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Non–transparency in media sector disservices the public audience and professionals


Non – transparency ownership level in media field in Bosnia and Herzegovina and most recent massive appearance (“invasion or flood”) of emerging websites without Impressums posted on them, websites with no basic information or contact details regarding the owners or persons backing up and supporting these websites; directly and indirectly guiding and dictating the contents, has altogether become, I should say, rather disturbing and even alarming in general.

Politically biased media houses, eager for sensationalism, without clear and defined professional and ethic discourse, have become leading mechanisms for taking over the governing power; they have become mechanisms used to remain sustainable in power and often including financial malversations as part of these affairs. Consequently, many are on the good path to remain locked or chained in their own, undefined frameworks, degrading and diminishing professional standards, reputation, and dignity of professional journalism. What is equally tragic is the fact that this occurrence is disorientating and even driving the public crazy.

Regardless of how humiliating this may appear for the entire society and media audience, it is equally tragic for media staff, media representatives and media employees as well. My personal experience and experience of my recent, but former workmates, proved and confirmed that non – transparent privatization process and transformation of ownership structure may practically shut down media houses and consequently media employees (and other media staff) could additionally be sacked, dismissed and left unemployed overnight, without having clue where to address this problem or whom contact, in regard with the problem of remaining and unpaid debts, including unpaid wages, salaries and other associated legal contributions that employers are legally obliged to pay for their employees.

The fact that media houses in BiH, often making judgments regarding other fields and areas in our country, where non–transparency of media ownership and managing or rather mismanaging (including financial dependability), opens unclear and vast additional room and space for misuses (mainly for political purposes) and often for criminal purposes as well. I deliberately refer to the term criminal, because the article, text or post, being released, posted or published without clearly indicated author’s full name, released in media without information regarding the editor, or without information regarding the publisher or financier and along with this, the text loaded with semi and quasi-information, unchecked, unverified information and unfounded qualifications, often has “racquet – based”, defamation aimed or discrediting goals.

Media ownership transparency (including editing) represents one of the most crucial conditions for media liberties and freedoms. Unfortunately, there is a great wall standing between these two items. This wall must be destroyed from both sides. Media staff and journalists often lack strength, capacity and even time or have no possibilities to destroy this wall. In this context, they need help from both, state – level and entity – level institutions, regulators, laws, and legislation that would eventually bring the wall down from both sides and international cooperation would be useful in this case as well. Even if they fail to destroy the wall, they could eventually devalue it or shake it so in time, it may collapse by itself.

No one is bringing up and hoping for utopia or favoring false and unreal optimism outlining that it would be possible to establish one hundred percent transparency especially as far as money cash flow is concerned in BiH (as this is impossible in any other field in BiH, including media field as well). Last surveys and researches regarding the issue of clientelism, that is, concerning the non–transparency in media in South East European countries, outlined that clientelism index figure was decreasing in comparison with last year’s results. The quality and information transparency in media field were decreasing as well. During several meetings of media employees, staff and representatives in BiH, participants often highlighted the problem of non – transparent media ownership, particularly when media houses were concerned.

Members of the Press Council of BiH Board of Directors outlined that this kind of occurrence was typical and usual for over 60% of online media houses. It is estimated that this particular situation represents a problem to the Press Council of BiH Complaint Commission because it is almost impossible to make any legal contact with these specific media houses (websites), taking into consideration that their only contact detail is marketing e-mail address.

We often wonder who should be in control, charge and who should eventually sanction and fine media houses showing, releasing or posting false or incorrect information, regarding the details about their owners, financiers or editors. First of all, Impressum posting is a legal duty for everybody in media field in BiH. Literally translated, Impressum means “what has been imprinted (marked)”; marked and imprinted in terms of responsibility, including the influence and impact on the content posted, selection of topics and themes, text nature, positioning on websites or in printed (published) field etc.

Most frequent recommendations support the idea that this kind of legal duty should be in control of an independent body legally authorized for this kind of work; fully qualified to control and monitor media houses and also, body conformed to their work, altogether being part of the legal framework. As part of its competences and duties, each and every item should provide this body with a possibility to impose sanctions and even fines against any media house failing to fulfill its legal duties or media houses releasing false and incorrect news.

Through investigating and researching this particular field, I have discovered rather discouraging experiences in Croatia where the issue of media ownership was legally regulated. Namely, the attempt of investigation and research, in order to discover to what extent is this specific law being deferred and whether sanctions of any kind have so far been imposed against the disobeying media houses, I have found out that legal provisions have remained a “dead letter on a piece of paper”. The issue of media ownership in Croatia has been defined by the Law on Media and Law on Electronic Media.

As far as printed media houses are concerned, Article 31 of the Law on Media in the Republic of Croatia, defined that the publisher stock shares must be registered under personal and full name on one hand, and on the other hand, Article 32 also defined that publishers “were obliged to, by no later than 31 January each year, submit full information regarding the information and contact details about company’s seat and head office address, to Croatian Chamber of Commerce, that is, to submit the information regarding full names of both private and legal entities having (directly or indirectly) stock shares, partnership or co-ownership details in that particular media house, including the percentage of their stock shares”.

During the implementation of last amendments of the Law on Media from 2011, item 6 was additionally annexed to Article 32 clearly defining that “any omitting or failure to present or release the ownership structure information and details or failure to present or release information or details regarding shareholding structure in such companies shall be legally forbidden and banned”. Fairpress.eu investigators and researchers tried, through Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Culture and State Attorney Office, to get information regarding which institutional and official body was in charge and authorized for control, supervision and monitoring over the process of the implementation of legal provisions defining media ownership, including the number of cases of violation of these provisions. However, despite their attempts to make contacts with several institutions, they were deprived of concrete and straight answers.

“It is obvious that the authorized and official body does not exist in this case nor there have been cases of a misdemeanor related to practice and occurrences of actions that were in contrast with the Law on Media regulating the media ownership”, claimed Fairpress.eu officials. If this situation does exist in Croatia, which has been, according to the last measuring of clientelism index in media of SE Europe, rated with -0.32 result and was thus placed on top of the ladder (amongst six examined countries), then it is not difficult to predict and assume the situation in BiH as far as this special issue is concerned, having considered that BiH, during the same examination, was ranked on the bottom of the ladder, rated with -0.67 result. Number zero, as the result, is the lowest ranked and rated result and number one is considered as the best result.

Additionally, no country including Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Romania was ranked or rated any- where near the zero results. What is typical for almost each of the above-listed countries and what is particularly emphasized in BiH, where a political crisis has become a rule, rather than an exception, is the fact that the election winner becomes the greatest beneficiary from public media services.

This does not necessarily mean that private media houses are free from political influence; on the contrary, even without publicly released ownership structure detailed information, the information about which political wing, party or even party leader controls which media has become a public secret.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– eighth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.


Jovo Martinovic sentenced to 18 months in prison, European organizations are seeking a acquittal


PODGORICA, 15.01.2018. – The High Court in Podgorica sentenced investigative journalist Jovo Martinovic to 18 months in prison for the criminal offenses of creating a criminal organization and the unauthorized production, possession and trafficking of narcotic drugs.

The judgment is the first instance and an appeal is permitted. Martinovic spent 14 months in detention and in January 2017 he was allowed to defend himself from freedom.

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European Center for Freedom of the Press and the Media (ECPMF) and the Index on Censorship, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), Ossigeno per l’informazione have condemned the conviction.

As judge Vesna Pean said during reading of the verdict, Martinovic, as a member of the criminal organization, used his “journalistic links to connect the three indictees”.

From the beginning of the trial, Martinovic claimed that he was innocent and that he worked on a documentary film in which his interlocutor was Dusko Martinovic’s, who is first indictee.

“Today’s verdict in Jovo Martinovic’s case, unfortunately, again showed that the Montenegrin courts do not understand the nature of journalistic work. We believe this is one of the reasons why Martinovic was found guilty. In the course of the proceedings, the prosecution has give up from part of the charges, and it was expected to find him not guilty when it comes to alleged involvement in a criminal organization,” said Marijana Camović, President of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM).

EFJ, ECMPF and their pertner organizations suspect that there was political pressure on the High Court in Podgorica in the Martinovic case, and that this was of imense importance to the decision. They requested an urgent acquittal and invited the Court of Appeal to annul the second degree verdict, since all the charges against Martinovic have to be rejected.

Martinovic is a research journalist since 1999 and has mostly dealt with topics related to organized crime, corruption and human rights violations, including war crimes in the Western Balkans. He was arrested on October 22, 2015 on the orders of the Special State Prosecutor while working on a documentary film for French Canal + TV on illicit arms trafficking from the Balkans to France.

EFJ and the IFJ sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Montenegro on April 4, 2017, expressing their serious concern over the trial of Jovu Martinovic, accused of alleged membership in a criminal organization, despite convincing evidence that he was a journalist.

MUP: Upad u stan Milana Jovanovića nema veze ni sa njim ni sa paljenjem kuće


BEOGRAD, 14.01.2019. – Osoba uhapšena zbog sumnje da je nasilno pokušala da uđe u iznajmljeni stan novinara Milana Jovanovića ni na koji način se ne dovodi u vezu sa Jovanovićem i paljenjem njegove kuće, rečeno je za Cenzolovku u MUP-u Srbije.

U odgovoru koji je Cenzolovka dobila iz MUP-a navodi se da je osumnjičeni S. P. (23) uhapšen sa još jednom osobom prilikom krađe bakarnih oluka sa jedne zgrade u Ulici Nikolaja Gogolja, a sumnjiči se da je u prethodnom periodu, mimo ova dva slučaja, izvršio još četiri krađe na teritoriji opštine Čukarica. Dodaje se da je uhapšeni uz krivičnu prijavu predat nadležnom tužilaštvu, nakon čega mu je određen pritvor.

Novinar Milan Jovanović kaže za Cenzolovku da zna da su pronađene osobe koje su mu obile stan, ali i da oseća da cela istraga u vezi sa njegovim slučajem “ide sporo”.

Podsećamo, ministar unutrašnjih poslova Nebojša Stefanović potvrdio je pre dva dana da su uhapšene osobe koje se sumnjiče za pokušaj upada u Jovanovićev stan. On je tada rekao da se vodi istraga o motivima napada na novinara portala Žig info, kao i da nadležni organi nisu prestali s istražnim radnjama.

Podsetimo, nepoznati napadači su 30. decembra provalili u iznajmljeni stan na Banovom brdu u kojem je boravio Jovanović sa svojom suprugom.

Kuća Milana Jovanovića u Vrčinu spaljena je 12. decembra zbog čega su uhapšene tri osobe, ali motivi i nalogodavci napada još nisu otkriveni. Jovanović je u više navrata optužio opštinsku vlast u Grockoj da stoji iza napada na njega.

The future is in mobile journalism


PODGORICA, 14.01.2019. – When, more than a year ago, he received a proposal from the editorial office of the Television of Montenegro to start dealing with mobile journalism, journalist of that media station, Darko Bulatovic, was suspicious. Bulatovic, who is a correspondent of the Public Service from Niksic, says that it was unknown to him that he could make TV report by the phone.

“At that moment, this trend has already been established in the world in media outlets such as the BBC, CNN, Deutsche Welle. I began to explore and see exceptional high-quality reports, live streaming, and recording, which were only done with the phone and tripod. Everything was a challenge for me and I decided to start dealing with mobile journalism”, Bulatovic said, adding that this type of journalism is also suitable for making research stories.

As he said, the start was difficult, with many problems on the ground. Although he had many years of working experience for television, he was always next to the camera, which was managed by a cameraman.

“Somehow, I have previously participated in contributing to the recording because I, like any television reporter, have suggested some cadre, the situation that the cameraman should record. Now I had to do it all by myself”, he explained.

According to him, after a while everything has come to its place. He mastered that and realized that the phone offers a large number of applications for editing, as well as the ability to use accessories, microphones and tripods that are necessary for making attachments. According to him, earlier they needed a journalist, a cameraman and an editor to make an attachment, while today he is doing all this alone.

In addition to faster and more efficient work and easier organization, especially correspondence networks of the media, as the main advantages of this business, Bulatovic points out that mobile journalism has its own shortcomings. It is also a flaw, among other things, that there is no possibility of replaying the recording.

“When in the field, a cameraman and a journalist, they communicate, so if one’s missing something, the other warn him. Now, however, you have the opportunity to record something once, without reprisal, so there may be a failure, “said Darko.

Bulatovic believes that television stations have to have mobile journalists in their newsrooms, who use the phone as the basic tool of work. He explains that, due to the rapid pace of life, people are now watching the media on the go, and they do not pay attention to the quality of the frame and the picture.

“Mobile journalism brings what the current information system requires: quick information and image. Some portals have recognized this, and they themselves make to short video formats. If you are on the task and report to the portal, why not add a video and make a package with the articles”, concluded Bulatovic.

AGK dënon thirrjen publike për masakrim të gazetarëve


Prishtinë, 13 Janar 2019 – Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës ka pranuar me shqetësim lajmin se gazetari shqiptar nga Tetova, Emir Hamzai, ka bërë thirrje publike për masakrim të gazetarëve të portaleve Periskopi dhe Indeksonline në stilin e “Charlie Hebdo” që kishte ndodhur në Francë para disa vitesh.

Për AGK-në, gjuha e përdorur nga gazetari Hamzai është shumë e rrezikshme, e cila i kontribuon gjuhës së urrejtjes dhe përçarjes dhe si e tillë është e dënueshme meqë e cenon ashpër lirinë e shprehjes.

AGK kërkon nga gazetari në fjalë që të kërkoj falje publike dhe të distancohet nga kjo thirrje e tij. Po ashtu AGK kërkon nga Asociacioni i Gazetarëve në Maqedoni dhe institucionet tjera relevante të sigurisë që të merren me rastin.

Për Asociacionin e Gazetarëve të Kosovës një gjuhë e tillë sidomos kur vije nga vetë gazetarët dëmton punën e secilit dhe duhet të dënohet.

AGK merr vesh se njëri prej pronarëve të mediumit të përmendur në statusin e gazetarit nga Tetova tashmë ka nisur të ndjek rrugën ligjore ndaj gazetarit në fjalë, pasi që për gjuhë është e papranueshme dhe dënohet kudo në botë.

AGK kundërshton ndërhyrjen e Presidencës në RTK


Prishtinë, 12 Janar 2019 – Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës e ka pritur me shqetësim lajmin e publikuar në medie lidhur me tendencën e zyrës së Presidencës, për ndikim mbi Transmetuesin Publik të Kosovës.

Kjo përpjekje për të dirigjuar pyetje dhe agjenda mbi mediet është e papranueshme dhe skandaloze, aq sa lehtësia dhe gatishmëria e atyre që janë të thirrur për ta mbrojtur profesionin, për t`iu nënshtruar këtyre agjendave politike, qoftë vullnetshëm ose përmes ndikimit, duke shfrytëzuar hierarkinë editoriale.

AGK u bën thirrje të gjithë gazetarëve që t`i qëndrojnë besnik parimeve profesionale dhe i inkurajon ata që të mos bëjnë veprime që mund ta rrënojnë kredibilitetin e tyre profesional dhe të komunitetit të gazetarëve në përgjithësi.

Asociacioni inkurajon gazetarët që të gjitha rastet e ndërhyrjeve joprofesionale, ndikimit, censurës dhe presionit, qoftë brenda redaksive apo edhe nga jashtë, t`i denoncojnë publikisht me kohë.

AGK kërkon nga organet drejtuese të RTK-së që të mos heshtin ndaj kësaj cështjeje dhe ta adresojnë konform rregullativës së brendshme dhe standardeve profesionale. Kjo pasi rastet e tilla dëmtojnë imazhin e transmetuesit publik dhe komunitetit të gazetarëve në përgjithësi.

BHJA Steering Committee condemns the attack on RTRS


SARAJEVO, 11.01.2019.- Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association and Free Media Help Line condemn the attack on the vehicle of Radio Television Republika Srpska, that happened yesterday in Sarajevo. An unknown perpetrator verbally insulted one member of the RTRS team and swooped on their vehicle. The incident took place near by the building of the BiH Presidency, while journalists and cameramen of RTRS stayed on the press conference in the Presidency.

Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association requests from the Cantonal Police in Sarajevo to investigate the attack and take criminal measures against the attacker, and to create conditions for free and secure work of all journalists and media teams, regardless which media they work for or from what part of BiH they are coming to Sarajevo for their journalists assignments.

Freedom of expression and journalism safety are democratic values, protected by the Constitution of BiH and legal regulations – no one has the right to question such value or violate their actions. Therefor, we expect the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Canton Sarajevo to inform the public on measures that were undertaken related to this attack as soon as possible.

Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association and Free Media Help Line emphasize one more time that it is unacceptable to attack journalism teams and prevent media workers in preforming their professional assignments, and request from the relevant judicial and state authorities to more efficiently sanction the individuals who violate the right on freedom of expression and jeopardize safety of journalists, as well as an consistent implementation of European standards on freedom of expression in bh practice.

Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association 



SARAJEVO, 11.01.2019. – Udruženje/udruga BH novinari i Evropska federacija novinara raspisuju konkurs za novinarsku nagradu za studente/ice novinarstva i komunikologije za najbolje napisan rad koji opisuje stanje radnih prava novinara i medijskih radnika u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Pravo učešća imaju studentice i studenti žurnalistike i komunikologije sa javnih i privatnih Univerziteta u Bosni i Hercegovini, uz dostavljanje dokaza o studentskom stutusu i nazivu odsjeka (skenirana prva stranica indeksa/upisnice ili potvrda sa fakulteta).

Odluku o najboljem radu će donijeti četveročlani stručni žiri sastavljen od predstavnika akademske zajednice, novinara, predstavnika Udruženja BH novinari i predstavnika Evropske federacije novinara.

Pobjednički rad biće nagrađen sa 500 KM i objavljen na stranici Udruženja BH novinari.

Radove možete dostaviti na e-mail adresu [email protected] ili na [email protected] najkasnije do 01. mart 2019. godine.

Konkurs se realizuje uz finansijsku podršku Evropske unije i UNESCO-a.

Srpske vlasti da zaštite novinarku Vojtehovski


BEOGRAD, 28.12.2108. – Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara koja zastupa više od 8000 članova, najoštrije osuđuje ozbiljne prijetnje i govor mržnje upućen srpskoj novinarki Tatjani Vojtehovski i njenoj kćerki.

Novinarka i autorka emisije Tatjana Vojtehovski javno je komentarisala proteste građana na ulicama Beograda protiv aktuelne vlasti. Njene javne reakcije izazvale su novi talas prijetnji putem društvenih mreža, uključujući i gnusne prijetnje smrću upućene njoj i njenoj kćerki.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS) obavijestilo je nadležne organe o incidentu 27.12.2018. godine, a Vojtehovski je dala izjavu policiji, Odeljenju za visokotehnološki kriminal. Neke od prijetnji je objavila na svom Tviter nalogu. Obraćajući se predsedniku republike Aleksandru Vučiću, ona je izjavila da su takve prijetnje direktan rezultat njegove retorike i da se on mora suočiti sa tim.

“Ovo nije prvi put da se Vojtehovska suočava sa takvim pretnjama – u maju 2018. godine jedan čovek je uhapšen, ali to očigledno nije sprečilo nove pretnje” – rekao je Slaviša Lekić, predsednik NUNS-a. “Izjava Vojtehovske upućena predsedniku Vučiću najglasnije upozorava: najviši zvaničnici moraju učiniti apsolutno sve što je u njihovoj moći kako bi spriječili stvaranje otrovne atmosfere u društvu, a ne da je ohrabruju.”

Regionalna platforma zahtijeva od nadležnih organa Republike Srbije da odmah preduzmu sve zakonske mjere protiv lica koji su prijetila Tatjani Vojtehovski i njenoj kćerki i preduzmu sve neophodne mjere da ih zaštite. Platforma poziva najviše javne zvaničnike Republike Srbije da javno i nedvosmisleno osude prijetnje i govor mržnje prema Vojtehovskoj i drugim novinarima i da se suprotstave atmosferi mržnje prema novinarima u srpskom društvu.

Istovremeno, pozivamo međunarodne organizacije da izvrše dodatni pritisak na vlasti u Srbiji da poštuju slobodu izražavanja i slobodu medija i da osiguraju sigurnosti novinara.

U 2018. godini Srbija je zabilježila 98 incidenata, 7 fizičkih napada, 21 verbalnih prijetnji, dok je NUNS zabilježio 70 drugih vrsta pritisaka na novinare.

Svaki napad na novinara je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari
Sindikat medija Crne Gore
Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo
Udruženje novinara Kosova
Društvo novinara Makedonije
Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije