The debate on journalism trends in the Western Balkans with associations


Organized by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, yesterday was held a working meeting with a representative of civil society, journalists, and journalist partner associations from on the topic “Promoting cooperation and dialogue between civil society organizations and journalists’ associations from the Western Balkans for greater security of journalists and development of civil society “

The meeting discussed current trends and developments in the media sector, home country, and the region regarding journalist safety and the legal framework, the situation with civil society and the media, and challenges from the perspective of young journalists. In the discussion, the participants shared their opinions and suggestions on how to find better solutions for improving the safety of journalists and media workers in the Western Balkans.

Speakers at the event were: AJM Executive Director Dragan Sekulovski, MCIC Executive Director Aleksandar Krzalovski, Rade Djuric, lawyer and project researcher from the Independent Association of Journalists in Serbia; Monika Kutri, project researcher from the Croatian Journalists Association, Saska Cvetkovska- IRL journalist and Getarbe Muliqi, project researcher and executive director of the Association of Journalists in Kosovo.

Attendees had the opportunity to discuss trends in journalism and the state of the rights of journalists in Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, and Macedonia through the practice of journalistic associations in these countries.

The event was organized within the regional project “Improving the dialogue between journalists’ associations and parliaments in the Western Balkans for a stronger civil society sector,” funded by SIDA through the project “Protection of Civil Space – Regional Center for Civil Society Development” implemented by the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN).

The meeting was held on June 23, 2022, at the premises of the Civic Resource Center at the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) in Skopje.