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Human Rights Watch on media freedom in BiH: Large number of attacks and threats against journalists


Sarajevo, 15.01.2020. – Journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to face interference with their work. Since August 2019, the BH Journalists Association has recorded 41 violations of journalists’ rights, including three verbal threats, eight cases of political pressure, six physical assaults and five death threats.

This is the information provided in the latest Human Rights Watch report.

According to the report, most cases of attacks and threats against journalists were reported to the police, and at the time of writing the report, 15 cases were referred to the competent prosecutor’s offices.

Human Rights Watch further states that although the number of resolved cases has not increased significantly, the BH Journalists Association states that the police are now significantly more engaged and proactive in handling reports than before, and that other relevant state institutions have responded better to attacks against journalists.

– In January 2019, the owner of Visoko.co.ba received the threat after posting articles about nepotism. In March, a politician attacked photojournalist Adi Kebo and damaged his camera. At the time of writing this text, both cases were before competent prosecutors’ offices – the report said.

By August 2019, four court sentences had been issued for assaulting journalists, and Marko Colic was sentenced to four years in prison for attempting to kill journalist Vladimir Kovacevic in 2018.

The entire HRW report is available HERE.

AJK: Findings of Human Rights Watch report, worrying about situation of the safety of journalists in Kosovo


PRISTINA, 15.01.2019 – Investigations and prosecutions of cases of threats and attacks on journalists in Kosovo have been slow, according to a report published on Tuesday by the New York-based international organization, Human Rights Watch.

“Threats and attacks against journalists continued while investigations and prosecutions were slow. Threats on social media platforms remained a widespread problem. Between January and September, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo registered 11 cases of threats and violence against journalists and media outlets, including four physical attacks and seven threats. Police were investigating four of the reported cases at time of writing.” – it’s written in the 30th report which covers the period from the end of 2018 to November 2019.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo expresses concern about the high number of attacks and threats against journalists reported during 2019, recalling that by the end of this year the number of cases has increased to 19. None of the perpetrators of these attacks and threats have been punished. Impunity can affect journalists’ uncertainty about writing for negative phenomena occurring in Kosovo. Therefore, we call on the justice institutions to stop this practice and to take with priority investigations of attacks on journalists.

The chapter on media freedom in Kosovo also mentions three cases of attacks on journalists and the media, two caused by officials or political parties.

“In August, the ruling PDK (Democratic Party of Kosovo) issued a statement calling an online news outlet, Gazeta Express, “fake news,” encouraging citizens to be doubtful of its reporting. The Association of Journalists of Kosovo had reported in May that PDK head Kadri Velesi put pressure on the editor-in-chief of Gazeta Express. Police were investigating at time of writing.” – the report further states.

The AJK again invites all political entities to distance themselves from the attacks, the lynching language which also remains a widespread problem in the country, or any injustice towards journalists which infringes on their professional integrity.

We remind that every attack on a journalist is an attack on the public interest, democracy and human rights.

Аидан Вајт: Слободата на изразување не е исто со новинарската слобода


СКОПЈЕ, 15.01.2020 – Слободата на изразување им дава право на луѓето да кажат што сакаат без било какви рестрикции. И не мора да бидат одговорни, не мора да кажат извини кога ќе згрешат. Тоа е слободно изразување. Тоа е многу важен дел од демократијата. Но, тоа не е новинарство, вели Аидан Вајт, директор на Мрежата на новинарска етика (ЕЈН), која ја сочинуваат над 70 новинари, уредници, сопственици на медиуми и групи за поддршка на медиумите од целиот свет.

Според него, новинарството не е слободно изразување, туку претставува слобода на медиумите да се изразуваат слободно, но во една рамка на вредности, која се нарекува етика на новинарството. Тој нагласува дека слободата на изразување е многу важен дел од демократијата.

– Слобода на изразување е да го отвориш компјутерот, да напишеш блог или што сакаш да напишеш и да кажеш што сакаш, во граници на законот и можеби пристојноста. Сите можат да кажат што сакаат и дури не мора да ја кажат вистината. И всушност не мораат ниту да ги толерираат другите луѓе. Можат дури и да бидат навредливи или да не кажат кои се или да се преправаат дека се некои други. Поединците, кои не земаат плата да го штитат јавниот интерес, да откриваат прашања и теми во интерес на граѓаните, немаат обврски како новинарите. Нивниот збор не „тежи” како оној на новинарот, кој се обраќа до широка публика, а медиумот во кој што работи има обврска да го штити јавниот интерес, додава Вајт.

Според него, новинарството не е слободно изразување, туку претставува слобода на медиумите да се изразуваат слободно, но во една рамка на вредности, која се нарекува етика на новинарството.

– Новинарот мора да се воздржува. Новинарите не можат да си дозволуваат слобода на изразување. Тие го обликуваат своето изразување во рамки на новинарската етика.

Затоа, новинарите мора да си ги коригираат нивните грешки, и да се извинат кога прават грешки. Новинарите мора да ги почитуваат фактите. На новинарите не им е дозволено да пишуваат малициозни лаги. Мораат да покажат човечност, хуманост кон публиката, не смеат да промовираат говор на омраза, мораат да бидат непристрасни и да препознаат дали има и друга страна на приказната и така натаму. Овој додаток на вредностите го прави новинарството различно, не треба да се поистоветува со слободата на изразување, кое, повторувам, е силен, многу важен дел од демократијата, но не е новинарска етика, додава директорот на ЕЈН.

Вајт потенцира дека новинарската етика може да се состави во пет главни елементи: Точност (да се известува без извртување на фактите), Независност (новинарот не ја работи својата работа во име на некој друг и не смеете да бидете ничиј портпарол, на бизнис групи, корпорации, влади или било какви здруженија, особено интересни групи), Непристрасност (новинарот мора да види дали има и втора страна на приказната, бидејќи скоро секогаш има, некогаш дури и повеќе од две страни и е одговорен да види што велат и што размислуваат другите страни на приказната), Човечност (новинарот мора да бидете хуман, мора да ги согледа последиците од она што го објавува, мора да знае дека зборот што го употребува и фотографијата што ја покажува може да направи штета, бидејќи негова работа е да ги заштити луѓето, без да употребува говор на омраза, да покажува непристојни фотографии и непотребно да прикажува сцени на насилство) и Одговорност (новинарите мора да ги признаат грешките кога ќе бидат направени, да се извинат и да најдат лек за штетата што евентуално е направена).

– Во книгата на Бил Ковач и Том Розенстил, „Елементи на новинарството”, авторите велат дека издавачите и сопствениците на медиумите мора да се залагаат и постојано да објавуваат содржини од јавен интерес без страв и без пристрасност. Уредниците мора да се борат против извртувањето на слободата на говор, против манипулацијата со зборовите, против говорот на омраза, давајќи отпор кон притисоците кои доаѓаат и од владите, од корпорациите, судиите, адвокатите или кон кој било друг содавач на вести, кој манипулира нарекувајќи ја лагата со име вистина и војната со име мир. Најдиректен контакт со случувањата на терен и создавачите на вести и содржини се новинарите. Првиот контакт со граѓаните, темите, проблемите и претставувањето на деликатни прашања пред јавноста е во нивни раце, потенцира Вајт.

Тој нагласува дека новинарите првенствено треба да се лојални кон граѓаните, бидејќи обврската кон нив е поголема од професионалниот егоизам.

– Тоа е доверба која се подразбира. Се подразбира дека критиките за филмот се коректни, дека на оценката на рестораните не влијаат рекламите и дека покривањето на некој настан не е поради пријателство или лични интереси, додава директорот на ЕЈН.

Токму поради овие причини, смета Вајт, тие што ги прават вестите не смеат да бидат попречувани во ископувањето на вистината и кажувањето на вистината, дури и по цена на финансиските интереси на сопствениците.

– Меѓутоа, како секоја слобода или право, и слободата на медиумите завршува таму каде што почнуваат правата на другите. Новинарите не смеат во ниту една ситуација бесправно да етикетираат, напаѓаат, омаловажуваат, навредуваат или клеветат кој било поединец. Новинарите не смеат да ги лишат читателите од своето право на точно и вистинито информирање. Слободата на медиумите значи слободно известување за вистината, во рамките на новинарската етика. Слободата на медиумите никако не може да биде штит за манипулацијата, лажното информирање, клеветата, навредата, потенцира Вајт.

Regionalna platforma: Osuđujemo pretnje i uvrede novinarkama u Severnoj Makedoniji


SKOPLJE, 14. 01. 2020. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara, koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, snažno osuđuje pretnje i uvrede koje je Emil Jakimovski uputio novinarkama Meri Jovanovskoj, urednici portal A1on.mk i Iskri Korovešovskoj, urednici televizije Alfa.

Dve novinarke su prošle nedelje primile pretnje koje im je putem interneta uputio Jakimovski koje su prijavljene policiji. U porukama koje je Jordanovska objavila, pretio joj je da će joj “organizovati pogreb”, nazvao je “Sorospijom” i koristio drugi govor diskriminacije zasnovane na polu. Prema izjavi Korovešovske, slične pretnje i uvrede poslao je i njoj.

Predsednik Udruženja novinara Makedonije (UNM) Mladen Čadikovski osudio je ove pretnje i pozvao nadležne institucije da istraže slučaj. „Komunicirali smo sa Ministarstvom unutrašnjih poslova i oni su obećali da će istražiti ove pretnje protiv dve novinarke. Zahtevamo da Javno tužilaštvo igra aktivnu ulogu u brzoj istrazi ovih pretnji da bi se sprečili slični slučajevi u budućnosti “, rekao je Čadikovski.

„Činjenica koja zabrinjava u oba slučaja je da ove pretnje sadrže elemente rodne diskriminacije“, rekao je Čadikovski i dodao da je takav pritisak na žene novinarke ozbiljna prepreka slobodi izražavanja, slobodi medija i pravu građana da budu informisani.

Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara podržava UNM u naporima da zaštiti novinare i slobodu govora i osudjuje pretnje i uvrede upućenje dvema novinarkama. Pozivamo nadležne institucije da adekvatno reaguju i da jasno osude pretnje Jordanovskoj i Korovešovskoj. Platforma će poslati pisma o zabrinutosti svim relevantnim institucijama u Severnoj Makedoniji, tražeći od njih da hitno i temeljno istraže sve činjenice o tim slučajevima i počnu da postupaju u skladu s tim.

Napad i pretnja novinarima direktan je napad na slobodu izražavanja i pravo građana da budu informisani.


Sarajevo – Podgorica – Zagreb – Priština – Skoplje – Beograd, 14.01.2020.


Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije


Regionalna platforma: Zaustaviti napade na novinare


PODGORICA, PRIŠTINA, 14. 01. 2020. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara, koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, zahteva od crnogorske policije i tužilaštva da prestanu da hapse novinare u toj državi pod izgovorom da šire paniku objavljivanjem lažnih vesti. U isto vreme osuđuje ponašanje i fizički napad prema ekipi Arbresh.info na Kosovu od strane osobe u Simićevoj pratnji, za koju napadnuta novinarka tvrdi da je njegovo obezbeđenje. 

Novinari Dražen Živković i Gojko Raičević su privedeni u nedelju veče i zadržani zato što su objavili vest da je došlo do eksplozije u zvaničnoj državnoj rezidencijalnoj vili “Gorica” u Podgorici. Policija je kasnije to demantovala ističući da nije bilo eksplozije ali da jeste došlo do određenog kvara na elektroinstalacijama. Crnogorska policija i tužilaštvo tvrde da su Raičević i Živković, koji su pušteni na slobodu nakon saslušanja, tim tekstom izazvali paniku i nered. Portali na kojima su oni urednici (In4S i Borba) su odmah preneli policijski demanti sporne vesti.

“Nakon što je pre nekoliko dana, sa istim optužbama, privedena novinarka Anđela Đikanović, policija i tužilaštvo su uradili istu, nedopustivu stvar. Oštro osuđujemo ovakav odnos prema novinarima i apelujemo i na policiju i na tužilaštvo da prestanu sa ovom praksom. Crna Gora ionako ne radi dovoljno kada su u pitanu sloboda medija i bezbednost novinara i ovo je samo veliki korak unazad”, kazala je predednica Sindikata medija Marijana Camović.

U isto vreme, novinarska ekipa Arbresh.info iz Prištine fizički je napadnuta tokom izveštavanja o poseti predsednika Skupštine Kosova i potpredsednika Srpske liste, Slavka Simića u selu Prilužje u opštini Vučitrn.

Prema izveštaju portala Arbresh.info Simić je posetio srednju školu, a kasnije i opštinu Prilužje. Ekipi Arbresh.info onemogućen je ulazak na sastanke dok je srpskim medijima bilo dozvoljeno prisustvo.

Prema izjavi novinarke Elmedine Ballazhi, napadnuta je od strane osobe iz Simićevog obezbeđenja, koji ju je udario laktom u grudi i zatvorio vrata pred njom i snimateljima. Nakon dva održana sastanka, Simić je ponovo odbio da razgovara sa novinarkom Ballazhi, a u pismenom odgovoru za Arbresh.info je negirao da je osoba koja je napala novinarku deo njegovog obezbeđenja.

,,Napadi moraju prestati. Štaviše, državni zvaničnici treba da pomognu svim novinarima u fer i nepristrasnom izveštavanju’’ rekla je Gentiana Begolli Pustina, predsednica Asocijacije novinara Kosova.

Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara daje podršku kolegama iz Sindikatu medija Crne Gore i  Udruženja novinara Kosova u nastojanjima da se izbore sa nečuvenim pritiskom na profesiju koji dolazi od državnih organa i pridružuje se zahtevima da se prestane sa hapšenjem novinara.

Podsećamo da je svaki napad na novinare napad na javni interes, demokratiju i ljudska prava. Platforma će izvestiti sve evropske institucije o ovim incidentima i zatražiti njihovu intervenciju u oblasti bezbednosti novinara u regionu zapadnog Balkana.

Sarajevo – Podgorica – Zagreb – Priština – Skoplje – Beograd, 14.01.2020.


Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Youth from seven political parties against hate speech


Sarajevo, 14.01.2020. – The Boris Divkovic Foundation organized a training in Sarajevo as part of the “Insult Gallery – A Wall of Shame in Public Discourse” project. The training participants were young people from seven political parties, brought together by a common goal to raise awareness of violent extremism, hate speech and cyber bulling.

Young people discussed hate speech in the public sphere, misuse of the media and how to combat hate speech on social networks with Lejla Turcilo, a professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo.

Racism, sexism, hate speech against minorities and the relationship with religions were the topics of the lecture by Alen Kristic, an external associate of the Boris Divkovic Foundation.

During the training, young people were also learning how to combat hate speech on digital platforms, looking for examples of hate speech, but also spoke with lawyers about the path from idea to legal filing, reports Analiziraj.ba.

The aim of the project is to teach participants about the consequences of using online platforms negatively and to raise awareness of violent extremism, hate speech and cyber bullying through a digital campaign and education.

It also aims to educate young leaders and activists from both the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska about the importance of combating violent extremism and to learn the differences between free speech and hate speech.

The policy of punishing of those who attack female journalists must exhilarate and vivify


By: Biljana Radulović

Sarajevo, 14.01-2019. – The freedom of expression in our system requires courage, as well as accepting eventual consequences that may derive when one follows one’s views, opinions, beliefs and attitudes and loves his professional occupation. In regular societies, freedom of expression and liberty of professional occupation should pervade without consequences.

When a female journalist quotes something or when she expresses her views or opinion about something, she instantly instigates and launch an avalanche of condemnations in an underdeveloped society which oscillates from condemning, insults, offences, humiliation, threats, typical hate speech to even physical extermination. Also, she may face the risk to be legally sued based on defamation charges or accept to be fined with high amount of values to the damaged party, including the costs that she may have to pay in order to cover all court expenses.

How is violence manifested?

All these forms and shapes of violence over female journalists may be divided into hate speech, based on gender inequality or misogyny or economy-based violence. Both of these are aimed to create fear with an executive goal which is termination of work for good.

Hate speech is manifested verbally, personally (directly) and indirectly as internet violence, through comments posted on different web sites and these often appear as pre-orchestrated comments that were pre-ordered and most probably paid for until they reached the limits of expulsion. Economy violence is manifested by pressing defamation charges where, in most cases, there is no thorough description of the defamation itself; instead, only the title is outlined, including the Law Article number and the entire Article contents (based on the Law) altogether labelled as defamation and along with this, it often contains highly marked value of the dispute case. Perpetrators and assaulters are often those that use their positions for sexism – based humiliation and pressing legal charges for defamation occurrence (indirect way) and there are direct ways that are not as visible as the previous ones, however they do appear and service their original purpose through hate speech comments posted on web site Etc.

Basically, both violence forms in all their shapes; sexual allusion, humiliation of female journalist as a woman and her professional occupation, frightening, mocking her physical appearance, her look, personal and family life Etc., have double features: creating a victim out of female journalist and spreading and sharing hate throughout like-minded network of persons in order to, throughout this specific network, justify the view and create support for even more brutal assault on victim, but also to create even more notable feeling of frailty with the victim itself.

Lack of reactions and support

When some inappropriate statement is released that may devalue female journalist, the reaction usually fails. Lack of reaction of wider social community is indeed concerning. Female journalists under such circumstances and in such situations usually get support by journalists’ association only and these usually condemn the assault / attack.

If a perpetrator happened to be a public figure, not only a figure with political background, but the figure coming from any other field, there is no condemning coming from local community that she/he belongs to; instead there are eventual individual condemnations.

When Sergej Trifunovic, a regional actor from Serbia, recently publicly addressed an insulting and offensive comments directed against female journalists in Serbia, these female journalists were supported by journalists’ associations, officials dealing with gender equality issues and female networks deriving from a non – governmental organizations. Actor and film associations once again failed to condemn this case.

Words like “I am not your type of a man”, “get out of the building”, “when I look at you I realize why you are always in a bad mood”, “your appearance is your people reflection” Etc. until present day have not been condemned by political party that perpetrator belongs to, neither has any institution dared to condemn this, including gender centers. In this way, the entire society of dead individuals becomes an accomplice.

It is doubtful whether there is an adequate reaction by any organization that fights for women’s rights or their reactions are not evident or not released in public.

It is simple to assume the reactions and situations where a female journalist could find herself in after these kind of assaults or orchestrated battues in terms of posted comments or even press releases by those who should have replied to her question in the first place, or those that were concerned with her article, text, video or audio recording material. The assault itself, regardless to which shape it emerges, produces psychological violence within female journalist, including institutional violence once it is clear that she is powerless. It also creates economic violence, because any institution addressing requires costs, expenses and wastes certain time. The protection kind of journalist determines the type of an assault.

How to protect yourself?

In case of any type of violence over a female journalist, we should immediately seek protection from journalist associations, but also insist on wider support – starting from organizations that deal with women’s rights and other civil sector institutions, and requests to the perpetrator / demanding a public apology, insist that a political party from which the perpetrator originally comes from condemn such behavior and conduct, announce that the condemning was required, that there is or is not a reaction, provide general public with all details regarding the case.

One could require, through professional associations, both psychological and legal aid so the female journalist would gain more confidence and power in order to have better chances in her fight for her own protection, because during the case itself, she may face yet another stigmatization, this time by the institutions.

As far as all misogyny – based comments, which in fact represent the most typical kind of hate speech, tailored to evoke disturbance and stress within the assaulted person, including the creation of fear, the charges should be pressed based on discrimination, but would also include charges pressed against the perpetrator for criminal actions.

Regardless to the fact that any of the above outlined processes may instigate another violence experience, final effect must not be disregarded and forgotten; no matter how symbolic the fine and punishment may be, that is, minimal punishment or fine or even if it appears humiliating and diminishing fine as far as the assaulted person is concerned.

The policy of fines, sanctions and punishment must exhilarate and vivify and that the perpetrators began to think that they eventually may be punished for written content or released statement, including actions or deeds that may have disturbed the harmony and peace within others, both in terms of phycological or physical integrity.

In systems, such as our own, it is advisable that this kind of subjects are monitored in order to receive quality – based indicators regarding the work of judiciary institutions, as far as the word on cases that concern female journalists is concerned, but also to form and establish the fund that would finance legal aid in these cases.

(This article was published in E-journalist bulletin no.70/71)

SMCG wrote to Stankovic and Veljovic: Stop arresting journalists


PODGORICA. 13.01.2020. – Upon the arrest, detention, and interrogation of journalists Drazen Zivkovic and Gojko Raicevic, we sent an open letter to Supreme State Prosecutor Ivica Stankovic and Director of the Police Directorate Veselin Veljovic. The letter is conveyed in its entirety:

Dear Mr. Stankovic and Mr. Veljovic,

On behalf of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, a representative organization representing almost half of the Montenegrin media employees, we ask you to stop abusing your authority and arresting journalists.

The detaining of Drazen Zivkovic and Gojko Raicevic, who spent the night in custody, is unacceptable. Also, we believe that it is inadmissible to declare all information which you do not like or which was denied as fake news and use it as a reason for arresting.

What you have done in the last 10 days, with the arrest of three journalists, has not been recorded in Montenegro and the region. We do not know what outcome you expect and what kind of message you are sending with these arrests, but we believe it will be hard to reduce overall Montenegrin journalism to publishing official press releases and reports. With arrests you did not increase media freedom, nor does anyone learn more about ethical writing and respect for the rules of the profession. So, we ask you to forget about any similar activities.

Everyone who violates the law should be held accountable but deprivation of liberty is not the correct way. Also, your excuses for arresting Montenegrin journalists did not convince us of the justification of your actions. We are reminded that when we talk about media and journalists and dealing with cases of attacks against them, Montenegro does not have a good reputation.  Arrests for alleged fake news will certainly not fix that picture.

Once again, we ask you to find another way to combat misinformation and to stop arresting journalists.

We inform you that about what happened to colleagues Zivkovic and Raicevic, we will inform all international organizations as we did in the case of journalist Andjela Djikanovic,, above all the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, the OSCE Mission, International and European Federation of Journalists and ask them to ask you for explanations and a promise to stop this practice.

With respect,

On behalf of the Main Board of the Trade Union of Media,


Marijana Camovic

Official says charges filed against tabloids over kidnap stories


BELGRADE, 13. 01. 2020. – A Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information official said on Friday that charges had been filed against three tabloid dailies for publishing details of the kidnapping of a 12 year old girl.

Several tabloids published front page stories on Thursday which included details from the testimony of convicted rapist Ninoslav Jovanovic who kidnapped the girl and held her hostage for days. The stories included alleged details of rape.

Ministry State Secretary Aleksandar Gajovic said that the tabloids broke the law on information and the media, adding that circulation was no excuse to inflict harm on a minor.

“This is not the first time that the ministry reacted to tabloid stories about the arrest of the girl. The first time was when she was found and the media were asked to take care in their reporting,” Gajovic told the pro-government TV Prva.

He said that the ministry reacted a second time when the media reporting turned towards sensationalism.

Gajovic welcomed the fact that the Srpski Telegraf tabloid apologized to the girl and her family for its front page story.

The Culture and Information Ministry on Friday condemned Srpski Telegraf for continuing to publish information that inflicts harm on a minor and upset the public a day earlier, even though the tabloid issued an apology. “This confirms that their so-called apology was false and hypocritical,” the ministry said, adding that abuse of the media has to stopped using all legal means.