Reaction against municipal’s decision to cease communication with KTV

Source/Author: [:en]Association of Journalists of Kosovo[:ks]Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës[:]
Source/Photo: [:en]Photo by: KTV[:ks]Foto: KTV[:]

PRISTINA, 14.02.2017 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned about the decision of Fushe Kosove municipality to cease communication with journalists of Koha Vision television. This act presents a breach of principles for respect of transparency.

We ask the municipality of Fushe Kosove to apologise for this unacceptable action and to withdraw this decision. We encourage the municipality of Fushe Kosove to establish professional relations with media, including KTV journalists. AJK demands from local institutions to respect the law on access to public documents and to be open for journalists.