PODGORICA, 22.01.2017. – Journalism in Montenegro has existed for 146 years now and in relation to the fact, we, who are dealing with this profession, have an obligation to do our job in a fair and ethical manner. This is also our obligation to the citizens. But our duty is also to do the job in decent conditions.
Journalism that would work in the public interest entails employed in the media who can live from their work, who are not overburdened by excessive requirements at work, who are not in constant dismissal and therefore can work freely and without censorship. Unfortunately, the situation in most Montenegrin media is far from what TUMM strives for, and in order to improve situation it is necessary to act together.
Therefore, the day before the Day of Journalists of Montenegro, we ask for solidarity among employees in the media and we say to them:
- Do not turn the head of the problems that people working with you have, do not leave them alone;
- Team up, organize into unions and jointly make influence on the conditions in which you work;
- If you do not agree with the demands of your superiors and their vision of journalism, tell them that;
- If you do not indicate a problem it will never be solved.
In the past three years, 725 jobs have been closed in the media, the media are being shut down, and they fight among themselves. Almost no one cares about the Code of Journalists, and the situation gets worse from year to year by all parameters.
On the issue of the safety of journalists, nothing changes there either. Therefore, the TUMM is a part of a regional project concerning the freedom of media and safety of journalists. Within this project, recently it has been launched the website www.safejournalists.net, containing the database of the attacks in last three years and on this occasion, we are asking employees in the media to reported cases of attacks and harassment to which they are exposed because of their work.
TUMM Main Board
The first issue of the newspaper printed in Montenegro “Crnogorac” appeared on 23 January 1871 in Cetinje, and that date is celebrated as the Day of Journalists of Montenegro.