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Journalism Poverty Prize – 14th edition


On International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2019, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK in cooperation with the United Nations Team Kosovo – UNKT, under the coordination of the Development Coordination Office has organized the annual ceremony “Poverty Journalism Award.”

The ceremony was opened by the President of AJK, Gentiana Begolli Pustina. She declared that the journalists have given the most contribution to eradicating poverty in our country. Former President of the Republic of Kosovo who participated in the ceremony, Ms. Atifete Jahjaga estimated the importance journalist’s role in raising awareness, seeking responsibilities by state institutions for the concerns that the society is facing up with. Ulrike Richardson from UNKT emphasized that fighting poverty could not be only by economic development. The social welfare system should be more developed, she added. Budimir Nicic, the President of Serb Journalists Association in Kosovo, said that these stories should be sent to all of the heads of state institutions, to all of them that are gone and to all of them who will come, in order to all be informed on what kind of circumstances the citizens of this country live.

The main speech of the ceremony was held by Ms. Elizabeth Gowing, a freelance journalist, civil activist and the founder of “The Ideas Partnership.” She presented her contribution by writing stories on foreign media about poverty.

The prize winners are:

  • The best short video : Rejhane Selimi –  “Maloku family lives in difficult conditions.”
  • The best documentary: Kaltrina Rexhepi Dragusha – “Alms: Business or Need?”
  • The best audio-story:  Bardha Shkreli – “Reportage about poverty”
  • The best written story: Besnik Boletini – “Poverty, insecurity, death!”
  • Best Photography: Arben Lapashtica

New pressures, sign and ramp against N1 placed near TV building


BELGRADE, 14.10.2019. – A sign ‘Leave the Republic of Serbia – welcome to Luxembourg’ was placed next to the N1 Television building, along with an improvised ramp.

The sign and ramp represent a new round of pressures and provocations against N1.

N1 Belgrade was faced with another provocation when a sign “Republic of Serbia – goodbye N1 – welcome to Luxembourg,” was placed at a nearby construction site fence, less than a month ago.

Similar stickers showed up on several locations in Belgrade, a few days ago, including the building of Serbia’s Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media

Novi pritisci, tabla i rampa protiv N1 postavljene u blizini Televizije


BEOGRAD, 14.10.2019. – Nova provokacija i kampanja protiv televizije N1 – u neposrednoj blizini zgrade televizije postavljene su improvizovana rampa i tabla s natpisom “Napuštate Republiku Srbiju, dobrodošli u Luksemburg”.

Podsećamo da je pre manje od mesec dana na ogradi gradilišta, koje se nalazi odmah pored TV N1, osvanuo plakat na kome piše “Republika Srbija – doviđenja, N1 – dobrodošli u Luksemburg”.

Nalepnice sa istim tekstom nekoliko dana pre toga pojavile su se na više lokacija u Beogradu, uključujući i zgradu Regulatornog tela za elektronske medije.

How honest is the story of self-regulation in Montenegro


PODGORICA, 12.10.2019. – Media self-regulation is necessary and useful. It is unnecessary to waste time and prove that it is a useful mechanism by which the media community helps itself. It would be useful if it would be unique and binding on all media. The question is whether this is possible. It is realistic that a unique self-regulation of the media in Montenegro is not possible in the near future. The right question is how honest is the story about self-regulation.

When you look at the general cacophony on the media scene, one might think that censorship was not so bad either. The journalist was clear, it was known what was unallowed, the intelligent and honest tried to overcome these restrictions and to make censorship meaningless. The media, or what is considered and presented as a form of media, today can boast on the relative freedom to write whatever even if it were a truth. The state of the media industry will continue to reflect the situation in society and it is unreasonable to expect of media to be better than society. Media literacy or the illiteracy of society depends on many things, and media influence is just one of the factors.

Organized forms of social life know some form of regulation. Rules of conduct are written and unwritten. Unwritten, customary, rules dominate over formal, written rules. Relations in society are governed by laws and customs – how well depends on society itself. Unregulated societies live on problems, feed on problems and parasitically multiply them. For spin doctors, without some form of self-regulation, journalists become hirelings. It is a characteristic of Montenegro that the divisions are diverse and permanent. It is futile to pretend that divisions are not real and they not exist. A cursory analysis would show that there are more truths and that the comments are not free and, of course, the facts are not sacred. The facts have taken a hit and the question is whether the public could agree on clearly visible things. Divisions in society have divided the media community, so “our” truth is significantly better and truer than “their” truth. The truth is certainly not one, we are right certainly, they are not. The atmosphere in which people who think differently are not “ours” but have become “theirs” is real, tangible. In such circumstances, the job of a journalist requires more of a strong stomach than knowledge and moral norms.

The best regulation are the general values of a professional attitude towards work. Success is when readers or viewers like to read or watch someone whose opinion they disagree. Honestly done job for a professional is sacred, whether it be a bricklayer or a journalist. An honest attitude towards the audience also implies saying what the audience does not approve. The devil is in the details, when truths that are not pleasing are told and respect is deserved, then it is a professional success. In the future, regulation and self-regulation will depend on journalists and any imposition is dangerous. Imposed norms and even the best ones will naturally provoke resistance. The invisible hand of the market (which market?) will not solve media problems. The media has no one but themselves and when the image in the mirror offends the viewer, that’s the best road to regulation. How long the road will be and how many victims will be on that road remains to be seen.


Milivoje Iric, journalist


The text was created within the project “Monitoring for free media” implemented by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro within the framework of a major project “Judicial Reform: Upgrading CSO’s capacities to contribute to the integrity of judiciary” financed by the European Union, and implemented by the Center for Monitoring and Research (CeMi) in partnership with the NGO Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) and the Network for the Affirmation of European Integration Processes (MAEIP).

Regionalna platforma: Nadležne institucije da istraže motiv za obijanje kuće novinarke


BEOGRAD, 05.10.2019. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara izražava zabrinutost i snažno osuđuje obijanje porodične kuće novinarke istraživačkog portal KRIK, Milice Vojinović i zahtjeva od nadležnih institucija da istraže šta je bio motiv i ko su počinioci ovog kriminalnog djela.

Kolege iz KRIK – a su izvijestile Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS) da je juče obijena porodična kuća novinarke Vojinović. Po njihovim tvrdnjama stvari su izvađene iz fioka i ormara, a fascikle sa poslovnom dokumentacijom njenog oca razbacane su po prostoriji. Obijenu kuću je zatekla njena rođaka koja je pozvala policiju dok se Milica i njeni roditelji trenutno nalaze van zemlje. Policija je vrlo brzo reagovala i sprovela uviđaj na mjestu događaja.

“Veoma smo zabrinuti zbog ovog slučaja jer je ovo drugi put da su kuće kolega iz KRIK–a obijene. Prije dvije godine stan Dragane Pećo je obijen i taj slučaj i dalje nije riješen”, Rekao je Željko Bodrožić, predsjednik NUNS–a i dodao, ”mi insistiramo da policija provede opsežnu istragu i očekujemo da će oba ova slučaja dobiti sudski epilog”.

Regionalna platforma zahtjeva od nadležnih institucija u Srbiji da istraže i otkriju okolnosti koje su dovele do ovog incidenta i ko je odgovoran za to.

Platforma će o ovom slučaju izvjestiti sve relevantne međunarodne institucije i organizacije i tražiti njihovu intervenciju u polju medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara u region Zapadnog Balkana.

Od početka 2019. godine NUNS je zabilježio 89 pritisaka, verbalnih i fizičkih napada na medijske profesionalce.

Podsjećamo da je svaki napad na novinara napad na javni interes, demokratiju i ljudska prava.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 05.10.2019.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari
Sindikat medija Crne Gore
Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo
Udruženje novinara Kosova
Udruženje novinara Makedonije
Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Vucic’s PR: President’s words do not trigger threats to N1 TV


BELGRADE, 08.10.2019. – Suzana Vasiljevic, Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic media advisor, told the Voice of America (VOA) that her boss addresses to reporters didn’t provoke the threats N1 TV had been receiving from the highest officials of Vucic’s ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).

  In an interview with VOA, Vasiljevic added the way the President talked to journalists was not “an incrimination” which could trigger attacks to reporters.

“Journalists in Serbia work normally and freely,” she said.

Vasiljevic added that “today, on Twitter and other social media it is allowed to say the worst possible things and then you become a target. Not because Aleksandar Vucic tells N1 TV ‘You are an American TV.’ When he was asked for the first time – I think it was Jovana Stetin (N1 reporter) – why he refers to N1 in that way, he asked her did that bother her. ‘Because I don’t see what’s the reason, why would that bother you’.”

“My CV says I worked with BBC for 14 years, and that doesn’t bother me,” Vasiljevic said.

Asked about the branding N1 TV as “traitors” which can provoke inadequate reactions, she said that the threats N1 had received were motivated by other reasons.

“The gentleman who was arrested had over 70 years of age and he did not like their (N1’s) reporting from Kosovo and Metohija. So, that has not much to do with the threats against them,” Vasiljevic told VOA.

She added that “he (Vucic) has never insulted journalists during news conferences. Is he reacting bitterly? For sure, because he and his family are exposed to attacks 24/7.”

Vasiljevic said she was not an SNS member, and that she tried not to have much to deal with the party. So, she added, she didn’t know if there were some specialised teams within the SNS for colouring the reality and being critical toward the journalists.

She also said she didn’t know if such teams existed in public companies and told VOA to go there and ask them because she couldn’t say whether they existed or not.

“I have my team of eight people, we have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and the website. We are dealing with his (Vucic’s) daily activities, news conferences.” Vasiljevic said.

She added her team didn’t conduct any campaign on social networks. We publish the President’s daily activities. On Instagram, we respond to people with ‘Thank you very much, goodbye’.”

Vasiljević za Glas Amerike: Vučić ne inkriminiše novinare i medije


BEOGRAD, 08.10.2019. – „U Srbiji novinari rade potpuno normalno i potpuno slobodno“, izjavila je za Glas Amerike Suzana Vasiljević, savetnica za medije predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića. „Danas ima slobodnih medija koliko god želite – od nedeljnika, dnevnih novina i portala“, ukazuje u razgovoru Vasiljević, nekadašnja novinarka, a potom od 2004. godine, medijska konsultanktinja nekoliko vladajućih garnitura Srbije – počev od Vojislava Koštunice, Borisa Tadića i naposletku Aleksandra Vučića.

„Svi pišu ono što hoće – i niko nije kažnjen, niko nije priveden i niko nije uhapšen“, ukazuje Vasiljević koja je za Glas Amerike govorila, kao jedna od sagovornica u projektu o uslovima u kojima rade mediji u Srbiji, koji priprema srpski servis američke medijske agencije.

„Novinarska profesija je vrlo osetljiva i vrlo je teško biti novinar bilo gde u svetu i prema izveštaju Fridom hausa (američka nevladina organizacija u čijem fokusu su demokratija, političke slobode i ljudske prava, prim. nov.) videli ste da u poslednjih trinaest godina medijske slobode u svetu drastično opadaju“, kaže Vasiljević za Glas Amerike.

U poslednje dve godine je, prema bazi podataka Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije, počinjeno ukupno 190 napada na novinare – od kojih je 16 fizičkih, 130 pritisaka i 44 verbalne pretnje. Među njima je i najdrastičniji slučaj – paljenje kuće novinara Milana Jovanovića, što je trenutno predmet sudskog procesa protiv bivšeg predsednika opštine Grocka i aktuelnog funkcionera vladajuće Srpske napredne stranke Dragoljuba Simonovića. Jovanović, novinar lokalnog portala „Žig info“, izveštavao je o sumnjama na zloupotrebe bivšeg najvišeg opštinskog zvaničnika Simonovića.

„Ja sada ne mogu da vam kažem u Srbiji je super jer nije ubijen nijedan novinar. I nadam se da to nikad neće biti merilo“, ukazuje Vasiljević.

Savetnica za medije predsednika Srbije ističe da način na koji se Aleksandar Vučić obraća novinarima nije inkriminisanje, koje bi moglo inicirati pretnje i pritiske na društvenim mrežama i u javnoj sferi.

„Vi danas imate situaciju na društvenoj mreži Tviter ili bilo kojoj drugoj – dozvoljeno je da izgovorite najstrašnije stvari. I u tom trenutku postajete predmet pretnji i napada. Ne zato što je Aleksandar Vučić odgovorio N1 i kaže: ‘Vi ste američka televizija’. Prvi put kada mu je koleginica, mislim da je bila Jovana Štetin to rekla, on je pitao da li joj to smeta. Zato što ja ne vidim šta je razlog – šta bi vam smetalo… U mojoj biografiji na zvaničnoj stranici predsednika piše…”

Glas Amerike: Zato što to u javnosti stvara odijum kakav stvara. Američka televizija, Amerika bombardovala, Srbija patila zbog rata…. Oni su nam neprijatelji… Molim vas, takav kontekst i narativ postoji.

Vasiljević: Meni u mojoj biografiji ne smeta što piše da sam radila četrnaest godina za Bi-Bi-Si. Ako je to njima smetalo, a smetalo im je očigledno, iz razloga njima znanih…

Glas Amerike: Ne znam razloge, ali mogu da shvatim da se u tim slučajevima lako lepi prefiks domaći izdajnici… Nije dobro koristiti takav narativ, jer kod građana pobuđuje neke emocije koje nisu adekvatne. I onda novinari mogu da budu inkriminisani, napadani…

Vasiljević: U pravu ste… Međutim, koliko znam, nekoliko pretnji koje su bile upućivane Televiziji N1 bile su upućene iz potpuno drugih razloga. Gospodin koji je uhapšen imao je sedamdeset i nešto godina i nije mu se sviđalo njihovo izveštavanje o Kosovu i Metohiji. Tako da to nema baš mnogo veze sa tim kakve su pretnje njima upućivane. On ni na jednoj konferenciji za štampu novinare nije vređao. Da li reaguje žučnije? Sigurno. Zato što je dvadeset-četvoročasovno i sedmodnevno izložen napadima. Kako on, tako i njegova porodica./**/ /**/ /**/

Glas Amerike: Da li u okviru vladajuće partije postoji tim koji nastoji da utiče na ulepšavanje stvarnosti i kritički se odnosi prema novinarima i ljudima koji….

Vasiljević: Nisam član stranke i trudim se da sa strankom nikakve veze nemam. Zato što je meni…

Glas Amerike: Maločas ste rekli: “mi došli na vlast“.

Vasiljević: Mislila sam na koaliciju… A ja sam pozvana 2012. da se pridružim timu predsednika Vučića.

Glas Amerike: Sami ste rekli „mi“.

Vasiljević: „Mi“ kao državni aparat, sad trenutno. Nisam član stranke. Na ovom sam mestu kao neko ko se profesionalno bavi svojim poslom od 2004. godine – u vreme vlasti Vojislava Koštunice, Borisa Tadića i sada Aleksandra Vučića. Ne odlazim u stranku, ne komuniciram sa stranačkim organima. Prosto, to se kosi sa mojom funkcijom. Ne mislim da bi bilo dobro da se u to mešam. Imam svoj tim od osam ljudi, imamo Instagram, Tviter, Fejsbuk i sajt. Radimo i njegove dnevne aktivnosti – konferencije za štampu.

Glas Amerike: Da li ste čitali tekstove koji, da kažem, ukazuju na sistem o kome sam vas pitao? BIRN-a (Balkanske istraživačke mreže) na primer?

Vasiljević: Ne, ne bavim se zaista.

Glas Amerike: Čak ni iz znatiželje?

Vasiljević: Rado, ali nemam vremena, iz znatiželje, da se bavim važnijim stvarima. Od toga da pratim šta se piše po Tviteru.

Glas Amerike: Da možda postoje neki ljudi koji rade po javnim preduzećima. A osim što rade tamo zadatak im je da prate šta se gde objavljuje…

Vasiljević: Kako ja to da vam kažem, kako to da znam. Idite u javno preduzeće pa ih pitajte. Ne tvrdim da ih ima ili nema. Stvarno ne znam. Ja ih nemam. Mi za to novca nemamo. Mi ih ne plaćamo. Ne vodimo nikakve kampanje na društvenim mrežama. Objavljujemo predsednikove dnevne aktivnosti. Na Instagramu ljudima odgovaramo sa „Hvala lepo, doviđenja“.

Regionalni portal “Južne vesti” iz Niša u avgustu je objavio razgovor sa osobom skrivenog identiteta koja je tom mediju potvrdila da je bila član internet tima Srpske napredne stranke. Osoba nastanjena na jugu Srbije, čiji je identitet poznat redakciji “Južnih vesti”, ispričala je da pozitivno komentarisanje, takozvano botovanje, aktivnosti aktuelne vlasti organizuju funkcioneri Srpske napredne stranke. Sagovornik “Južnih vesti” govorio je i o stranačkim strukturama koje pribavljaju Aj-Pi (IP) adrese osoba koje su upućivale negativne komentare na račun vlasti. Izneo je navode da se potom te osobe nađu na meti zastrašivanja dela naprednjačkih stranačkih struktura.

Inače, prema poslednjem izveštaju Evropske komisije iz maja 2019, kojim se procenjuje napredak na putu evrointegracija, ukazano je da Srbija nije ostvarila napredak u slobodi izražavanja. Među kritikama je, pored ostalog navedeno, da je potrebno stvoriti okruženje za neometanu slobodu izražavanja, poštovanje medijskih zakona, usvajanje nove medijske strategije (na kojoj se trenutno radi) i obezbediti odgovarajuće finansiranje javnih servisa i transparentnost vlasništva u medijima.

Регионална платформа: Властите да го истражат мотивот за провалување во куќата на новинарите


Белград, 05.10.2019 – Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите, која застапува повеќе од 8000 членови, изразува загриженост и остро го осудува провалувањето во семејниот дом на новинарката од истражувачкиот портал КРИК, Милица Војиновиќ и бара од надлежните органи да истражат кој бил мотивот и кои се сторителите.

Колегите од КРИК го известија Независното здружение на новинарите на Србија дека вчера бил провален домот на новинарката Војиновиќ. Тие рекоа дека многу работи се извадени од фиоките, орманите и папките вклучувајќи ги и деловните записи на нејзиниот татко кои биле расфрлани низ просторијата. Настанот го пријавил во полиција братучедот на новинарката, бидејќи Милица и нејзините родители во тоа време се наоѓале надвор од државата. Полицијата реагираше многу брзо и спроведе истрага на местото на инцидентот.

„Ние сме многу загрижени за случајот бидејќи ова е втор пат да се обиваат домовите на колегите од КРИК. Пред две години беше обиен и домот на Драгана Пецо, а тој случај сè уште не е расчистен“, рече Жељко Бодрозиќ, Претседател на НУНС и додаде: „Ние инсистираме на темелна истрага од полицијата и очекуваме и двата инциденти наскоро да добијат судска разрешница“.

Регионалната платформа бара од српските власти да ги истражат околностите што довеле до инцидентот и да ги откирјат одговорните кои стојат зад истиот.

Платформата ќе ги информира сите меѓународни институции за овој инцидент и ќе побара нивна интервенција во областа на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите во регионот на Западен Балкан.

НУНС има регистрирано 89 случаи на притисоци, и физички и вербални напади врз медиумските.

Потсетуваме дека секој напад врз новинарите претставува напад врз јавниот интерес, демократија и човекови права.


Регионална Платформа за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите: Скопје – Белград – Подгорица – Приштина – Сараево – Загреб

BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Insajder: REM starts procedure after insults on Belgrade professor on Hapi TV


BELGRADE, 04.10.2019. – Serbia’s Higher Prosecutors’ Office said on Thursday it would act within its powers in case of insults against Belgrade University professor Danijel Sinani based on his ethnicity made by Milomir Maric, the editor of the Happy TV with national frequency, after the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) said it had launched a procedure against the TV, the independent Insajder production reported.

REM decided on the procedure during an extraordinary session on Thursday, Goran Pekovic told Insajder.

He added he couldn’t go into the details during the procedure.

REM’s reaction came after numerous criticism from  Belgarde University, opposition parties and people on social networks and since its work was one of the main objection that the part of the opposition which said it would boycott the next spring general elections in Serbia had regarding the media situation in the country.

The Higher Prosecutors’ Office said it would take all the measures within its jurisdiction when asked whether Maric’s comments could be the subject of a criminal procedure.

In his comment on Sinani‘s support of the Belgrade University students who blocked the Rectorate building for 12 days demanding the final verdict whether Finance Minister Sinisa Mali‘s doctorate was plagiarism, Maric said that Kosovo Albanian leaders Hashim Thaci and Ramush Haradinaj would decide, alluding on Sinani’s ethnicity, and adding that “one of their representatives is a member of the commission” tasked with checking the doctorate.

Maric on Monday said Sinani could not rule on moral, since “we don’t know what Thaci and Haradinaj told him.”

He has also claimed Sinani is an Albanian language professor, what isn’t true.