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Time to move on from Opinion to Works: Protecting media freedoms and journalists


Sarajevo, 23.08.2019. – Freedom of expression and the media, protection of journalists, and the suppression of political pressure on the public media are all part of the recommendations regarding the status of human rights in BiH. The recommendations are part of the European Commission’s Opinion on the application for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU membership.

According to the EC, the cause for concern is violence, threats and political pressure on journalists. The protection of journalists and the investigative and judicial measures taken regarding threats and attacks addressed to journalists in the Opinion were considered insufficient.Journalists and professional associations warn of a dramatic increase in the number of attacks against journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the first six months of 2019, there were about 30 attacks, up from 40 a year earlier.

Journalists in BiH are the target of physical attacks, verbal assaults and threats. Last summer, a case of attempted murder of a journalist in Banja Luka was also reported.

Freedom House said that BiH was falling back on media freedoms and that there was no social condemnation of such incidents. Examples of justification for attacks on journalists from the highest political structures are particularly inadmissible, and this is not uncommon.

Vladimir Kovacevic, a journalist with BN Television, was brutally beaten on 26 August 2018 in front of a building in which he lives in the Banja Luka neighborhood of Obilićevo.Kovacevic says today that the position of journalists in BiH is extremely unfavorable:

“For the simple reason that they work and live in an environment that does not accept the truth about any segment of society. Those who bring the truth about crime, corruption, war crimes and political elites are declared by these elites as “traitors” to the interests of the nation they come from, and the people generally accept such qualifications by politicians. Telling the truth about something, which is the basic job of a journalist, has become a betrayal of the interests of the state, the RS or the interests of one of the three national corps in BiH”, Kovacevic says.

Nevres Dedic from Mostar’s “Dnevni list”, who himself was the victim of the attack, shares the same opinion:

“Media freedoms, which also include freedom of media coverage, are guaranteed in democratic countries and are the cornerstone of a free and healthy society. Unfortunately, we are neither a healthy society nor we have freedom. In recent years, we have constantly had cases of attacks on journalists, from threats to physical assaults, seizure of equipment, etc.”, says Dedic.

The media community sees as one of the solutions the adoption of legal amendments that would treat attacks on journalists as attacks on officials. The above proposal is in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the form of an initiative, and in the Republic of Srpska in the form of a draft law.

Borka Rudic, general secretary of the BH Journalists Association, told us that only about 27 percent of crimes against journalists are solved in favor of journalists through judicial institutions. That, she says, is a negligible percentage and poor judicial efficiency. For this reason, in the public communication space there is atmosphere of desirability of attacking journalists, because almost no one is sanctioned. Especially officials.

She said activities have been launched to amend the criminal laws of the Federation of BiH, Republic of Srpska and Brcko District, which she considers to be one of the good solutions.

“In order for journalists to enter the criminal law as a category that needs to be protected in a more efficient way and, nominally, to refer journalists to the acts of criminal laws at these different levels of legislative power within the parts of the laws that regulate security”, explains Rudic.

An important segment of Opinion’s recommendations concerns the suppression of political pressure on the public media. Public broadcasters are burdened with political influence and their financial viability is uncertain.

In order to reach European standards, it is necessary to fully implement and significantly improve and harmonize the regulation.

Speaking about public service broadcasting, Mehmed Halilovic, a respected journalist, expert in media law and a former media ombudsman, believes that political influence on public service broadcasting in BiH is not at all questionable and has long been present in BiH. According to him, political parties use and abuse public services, which is why the public has largely lost confidence in them.

“The ruling political parties first destroyed the economic and political stability of public services (denying good subscription collection solutions, even public calls for boycotting subscriptions from parliamentary booths. A way of appointing boards of directors and associating board members with political power centers, etc.) and led public services are practically up to the beggar’s stick and almost made no sense of their role”, says Halilovic.

“In this respect, we all have a responsibility: citizens, NGOs, new policies. Public service should serve the public as well as new policies. If we do not do this, we will all continue to be in the service of politics. Its means and object”, Halilovic states.

According to the EC, freedom of expression of the media and the protection of journalists should be exercised while ensuring proper judicial monitoring of cases of threats and violence against journalists and media workers, and ensuring the financial sustainability of the public service broadcasting system. It’s time to move on from Opinion to Works.

Regionalna platforma: Hitno procesuirati onlajn pretnje i verbalno nasilje nad Martinom Mlinarević


SARAJEVO, 23.08.2019. –  Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara, koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, najoštrije osuđuje verbalno nasilje i pretnje Martini Mlinarević, blogerki i publicistkinji iz Bosne i Hercegovine, te poziva policiju i nadležne pravosudne organe da hitno istraže ovaj slučaj i kazne osobe koje pozivom na nasilje i govorom mržnje ugrožavaju njenu sigurnost.  

Martina Mlinarević je izložena višednevnom, brutalnom nasilju i pretnjama putem društvenih mreža, nakon što je objavila da je naprasno otkazano predstavljanje njenog romana „Huzur“ na tradicionalnom festivalu kulture u zapadnohercegovačkom gradiću Čitluku. Učešće Mlinarević na ovom festivalu je otkazano zbog pritisaka sponzora i osoba bliskih vladajućim strukturama u Hercegovini, koji su od organizatora festivala tražili otkazivanje promocije, iako je ona najavljena  u festivalskom programu i svim materijalima pripremljenim za ovu manifestaciju.

Regionalna platforma smatra da su pretnje blogerki Mlinarević, kao i zabrana promocije njenog romana nedopustiv atak  na slobodu izražavanja, njenu bezbednost i profesionalni integritet,  te predstavljaju posebno brutalan pokušaj sprečavanja Mlinarević da kritički piše o javnim zvaničnicima, pre svih političkim i verskim liderima Hrvata u BiH, ali i o svim drugim političarima koji obavljaju javne funkcije protivno demokratskim vrednostima i interesima  građana BiH.

„Ponavljanje pretnji, govora mržnje i ugrožavanja sigurnosti Martine Mlinarević i njene porodice pokazuju kako policijske strukture i pravosudne institcije u ovoj državi ne rade efikasno na suzbijanju onlajn nasilja. Naprotiv! Izostankom efikasne reakcije, kažnjavanja nasilnika i onih koji šire mržnju, ove institucije ohrabruju i generišu novo nasilje, što predstavlja direktno ugrožavanje i ograničavanje slobode izražavanja u Bosni i Hercegovini“, rekao je Marko Divković, predsednik Udruženja BH novinari. On je posebno naglasio kako se „u ovom slučaju radi i o političkoj cenzuri i uspešnom pokušaju zaustavljanja kritičkih glasova protiv postupaka i odluka javnih zvaničnika u Hercegovini, čime se najozbiljnije dovode u pitanje politička debata i pluralizam mišljenja u celoj BiH“.

Regionalna platforma podržava zahteve Udruženja BH novinari upućene nadležnim policijskim i pravosudnim institucijama u BiH za sprovođenje hitne i profesionalne istrage u ovom slučaju i kažnjavanje osoba koje stoje iza pretnji i poziva na nasilje prema Martini Mlinarević.

Regionalna platforma još jednom naglašava važnost slobode izražavanja i pluralizma informacija za razvoj demokratskog društva i poštovanje prava građana da budu informisani o pitanjima od javnog značaja. U skladu s tim, Platforma će obavestiti sve evropske institucije o ovom incidentu i zatražiti njihovu intervenciju u sferi zaštite slobode govora i mišljenja u regiji Zapadnog Balkana.


Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Prishtina – Sarajevo- Zagreb

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

NUNS chief says Serbian ruling party ruthless

photo: N1 screenshot

BELGRADE, 23.08.2019. – Serbia’s ruling party is ruthless in its efforts to twist the words of its opponents, the head of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) told N1 on Friday.

“The engineering by the ruling party (Serbian Progressive Party or SNS) is ruthless and unprecedented. Whatever you say will be twisted around tomorrow and go in a different direction,” NUNS President Zeljko Bodrozic told the N1 morning show, adding that the effects are felt most by people working in the media.

He said that a NUNS spokesperson was present at the opening of the third meeting between the authorities and opposition at the Belgrade University Faculty of Political Science (FPN) to try to say what the organization has ben saying for years about the media scene and what is stopping journalists from doing their jobs, adding that the situation was not normal since politicians were brought together outside institutions.

According to Bodrozic, it’s not normal for the president, who should be president of all citizens under the constitution, not to want to talk to critical media who operate professionally in line with the journalists’ code. He said the ruling party has “taken over most of the national TV stations and newspapers and evidently has no need to talk or answer unpleasant questions”.

The NUNS president said that everything that was achieved since the year 2000 in terms of the role of the media and attitudes towards them has been annulled in the past seven years (since the SNS came to power). “We have a problem with politicians and have to teach them that they are here for the citizens,” he said.

Bodrozic also criticized journalists who agree to become propaganda outlets. “They abandon the rules of the profession, seeking to survive both as people and as journalists and are condescending towards politicians who use that,” he said adding that part of the blame for the arrogant behavior of politicians lies with journalists who are obviously scared and frustrated after “years of working in impossible conditions and lowering criteria”.

Регионална платформа: Итно да се процесуираат заканите против Мартина Млинаревиќ


САРАЕВО, 23.08.2019 – Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите, која застапува повеќе од 8000 членови, остро го осудува вербалното насилство и заканите кон Мартина Млинаревиќ, блогер и публицист од Босна и Херцеговина, и ги повикува полицијата и релевантните судски органи итно да го истражат овој случај и да ги казнат лицата кои преку повик за насилство и говор на омраза претставуваат закана кон нејзината безбедност.

Мартина Млинаревиќ веќе со денови е изложена на брутално насилство и закани на социјалните мрежи, откако објави дека промоцијата на нејзиниот роман „Хузур“ беше ненадејно откажана на традиционалниот културен фестивал во градот Читлук во Западна Херцеговина. Учеството на Млинаревиќ на овој фестивал беше откажано поради притисокот од страна на спонзорите и лицата блиски до владејачките структури во Херцеговина, кои побарале од организаторите на фестивалот да ја откажат промоцијата, иако претходно беше најавена во програмата на фестивалот.

Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите смета дека заканите кон блогерката Млинаревиќ, како и забраната за промовирање на нејзиниот роман, претставуваат напад врз слободата на изразувањето, нејзината безбедност и професионалниот интегритет. Истовремено, ова претставува и брутален обид да се спречи Млинаревиќ да пишува критички за јавните службеници, пред сè за политичките и верските водачи на Хрватите во БиХ, но и за сите други политичари кои се носители на јавни функции.

„Повторувањето на заканите, говорот на омраза и загрозувањето на безбедноста на Мартина Млинаревиќ и нејзиното семејство покажуваат дека полициските структури и судските институции во оваа земја не ја работат својата работа доволно ефикасно за да се спротивстават на овој вид на насилство. Напротив! Во отсуство на ефикасен одговор, казнување на насилниците и оние кои шират говор на омраза, овие институции охрабруваат и создаваат ново насилство, што е директна закана и ограничување на слободата на изразување во Босна и Херцеговина “, рече Марко Дивковиќ, претседател на Здружението на новинари на БиХ (BHJA).

Тој нагласи дека „во овој случај исто така се работи за политичка цензура и обид за да се запре критичкиот глас против постапките и одлуките на јавните службеници во Херцеговина, со што сериозно се загрозува политичката дебата и плурализмот на мислењата во БиХ“.

Регионалната платформа ги поддржува барањата на Здружението на новинарите на БХ, упатено до надлежните полициски и судски институции во БиХ да спроведат итна и професионална истрага за овој случај и да ги казнат оние што стојат зад заканите и повиците за насилство врз Мартина Млинаревиќ.

Истовремено, уште еднаш ја потенцира важноста на слободата на изразување и плурализмот на информациите за развојот на демократското општество и почитувањето на правото на граѓаните да бидат информирани за прашања кои се важни за јавноста. Во согласност со ова, Платформата ќе ги информира сите европски институции за овој инцидент и ќе побара нивна интервенција во областа на слободата на говорот во регионот на Западен Балкан.

Секој напад врз новинарите претставува напад на јавниот интерес, демократијата и правата на сите граѓани.

BH Journalists Association
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro
Croatian Journalists’ Association
Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Association of Journalists of Macedonia
Independent Journalist Association of Serbia

Регионална Платформа за застапување на слободата на медиумите и новинарската безбедност: Скопје – Белград – Подгорица – Приштина – Сараево – Загреб

Regionalna platforma: Hitno procesuirati online prijetnje i verbalno nasilje nad Martinom Mlinarević


Sarajevo, 22.augusta/kolovoza 2019. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara, koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, najoštrije osuđuje verbalno nasilje i prijetnje Martini Mlinarević, bloggerici i publicistkinji iz Bosne i Hercegovine, te poziva policiju i nadležne pravosudne organe da hitno istraže ovaj slučaj i kazne osobe koje pozivom na nasilje i govorom mržnje ugrožavaju njenu sigurnost.

Martina Mlinarević je izložena višednevnom, brutalnom nasilju i prijetnjama putem društvenih mreža, nakon što je objavila da je naprasno otkazano predstavljanje njenog romana „Huzur“ na tradicionalnom festivalu kulture u zapadnohercegovačkom gradiću Čitluku. Sudjelovanje Mlinarević na ovom festivalu je otkazano radi pritisaka sponzora i osoba bliskih vladajućim strukturama u Hercegovini, koji su od organizatora festivala tražili otkazivanje promocije, iako je ona najavljena u festivalskom programu i svim materijalima pripremljenim za ovu manifestaciju.

Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara smatra da su prijetnje bloggerici Mlinarević, kao i zabrana promocije njenog romana nedopustiv atak na slobodu izražavanja, njenu sigurnost i profesionalni integritet, te predstavljaju posebno brutalan pokušaj sprečavanja Mlinarević da kritički piše o javnim zvaničnicima, prije svih političkim i vjerskim liderima Hrvata u BiH, ali i svim drugih političarima koji obnašaju javne funkcije protivno demokratskim vrijednostima i interesima građana BiH.

“Ponavljanje prijetnji, govora mržnje i ugrožavanja sigurnosti Martine Mlinarević i njene porodice pokazuju kako policijske strukture i pravosudne institcije u ovoj državi ne rade efikasno na suzbijanju online nasilja. Naprotiv! Izostankom efikasne reakcije, kažnjavanja nasilnika i onih koji šire mržnju, ove institucije ohrabruju i generiraju novo nasilje, što predstavlja direktno ugrožavanje i ograničavanje slobode izražavanja u Bosni i Hercegovini”, rekao je Marko Divković, predsjednik Udruženja/udruge BH novinari.

On je posebno naglasio kako se “u ovom slučaju radi i o političkoj cenzuri i uspješnom pokušaju zaustavljanja kritičkih glasova protiv postupaka i odluka javnih zvaničnika u Hercegovini, čime se najozbiljnije dovode u pitanje politička debata i pluralizam mišljenja u cijeloj BiH”.

Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara podržava zahtjeve Udruženja/udruge BH novinari upućene nadležnim policijskim i pravosudnim institucijama u BiH za provođenje hitne i profesionalne istrage u ovom slučaju i kažnjavanje osoba koje stoje iza prijetnji i poziva na nasilje prema Martini Mlinarević.

Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara još jednom naglašava važnost slobode izražavanja i pluralizma informacija za razvoj demokratskog društva i poštivanje prava građana da budu informisani o pitanjima od javnog značaja. U skladu s tim, Platforma će obavijestiti sve evropske institucije o ovom incidentu i zatražiti njihovu intervenciju u sferi zaštite slobode govora i mišljenja u regiji Zapadnog Balkana.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Prishtina – Sarajevo- Zagreb

Regional Platform: Urgently process online threats and verbal harassments against Martina Mlinarevic


SARAJEVO, 23.08.2019. The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, which represents more than 8,000 members, strongly condemns the verbal violence and threats against Martina Mlinarevic, a blogger and publicist from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and calls on the police and relevant judicial authorities to investigate this case as a matter of urgency and punish persons who through call for violence and hate speech threaten her safety.

Martina Mlinarevic has been exposed to days of brutal violence and threats through social networks after announcing that the promotion of her novel „Huzur“ was abruptly canceled at the traditional cultural festival in the town of Čitluk in West Herzegovina. Mlinarevic’s participation at this festival was canceled due to pressure from sponsors and persons close to the ruling structures in Herzegovina, who requested the festival organizers to cancel the promotion, although it was announced in the festival program and all materials prepared for this event.

The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety believes that threats to blogger Mlinarevic, as well as a ban on promoting her novel, represent an intolerable attack on freedom of expression, her security and professional integrity, and also a particularly brutal attempt to prevent Mlinarevic from writing critically about public officials, first of all political and religious leaders of Croats in BiH, but also about all other politicians who hold public offices contrary to the democratic values and interests of the citizens of BiH.

“Repeating threats, hate speech and endangering the security of Martina Mlinarevic and her family show that police structures and judicial institutions in this country are not working effectively to counteract online violence. On the contrary! In the absence of effective response, punishment of abusers and those who spread hate speech, these institutions encourage and generate new violence, which is a direct threat and restriction of freedom of expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, said Marko Divkovic, president of the BH Journalists Association (BHJA).

He emphasized that “this case is also a matter of political censorship and a successful attempt to stop critical voices against the actions and decisions of public officials in Herzegovina, thereby seriously jeopardizing the political debate and pluralism of opinion throughout BiH.”

The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety supports the requests of the BH Journalists Association addressed to the competent police and judicial institutions in BiH to conduct an urgent and professional investigation into this case and to punish those behind the threats and calls for violence against Martina Mlinarevic.

The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety once again emphasize the importance of freedom of expression and pluralism of information for the development of democratic society and respect for citizens’ right to be informed on issues of public importance. In line with this, the Platform will inform all European institutions about this incident and request their intervention in the field of freedom of speech and opinion in the Western Balkans region.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Prishtina – Sarajevo- Zagreb

BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

AJK reacts against the language of the press release of PDK towards Gazeta Express



Pristina, 22.08.2019 –The verbal attack of the Kosovo Democratic Party (PDK) towards Gazeta Express is unacceptable for AJK. The public call “Don’t trust the fake news of the Gazeta Express” is such flagrant interference towards a medium.

The language of this political party continues to degrade, which among others, says that it respects the media and freedom of expression, but calls upon all Kosovo citizens to cast doubt on the news published by Gazeta Express, by calling the news of the newspaper fake.

“The website has already embarked on this mission with a clear purpose to hurt the PDK with an incomprehensible hostility. So, therefore, we call upon all Kosovo citizens to cast doubt on the news published by Gazeta Express”, they added on their press release.

AJK expresses its concern about this language being used by a political party towards media, which has been part of the ascendancy for years and AJK estimates that this is direct pressure on editorial policies and a direct form of public pressure.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo reacted on May 3, when the head of this Political Party, Kadri Veseli, called and pressured Leonard Kerquki the Editor in Chief of Gazeta Express.

AJK invites PDK to distance itself from such a language, which affects the professional integration of journalists.

Maja Pavlović: Nemamo više finansijskih mogućnosti da čekamo zakonsku proceduru


BEOGRAD, 22.08.2019. – Kanal 9 je bio strpljiv godinama i mi više nemamo finansijskih mogućnosti da čekamo dugotrajnu zakonsku proceduru kojom bi se izmenila sporna tarifa udruženjima za zaštitu autorskih prava, rekla je Maja Pavlović vlasnica te novosadske elevizije, koja deseti dan štrajkuje glađu ispred REM-a u Beogradu.

Pavlović kaže da tarifa prema kojoj se njenoj televizji obračunava dug od tri miliona dinara važi od 2014. godine i podseća da je pre toga njena televizija sve redovno namirivala. Pavlović smatra da je naplata tarife prema sadašnjim standardima nezakonita i neustavna.

“Uvođenjem minimalne naknade, mi smo dovedeni u bezizlaznu situaciju”, rekla je Pavlović. Ona je objasnila da se prema toj tarifi podrazumeva da jedna lokalna televizija ima mesečne prihode od 2,5 miliona dolara mesećno, što je, kako je rekla, suludo očekivanje.

“Upravo zato je predsednik ANEM Veran Matić rekao da je neophodno korigovati minimalni iznos naknade, jer je on neralno posatavljen”, rekla je Pavlović.

Ona podseća da Kanal 9 plaća naknade, ali u skladu sa prethodnom tarifom, a u tome upravo i leži spor sa udrzuženjima koja se bave zastupanjem autosrkih i srodnih prava.

To je odgovor na saopštenje Unije diskografa Srbije (UDS), koja predlaže sastanak i razgovor o prevazilaženju nesporazuma u vezi sa novosadskim Kanalom 9 čija vlanica Maja Pavlović po treći put štrajkuje glađu. UDS je pozvala predsednika ANEM Verana Matića da apeluje na Maju Pavlović da prekine štrajk glađu i da se organizjuje sastanak sa predstavnicima organizacija Sokoj, OFPS i PI, kao i predstavnicima udruženja novinara UNS.

Cilj tog susreta bio bi prevazilaženje nesporazuma Kanala 9 sa organizacijama Sokoj, OFPS i PI oko plaćanja naknade, utvrđivanja činjenica i dogovor o sporazumu između tih organizacija i Kanala 9.

Pavlović kaže da će se odazvati pozivu na razgovor, ali podseća i da su svi prethodni razgovori bili neproduktivni, jer niko nije odstupio.

Vlasnica Kanala 9 ni 10 dan štrajka glađu nije dobila očekivani pozziv iz kabineta predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića. Iako protestuje ispred REM-a iz tog regulatornag tela ovaj put joj se niko nije obratio.

Sa druge strane, članica Saveta REM Olivera Zekić rekla je za FoNet da je REM pokušavao da pomogne Maji Pavlović, ali da nije uspeo. Pavlović kaže da se nakon svakog njenog štrajka glađu neko oglasi nenadležnim.

“Nakon prvog štrajka glađu ministarstva su se oglasila nenadležnim, nakon mog drugog štrajka glađu REM se oglašava nenadležnim, premijerka je rekla da je bespomoćna u rešavanju našeg zahteva”, podseća Pavlović.

“Zato mi sada tražimo sastanak kod predsednika, jer je on sam rekao da je zanteresovan za naš slučaj. Čekamo da vidimo da li je predsednik taj koji može da nam pomogne”, rekla je Pavlović.

Joint and several liability: A just solution or a path to greater self-censorship?


PODGORICA, 21.08.2019. – Censorship and self-censorship, fear of possible lawsuits for personal rights violations (defamation and insults), as well as pressures from different levels are just some of the problems journalists face in their daily work. However, if the current Draft Law on the Media is adopted, that list will also be added joint and several liability for the damage done, together with the founder and various levels of editors, which could further complicate the situation and increase the level of self-censorship.

In addition to the journalists themselves, numerous domestic and international organizations testify about the problems faced by the media and journalists in Montenegro. One of them is the European Commission, which in several of its reports on Montenegro highlights the problem of censorship and self-censorship, but adds that freedom of expression is limited by “a large number of defamation and insult lawsuits”.

Unfortunately, there is no information available on how many such lawsuits were filed after the defamation was decriminalized, or what kind of epilogue these cases get in court. Only the most drastic cases come to the public, when prosecutors or public officials or members of their families are involved, or when media representatives sue one another. However, the question also arises as to whether “ordinary citizens” seek compensation for this damage from the media/journalists, what are the claims and how many final judgments is there. The only available data, which was published in the Supreme Court report, shows that from the beginning of 2011 to the second half of 2017, the Montenegrin courts worked on a total of 109 cases of damages in a lawsuit against journalists/media. They were sued for more than one million and two hundred thousand euros in damages.

Regardless of who will be held accountable or who will sue the journalists/media, it is important that all members of the media community take into account reporting methods and are guided by basic professional standards that minimize the possibility of lawsuits. First of all, this refers to the basic postulate of the Journalist Code – the search for truth. So, journalists/media should not only believe what they write, but should be able to prove it. In addition, they should bear in mind “good faith” and due journalistic attention. It is also envisaged by the Draft Law on Media, which releases founders, editors for individual sections and journalists or authors of joint and several liability, if they have acted with due journalistic attention. The document states, inter alia, that journalists are required to verify the origin, truthfulness and completeness of a particular event, appearance or personality, with due journalists attention in the circumstances, before publishing.

Until data on judicial proceedings against the media and journalists for breach of honor and reputation became available, there is a need to work on two levels – raising media professionalism and reducing the number of lawsuits, through out-of-court dispute resolution and promoting self-regulation. Only in this way will freedom of expression and the media be strengthened and greater freedom of journalists will be promoted.


Bojana Lakovic Konatar, journalist

The text was created within the project “Monitoring for free media” implemented by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro within the framework of a major project “Judicial Reform: Upgrading CSO’s capacities to contribute to the integrity of judiciary” financed by the European Union, and implemented by the Center for Monitoring and Research (CeMi) in partnership with the NGO Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) and the Network for the Affirmation of European Integration Processes (MAEIP).