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Pronađite novinara Stefana Cvetkovića


BEOGRAD, 14.06.2018. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara zapadnog Balkana koja zastupa više od 8000 članova, izražava najdublju zabrinutost zbog nestanka srpskog novinara Stefana Cvetkovića i pozdravlja brzu akciju policije u potrazi za Cvetkovićem.

U noći između 13. i 14. juna u vojvođanskom gradu Bela Crkva prijavljen je nestanak novinara Stefana Cvetkovića. Lokalna policija je potvrdila da je automobil Cvetkovića pronađen parkiran sa otvorenim vratima i upaljenim svetlima. Mediji su izvestili da je automobil još uvek bio upaljen i da su svedoci potvrdili da je pronađen i Cvetkovićev ručni sat sa pokidanom narukvicom. Njegovi mobilni telefoni su isključeni.

Iako je Cvetković poznat po pisanju o različitim temama, njegovo istraživanje ubistva Olivera Ivanovića, lokalnog srpskog političara na Kosovu, dovela ga je opet u žižu javnosti. Po povratku sa Kosova u maju, bio je zadržan šest sati od strane kosovske policije zbog kontakata koje je napravio u toku istraživanja na kom je radio.

Cvetkoviću je ranije prećeno zbog novinarskog rada, često od strane lokalnih zvaničnika. Jednom prilikom je njegov telefon polomljen, a u drugom slučaju mu je oštećen auto pošto su ga lokalni zvaničnici obeležili “legitimnom metom” i “stranim plaćenikom”.

„Stefan Cvetković je prijavio niz pretnji koje su dolazile iz raznih kriminalnih i političkih krugova u Srbiji” – rekao je Slaviša Lekić, predsednik Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije “Njegov nestanak mora biti prioritet lokalne policije i Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova. Zahtevamo angažovanje svih resursa u nadi da će Cvetković biti nađen nepovređen. “

Regionalna platforma se pridružuje NUNS-ovim zahtevima nadležnim organima Republike Srbije da nastave efikasnu istragu i iskoriste sve resurse za pronalazak Stefana Cvetkovića.

Podsećamo srpske zvaničnike da se suzdrže od  etiketiranja novinara, a samim time i davanja legitimiteta nasilju nad novinarima.

U 2018. godini u Srbiji je zabeleženo 13 incidenata protiv novinara, dva fizička napada i 11 verbalnih pretnji i zastrašivanja.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 14.06.2018

Udruženje novinara BH

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Reform of the MRT with more money and less political influence


SKOPJE, 14.06.2018 – There is no real reform in the Macedonian media sphere without a serious reform of the Macedonian Radio Television. The departization of the governing bodies and the provision of a sustainable system of financing the public service are key to strengthening its independence and professionalism. These were some of the conclusions of the debate on “Challenges for Reforms in the Macedonian Radio Television” organized in Skopje by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia in cooperation with the Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities.

The president of AJM Naser Selmani said that the government and the opposition are working together against the implementation of the European Commission’s recommendations on public service reform. “The government is attacking the financial independence of MRT, and the opposition is trying to keep its party soldiers,” Selmani said, adding that the change in the model of MRT funding, which was supposed to be a temporary solution, halved the public service budget.

Selmani believes that the government with the negative assessment for the work of MRT has violated its autonomy because the public service is still being treated as a public company.

He claims that it is not government’s job to deal with the renewal of MRT’s music production, because otherwise it risks to interfere into its funding system. In addition, this interference confirmed that 0.7 per cent of the state budget is not sufficient for the public service to fulfill its mission, which is to inform, educate and entertain citizens.

Selmani said that blocking of the amendments to the Law on audio and audiovisual media from the opposition is pointless, because she has a decisive role in the selection of the new composition of the Programming Council. He said that VMRO-DPMNE is more concerned about protecting the director of MRT than providing stable public service funding. “They submitted about 70 amendments to the law, and none of them predicts an increase of funds for MRT,” Selmani added.

He urged the government and the opposition to jointly vote the Law for Audio and Audiovusual Media Services.

Ana Blazheva from the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities spoke about the need for MRT to adopt self-regulatory acts that can strengthen its program independence.

The Director of MIA Dragan Antonovski, said that money is needed for MRT reform, but the solution should not be solely demanded by the government, but also by the will of the employees.

“The first and basic thing that must be done is departization, and the second is investing in it. But here it’s not only the state, but primarily the employees and those who will be employed,” Antonovski said. According to him, the solution for MRT should not be awaited from outside, but instead it should be sought from within.

The journalist Igor Stojanov presented the results of the analysis on the socio-economic situation of the journalists from Eastern Macedonia, according to which, for that entire region, MRT has only three correspondents. Stojanov said that the quality of information in the public service needs a developed correspondent network and correspondence centers in all cities.

Регионалната платформа: Да се пронајде српскиот новинар Стефан Цветковиќ


БЕЛА ЦРКВА, 14.06.2018. – Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите која претставува повеќе од 8000 членови, е длабоко загрижена за исчезнувањето на новинарот Стефан Цветковиќ и бара итна реакција на српските власти за наоѓање на исчезнатиот новинар. 

Вечерта меѓу 13 – 14 јуни Стефан Цветковиќ беше пријавен за исчезнат во градот Белата Црква. Локалната полиција потврди дека автомобилот на Цветковиќ бил пронајден паркиран со отворени врати и вклучени светла. Медиумите објавија дека моторот на автомобилот сé уште работел, а сведоците потврдија дека рачниот часовник на Цветковиќ бил пронајден заедно со скината нараквица веднаш до него. Неговите мобилни телефони се исклучени.

Иако Цветковиќ е познат по пишувањето за голем број на теми, неговата истрага за атентатот на Оливер Ивановиќ, локален српски политичар во Косово, го стави под ново внимание. По неговото враќање од Косово во мај, тој беше задржан од страна на косовските власти шест часа поради контактите што ги направил додека истражувал. Цветковиќ и претходно се соочувал со закани поради неговата работа, и тоа најчесто од страна на локалните власти. Во еден случај неговиот телефон бил искршен, а во друга пригода неговиот автомобил бил оштетен откако локалните официјални лица го нарекле “легитимна цел” и “странски платеник”.

“Стефан Цветковиќ има пријавено голем број на закани кои доаѓале од различни криминални и политички кругови во Србија” – рече Славиша Лекиќ, претседател на Независното здружение на новинари на Србија. “Неговото исчезнување мора да биде приоритет на локалната полиција и Министерството за внатрешни работи. Бараме ангажирање на сите ресурси со надеж дека Цветковиќ ќе се најде неповреден”.

Регионалната платформа се приклучи на НУНС во нивните барања до надлежните органи на Република Србија, да продолжат со ефикасна истрага и да ги користат сите можни инструменти за да го најдат Стефан Цветковиќ.

Исто така потсетува дека српските власти дека мора да се воздржуваат од етикетирање на новинарите и легитимирање на насилството врз нив.

Во 2018 година во Србија се регистрирани 13 инциденти против новинари, 2 физички напади и 11 вербални закани и заплашување.

Нападите и заканите кон новинарите претставуваат директен напад врз слободата на изразувањето и правото на граѓаните да бидат информирани. Секој напад врз новинар претставува напад врз јавниот интерес, демократијата и правата на граѓаните.

Скопје – Белград – Подгорица – Приштина – Сараево – Загреб, 07.06.2018.

BH Journalists Association
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro
Croatian Journalists’ Association
Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Association o.f Journalists of Macedonia
Independent Journalists Association Serbia

Regional platform: Find Serbian journalist Stefan Cvetkovic


BELA CRKVA, 14.06.2018. – The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety which represents more than 8000 members, expresses deepest concern about the disappearance of a Serbian journalist Stefan Cvetkovic and greets immediate action from the Serbian authorities in their search for Cvetkovic.

On the night of June 13 -14 Stefan Cvetkovic was reported missing in the Vojvodina town of Bela Crkva. Local police confirmed that Cvetkovic’s car was found parked with the doors open and lights on. Media reported that the car engine was still running and that witnesses confirmed that Cvetkovic’s wristwatch was found with the bracelet broken next to it. His mobile phones are switched off.

Though Cvetkovic is known for writing about a range of topics, his investigation of the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, local Serbian politician in Kosovo,put him under the new spotlight. Upon his return from Kosovo in May he was held by the Kosovo authorities for six hours because of the contacts he had made while researching. Cvetkovic was previously threatened because of his work, often by local officials. Once his phone was broken and on another occasion his car was damaged after local officials branded him a ‘legitimate target’ and a ‘foreign mercenary’.

“Stefan Cvetkovic reported a number of threats coming from different criminal and political circles in Serbia.” –  said Slavisa Lekic, president of the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia, “His disappearance must be a priority of the local police and the Ministry of Interior. We demand engaging all resources with hopes that Cvetkovic will be found unharmed.”

The Regional Platform joins IJAS in its demands from the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia to continue with efficient investigation and use all measures to find Stefan Cvetkovic.

It also reminds that the Serbian officials must refrain from labeling journalists and legitimising violence against them.

In 2018 Serbia recorded 13 incidents against journalists, 2 were physical attacks and 11 verbal threats and intimidation.

Every attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy, and rights of all citizens.

Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Pristina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 14.06.2018

BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

N1/Belgrade  14.06.2018

Journalists Valon Rashiti attacked by several citizens


PRISTINA, 12.06.2018 – Journalist Valon Rashiti told AJK that he was attacked on Tuesday evening by a citizen while he was covering a story.

Around 7pm, journalist from television T7, Valon Rashiti was in the premises of University Clinical Centre of Kosovo covering a story about the injury of two persons that occurred in Pristina on Tuesday afternoon, and was attacked by family members of one of the victims and was hit in the head.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is very concerned about this case and it is in continuous contact with the journalist and recommended immediately to report the case at the closest police station. Rashiti reported the case to police on Tuesday late evening.

AJK calls on all respective institutions, police and prosecution to treat this case and bring attackers in front of justice.

We recall that this attack is a direct violation of media and journalists work that sole aim is to inform the public.

Since January 201, AJK registered 12 cases of threats and attacks against journalists, including the today’s case.

Eligible media – privileged media


BELGRADE, 13.06.2018. – At a panel organized on 30th may, CINS interviewees spoke about the functioning of Tanjug news agency, manners in which media outlets close to authorities are financed, as well as the pressures faced by independent media newsrooms.

Yesterday, Center for investigative journalism of Serbia (CINS) organized a panel discussion at the EU info Center in Belgrade on the topic of media financing and pressures, i.e. benefits to certain media outlets in Serbia, entitled “Are there privileged media outlets?”

Opening the first out of the three discussions, Anđela Milivojević, CINS journalist, presented a research of more than 3.2 million EUR which the state Export and Insurance Agency (AOFI) paid to company Pink International Company owned by Željko Mitrović in 2017. In four years, AOFI assisted the company with almost 10.5 million EUR.

Predrag Blagojević
, Editor-in-chief of the portal Južne vesti said that the state controls media outlets not only by paying them subsidies, or through competition-based financing, but also by not instituting forced collection for excessively large debts.

“On the other side, those who do not owe anything are under constant control. In our case, tax inspectors have made a big out of their scope of competences”, Blagojević explains frequent visits of tax inspectors to this media outlet in the last five years, together with pressures on advertisers and family members.

Nemanja Nenadić from Transparency Serbia said that the Tax administration would have to say something about the suspicion that it does not treat all taxpayers in the same manner, and to explain whether their competences were overstepped in the case of Južne vesti .

In continuation of the panel discussion, Dina Đorđević, CINS journalist, presented a recently published research on the work of Tanjug news agency, which by the end of 2017 received 114.4 million dinars from state institutions. The validity of the Law on this news agency ceased back in the end of 2015, and it is not clear what are the grounds for the Agency’s functioning today.

Petar Jeremić, president of the Executive board of Association of journalists of Serbia and member of the Appeals commission by the Press Council believes that the law needs to be implemented and that the state must decide what will happen with Tanjug:

“The Government passed this unlucky decree on termination of operations of Tanjug, and Tanjug management is now led by what is written in the Decree, and unofficially explains that the decree means that they shall exist until they have completed all their administrative duties (…) However, they have meanwhile concluded new commercial contracts and created new obligations, and that can last forever”.

“We at UNS have never supported termination of operations and closing of Tanjug, but law needs to be observed. Tanjug must be terminated in the current legal form. We also supported finding of a new form and continuation of operating of Tanjug, but under equal and non-discriminatory conditions in comparison to the other two news agencies. In my opinion, these conditions (now) are deeply discriminatory”, added Jeremić.

Dragan Janjić, Editor-in-chief of BETA agency said that the number of contracts the agency concluded with authorities in the several last years has diminished, adding that he does not really believe that termination of Tanjug will really happen.

“When it comes to media, I think it is very important that everything is transparent, because influence to the public is exerted through media. Here we have a state which should make sure everything is transparent, but it actually stimulates an obvious non-transparency. There is an agency which is at the market with other agencies (…) putting the two remaining agencies operating at the market in an absolutely unequal position”, said Janjić.

Another CINS investigation indicated that in 2017 the agency pledged 205 works of art at the total value of exceeding seven million dinars so as to defer payment of its tax debt amounting to 5.7 million dinars and pay it in installments over the next five years.

The third part of yesterday’s panel was dedicated to the issue of allocation of budgetary funds to tabloid media. Thus, according to documents obtained by CINS journalists, the Informer and Srpski telegraf received funds at competitions for co-financing of media content of public interest in Belgrade and Vojvodina, even though they had been issued reprimands by the Press Council for violation of the Code of ethics of Serbian journalists. Since its establishment in March 2016 till the present day, Srpski telegraf has received 12.1 million dinars at 21 media competitions, while the Informer received 10.9 million dinars at 15 competitions since 2017.

Denis Kolundžija, Cenzolovka journalist, said that only in the course of 2018, the Informer and Srpski telegraf received about six million dinars at competitions in Vojvodina only, based on which it may be predicted which media outlets will receive money till the end of the year.

“Until this problem is solved, there will be no one to apply at these competitions”, said Kolundžija.

Representatives of competent institutions – Tax administration, AOFI, Tanjug director, representatives of the Public procurement administration, and Minister of culture – were invited to the event but did not attend.

All four investigative stories produced by CINS were published within the project within which CINS investigated ownership and financing of media using taxpayers’ money, as well as political and other pressures journalists in Serbia are faced with.

Read the entire report HERE.

This project is financed by the European Union through the small grant project “Protection of media freedom and freedom of expression in the Western Balkans” implemented by the Croatian Association of Journalists within the regional project Regional platform for advocacy of media freedoms and safety of journalists in the Western Balkans, six journalists’ associations from the region – Independent association of journalists of Serbia, (NUNS),Association of BH journalists, Croatian Association of journalists, Association of journalists of Kosovo, Association of journalists of Macedonia, and Media Trade union of Montenegro


Training with the police for greater security of journalists reporting from protests


SKOPJE, 12.06.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and the OSCE Mission to Skopje held a workshop dedicated to the security of journalists when reporting from high-risk events.

President of AJM Naser Selmani said that the training will help the police to better understand the role of the media which is to inform the citizens about different protests and that will help to avoid incidents. “Unfortunately, there have been examples in the past when police members for unclear reasons attacked journalists who were reporting from protests. Police should learn that journalists are not their enemies, but they are also professionals on duty, which should be protected in case they are attacked by the protesters,” Selmani said.

He said that joint training on the safety of journalists during events of high risk should increase mutual trust and cooperation between the police and journalists in order to find solutions that will enable both sides to smoothly fulfill their tasks without interfering with each other.

Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski reiterated the government’s commitment to zero tolerance for the attacks on journalists. “Any attack on journalists will be most severely condemned and sanctioned. From June 1, 2017 until today we have registered 12 cases in which the safety of the journalists was endangered and all of them are cleared by the Ministry of Interior,” Spasovski said. He also called on other institutions such as the judiciary and the public prosecutor’s office to contribute to increasing the safety of journalists and freedom of speech.

The head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Jeff Goldstein said that in the framework of this cooperation, six trainings were held in different cities in Macedonia. “One thing we learned from these workshops is that open dialogue between police officers and journalists is possible and very useful for both groups, but also for the public,” he said.

According to him, the institutions, except for the new attacks on journalists, they should clear the old attacks as well, in order to bring the attackers to justice.

Serbian journalists call for new murder investigation


BELGRADE, 11.06.2018. – Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) President Vladimir Radomirovic called the Organized Crime Prosecutor to take over the investigation into the murder of journalist Milan Pantic 17 years ago.

Pantic, a local correspondent for Belgrade daily newspaper Vecernje Novosti, was beaten to death in front of the building he lived in his home town of Jagodina on June 11, 2001.

Speaking at an annual commemoration of his death, Radomirovic said progress had been made in the investigation thanks to a commission formed to investigate the deaths of journalists. “The Commission published some findings and asked the prosecutor to react last year. This time the Commission said that the motive for the killing were Pantic’s reports on privatization. Milan Pantic was killed because of his work as a journalist and we need the Organized Crime Prosecutor to take over the investigation,” Radomirovic said at the annual commemoration of Pantic’s death, adding that the people behind the murder are high-ranking officials who can re-direct the investigation and can influence reality.

The commemoration included a presentation of Milan Pantic awards for courage in journalism which was given to the Radio TV Puls from the Kosovo town of Silovo for “professionally and reliably informing the public in extremelly hard conditions, often risking their own lives”.

Sud ponovo izdvojio 10 audio kaseta iz dokaza u postupku za ubistvo novinara Slavka Ćuruvije

BEOGRAD, 12.06.2018. – Sudsko veće u postupku za ubistvo novinara Slavka Ćuruvije donelo je danas odluku da iz dokaza izdvoji 10 audio kaseta na kojima se nalaze beleške o razgovorima izmedju optuženih za ubistvo, navodeći da dokazi nisu zakonski pribavljeni.

Na kasetama se nalaze beleške sa baznih stanica o komunikaciji optuženih i lokacija sa kojih su komunicirali, koje su pribavljene od Telekoma Srbija, u periodu od 9. do 12. aprila 1999. godine, medju kojima su i beleške o 11. aprilu, danu kada je Ćuruvija ubijen.

Predsednica sudskog veća Snežana Jovanović rekla je da su dokazi pribavljeni na nezakonit način, odnosno da nema službene beleške, već samo dopis Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova telefonskom operateru.

Apelacioni sud već je ranije odlučivao o ovim dokazima i kazao da oni mogu da se koriste.

Medju dokazima je 40 audio kaseta sa beleškama o razgovorima, osim jedne koja je “tehnička” kaseta.

Nikola Barović, advokat Ćuruvijine nevečane supruge Branke Prpe rekao je novinarima da današnja odluka suda bizarna i da bez tih audio kaseta “kao da fali deo mozaika”, ali da nije poznato koji.

On je kazao da je te kasete kao dokaze predložilo Tužilaštvo za organizovani kriminal i da su već prošle kontrolu suda, da je odbrana tražila da se dokazi izuzmu, jer nisu zakonito nabavljeni, da je sud doneo takvo rešenje, ali da ga je Apelacioni sud ukinuo i vratio Specijalnom sudu na ponovno odlučivanje.

“Zašto je sudsko veće donelo identičnu odluku koju je Apelacioni sud ukinuo? Odluka je bizarna”, rekao je Barović i dodao da nikada nije ukinuto rešenje sudije za prethodni postupak, koji je te audio kasete uvrstio u dokaze.

Na pitanje da li tih 40 kaseta predstavlja ključne dokaze, Barović je rekao da su to jedni od najvažnijih dokaza jer upućuju na stalnu komunikaciju izmedju optuženih i na mesta na kojima su bili kada je Ćuruvija ubijen.

Odbrana nije želela da razgovara sa medijima, a nezvanično su izrazili sumnju u to da audio kasete zaista i postoje.

Za ubistvo novinara i osnivača “Dnevnog telegrafa” optuženi su načelnik resora Državne bezbednosti Radomir Marković, načelnik beogradskog centra DB Milan Radonjić, glavni obaveštajni inspektor u Drugoj upravi resora Ratko Romić i pripadnik rezervnog sastava tog resora Miroslav Kurak.

Sudjenje je počelo 1. juna 2015. godine, a prema dosadašnjem toku postupka kraj se ne može očekivati pre jeseni.

Prema optužnici, Ćuruviju je ubio Miroslav Kurak, a saučesnik mu je bio Ratko Romić, koji je drškom pištolja udario  Branku Prpu u glavu.

Ćuruvija je ubijen 11. aprila 1999. pred ulazom zgrade u kojoj je stanovao, u Svetogorskoj ulici u Beogradu.
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