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Police assault Nova.rs reporters during protest


Two Nova.rs portal women reporters were assaulted by the police while covering Wednesday’s protests in Belgrade.

The protal said that one of the women was hit on the fingers with a baton and had her phone, knocking her phone out of her hand while the other one was pushed. The incident happened a block away from parliament on an intersection after the police had pushed protesters down the street.

“Both had shown their press cards to the police but they weren’t interested and continued showing and attacking them,” the portal said.

The Beta news agency reported that the police also beat up one of its reporters after he identified himself as a journalist.   In a third incident, a state TV (RTS) crew was verbally attacked by protesters in the southern city of Nis but were kept safe by reporters from the independent news portal Juzne Vesti.

Serbian Police Attack Journalists In Second Night of Clashes

Several journalists were attacked either by police or by protesters during a second night of violent protests in Serbia.

Serbian police clashed with thousands of angry citizens on Wednesday night, on the second day of protests against the official handling of the coronavirus crisis and the announced reimposition of restrictive measures, including a curfew on weekend. Besides the capital city of Belgrade, protests were held in other cities, including Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac and Smederevo.

In Belgrade, violent clashes with police lasted hours, with police using tear gas to disperse crowds. In Kragujevac, protesters smashed some of the windows of the police building.

Protesters in Novi Sad threw rocks and rubbish bins at the windows of the ruling Progressive Party facilities, at Radio Television of Vojvodina and at city hall, breaking some windows.

Miran Pogacar, one of the people who called for protests in Novi Sad, blamed pro-government infiltrators for the violence in Novi Sad. Pogacar was arrested some hours later and is still in custody.

In Belgrade, 19 policemen and 17 protesters were injured on Wednesday night, according to city hospital data.

Cameras caught numerous examples of the police using excessive force, with several attacks on journalists also reported.

Journalists from Nova.rs portal, Beta news agency, as well as from the Serbian public broadcaster RTS were all attacked while covering the protests on Wednesday night – the latter by the protesters.

Three journalists of Nova.rs said they were attacked by police, although they had identified themselves as journalists.

Marko Radonjic said he was hit by a police baton and threatened with arrest. Police hit another journalist, Milica Bozinovic while knocking her phone to the ground. Her colleague Natasa Latkovic’s journalists ID was thrown by the police, Nova.rs said.

Beta news agency said police injured their reporter, despite showing them a journalist’s ID. The journalist suffered cuts to his head and near his eye, and the police also returned to beat him while he was lying on the ground.

“They beat him with batons, even though he let them know that a journalist was on duty, even when he fell to the ground,” Beta said.

In Nis, protesters surrounded the journalist and the cameraman from Radio Television of Serbia, RTS, insulted them and grabbed their microphones and camera cables, while the cameramen was hit on the head with a bottle.

The violence stopped after journalists from Juzne vesti intervened and helped their colleagues escape the area. RTS has been widely criticized by protesters for not properly reporting the rallies.

The SafeJournalists network, which represents more than 8,200 media professionals in the Western Balkans, on Thursday condemned the violence against journalists and asked the authorities to guarantee their rights to work.

“In accordance with its mandate, the police must ensure a safe working environment for journalists and must determine who and why has violated their rights during the protest. It must determine whether the powers of the police have been exceeded and, if so, prosecute the responsible persons,” it said.

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Wednesday night at a press conference that the police had acted with restraint while they were pelted with stones and torches and had reacted in self-defence.

“They started intervening when the violence became unbearable and when their lives were in danger,” Stefanovic said.

Tanja Fajon, president of the European Parliament’s Stabilization and Association Committee between Serbia and the EU, wrote on Twitter on Wednesday that the footage from Serbia looked brutal and that the safety and health of people should come in the first place.

“The use of force is unacceptable. Angry people accuse President Vucic of deliberately concealing the real health picture [with COVID-19] until the recent elections. Safety and health of people are in the first place. But not with repression,” Fajon wrote on Twitter. .

President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday blamed far-right organisations, anti-migrant extremists and fantasists who “believe the Earth is a flat plate” for the violence.

“These people were not talking about coronavirus – they were talking about some kind of betrayal, about migrants, the 5G network and the earth as a flat plate, and these people were not there for the first time, only their degree of aggression was higher,” Vucic said.

He added that one reason for the protest was to weaken the position of Serbia ahead of the continuation of the EU-aided dialogue with Kosovo.

Violent protests erupted on Tuesday evening after Vucic announced that, due to the rise in COVID-19 cases, the capital might again be under a curfew this weekend.

During the now lifted state of emergency, Serbian citizens spent several whole weekends under curfews. Serbia was one of few countries in Europe to impose such tough measures.

Critics accused the President of manipulating health measures for his own political gains. He lifted heavy restrictions ahead of the elections on June 21.

In the run-up to the election, no restrictions were in place. During that time, political parties held rallies, the government allowed football games to take place in the presence of thousands of people, while the state Crisis Staff said situation with the coronavirus was no longer alamring.

The day after the elections, BIRN published an investigation that showed that more than twice as many infected patients had died in Serbia than the authorities announced, and hundreds more people had tested positive for the virus in than was admitted.

After the elections, when the numbers of deaths and infections again started to increase, many towns and cities in Serbia announced states of emergency linked to the pandemic.

Policija pretukla i povredila novinara Bete iako se legitimisao


Pripadnici MUP-a Srbije oko 23.30 potisnuli su demonstrante u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra prema okolnim ulicama a u intervenciji su povredili izveštača agencije Beta, uprkos tome što im je pokazao novinarsku legitimaciju.

Oni su ga tukli pendrecima, iako im je stavio do znanja da je novinar na zadatku, čak i onda kada je pao na zemlju.

Novinar Bete zadobio je povrede i posekotine po glavi i kod oka, a policajci su se vraćali da ga tuku na zemlji.

Intervenciji je prethodilo ispaljivanje velike količine suzavca.

Kako javlja reporter agenciji Beta, policajci su u dužem vremenskom periodu ispaljivala ogromne količine suzavca prema demonstrantima koji su bili u rejonu Tašmajdanskog parka.

Nakon toga došlo je do intervencije policije, koja je potisnula preostale demonstrante.

NUNS: SPC da prestane sa etiketiranjem novinara


Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije najoštrije osuđuje saopštenje patrijarha Srpske pravoslavne crkve u kom se redakcija Danasa bezobzirno napada i vređa i upozorava javnost da je uticajni verski poglavar svojim ekstremističkim istupom ozbiljno ugrozio bezbednost novinara i svih zaposlenih u Danasu.

U svom pamfletu vrh SPC-a koristi već poznate i krajnje opasne etikete iz mračnih devedesetih te naziva ugledni beogradski dnevnik “antisrpskim” i “autošovinističkim“, a i episkopa Grigorija svrstava u arhineprijatelje srpskog naroda i kriminalce.

Reakcija SPC-a usledila je nakon teksta objavljenog u Danasu o donaciji crkvi iz budžetske rezerve Republike Srbije, vrednoj milijardu dinara.

Vođeni javnim interesom, urednici i novinari Danasa su otvorili temu o trošenju novca gradjana Srbije u jeku epidemije. Želeći da o slučaju profesionalno izveste, novinari su kontaktirali predstavnike SPC ali odgovor nisu dobili. Nakon što je tekst izašao usledilo je saopštenje iz Kabineta patrijarha u kojem je Danas označen kao neprijatelji srpskog naroda i crkve.

NUNS izražava ozbiljnu zabrinutost zbog verbalne agresije crkvenih glavešina i njihovog praktično otvorenog poziva na linč Danasovih novinara i poziva SPC da prestane sa ovakvom praksom.

Beograd, 8. jul 2020. godine

Plain clothes police attack N1 TV crew during protest


Plain clothes police tried to stop an N1 TV crew from recording police officers beating a single protester in the park in front of the Serbian presidency building during Tuesday night’s violence in front of the Serbian parliament.

N1’s Jelena Zoric said that two police officers tried to push the crew away to stop them from recording the police brutality incident. Zoric said the police were in plain clothes and wearing face masks.

The young man was hit several times before the police handcuffed him and led him away.

In a separate incident also recorded by N1, several police officers in riot gear beat up three young men sitting on a bench in front of the presidency building.

(VIDEO) Policajac udario pendrekom novinarku Nova.rs


Do incidenta je došlo na Trgu Nikole Pašića ispred zgrade “Borbe” dok je Božinović uživo prenosila dešavanja na Fejsbuk profilu Nova.rs. Ona je u jednom trenutku pokušala da priđe muškarcu koji je povređene glave sedeo na samom ulazu u zgradu “Borbe”, dok je njegova supruga pored molila za pomoć.

Našu novinarku su policajci sprečili da čoveku koji je krvario da maramicu, a kad je pokušala da im objasni da se tu nalazi službeno kao novinar, jedan od njih ju je udario pendrekom po zadnjici.

“Idi, bre, svojim putem, bre”, rekao joj je jedan policajac, dok mu je drugi dobacivao “da je ne dira”. Tad ju je i udario.

Incident se može videti na snimku:

Novinarska i medijska udruženja: Potvrda presude – prvi korak ka istini o ubistvu Ćuruvije


Novinarska i medijska udruženja i asocijacije izražavaju nadu da će Apelacioni sud u Beogradu potvrditi presudu Odeljenja za organizovani kriminal Višeg suda, kojom su na ukupno 100 godina zatvora osuđeni pripadnici Resora državne bezbednosti zbog ubistva novinara Slavka Ćuruvije.

Smatramo da je ova presuda tek prvi korak ka potpunom rasvetljavanju stravične likvidacije, što podrazumeva i otkrivanje političke pozadine ubistva i svih ličnosti koji su učestvovali u pripremi terena i planiranju egzekucije. Javnost mora da zna sve detalje ubistva kako bi se otklonile ili potvrdile sumnje da su u njemu učestvovale i neke ličnosti koje i danas obavljaju važne javne funkcije.
Potvrdom presude po prvi put će pravosnažno biti osuđeni počinioci ubistva novinara u Srbiji, i upućujemo veliku zahvalnost svima koji su se godinama hrabro borili da ovaj zločin dobije pravosudni epilog. Potvrda presude nakon dugogodišnjeg suđenja i nakon 21 godine od ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije, svakako će biti važna satisfakcija za njegovu porodicu i kolege, pogotovo ukoliko u što kraćem roku svi počinioci počnu da služe svoje zatvorske kazne.

Ističemo, međutim, da novinari u Srbiji neće biti bezbedni sve dok i drugi slučajevi ubistva novinara, potom fizički nasrtaji na njih, svakodnevne stravične pretnje kojima su izloženi – ne budu sankcionisani, i dok se ne razotkrije, ukoliko postoji, politička pozadina ovih događaja.

Presuda za ubistvo Ćuruvije, koliko god važna, neće značiti mnogo ako predstavnici vlasti ne prestanu da produkuju atmosferu mržnje i nasilja, odnosno, ukoliko nastave da crtaju mete na čelu novinara koji obavljaju svoj posao na predan i profesionalan način.

Asocijacija onlajn medija – AOM
Asocijacija medija
Lokal press
Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine – NDNVa
Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije – NUNS

Beograd, 7. jul 2020. godine

Violence against female journalists in BiH is on the rise, 19 cases registered in 2019.


For the most part, women journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not recognise violence or attacks against them as being gender-motivated because they are not sufficiently aware and educated about their rights and the various manifestations of mobbing, discrimination and pressure, showed the research of BH Journalists Association on media freedoms and safety of journalists in BiH in 2019.

According to Milica Samardžić, coordinator of the activities of the Female Journalists Network in BiH, assaults, threats and other forms of female journalist abuse are manifested in a different way from their male counterparts – they are characterized by brutality, insults at the expense of their appearance, hate speech and discriminatory rhetoric, and long-term and targeted focus on a particular person, often through on-line violence and organised “chases” on social networks.

In 2019, a total of 19 cases of threats and violence against female journalists were reported to the Free Media Help Line. Particularly drastic attacks and threats  were targeted at a female journalist from Sarajevo, Kristina Ljevak (hate speech, death threats, ethic intolerance), a blogger and author from Mostar, Martina Mlinarević (hate speech, death threats, sexual harassment via social networks), a female journalist from Banja Luka, Vanja Stokić (harassment by RS police) and Meliha Smajkić from Mostar (physical assault while filming on a job).

The Free Media Help Line database shows that female journalists are often offended by attackers alluding to their physical appearance: “Second-hand wife”, “prostitutes”, “freaks”, as well as “whores”, “bitches” and the like. Particularly concerning is the fact that many such insults come from politicians and government officials at all levels of government.

In addition to being exposed to various forms of discrimination in society, which is reflected in their ability to perform their professional tasks freely and without pressure, women in the media have been fighting for years to achieve an equal position with men within the profession. The data speaks that women hold less than 30% of managerial positions in the BiH media. The share of women in the position of a media director is 25.3% vs. men 74.7%. The smallest percentage of women directors is in the television sector – 15.8%. According to data from the research “Women and the Media: Employees and Management Structures” by Amer Džihana, the highest number of women editors-in-chief is in the radio sector (44.7%) and the smallest in the on-line media (21.7%).

Media where working conditions are good, wages are regular and women’s rights are respected are more the exception than the rule. Many young female journalists, when they are just starting out, encounter sexism in the workplace, and because of their inexperience and lack of awareness about their rights, they do not know how to counter it. As many as 83.7% of female respondents believe that mobbing against female journalists is partly or fully present in the media in BiH, showed an interdisciplinary study on the position of female journalists in BiH by Zarfa Hrnjić Kuduzović, Zlatiborka Popov Momčinović and Amela Delić. Mobbing cases are reported to the Free Media Help Line and Human Rights Ombudsmen, but not to the competent courts for the lack of confidence in the positive outcome of court proceedings.

Due to frequent attacks on female journalists, BH Journalists Association initiated and established a Female Journalists Network to educate female journalists/reporters, female editors and female journalism students on gender policies, equality and equal access to editorial, managerial and governing positions, advocating for the respect of the rights of female journalists and other female media professionals, and providing legal services. and psychosocial assistance to female journalists whose rights are being violated.

(Data from the research „Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019“ that will be published soon)

Nasilje nad novinarkama u BiH u porastu, u 2019. zabilježeno 19 slučajeva


Novinarke u Bosni i Hercegovini većinom ne prepoznaju nasilje ili napade na njih kao rodno motivirane jer nisu dovoljno osviještene i educirane o svojim pravima i različitim pojavnim oblicima mobinga, diskriminacije i pritisaka, pokazalo je istraživanje Udruženja/udruge BH novinari o medijskim slobodama i sigurnosti novinara/ki u BiH u 2019. godini.

Prema riječima Milice Samardžić, koordinatorice aktivnosti Mreže novinarki u BiH, napadi, prijetnje i drugi oblici kršenja prava novinarki manifestiraju se na drugačiji način nego kod njihovih muških kolega – karakteriziraju ih brutalnost, uvrede na račun fizičkog izgleda, govor mržnje i diskriminatorna retorika, te dugotrajna i ciljana usmjerenost na određenu osobu, često kroz online nasilje i organizirane “hajke” na društvenim mrežama.

U 2019. godini Linija za pomoć novinarima, koja djeluje u okviru Udruženja BH novinari zabilježila je ukupno 19 slučajeva prijetnji i nasilja nad novinarkama. Posebno drastični napadi i prijetnje bili su protiv novinarke Kristine Ljevak iz Sarajeva (govor mržnje, prijetnje smrću, nacionalna netrpeljivost), blogerice i spisateljice Martine Mlinarević iz Mostara (govor mržnje, prijetnje smrću, seksualno uznemiravanje putem društvenih mreža), novinarke Vanje Stokić iz Banje Luke (uznemiravanje policije RS-a) te Melihe Smajkić iz Mostara (fizički napad tokom snimanja na radnom zadatku).

Baza slučajeva Linije za pomoć novinarima pokazuje da novinarke vrlo često napadači vrijeđaju aludirajući na njihov fizički izgled: „polovnjače“, „prostitutke“, „nakaze“, kao i „k..ve“, „kučke“ i sl. Posebno zabrinjava činjenica da veliki broj ovakvih uvreda dolazi od političara i državnih zvaničnika na svim nivoima vlasti.

Pored toga što su izložene različitim oblicima diskriminacije u društvu, što se odražava i na njihove mogućnosti da svoje profesionalne zadatke obavljaju slobodno i bez pritiska, žene u medijima već godinama se bore da unutar profesije ostvare ravnopravan položaj s muškarcima. O tome govori i podatak da žene zauzimaju manje od 30% rukovodećih pozicija u bh. medijima. Udio žena na pozicijama direktorica u medijima je 25,3%, a muškaraca 74,7%. Najmanji procenat žena je na direktorskim pozicijama u televizijskom sektoru: 15,8%. Prema podacima iz istraživanja „Žene i mediji: zaposleice i upravljačke strukture“ autora Amera Džihane, na pozicijama glavne i odgovorne urednice najveći broj žena nalazi se u radijskom sektoru (44,7%), a najmanji u online medijima (21,7%).

Mediji u kojima su radni uvjeti dobri, plaće redovne, a prava žena se poštuju, više su izuzetak nego pravilo. Mnoge mlade novinarke kada tek počnu raditi nailaze na seksizam na radnom mjestu, a zbog neiskustva i nepoznavanja vlastitih prava ne znaju kako se tome suprotstaviti. Čak 83,7% ispitanica smatra da je mobing nad novinarkama dijelom ili u potpunosti prisutan u medijima u BiH, pokazala je interdisciplinarna studija o položaju novinarki u BiH autorica Zarfe Hrnjić Kuduzović, Zlatiborke Popov Momčinović i Amele Delić.

Slučajevi mobinga prijavljuju se Liniji za pomoć novinarima i ombudsmanima za ljudska prava, ali ne i nadležnim sudovima, zbog nepovjerenja u pozitivan ishod sudskih postupaka.

Zbog učestalih napada na njih, BH novinari su inicirali i osnovali Mrežu novinarki s ciljem edukacije novinarki, urednica i studentica novinarstva o rodnim politikama, ravnopravnosti i jednakom pristupu uredničkim, menadžerskim i upravljačkim pozicijama, zagovaranja poštivanja prava novinarki i drugih medijskih djelatnica, te pružanja pravne i psihosocijalne pomoći novinarkama čija se prava krše.

(Podaci iz izvještaja „Indikatori nivoa medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara u Bosni i Hercegovini 2019“ koji će biti objavljen uskoro)