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KRIK Convicted in Definitive Ruling for Naming Individuals Who Sued the Outlet

Foto: N1

The Belgrade Court of Appeals upheld a ruling against KRIK for a December 2021 article stating that the commander of the police Witness Protection Unit, Goran Živković, and two of his associates had filed a lawsuit against the newsroom. The judges’ explanation included statements not actually written by KRIK, such as claims that the police officers were „filing lawsuits under regime orders“. KRIK now must pay the three officers a total of 3,500 EUR in damages and legal costs, amounting to about 6,000 EUR overall costs for the whole trial. This is the second definitive ruling against KRIK this month.

“We can no longer even publicly complain about the fact we are being sued because we then get sued for that too and lose in court”, says KRIK editor Stevan Dojčinović. “The worst part is being found liable for something we never published, for sentences that don’t exist in our article and were invented by the judges, and for our opinion that these are SLAPP lawsuits. This ruling means any investigative media outlet can be convicted regardless of what they publish, as judges will interpret journalistic articles freely and add sentences to them.”

In December 2021, amid a surge of lawsuits against our newsroom, we published an article listing the names of those who had sued, with the editor’s opinion that these were SLAPP lawsuits intended to silence journalists.

In the article, we mentioned that the lawsuits against KRIK were filed by, among others, the then-head of the Security Intelligence Agency Bratislav Gašić, the Serbian president’s best man Nikola Petrović, the tabloid Kurir, and finally the police commander Goran Živković with his two associates, due to an article about the problems within their police unit.

It was precisely because they were listed in this group that Živković and his colleagues decided to file a new lawsuit against the newsroom. The police officers claimed their honor was damaged because Dojčinović stated they had filed a SLAPP lawsuit (a term used internationally for lawsuits filed by officials and powerful individuals against journalists and activists) and that KRIK labeled them as the people of the regime, which is not true as it is not written anywhere in the article. KRIK even noted at the beginning of that article how the lawsuits against the newsroom “were mostly filed by people in power or businessmen close to them.”

The case was handled by Judge Slobodan Keranović, who swiftly convicted KRIK’s journalists, but the verdict was overturned by the Court of Appeals. The case was returned to Keranović, who once again issued the same ruling against KRIK.

KRIK appealed again but the new panel of the Court of Appeals decided to confirm the ruling.

The panel led by Judge Irena Vuković, with Judges Jasna Lozuk and Stanislava Mitrović, accepted Keranović’s explanation that KRIK’s journalists had defamed the police officers by, as the judgment states, characterizing them as regime affiliates, even though this was not stated anywhere in the article.

The court’s explanation included statements KRIK never made, such as allegations that the police were „filing lawsuits under regime orders to suppress media freedom.”

“The defendants’ value judgment that the plaintiffs, as regime-affiliated individuals, filed lawsuits alongside others to jointly pressure and silence KRIK, portraying the plaintiffs as individuals who file lawsuits under regime orders to suppress media freedom, lacks factual basis,” the verdict states.

The judges also ruled out the possibility of this case being a SLAPP lawsuit.

“The plaintiffs’ right to file lawsuits if they believe their constitutionally guaranteed rights have been violated cannot be disputed, and there is no evidence of procedural abuse by the plaintiffs”, states the verdict signed by Judge Vuković.

The verdict is now final, and KRIK must pay the officers damages and legal costs. KRIK will seek a Supreme Court revision of the case and will appeal to the Constitutional Court.


Police Officers Lost Previous Case against KRIK

Before this lawsuit, the same three police officers had previously sued KRIK over an investigative story about the work of Serbian Witness Protection Unit, but they lost that case, as the final verdict was in KRIK’s favor.

Judge Jasmina Vukovljak Jovanović stated that KRIK addressed a matter of public interest and adhered to journalistic standards.

“The information pertains to public interest, it is informing the public about the activities of individuals employed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, not their private lives,” the judge noted in her ruling.

The judges deciding on the second lawsuit did not even consider that KRIK had previously won in court, with the court acknowledging that KRIK reported professionally on this police unit within the Serbian Ministry of Interior.


SLAPP Lawsuits Flood KRIK

This is the second definitive verdict against KRIK received just this month.

Recently, we were found liable in a lawsuit filed by Predrag Koluvija, who is on trial for allegedly organizing a criminal group that produced over a ton and a half of marijuana.

Besides these two cases, KRIK is currently facing 14 more lawsuits initiated as SLAPPs.

KRIK is facing numerous pressures and needs help! Donate to KRIK and help us continue to resist pressures and investigate crime and corruption! More about how to donate can be found here.

Read the article for which KRIK was found liable.

Source: KRIK

AJK condemns the death threats against journalist Arlind Sadiku


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, is concerned about the threats that sports journalist Arlind Sadiku from Klan Kosova and Art Motion has received in recent days.

According to Sadiku, he has been subject to a significant number of life-threatening threats, the majority of which are believed to have originated from Serbia.

AJK strongly condemns the threats and urges them to cease immediately, as they pose a threat to the journalist’s physical safety.

Sadiku’s accreditation has been revoked by UEFA. This decision was made after the sports journalist gestured an Albanian “eagle” sign towards the fans of the neighboring country during the match between England and Serbia.

BH JOURNALISTS: Unacceptable political pressures of representatives Zahiragić and Bandić on TVSA


Sarajevo, June 19, 2024. – Steering Committee of the Association of BH Journalists and Free Media Help Line (FMHL) send a public protest to the College of the Sarajevo Canton Assembly due to the abuse of the parliamentary session for political pressure on Cantonal TV Sarajevo(TVSA), as well as unacceptable attempts to interfere in the editorial policy and present misinformation about the structure and content of certain programs of this public media program.

At the last session of the Sarajevo Canton Assembly, where the report on the operations of the TVSA for 2022 should be considered, representatives Haris Zahiragić (SDA) and Muamer Bandić (SBiH) used  live broadcast of the session for political assessments on the work of this media and its role as a public service for citizens of  Canton Sarajevo, and presenting slanderous reviews about editorial decisions and the selection of guests for certain shows. These two representatives also verbally insulted and attacked program director Zerina Ćosić Vrabac and other journalists and editors of this media house, and Haris Zahiragić even played recordings of a TVSA show during the broadcast of the parliamentary session in an attempt to professionally discredit the cantonal public television.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists considers representatives Zahiragić and Bandić directly responsible for unacceptable political pressure on TVSA and defamatory statements about journalists and editors, which is why they should be sanctioned within the Sarajevo Canton Assembly or before the courts competent for defamation. At the same time, responsibility for the misuse of municipal benches for media freedom violations and the Collegium of the Assembly, which allowed untruths about the work of this media, as well as diverting attention from the report on TVSA’s operations to illegal interference in editorial policy and the creation of media content.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists draws the attention of all representatives as well as the Collegium of  Canton Sarajevo Assembly that, regardless of the fact that they are the founders of the public cantonal television, their competences and the rights of the founders of TVSA must in no case be misused for political purposes or aimed at limiting freedom of expression and independent making editorial decisions. At the same time, the Assembly of Canton Sarajevo and its leaders must respect the dignity and professional integrity of all employees of TVSA, whose obligation is to work in the interest of the citizens of Sarajevo Canton, not any party or representative in this legislative body.

Steering Committee of BH Journalists

IJAS: We Request Serbian Authorities not to Extradite Andrey Gnyot to Belarus


The High Court in Belgrade decided again to extradite Belarusian journalist and activist Andrey Gnyot to Belarus, which is looking for him for alleged tax evasion, however, there is a well-founded suspicion that he is actually wanted for his activism.

The lawyer representing Andrey Gnyot before the Serbian courts, Filip Sofijanic, tells IJAS that the defense will file an appeal with the Court of Appeal on Monday.

“There is no deadline in which the Court of Appeals should decide on this, but I predict that it will be a month and a half. If a decision on extradition is made, in the end the Minister of Justice has the possibility to prevent the extradition by not signing the document, and that would be the last resort,” says lawyer Sofijanic.

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia appeals to the Court of Appeal to overturn the decision of the High Court and release Andrey Gnyot, because there is a fear that he will be exposed to inhumane treatment and torture in prison in Belarus, but also because the charges are extremely dubious. We also appeal to the Minister of Justice, Maja Popovic, that, if the Court of Appeal confirms the decision on Gnyot’s extradition to Belarus, use her legal options and save the journalist.

Gnyot was detained upon his arrival in Serbia on October 30, 2023 on the basis of an international warrant issued by Interpol at the request of the authorities in Belarus due to the alleged accusation of tax evasion.

Meanwhile, on November 3, his lawyer submitted a request for the deletion of Gnyot’s data to the Interpol File Control Commission. In February 2024, Interpol temporarily blocked access to Gnyot’s data in its database, and according to IJAS sources, the process before the Serbian authorities is now conducted on the basis of bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Belarus.

According to the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), Belarus remains Europe’s largest prison for journalists, with 36 media workers currently behind bars. The country also has the highest rate of jailed journalists per capita in the world.

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia

June 14, 2024

Vandalism of QIKA’s office is unacceptable


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned about the reported vandalism of the logo belonging to the non-governmental organization Center for Information, Criticism and Action – QIKA.

In their statement, QIKA reported that the vandalism of the organization’s logo occurred after the broadcasting of the show “Colors of Love,” and the display of the LGBTIQ+ community flag on the balcony of QIKA.

For the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), this act is unacceptable, shameful, and a direct attack on human rights, freedom of expression, and media.

The vandalism of QIKA’s logo contributes to the language of hatred and verbal attacks against individuals of the LGBTIQ+ community. In addition, it also portrays the harsh environment in which women journalists have to perform their professional duties. Moreover, this is not the first time this organization has been the target of similar attacks.

Coalition for Media Freedom: We condemn pressure on freedom of speech and attempt to silence criticism


The former head of the Belgrade center of the State Security Department, Milan Radonjic, one of the four accused in the murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija who were acquitted by the decision of the Court of Appeal in February, sued the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation for a statement in which the Foundation expressed disagreement with that verdict. In the meantime, unofficial information appeared that lawsuits will be filed against the media as well. The Coalition for Media Freedom condemn this pressure on freedom of speech and the attempt to silence any criticism of a ruling regime.

After the announcement of the decision of the Court of Appeal, on February 2, 2024, many Serbian and international organizations reacted.

At the time, the Slavko Curuvija Foundation issued a statement stating that “those who killed the journalist were released. The journalist was followed by the secret service before the crime itself, his murder was announced on state television, he dealt with the highest state officials, monstrous lies were spread in the state media about him, his property the state destroyed, and his associates were persecuted”.

Although the names of the accused were not mentioned anywhere in the statement, Milan Radonjić decided to request through the Court that the Foundation pay him 500,000 dinars for damaging his reputation and honor.

Slavko Ćuruvija was killed 25 years ago, no one was found guilty for that crime, and now, some are trying to silence voices reminding that not a single case of journalist’s murder in Serbia has been solved.

At the trial for the murder of Slavko Ćuruvija, many intentional and unintentional omissions were made, which showed that this government is unable or unwilling to deal with the criminalized parts of the secret service, which are responsible for numerous crimes.

We will not allow these pressures to discourage us and we will continue to fight against impunity for crimes against journalists.

The Coalition for Media Freedom: the Association of Media, the Association of Online Media (AOM), the Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina (NDNV), the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS), the Business Association of Local and Independent Media “Local Press”, the Slavko Curuvija Foundation and Branch Trade Union of Culture, Arts and Media ‘Nezavisnost’ 

Belgrade, June 12, 2024

ECPMF: Criminal complaints additional pressure on journalists Lalic, Gruhonjic

slika: Daniel Bone/Pixabay

Extreme right parties have filed criminal complaints against journalists Ana Lalic and Dinko Gruhonjic of Novi Sad alleging hate speech, the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) said in a press release.

Following the death threats and persecution that Lalic and Gruhonjic have been exposed to for months, criminal complaints were filed by representatives of the Oathkeepers party, whose leader Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski is Serbia’s Minister for Family Care and Demography.

Due to the death threats, the Media Freedom Rapid Response assigned extraordinary security measures to Lalic and Gruhonjic, said the ECPMF in a press release.

It added that that the Dveri movement, the People’s Party and the I Live for Serbia movement have also announced criminal complaints against Gruhonjic.

Source: N1

Former secret police officer Radonjic sues Slavko Curivija Foundation

PHOTO: Slavko Ćuruvija Fondacija

Former head of the State Security Service (RBD) Belgrade center chief Milan Radonjic, one of the four persons charged with the murder of journalist Slavko Curuvija and acquitted in February by the Court of Appeals, sued the Slavko Curuvija Foundation over a press release it issued expressing disagreement with the judgment.

Radonjic is seeking compensation of 500,000 dinars from the Foundation for injury to reputation and honor.

Twenty-five years after the Curuvija murder, after nine years of court proceedings, two first-instance judgments finding them guilty and the final acquittal of the defendants due to lack of evidence, the crime against the journalist and the owner of Dnevni Telegraf and Evropljanin remains unpunished and unresolved, said the Foundation.

We are now witnessing an attempt to eradicate all memory of Curuvija and silence the voices that will not consent to impunity and allow for things to be forgotten, it stressed.

This lawsuit is a result of the atmosphere in society created by the government. The captured state is not resolving and punishing the crimes done on its behalf. Violence and crime are glorified and encouraged, and villains are celebrated as heroes. Any criticism against current and former sins of the authorities is brutally suppressed, said the Foundation.

The persecution of Slavko Curuvija continues, 25 years after his murder, it added.

The Slavko Curuvija Foundation will continue to cherish the memory of the journalist it was named after but it will also continue to insist that all attacks against journalists are. Firstly, with an acquittal, and now with intimidation through lawsuits, such attacks are encouraged. We do not accept this, said the Foundation.

Source: N1

Coalition for Media Freedom: KRIK’s Verdict is Unfair, Urgent Adoption of Anti-SLAPP Recommendations is Necessary


The Court of Appeal in Belgrade confirmed the first-instance verdict by which KRIK was convicted of violating the presumption of innocence of Predrag Koluvija, who sued journalists because they wrote that Koluvija was an “accused drug lord” when reporting on the “Jovanjica 2” case.

According to KRIK’s writing, the Court considers that KRIK’s use of the wording “accused drug lord” Koluvia “designated the perpetrator of a punishable crime, although there is no court decision on this” and did not accept the journalist’s explanation that the words “accused and accusation” and “according to the allegations of the prosecution” were used in the text. The court did not take into account the fact that Koluvija’s defense was also published, as well as the fact that it is a topic of great importance to the public.

KRIK journalists announced the continuation of the legal battle in this case.

The Coalition for Media Freedom believes that this verdict is unfair, because the Court did not take into account the entire text when deciding, but concentrated on only one phrase. We fear that such a decision may be an invitation to other powerful people and politicians to put pressure on investigative journalists.

Recently, the judge of the Court of Appeal filed two lawsuits against KRIK because of the “Judge Who Judges” database. In the lawsuits she filed, in addition to monetary compensation, she is also seeking a two-year ban on journalists and 10 months in prison – due to the alleged violation of the right to privacy.

There are currently 16 proceedings against KRIK journalists. The Coalition for Media Freedom, as well as many international journalists and media organizations, believes that these are classic SLAPP lawsuits aimed at silencing journalists. This, in contrast to the direct pressures that journalists suffered during the nineties of the last century, is a seemingly legitimate means to shut down independent media in a legal way.

That is why we call on the legislator to show that it wants to protect independent journalism and to adopt the Anti-SLAPP recommendations of the European Commission and the recommendations of the Anti-SLAPP Directive of the European Parliament as soon as possible. These documents contain key guidelines for early dismissal of unfounded claims against journalists and activists.

We also invite the judges to consider the aforementioned recommendations with particular attention in future proceedings against journalists, to recognize the characteristics of SLAPP lawsuits and, based on that, to decide how the proceedings will proceed.

The Coalition for Media Freedom: the Association of Media, the Association of Online Media (AOM), the Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina (NDNV), the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS), the Business Association of Local and Independent Media “Local Press”, the Slavko Curuvija Foundation and Branch Trade Union of Culture, Arts and Media ‘Nezavisnost’ 

Belgrade, June 10, 2024