AJK: IMC Law adopted by Kosovo Assembly is an attack against...

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is very concerned after the Kosovo Assembly voted on the Independent Media Commission Law. Vetevendosje Movement of PM Kurti...

Camera operator of Betimi për Drejtësi was arrested and escorted by...

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is alarmed by the arrest and Police escorting of the camera operator of the media outlet Betimi për...

AJK condemns political interference at Kosovo’s Public Broadcaster, RTK

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo has been following with great concern developments at RTK, which resulted this Sunday with Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj, leaving his...

AJK Elects New Chairperson and Board Members

The Electoral Assembly of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo took place today, resulting in the re-election of Xhemajl Rexha as the Chairperson for...

BH JOURNALISTS: Police in Mostar must not censor the media and...

Sarajevo/Mostar, June 27, 2024. – The Steering Committee of  BH Journalists Association directs a public protest to the Minister of the Interior of the...

On the public broadcaster’s annual report to the Albanian Assembly

The public broadcaster's annual report presentation to the Parliamentary Committee for Education and Public Information Media on June 24, 2024, was met with significant...

MP Dimal Basha attacks against media and activist, Flutura Kusari are...

Vetevendosje MP, Dimal Basha has used his speech in the Kosovo Parliament to continue his unprecedented attacks against media and members of the civil...

Death Threats Towards Journalist Vullnet Krasniqi

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is alarmed after journalist Vullnet Krasniqi received death threats today. Krasniqi received a death threat from a resident of...

AJK Condemns Threats Against Insajderi’s Journalists

The editorial office of the online newspaper, Insajderi, has informed AJK about the threats they have received in the last two days following reports...

Serbia: Solidarity with the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation in their quest for...

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) coalition partners in standing in solidarity with the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation, which has...

Workshop on Monitoring Violations of Women Journalists’ Rights for SafeJournalists Researches

A workshop focusing on monitoring and reporting violations of women journalists' rights took place in Prishtina on June 24 and 25. The workshop was led...

UK: Assange’s release is a massive boost for free speech

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes Julian Assange’s release on 24 June as a significant victory for media freedom. The dropping of 17...

Workshop on Monitoring Violations of Women Journalists’ Rights

The researchers from the Regional Platform of the Western Balkans, SafeJournalists, are currently attending a two-day workshop in Prishtina. The main objective of the workshop...

Support for Free Journalism, Today Called KRIK

This month, the Court of Appeal in Belgrade confirmed two verdicts against KRIK, according to which this media should pay almost one million dinars...

Court Rules Against KRIK in Koluvija’s Defamation Suit

The Court of Appeals in Belgrade confirmed the first-instance ruling which found that KRIK was liable for violating the presumption of innocence of Predrag...

KRIK Convicted in Definitive Ruling for Naming Individuals Who Sued the...

The Belgrade Court of Appeals upheld a ruling against KRIK for a December 2021 article stating that the commander of the police Witness Protection...

AJK condemns the death threats against journalist Arlind Sadiku

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo - AJK, is concerned about the threats that sports journalist Arlind Sadiku from Klan Kosova and Art Motion...

BH JOURNALISTS: Unacceptable political pressures of representatives Zahiragić and Bandić on...

Sarajevo, June 19, 2024. – Steering Committee of the Association of BH Journalists and Free Media Help Line (FMHL) send a public protest to...

IJAS: We Request Serbian Authorities not to Extradite Andrey Gnyot to...

The High Court in Belgrade decided again to extradite Belarusian journalist and activist Andrey Gnyot to Belarus, which is looking for him for alleged...

Vandalism of QIKA’s office is unacceptable

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned about the reported vandalism of the logo belonging to the non-governmental organization Center for Information, Criticism...

Coalition for Media Freedom: We condemn pressure on freedom of speech...

The former head of the Belgrade center of the State Security Department, Milan Radonjic, one of the four accused in the murder of journalist...