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BH Journalists call to respect human rights of LGBTQ community and journalistic ethics


Sarajevo, 02.09.2019. – The Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association strongly condemns the violations of the rights and security of LGBTQ persons through media content and reports that problematize the preparations and circumstances of organizing the first Pride Walk in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to be held on September 8 in Sarajevo, under the title “Go Out”.

The use of hate speech and inciting rhetoric against members of the LGBTQ community, abusive and inhumane qualifications, denial of their human rights and the rule of law, especially through the uncritical transmission of statements by politicians, other public officials and citizens about the upcoming Pride Walk, are incompatible with professional journalism standards and ethical values, prescribed for media professionals in codes of conduct for electronic, print and online media. It is particularly unacceptable to divert public attention from the key motive of organizing this event – based on protected human rights of LGBTQ persons and all other members of minority groups in BiH – to reporting on counter protests, intolerance, the dangers of this event for the values ​​of the BiH society as a whole or certain parts of it, as well as bidding with anyone for or against the Pride Walk.The BH Journalists Steering Committee therefore calls on all editors and journalists to report on the upcoming Pride Walk with much more professional responsibility and sensitivity to LGBTQ human rights, taking into account a pluralistic and critical approach, especially when conveying statements by politicians and public officials who may question this event or endanger the safety of its organizers, and later of all participants.

In this context, we especially draw the attention of the editors of the online portals to the need to manage comments below news and other content about the Pride Walk, and we urge them to delete comments that are contrary to freedom of expression, respect for diversity, pluralism of opinion and prevention of all forms of discrimination.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists invites all journalists to provide detailed information on the website www.povorkaponosa.ba in how the media can contribute to fair and balanced reporting on the LGBTQ community in BiH and the Pride Walk itself.

AJK condemns the language of Sami Kurteshi towards Mentor Shala and Ridvan Berisha



AJK condemns the language of MP Sami Kurteshi, a Former Ombudsman of Kosovo for his public labeling on Former Director of Kosovo Radiotelevision – Mentor Shala and its Editor in Chief RidvanBerisha. Below the text find out our reaction:

PRISTINA, 31.08.3019 – The public label that has been done by Sami Kurteshi towards Former Director of Kosovo Radio and Television – Mentor Shala and the editor in chief – RidvanBerisha, for the AJK is unacceptable.

Through a post on Facebook, while commenting about the death of AstritDehari in prison, Kurteshi noted that; “All these politico-police criminal actions have been shadowed by an extreme “Goebbels” media propaganda led by Mentor Shala and RidvanBerisha, director and editor in chief of RTK, and faithfully followed by some other electronic, print and audio-visual media.”

Sami Kurteshi does not stop his public label only against Shala and Berisha, but it also continues towards a part of the electronic and print media.

Not only concern with this kind of public labeling towards the journalists, but AJK considers it becoming even more unacceptable when it comes from people like Sami Kurteshi, who was the Ombudsman and knows the importance and role of journalists.

AJK invites Sami Kurteshi to withdraw his post, to distance himself from this labeling and to publicly apologize.

Регионална платформа: Да се овозможи безбедно известување за новинарите за време на спортски настани


БЕЛГРАД, 29.08.2019 – Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите, која застапува повеќе од 8000 членови, остро го осудува физичкиот напад врз новинарите на ТВ Н1 и вербалниот напад врз дописникот на ТВ Федерална Дејан Козул. Истовремено ги повикуваме надлежните органи итно да ги истражат двата случаи и да ги преземат потребните мерки за да ги идентификуваат насилниците.

Во близина на стадионот „Рајко Митиќ“, пред фудбалскиот натпревар помеѓу Црвена ѕвезда и Јанг Бојс, телевизиската екипа на Н1 се обиде да открие каков е ставот на навивачите за поставување на тенкот во близина на стадионот на Црвена ѕвезда. Додека го снимале своето прво интервју, од толпата биле навредувани со зборовите: „шпиони“, „крадци“, „американски платеници“… Откако снимателот и новинарот се обиделе да го избегнат инцидентот и решиле да се преместат на другата страна на улицата, една група на млади луѓе продолжила да ги следи. „Додека интервјуирав лица, не ги видов како доаѓаат од позади, и во моментот кога поставував прашање, еден од момците ја зграпчи камерата, се обиде и да го искрши микрофонот, но кога не успеа во тоа, го скина сунѓерот од микрофонот и го фрли на подот“, рече новинарот на Н1, Младен Саватовиќ.

Истиот ден, исто така во близина на стадионот „Рајко Митиќ“, дописникот на Федерална телевизија, Дејан Козул, се обиде да направи телевизиски извештај во близина на поставениот тенк. Во прв момент, еден човек кој бил во придружба на група млади му се приближил и го прашал што прави таму. Откако новинарот им одговорил дека прави телевизиски извештај за ТВ „Федерална“ од Сараево, тие го прашале дали е србин. Според Козул, овој вербален напад можел да прерасне и во физички напад, но неговиот снимател, не дозволил да дојде до тоа.

„За време на овој фудбалски натпревар беше забележани повеќе пречки во работата на новинарите, кои кулминираа со насилен исход. Негирање на акредитација на дневниот весник Данас од страна на менаџментот на Црвена ѕвезда, потоа заплашувањето на нашиот колега Козул и конечно физичкиот напад врз екипажот на ТВ Н1 се инциденти кои мора да имаат соодветна реакција од страна на државните власти во Србија“, рече Жељко Бодрозиќ, претседател на НУНС.

НУНС има регистрирано 85 случаи на притисок, физички и вербални напади врз новинарите.

Регионалната платформа го поддржува НУНС во нивните напори да ги заштити новинарите и слободата на говорот и ги повикува надлежните институции да реагираат навремено и да ги истражат овие случаи, да ги идентификуваат насилниците и да преземат правни мерки против нив.

Потсетуваме дека секој напад врз новинарите претставува напад врз јавниот интерес, демократијата и човековите права. Платформата ќе ги информира сите европски институции за овој инцидент и ќе побара нивна интервенција во областа на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите во регионот на Западен Балкан.


Регионална Платформа за застапување на слободата на медиумите и новинарската безбедност: Скопје – Белград – Подгорица – Приштина – Сараево – Загреб

BH Journalists Association
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro
Croatian Journalists’ Association
Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Association of Journalists of Macedonia
Independent Journalist Association of Serbia


AJM promoted the analysis about the situation of correspondents in North Macedonia


SKOPJE, 29.08.2019 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia promoted a new publication focusing on the situation of correspondents in the Republic of North Macedonia. The President of AJM, Mladen Chadikovski, spoke at the promotion and referred to the problems faced by colleagues from the smaller cities in the country. “The fact that MRT’s correspondent network, as well as national televisions are constantly decreasing, is worrying, and in certain media it has been completely destroyed,” Chadikovski said.

According to him, there are several reasons for this situation. “The finances are a major problem for correspondents, and all researches on the socioeconomic status of correspondents show that monthly allowances or freelance fees can not even cover basic living expenses. But this is not the only problem identified in this research. Lack of technical equipment, pressures from the newsrooms, but also from local officials make it difficult for journalists to do their job,” said Chadikovski.

Chadikovski referred to a part of the analysis that emphasized the need for intervention in the legislation that would oblige all national media to employ correspondents. Some of the recommendations concerning the Macedonian Radio Television (MRT) and the Media Information Agency (MIA) were to open up correspondent centers in each of the eight planning regions, while providing employees with technical conditions for work and full-time employment, with a long term contract.

The analysis recommends that the print media employ at least three correspondents, since being financially supported by the public budget also carries its obligations in the interest of a well-informed public on topics of local and regional nature.

Regarding national terrestrial and cable television stations, the analysis recommends that they increase their correspondent networks, and provide appropriate working conditions for journalists. “Amendments should be made to the Rule-book on minimum technical, physical, financial and personnel conditions for obtaining a license for radio and television broadcasting in Chapter VI, Article 22 concerning the number and structure of staff. These changes should ensure that out of 30 journalists employed in the terrestrial media, at least 4 should be full-time correspondents, or from 10 journalists employed in cable TV stations at least 2 should be full-time correspondents,” said Chadikovski.

This publication was prepared in the framework of the project “Safe Journalists for Credible Information in Macedonia” supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Skopje. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of AJM and the authors and can in no way be considered as reflecting the position of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Skopje.

Regionalna platforma: Omogućiti novinarima da bezbjedno izvještavaju sa sportskih događaja


SARAJEVO, 29.08.2019. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, najoštrije osuđuje fizički napad na ekipu TV N1 i verbalni napad na dopisnika Federalne Televizije Dejana Kožula i poziva nadležne organe da hitno istraže slučaj i preduzmu potrebne mjere kako bi se otkrili počinioci.

U blizini stadiona “Rajko Mitić”, uoči fudbalske utakmice Crvena zvezda – Jang bojs, ekipa N1 televizije je pokušala je da sazna kakav je stav navijača o postavljanju tenka kod Zvezdinog stadiona. Dok su snimali prvog sagovornika najprije su čuli dobacivanje pogrdnih imena iz mase – „špijuni“, „lopovi“, „američki plaćenici“… Nakon što su snimatelj i novinar pokušali da izbjegnu incident i odlučili da se pomjere na drugi kraj ulice, grupa mladića je nastavila da ih prati.

„Našao sam sagovornike, nisam vidio da mi prilaze s leđa, i kada sam postavio pitanje, tada je jedan od tih momaka uhvatio objektiv kamere, meni je pokušao da izvuče i polomi mikrofon, a kada nije uspio, otrgao je sunđer s mikrofona i bacio ga na asfalt“, rekao je novinar N1 Mladen Savatović.

Istog dana, također kod stadiona „Rajko Mitić“, dopisnik Federalne televizije, Dejan Kožul, pokušao je da napravi prilog pored postavljenog tenka. U tom trenutku prišao mu je prvo jedan, a zatim više mladića i pitali ga šta radi tu. Nakon što im je novinar odgovorio da snima prilog za sarajevsku televiziju, pitali su ga da li je Srbin. Po riječima Kožula, ovaj verbalni napad mogao je da preraste u fizički obračun, ali zaslugom njegovog kolege snimatelja to se nije dogodilo.

„Ovu utakmicu obilježilo je višestruko ometanje novinara u radu koje je kulminiralo nasilnim ishodom. Uskraćivanje akreditacije dnevnom listu Danas od strane Uprave Kluba Crvena zvezda, zatim zastrašivanje našeg kolege Kožula i na kraju fizički napad na ekipu TV N1 su incidenti koji moraju imati adekvatan odgovor državnih organa u Srbiji“, rekao je Željko Bodrožić, predsjednik NUNS-a.

Od početka 2019. godine NUNS je zabilježio 85 pritisaka, verbalnih i fizičkih napada na medijske profesionalce.

Regionalna platforma podržava napore NUNS–a da zaštiti novinare i slobodu govora i poziva nadležne institucije da hitno reaguju i istraže ove slučajeve, da identifikuju nasilnike i protiv njih preduzmu zakonske mjere.

Podsjećamo da je svaki napad na novinara napad na javni interes, demokratiju i ljudska prava. Platforma će obavijestiti sve evropske institucije o ovom incidentu i zatražiti njihovu intervenciju u sferi zaštite medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara u regionu Zapadnog Balkana.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 29.08.2019.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Regionalna platforma: Omogućiti novinarima da bezbjedno izvještavaju sa sportskih događaja


BEOGRAD, 29.08.2019. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, najoštrije osuđuje fizički napad na ekipu TV N1 i verbalni napad na dopisnika Federalne Televizije Dejana Kožula i poziva nadležne organe da hitno istraže slučaj i preduzmu potrebne mere kako bi se otkrili počinioci.

U blizini stadiona “Rajko Mitić”, uoči fudbalske utakmice Crvena zvezda – Jang bojs, ekipa N1 televizije je pokušala je da sazna kakav je stav navijača o postavljanju tenka kod zvezdinog stadiona. Dok su snimali prvog sagovornika najpre su čuli dobacivanje pogrdnih imena iz mase – „špijuni“, „lopovi“, „američki plaćenici“… Nakon što su snimatelj i novinar pokušali da izbegnu incident i odlučili da se pomere na drugi kraj ulice, grupa mladića je nastavila da ih prati. „Našao sam sagovornike, nisam video da mi prilaze s leđa, i kada sam postavio pitanje, tada je jedan od tih momaka uhvatio objektiv kamere, meni je pokušao da izvuče i polomi mikrofon, a kada nije uspeo, otrgao je sunđer s mikrofona i bacio ga na asfalt“, rekao je novinar N1 Mladen Savatović.

Istog dana, takođe kod stadiona „Rajko Mitić“, dopisnik Federalne Televizije, Dejan Kožul, pokušao je da napravi prilog pored postavljenog tenka. U tom trenutku prišao mu je  prvo jedan, a zatim više mladića i pitali ga šta radi tu.  Nakon što im je novinar odgovorio da  snima prilog za sarajevsku televiziju, pitali su ga da li je Srbin. Po rečima Kožula, ovaj verbalni napad mogao je da preraste u fizički obračun, ali zaslugom njegovog kolege snimatelja to se nije dogodilo.

„Ovu utakmicu obeležilo je višestruko ometanje novinara u radu koje je kulminiralo nasilnim ishodom Uskraćivanje akreditacije dnevnom listu Danas od strane Uprave Kluba Crvena zvezda, zatim zastrašivanje našeg kolege Kožula i na kraju fizički napad na ekipu TV N1 su incidenti koji moraju imati adekvatan odgovor državnih organa u Srbiji“, rekao je Željko Bodrožić, predsednik NUNS – a.

Od početka 2019. godine NUNS je zabeležio 85 pritisaka, verbalnih i fizičkih napada na medijske profesionalce.

Regionalna platforma podržava napore NUNS–a da zaštiti novinare i slobodu govora i poziva nadležne institucije da hitno reaguju i  istraže ove slučajeve, da identifikuju nasilnike i protiv njih preduzmu zakonske mere.

Podsećamo da je svaki napad na novinara napad na javni interes, demokratiju i ljudska prava. Platforma će obavestiti sve evropske institucije o ovom incidentu i zatražiti njihovu intervenciju u sferi zaštite medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara u regionu Zapadnog Balkana.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 29.08.2019.


Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije



Regional Platform: Enable safety reporting to journalists on sport events


BELGRADE, 29.08.2019.-The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, which represents more than 8,000 members, strongly condemns the physical attack on TV N1 crew and verbal attack on correspondent of Federalna TV Dejan Kozul and calls on the competent authorities to urgently investigate the case and take the necessary measures to identify the perpetrators.

Near the stadium “Rajko Mitic”, ahead of the football game between Red Star – Young Boys, the N1 television crew tried to find out what was the fans’ attitude about setting up a tank near the stadium of Red Star. While recording their first interviewee, from the crowd they heard some abusive names like “spies”, “thieves”, “American mercenaries”… After the cameraman and journalist tried to avoid the incident and decided to move to the other side of the street, a group of young men continued to follow them. “I found the interviewees, I didn’t see them coming from behind, and when I asked a question, one of the guys grabbed the camera lens, tried to grab and break the microphone and when he failed, he ripped the sponge off the microphone and throw it on the floor”, said N1 journalist Mladen Savatovic.

On the same day, also near the “Rajko Mitic” Stadium, Federalna TV correspondent Dejan Kozul tried to make a television report near the setup tank. At the first moment, one man approached him following by group of young man, and asked him what he was doing there. After the journalist replied to them that he was making a TV report for the Federalna TV from Sarajevo, they asked him if he is a Serb. According to Kozul, this verbal attack could have overgrown into a physical attack, but because of his collage cameraman, it didn’t happen.

“This football game was marked by multiple obstructions of journalists’ work, culminating in a violent outcome. The denial of accreditation to the daily newspaper Danas by the Red Star Club Management, then intimidation of our colleague Kozul and finally the physical assault on the TV N1 crew are incidents that must have an adequate response from the state authorities in Serbia”, said Zeljko Bodrozic, president of IJAS

IJAS has recorded 85 pressures, physical and verbal attacks on media professionals.

The Regional Platform supports IJAS in its efforts to protect journalists and freedom of speech and call on competent institutions to respond promptly and investigate these cases, identify the abusers and take legal action against them.

We remind that every attack on a journalist is an attack on the public interest, democracy and human rights.The Platform will inform all European institutions of this incident and request their intervention in the area of media freedom and safety of journalists in the Western Balkans region.


Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Pristina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 29.08.2019

BH Journalists Association
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro
Croatian Journalists’ Association
Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Association of Journalists of Macedonia
Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

Blue envelopes aka defamation


Sarajevo, 29.08.2019. – Some twenty years ago, while at work, I began receiving blue and sealed envelopes.

I emotionally opened the first one. It turned out that a post-war profiteer (so called tycoon) had pressed charges against me, because of my TV report broadcasted in “60 minutes” TV magazine (on Federal TV program). He was local powerful figure very close to governing political structures. At the time, I used to work on a story about illegal and criminal privatization process of “Krivaja”, huge pre-war factory located in the town of Zavidovici. My workmates were comforting me and tried to assure me that my story was correct and true and that its content would be easy to prove in court. I could not explain to myself why I had to appear in court and to prove the truthiness of my story, including clear, documented evidence and arguments of the abolishing “Krivaja”, once large and very successful manufacturer. Disempowered and former workers, employees and staff were my witnesses whose story was supported by video reports, recorded throughout empty and silent manufacturing facilities.

Editing office loaded with law suits

However, the rapidity of television machine that we used to work for took me once again to another story in Tuzla and “Blue Hospital”. After posting the story, I once again expressly received another blue and sealed envelope containing new defamation charges pressed against me by the president of
supervisory board of Clinical center in Tuzla. And from one week to another I kept receiving blue and sealed envelopes and at one point, I had over ten blue and sealed envelopes in my drawer. This imposed me with enormous pressure, bearing in mind that I was a female journalist and reporter, but also imposed pressure on the magazine that I used to work for. My workmates were, along with, getting ready to encounter their own legal combats as well.

Did anyone push you to do that: did anyone force you to post and release such story and …?” Truthfully speaking, I did have my own personal issues and often wandered: „What if I lose this time”? What if they reduce my monthly wages (earnings/salary)”? I would then gain more strength for new analytic reports, because I was a group member of rare media house in BiH that, at the time, worked, tended and aimed for better and honest BiH society; a country that would treat every single person equally and country whose laws would be implemented and respected. This has been my professional human duty and responsibility by all means.

In time, I managed to subside and I used to receive blue sealed envelopes making jokes about myself at the same time. We even had a team of top lawyers representing us. However, at certain point of time, our editing office was packed and loaded with law suits and charges pressed against us; our lawyers had consequently to go to pre-scheduled summons (hearings) and I particularly referred to my cases and had an increasing number of cases I had to attend to. This basically was the beginning of period when I actually started to read about laws and cases where our lawyers failed to show up for court hearing sessions, I would eventually end up with a trainee (junior solicitor) and I did not feel comfortable with trainee representing me in court; but not uncomfortable in terms of professionalism; but rather in terms of having strength to fight with heavily corrupted judges. Neither of us had enough and sufficient knowledge about defamation issues.

In most difficult case I had and case that was to be concluded in notime, and instead it extended for few years, I turned out be a clairvoyant.

I was working on a story about newly appointed city mayor in Bihac, who was a left – wing politically biased figure. I managed to detect certain anomalies in his work at the very initial stage of his mandate. Since the format of an investigative story and report required wider and more thorough analysis, including methodological approach at work, I decided to pay special attention to his voluntary work, such as his membership in a prestige institute with his political superior being the chairman of this institute, and the founder of the institute was, at the time, one of the most known living Bosnian male figure, whose origin of property and assets had always been questionable and rather suspicious. It was this person that was perhaps the biggest donor of “New” BiH, but also a
person who had considered himself as untouchable and very much convinced that money could buy him absolutely anything. Everyone used to tell me: „We are going to lose this case“! I was desperate, but still very persistent to that extent that I went through all available archives; contacted
my colleagues and all other associates that could help me with this case, because what one, on one hand, may consider as firm and solid evidence for court proceedings, does not necessarily have to be considered as evidence and arguments by the judge if the same court on the other hand…

However, during the main hearing (summons) my workmates called me and provided me with information regarding specific dark points in life of the person who had sued me. I did not sleep that night and did not feel well, ever since I was informed what kind of a person I was dealing with. Additionally, it was not easy, regardless to statistics, to appear in court, because people would recognize us, they would stop us and would also easily pass their judgment upon us. By the time the summons were
done, entire neighborhood was already familiar with the case. Regardless to one’s efforts to protect one’s family, my family realized what kind of trouble I was in, so at certain point of time, they were even sceptic and to some extent afraid of a local postman, let alone of someone else. Law suits and threats against journalists in our society have had a discouraging effect, but there was no turning back.

When judges protect suitors

If I remember well, it was Friday 2004. Famous summons was scheduled for 9 a.m. that day. I came through, had to go through all checks and spotted our junior solicitor, a member of our lawyers’ team that was defending us. She was standing in front of a court room. I wanted to turn around and leave the building at one point. I felt cheated and so helpless too. But, I said to myself: “let’s lose this case”. We entered the court room. Suitor’s female lawyer was looking right at me and she was slightly smiling. “Who, for the love of God, was I to make defamation stories about such a popular public figure?” she must have thought. I felt disgust inside myself because of everything that was going on. Junior solicitor remained silent and I asked her: „Where is this gentleman? Is he going to show up at all?” Judge Rada or Radmila (I forgot what her surname was) was spinning her golden pen (indeed the pen was made out of gold; not gold – coated pen) and said:” He has been sick and I went to see him and so he signed all required documents”. I asked her if he had signed them with the very same golden pen he later gave her. Her face flushed instantly.

At this moment I felt so confident and comfortable with myself for discovering laws, legal paths and remedies and felt proud of myself for being able to find out that the judge had already been bribed. I demanded to see all medical history and documents that would justify plaintiff’s missing and absence. My legal defense team demanded court trials abruption and adjournment. I silently told her to be quiet about this. There was no documents and I wanted my junior solicitor to demand the exclusion of this particular judge (Rada). In the end, I approached her and told her about morbid details from plaintiff’s past, which I had previously decided to use as “the ace from the sleeve”.
I also told her in her face about what I thought about her (that she was bribed to the bone), because I reckoned that juridical system and journalism must have common and mutual goals. The case remained inactive for a while, but it was later appointed to, according to my personal opinion, most honest and righteous judge, namely Judge Srdic, who happened to be brave enough and had the audacity to conclude this case.

In the meantime, every one of us used to work by applying the same dynamics, bringing stories about the occurrence of corruption, crimes, suspicious privatizations etc., and we all had our little battles inside ourselves because of constant pressure “imposed” by blue and sealed envelopes. It was also interesting that the plaintiffs would sometimes quit and give up right in the middle of court hearings. The absurd of this situation was that I have often been invited to provide various informa tion to courts at different levels that would use these for their particular and special cases and I was sued for identical cases a decade or even two decades ago.

(This article has been published in the 65th edition of bulletin E-journalist; the author is a longtime journalist at Federal Television-FTV from Sarajevo)

Serbia’s hunger-striking journalist to meet President on Friday


BELGRADE, 28.08.2019. – Maja Pavlovic, the owner of the independent regional TV Channel 9 in Serbia, has been on the hunger strike for 17 days to protest against the economic pressure facing the broadcaster, would meet President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday morning who she was told was interested in her case, N1 reported on Wednesday.

For the last seven days, Pavlovic has been sitting outside Vucic’s office waiting for his call.

She is on her third hunger strike since May. Pavlovic said the call form Vucic came after her interview with N1 TV.

President’s media advisor Suzana Vasiljevic visited Pavlovic and informed her about the meeting with her boss.

Pavlovic first went on a hunger strike in May this year, claiming that her TV channel and many other media outlets in Serbia were threatened because of the inaction of the state institutions.

Among her nine demands, she requested from Novi Sad Mayor Milos Vucevic, of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) led by Vucic, to stop discriminating the independent Channel 9 which existed 20 years and provide it with equal access to state media funds.

Pavlovic had ended a 23-day long hunger strike after meeting PM Ana Brnabic, who then said the hunger strike was “serious blackmail.”