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CJA: Better rankings do not represent a benefit for journalists


CROATIA – Ranked: 59 (+ 5)

We talked to Hrvoje Zovko, president of Croatian Journalists’ Association

According to an RWB report, things have not changed much compared to previous years: journalists who have investigated corruption, organised crime or war crimes have often been harassed. The RWB states that defamation in Croatia is criminalized and insulting the Republic, its symbols, anthem or flag can be punished by imprisonment for up to three years.

The government has not stopped interfering with Croatian Radio-Television (CRT) affairs, and the administration of that public service continues to sue employees who have pointed to this problem. CRT also has gone one step further and sued the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA). The RWB states that physical assaults, threats and cyber-violence continue to be a major problem for journalists, with no response to the authorities.

Yet, journalists are still the target of numerous threats and attacks in Croatia. We are particularly concerned of the silence of the people who run the state; we had recently an attack in Split on two journalists who were just doing their job; Croatian Minister of Interior, Davor Bozinovic condemned the attack, but there was no reaction from Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. There is the strong influence of politics in the operation of public service. At one point, the public broadcaster launched a series of lawsuits against other media and journalists who wrote and spoke critically about the work of CRT, which is paid for by all citizens. CRT also sued its own employees as well as the CJA, the only professional association of journalists in Croatia, which is a unique case in the world. Corruption and war crimes journalists are often exposed to harassment, pressure and assault. The prosecution of journalists continues, and all lawsuits by the authorities and the judges aim to intimidate journalists and discourage serious investigative texts on crime, corruption and war crimes. What we especially consider important to mention is that in Croatia has been created an atmosphere in which journalists are guilty of everything.

We would like things to be fixed for next years and Croatia to be even better placed on this list of media freedom, but it is very ungrateful to forecast anything now because if attacks and threats, such as occurred in the first few months of this year continue, I can’t be optimistic that anything will go better.

AJK: The report confirms our findings


KOSOVO – Ranked: 70 (+ 5 places)

We talked to Gentiana Begoli, president of Association of Journalist of Kosovo

The 2020 World Press Freedom Index confirms what we have consistently proclaimed as Association of Journalist of Kosovo (AJK) – that our media are facing many different problems. Despite the fact that Kosovo has made progress this year, by ranking five positions higher (70th place), the findings of the Reporters Without Borders organisation, are a concern for us.  We consider that the report reflects the real situation, which is unsatisfactory in terms of media freedom in Kosovo.

Some of the common concerns are physical attacks, threats and lynching toward journalists, but also cyber attacks, the target of which have been several media outlets. Another challenge is the lack of transparency regarding media ownership, a fact that makes them more vulnerable to the influences and pressures, with the aim violating freedom of speech and professional reporting of journalists.

As it is noted in the report, many media outlets in Kosovo are facing financial instability, which makes them sensitive to political influences and this often leads to self-censorship.

When it comes to minority community media, most of them are on the verge of extinction, surviving mainly from foreign donations. Like many things in Kosovo, the media is divided along ethnic lines, where access to information is often limited to one ethnic or political group. But we, as AJK are constantly committed, through joint activities with colleagues from other communities to overcome ethnic differences and encouraging the media to play their role for accurate and objective information, regardless ethnic differences or whatever they may be.

Regarding the findings of the report – as we have done consistently before, we will alert the relevant institutions and advocate in order to create a safer and better environment for journalism.


AJM: Achievements were well highlighted, but problems persist


NORTH MACEDONIA – Ranked: 92 (+ 3 places)

We talked to Deniz Sulejman, researcher in Association of Journalists of Macedonia

The report highlights two major achievements in the field of self-regulation and the rights of journalists. In this direction it is stated that: “In the field of enhancing self-regulation and working standards of the professional journalists, there are two ground-breaking achievements: A Register of Professional Online Media which has about 120 members was created by the Council of Media Ethics (CMEM) and AJM. The initiative promotes self-regulation of online media by committing them to respect the Code of Journalists and publishing decisions by the CMEM. The Charter on journalists’ working conditions and the draft Fair Working Contract for journalists and media workers in digital media was also signed by Trade Union of Macedonian Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) in collaboration with AJM and the CMEM, committing to respect all journalists’ and media workers’ labor rights, their freedom of expression as well as ethical and professional standards”.

One of the problems which were noted in Reporters Without Borders’ report is the funding of the media by municipalities, despite the ban on this practice. In addition, the buying of space in the media for promoting the achievements of the Government is criticized, something that was condemned by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia as well.

Regarding the safety of journalists, it is noted that the number of physical attacks on journalists and media workers had decreased, but that the number of cyber-attacks was on the rise. The stagnation of the reform in the public service was criticized as well.

BHJA: Number and variety of threats against journalists continues to increase


BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA – Ranked: 58 (+ 5 places)

We talked to Borka Rudic, Secretary general of BH Journalists Association

The report largely reflects the real situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and addresses some of the most important issues in the media and the position of journalists. Although moving up five positions on the ladder is encouraging, it should be emphasized that the number of physical, verbal and cyber attacks and various forms of pressures on journalists in BiH continues to increase.

At the same time, we believe that this report shows that the efforts of BH Journalists, legitimate pressures on local authorities, legal actions instituted to protect freedom of expression, as well as advocates of the action, have made it possible to pursue media freedom and more responsible government behaviour in preventing attacks and crimes against journalists.

We are still concerned that journalists are being attacked for their ethnic background, especially on social media through hate speech and death threats. For this reason, we fully agree with the RSF’s view that “a polarized political climate, characterized by constant verbal attacks and nationalist rhetoric, has created a hostile environment for press freedom” in BiH.

We also welcome very clear criticisms of the BiH prosecutors’ offices, which are currently the weakest link in the chain of investigations into violence against journalists and judicial proceedings against assailants. The report stated that investigative journalists were targeted by prosecutors and their officials because they were dealing with scams that were not properly prosecuted by the Justice Department. BH journalists have repeatedly responded to these cases, especially in the context that it is endemic that the judiciary with legal authority and protection of the security and rights of journalists now appears as violators of media freedoms and rights of journalists.

Particularly important is the assessment regarding public service broadcasters, which are said to be “instrumented for political purposes”, which is also the assessment of BH Journalists. Such an assessment enables us in BiH to continue to fight for the de-politicization of public services and their work in the interest of the public rather than particular political and national interests.

Finally, we are pleased that the report itself focuses more on the physical security of journalists, and recalls that general insecurity, including “vague conditions of employment for journalists” and “short-term employment contracts” are the biggest obstacles to media freedom in BiH. This area is part of the ongoing activities of BH Journalists at the national level and the SafeJournalists network at the regional level, so that through the RSF report they received additional arguments to continue to work in this direction and be even more effective in protecting their members – journalists and all other media professionals.

TUMM: All the old problems are still present


MONTENEGRO –  Ranked: 105 (- 1 places)

We talked to Marijana Camovic, president of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Reporters Without Borders continued to rate Montenegro with the lowest ratings compared to the region. This is what I find interesting and I would like to have more information about the methodology RSF uses. In that way, Montenegro may be put in the right place, but I believe that it is also reducing the problems that have obviously escalated in other countries, especially in Serbia.

Unfortunately, in Montenegro, during the period under review, some bad things had happened, including precedents such as the arrest of three journalists. The situation is not very good: All the old problems are still present, not a single older case of assault on journalists has been solved, and most likely it will not be, as is the case with the murder of the editor-in-chief of the daily DanDusko Jovanovic. In the previous year, nothing has been done to advance the situation in the media, not even a set of media laws has been adopted, which has been long prepared and whose adoption is persistently and without justification postponed.

IJAS: Vucic to read the report again


SERBIA – Ranked: 93 (- 3 places)

We talked to Tamara Filipovic-Stevanovic, project manager of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia

The drop of Serbia on the Reporters Without Borders ranking list does not surprise us. I can say that we expected an even worse position given the deteriorating levels of media freedoms and the safety of journalists in Serbia in the past year. Since 2016, together with its partners from the Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safetyIIndependent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) annually conducts a research and publishes its findings in the report Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety. Our 2019 report (to be published next month) provides valuable insight into the situation in Serbia and provides details that explain Serbia’s decline on the RSF list. It includes the following factors:

  • Journalists are still physically endangered because of their work: After three years of having less than 10 physical assaults annually, in 2019 Serbia saw 11 assaults on journalists on duty
  • Threats against the livesand limbs of journalists are constantly present and after a drop in 2018, last year their number was at the highest since 2015 – 23 threats against lives and limbs were recorded in our safejournalists.net database
  • The number of different kinds of pressures journalists are facing is increasingannually: last year, IJAS recorded 80 such incidents (2018: 72, 2017: 62, 2016: 33)
  • Impunity continues– cases of crimes against journalists rarely end up in court, they linger in pre-investigative and investigative proceedings, and verdicts are rare and have no deterring effect. Serbia still has two cases of murdered journalists that are still far from legal closure and one murder case (Slavko Curuvija) is slowly reaching it, yet masterminds behind it are still unknown.
  • The case of arson, putting Milan Jovanovic house on fire is named in RSF report. IJAS has been monitoring this trial closely and reporting about it – it is a showcase of how poor the judiciary is, the accused used the trial to slander Jovanovic and threaten public prosecutors… In cooperation with Article 19 IJAS facilitates communication of updated information about this case to RAE Platform that connects to the four special rapporteurs on freedom of expression
  • The incendiary rhetoriccoming from politicians and government officials directed at journalists reporting in the public interest is almost a norm, including the highest state officials: more than 30% of pressures recorded is exerted by them, and repeated in the pro-gov media thus creating an atmosphere in which violence against journalists is acceptable.
  • Smear campaigns and disinformation and misinformationof the public in tabloid TV, print and online media are increasingly present. It is these media that have open support of the authorities in public statements, but also through state funds allocated to support production of media content of public interest and different types of contracts or tax benefits.
  • Problems with access to informationof public interest continues: more institutions are closing to media and refusing to provide data
  • The social and economic conditionsof work of journalists remain a significant problem, we can freely call them precarious workers, and union organisation is lacking.

However, there are reasons why the drop was not as drastic as we expected  Media Strategy was completed with the participation of all relevant actors. However, three years passed – a valuable time was lost for improving the working conditions of journalists and the media due to the irresponsibility of the state. The Strategy is a good starting document, but given the day-to-day behaviour of representatives of the state we are well afraid that it will remain on paper only as in Serbia strategic documents usually do. In addition, the Standing Working Group on raising journalists’ safety continued its work in 2019. Communication and the way cases are reported are the positive sides of the work of this group, but more needs to be done on the efficiency of case processing.

While Serbian president, Mr Vucic stated that it is his understanding that the reason for Serbia’s decline on the RSF list is the fact that there is still no verdict in the case of Milan Jovanovic whose house was put on fire in December 2018. Mr Vucic should read the report again, more carefully.


The European Federation of Journalists proposes a Marshall Plan to help the media


Sarajevo, 23.04.2020. – At the invitation of European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton, President of the European Federation of Journalists Mogens Blicher Bjerregård participated in an online meeting to discuss media assistance in Europe during the financial crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and ways in which the EU could contribute to support to the media. Besides EFJ President, the meeting was attended by the leaders of the largest European news publisher organizations (ENPA, NME, EMMA, commercial radio, etc.)

On this occasion, the President of the EFJ presented several proposals to assist the media, including a recommendation to EU member states to introduce a 0-rate VAT for journalistic productions.

The European Federation of Journalists also proposed adopting a Marshall plan for direct support to the media who are experiencing a loss of advertising income, in particular to the local media threathening with closure. According to Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, this help should only be given to those media outlets who have not fired their journalists or suspended the engagement of freelancers during the crisis. Startups featuring freelancers should also be supported, EFJ suggests.

One of the ideas raised earlier in the meeting with Vera Jourova is that direct financial support to the private sector should include vouchers for advertising in private professional media, and to give all young EU citizens vouchers to subscribe to print or online media.

European countries should also include freelancers in unemployment support plans created during the pandemic crisis.

All these support mechanisms should have a long-term perspective, the EFJ President noted in the end. It was agreed that in the coming weeks the above proposals would be considered in detail in order to come up with a common strategy.

AEM MN: Reporting about pandemic was adequate


PODGORICA, 23.04.2020. – News programs on all Montenegrin televisions with national coverage are oriented towards factual reporting, transmission of credible sources, opinions and interpretations by the competent authorities.

This is the finding of the Broadcasting Agency of Montenegro, presented in the latest Analysis of the TV program with national coverage.

“The effort made to avoid speculation and sensationalism in the content and to inform and educate viewers about the risks and ways of protection is recognized”, the document states.
For the purposes of the analysis, between March 26 and April 1, 2020, four television broadcasts were analyzed: First Television of Montenegro, TV Prva, TV Vijesti and TV Nova M.
According to the document, a total of 13 hours of informative program, predominantly dedicated to informing the public about the current COVID-19 epidemic, are broadcast daily on the program of four observed television broadcasters. Almost 85% of the time in the central news programs was related to information and topics related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The Agency’s overall assessment is that there was no sensationalism and panic in the programs covered.
“There have been no reports of information being transmitted that would violate the privacy rights of those affected by the new coronavirus and others affected by these events. All the televisions observed adequately directed viewers to the official information channels of the competent state services”, the analysis states.
However, of the 35 individual content on all four television stations observed, only one content, “Dnevnik 1”, of Television of Montenegro, had a sign language translation. This represents only 3.8% of the total information broadcast for four broadcasters. During the period under review, there was no Albanian and Romani content.
“Given the need for the entire population to be informed in a timely manner about events of public health importance, the Agency urges television broadcasters to pay particular attention to the availability of published information to hearing impaired persons, as well as in Albanian and Roma languages,” the experts recommended.

ССНМ: Владата своеволно го толкува извештајот на Репортери без граници во делот за работничките права


Самостојниот синдикат на новинари и медиумски работници е зачуден од толкувањето на македонската влада на извештајот на „Репортери без граници“ за состојбата со слободата на медиумите во Македонија. Според ССНМ, соопштението кое било испратено од владината прес-служба со наслов „Владата го одржува нагорниот тренд на Северна Македонија на листата за слобода на медиумите на „Репортери без граници“, претставува своеволно толкување на извештајот и преземање на успесите на други организации и иницијативи на свое конто.

„Во соопштението на Владата како причини за скокот на листата е наведено подобрувањето на работничките права на новинарите и медиумските работници, но тоа во извештајот на „Репортери без граници“ не е така нотирано“, се вели во реакцијата на Синдикатот од каде додаваат дека во извештајот на „Репортери без граници како позитивни се истакнати иницијативите и активностите на синдикатот, Здружението на новинари и Советот за етика во медиумите во Македонија притоа означувајќи ги како „многу значајни постигнувања“, но од страна на фелата.

„Во извештајот е спомената иницијативата на ССНМ за потпишување на „Повелбата за работните услови на новинарите“ на Европската Федерација на новинари, како и на нацрт фер-договорите за вработување изработени од ССНМ со помош на Меѓународната федерација на новинари од страна на ЗНМ, СЕММ и други медиуми и организации“, пишува во соопштението на Синдикатот.

Повелбата за работните услови на новинарите и нацрт фер-договорите за вработување на новинари и медиумски работници во дигиталните медиуми беа потпишани од Самостојниот синдикат на новинари и Медиумски работници во соработка со ЗНМ и СЕММ, со што се обврзаа на почитување на работничките права на новинарите и медиумските работници, нивното право на слобода на изразување како и етички и професонални стандарди“, стои во резимето од извештајот на „Репортери без граници“.

Според ССНМ, Повелбата, како и нацрт фер-договорите за вработување се иницијатива на ССНМ со помош на ИФЈ и ЕФЈ кои претставуваат дел од подолг процес кој сè уште трае. „Нивното потпишување е поздравено од меѓународните организации, но тоа не значи дека преку ноќ е подобрена состојбата со работничките права во медиумите. Ако Владата сака да има барем минимум подобрувања во оваа сфера потребни се низа законски измени, како и поголема контрола на тоа дали се почитува Законот за работни односи“, порачуваат од ССНМ.

„ССНМ ја користи оваа прилика уште еднаш да истакне дека работничките права на новинарите и медиумските работници се под постојана закана, наши колеги се соочуваат со правна, социјална и економска несигурност, несигурност на работното место, а прекаријатот е сериозно распространет особено во дигиталните медиуми . Исто така  во голем дел од таканаречените традиционални медиуми не се почитуваат основните работнички права, а во голем дел од нив на сила се директни забрани за синдикални активности што е спротивно на Законот за работни односи“, се вели во реакцијата на ССНМ.

ССНМ ја поздрави одлуката на Владата економските мерки за време на кризата со корона вирусот да важат и за медиумите, но напоменаа дека ако оваа состојба продолжи тие нема да бидат доволни за зачувување на работните места на новинарите и медиумските работници бидејќи медиумите ќе се соочат со уште поголеми финансиски проблеми.

Новинарите и медиумските работници од почетокот на кризата со коронавирусот се една од најизложените професии во земјава, извршувајќи една од најважните алки во борбата против епидемијата – правовремено и точно информирање на граѓаните. Професионалното известување е еден од најважните фактори во вонредни ситуации како оваа, а новинарите и медиумските работници професионално можат да ја вршат својата работа само доколку се економски и социјално обезбедени.