board of Regulators for Audiovisual Media Services and an independent commission. Also, self-regulatory bodies are provided with financial assistance from sub-funds to cover operating costs.

The Ministry of culture and the regulator for audiovisual media services will be obliged to prescribe the criteria and procedure for the distribution of funds from a certain subfund, the manner of using those funds, as well as the maximum amount of funds that can be allocated from the Fund to one media during the year.