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Journalists’ messages for World Press Freedom Day


To mark World Press Freedom Day, we asked our colleagues who have been, in one form or another, attacked between May 3, 2019 and May 3, 2020, to send us their quotes or opinions about the attacks, threats and harsh language used by politicians against them, or for conditions in the workplace and violation of their rights. The album also includes the quotes of the award-winning journalists of the annual journalism awards on May 3 last year.

Për të shënuar Ditën Botërore të Lirisë së Shtypit, kërkuam nga kolegët tanë të cilët kanë qenë, në një formë apo tjetrën, të sulmuar ndërmjet periudhës 3 maj 2019 – 3 maj 2020, të na dërgojnë thënjet apo opinionet e tyre për sulmet, kërcënimet dhe gjuhën e ashpër të përdorur nga politikanët ndaj tyre, apo për kushtet në vendin e punës dhe shkeljen e të drejtave të tyre. Albumit i janë bashkuar edhe gazetarët fitues të çmimeve vjetore të gazetarisë më 3 maj të vitit të kaluar.

Povodom obeležavanja Svetskog dana slobode štampe, zamolili smo naše kolege koji su, u jednom ili drugom obliku, bili napadnuti u periodu između 3. maja 2019. i 3. maja 2020. godine, da nam pošalju svoje izreke ili mišljenja o napadima, pretnjama i oštrom jeziku koji su političari koristili protiv njih,
odnosno mišljenja u vezi sa uslovima na radnom mestu i kršenju njihovih prava. Albumu su se pridružili i novinari dobitnici godišnjih novinarskih nagrada 3. maja prošle godine.

Some officials in municipalities or politicians, give themselves the right to blackmail, insult, threat and physically attack towards journalists and they do so through their subordinates, party exponents and clans. Such acts polarize society, violate freedom of expression and endanger democracy in the country, so their distancing from those actions is necessary. – Kajtaz Gecaj, Journalist

Neki zvaničnici u opštinama ili političari sebi daju za pravo da ucenjuju, psuju, vređaju, prete i fizički napadaju novinare, i to rade preko svojih podređenih, stranačkih eksponenata i klanova. Ovakvi postupci polariziraju društvo, krše slobodu izražavanja i ugrožavaju demokratiju u zemlji, pa je zato potrebno njihovo distanciranje od tih dela. – Kajtaz Gecaj, novinar

Women journalists are still excluded from decision-making positions and this is considered normal. A journalist woman is discouraged from being direct and confrontational with those who should be held accountable to the public. – Zana Cimili, Journalist

Žene novinarke su i dalje isključene iz pozicija donošenja odluka i to se smatra normalnim. Žena novinar je obeshrabrena da bude direktna i da se ne složi sa onima koji trebaju polagati račune javnosti. – Zana Cimili, novinarka

Due to the inability to face with language of arguments, some politicians unscrupulously choose attacks, threats and harsh language, sometimes directly and sometimes by their delegates. When we journalists get to this point, we call the fulfilled mission. Our truth is more “threatening” to them than their threats to us. Other difference is that their threats are criminal. – Paulina Nushi Muhaxhiri, Journalist

Neki političari u nemogućnosti da se suoče jezikom argumenata beskrupulozno biraju napade, pretnje i oštar jezik, ponekad direktno, a ponekad i putem svojih delegata. Kada mi novinari dođemo do ove tačke, misiju nazivamo ispunjenom. Naša istina je veća “pretnja” za njih nego njihove pretnje nad nama. Druga razlika je u tome što njihove pretnje predstavljanju krivično delo. – Paulina Nushi Muhaxhiri, novinarka

Attacks on journalists from whichever side they come from, I consider they are a great threat to freedom of expression in any society and danger to democracies. – Irfan Maliqi, Journalist

Smatram da napadi na novinare sa koje god strane došli, u bilo kojem društvu predstavljaju veliku pretnju slobodi izražavanja i opasnost za demokratije. – Irfan Maliqi, novinar

I am hindered from the truth, but I got up and continued the path. – Elmedina Ballazi, Journalist

Iako sam bila za istinom sprečena, ustala sam i nastavila svojim putem – Elmedina Ballazhi, novinarka

Physical attacks and threats against journalists violate and restrict freedom of expression, creating a frightening environment for reporting. Journalists needs to be and feel free to do their job. – Besnik Boletini, Journalist

Fizički napadi i pretnje novinarima narušavaju i ograničavaju slobodu izražavanja, stvarajući zastrašujuće okruženje za izveštavanje. Novinari treba da budu i da se osećaju slobodno u obavljanju svoje dužnosti. – Besnik Boletini, novinar

The conditions of media workers in general are not good. Prolonged working hours and contractless work are one of the main problems. – Arsim Rexhepi.

Uslovi medijskih radnika generalno nisu dobri. Produženo radno vreme i rad bez ugovora su jedni od osnovnih problema. – Arsim Rexhepi, Kamerman

AJK and Labor Inspectorate should do more, as many colleagues’ works without employment contracts, in difficult conditions – adding here the situation with COVID – 19 where most of them have either been fired or their monthly salary is reduced. – Nebih Maxhuni, Journalist

U vezi toga, UNK i Inspekcija rada trebaju da učine više, s obzirom na to da većina kolega radi bez ugovora o radu, u teškim uslovima – dodajmo ovde i situaciju sa COVID – 19, zbog koje većina njih je otpuštena ili im je mesečna plata smanjena. – Nebih Maxhuni, novinar

Journalists continue to face poor working conditions, especially in new media companies, where is done work on extended schedule, without contracts and with many responsibilities. AJK should raise these concerns, while the Labor Inspectorate should do its job. – Diamant Bajra, Journalist

Novinari se i dalje suočavaju sa lošim uslovima rada, posebno u novim medijskim kompanijama, gde se radi prekovremeno, bez ugovora i sa mnogim odgovornostima. UNK bi trebalo da izrazi svoju zabrinutost, dok bi Inspekcija rada trebalo da obavlja svoj posao. – Diamant Bajra, novinar

When the right of public to know what is happening inside and outside politics and other situations is threatened, the role of the free press importance increases even more! – Norë Kelmendi,

Journalist Kada je ugroženo pravo javnosti da zna šta se dešava unutar i izvan politike, kao i drugih situacija, tada se značaj uloge slobodne štampe još više povećava! – Norë Kelmendi, novinarka

Harsh language, attacks and threats are the strategy of the weak towards media. If you are trying to suppress free media, be aware that you have declared war on democracy. – Artina Muçiqi, Journalist

Oštar jezik, napadi i pretnje su strategije slabića nad medijima. Ako pokušate da potisnete slobodne medije, znajte da ste objavili rat demokratiji. – Artina Muçiqi, novinarka

Protecting media freedom means defending your freedom. Otherwise, without free journalism, you don’t matter, because your voice can’t be heard. ” – Mejreme Gashi, Journalist

Braniti slobodu medija znači braniti vašu slobodu. Inače, bez slobodnog novinarstva ti nisi bitan, jer se tvoj glas ne može čuti.” – Mejreme Gashi, novinarka

While there are many media outlets in Kosovo, not all working staff are journalists. I agree with the fact that there are editorial policies running by politics or business. What I disagree is that they are described as a newsroom, freedom fighters and guardian of the public interest. – Tatjana Lazarević, Journalist

I dok postoje mnoge medijske redakcije na Kosovu, nisu svi oni koji u njima rade novinari. Nemam ništa protiv činjenice da postoje uređivačke politike koje su pod političkim uticajem ili uticajem biznisa. Ono što nije u redu jeste to da se takve redakcije proglašavaju za novinarske, za borce slobode štampe, branioce javnog interesa. – Tatjana Lazarević, novinarka

Journalist is entity in danger and dangerous. Despite doing a noble, stressful, dynamic, and stressful job, journalists are usually low pay. They are also easily
physically assaulted and verbally lynched by politicians and powerful people. Therefore, financially and physically, they are always in dangerous. However, when journalist reports responsibly, he is a dangerous being to all those who break law. – Mirlind Behluli, Journalist

Novinar je biće u opasnosti a i opasno je. Iako obavljaju plemenit, pot pritiskom, dinamičan i veoma stresan posao, novinari su uglavnom malo plaćeni. Takođe, političari i moćni ljudi ih lako fizički napadaju i verbalno linčuju. Prema tome su, u finansijskom i fizičkom smislu, uvek izloženi opasnosti. Međutim, kada novinar izveštava odgovorno, ono je opasno biće sa sve one koji krše zakon. – Mirlind Behluli, novinar

Some politicians are surprised even themselves by their threats against journalists. Because when they think that threats will stop the truth and free speech, we boldly despair them. As more as they threat, we don’t silence, but we dare more! – Denis Galushi, Journalist

Neki političari su i sami začuđeni svojim pretnjama nad novinarima. Jer, kada misle de će pretnjama zaustaviti istinu i slobodu govora, mi ih s našom hrabrošću razočaramo. Što nam više prete, ne ćutimo, već smo čak i više smeliji! – Denis Galushi, novinar


SMCG for the eighth time a part of the regional action: Five minutes for press freedom


PODGORICA, 03.05.2020. – Trade Union of Media of Montenegro for the eighth time participates in the regional action Five minutes of thunderous silence organized on the occasion of May 3rd – The World Press Freedom Day.

We invite all our members and members, as well as all other colleagues, to join the action scheduled for May 3, from 11:55 to 12:00, and the rules for its implementation are below.


At 11.55, start the action in the workplaces and interrupt your work and communication up to 12 hours. During the protest, members of the SMCG will read the announcement on May 3rd, the World Press Freedom Day.



Colleagues working in the radio, please read the customised text in the ether and interrupt the program until 12.00 hours or broadcast light instrumental music.



Our colleagues in television stations are kindly requested to read the customised text from the screen and, if possible, interrupt the program until 12.00 hours. Wherever possible, the picture on the screen should be a customised text of the SMCG.



Colleagues in portals and agencies, please publish the announcement of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro at 11.55 and, if possible, do not post any other news or comments until 12.00 o’clock.



All colleagues who, on May 3, at 11.55 hours, are at assigments (especially at the sessions of state and local government bodies, parties and similar gatherings), please get up and join the action of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, and by agreement, they can also leave the room for five minutes.


With Five minutes of thunderous silence, we should clearly state our union and professional solidarity and determination in order to protect the rights that belong to us.

Thank you for your response and your solidarity!

Main Board of Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

BH Journalists: We reject congratulations, we want media freedom!


SARAJEVO/BANJA LUKA, 03.05.2020. – On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association calls on all journalists, editors and other media professionals to jointly oppose open, targeted and frequent violations of journalistic rights and media freedoms in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Since May last year until this year’s festivity of free journalism, BH Journalists have recorded 49 physical assaults, death threats and political pressures. Workplace mobbing, layoffs, discrimination and other forms of endangering of labor rights in the media are on the rise. Of particular concern is the growing poverty of media workers, who carry out their hard and responsible work for degrading salaries, the lowest among all professions that imply a high level of knowledge and professional integrity.

We especially emphasize the unacceptably large number of cases (21) of violations of journalists’ rights and freedom of the media since the beginning of 2020, especially in the period of extraordinary circumstances caused by Covid-19. Because of their work, critical and investigative journalists are daily exposed to hostile treatment, pressure, and denial of access to public events and information.

Most threats to journalists, violations of their rights and safety come from public officials, political figures or top government officials. Therefore, with indignation, we reject all congratulations and political messages to the media community on the occasion of May 3rd. Instead of congratulations, we demand that BiH public officials respect the right to freedom of expression! Instead of political flicks, we demand the effective punishment of attackers against journalists and those who hide public information from the media!

In a traditional survey of BH Journalists and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, this year again, BiH citizens expressed the highest level of trust in the media and journalists. This trust obliges responsible journalists and all other media professionals to never subordinate the public interest and journalistic ethics to propaganda and misinformation, or to act at any time under dictation and in the interests of political and economic power centres.

Today, more than ever, we all need to show how much we are ready to strengthen, together and in solidarity throughout BiH, the foundations of responsible journalism, objective information for citizens and critical dialogue in BiH society!

Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association

SMCG on the Media Freedom Day: Workers’ problems are accumulating


PODGORICA, 02.05.2020. – Three arrested journalists, several of them fired and a large number of silenced, dis-empowered and overburdened, with a standard number of unsolved cases of attacks on journalists – is a state in which Montenegro celebrates World Press Freedom Day, it is stated by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG).

“While commercial media owners are recording revenues (as evidenced by publicly available data for 2019) and can happily rub their hands on the abundant financial aid received and announced from the state, employees are in the same problems as in previous years. In the private media without the voice and in perpetual fear of dismissal, in local public broadcasters almost without earnings, and in the Public Service under various pressures and also in fear of dismissal due to publicly expressed opinion.

It is logical that employers do not try to change this situation, or even start to obey the laws that oblige them to treat employees with dignity, but the state, which guaranteed some rights to workers by those laws, does not try to enforce the employers to apply the law. To make the situation worse, the state representatives themselves do nothing to change the general situation. The only news is that they are increasingly giving themselves the right to declare what is fake news.

The set of amended media laws, despite numerous announcements, has not yet appeared before MPs and no one mentions it anymore, and thus, even those few new rights for employees contained in the proposals cannot be used. Attacks on journalists have not been solved and for some, such as the murder of Dusko Jovanovic, it is clear that they will not be solved. Police and the prosecution said the 2011 and 2014 ignition cases of Vijesti vehicle were illuminated, but did not say the motive behind the attacks. Similar was the case last year with the wounding of Oliver Lakic, but after that nothing has happened and there are no indictments.
The corona virus pandemic has brought new challenges, so we first watched news conferences without news crews, and now journalists are allowed to attend conferences of the National Infectious Diseases Coordination Body (NKT) while photographers and cameramen are not. We demand that this be urgently changed as we do not see the logic of allowing part of the media workers while discriminating the others. They are not allowed to attend events organized by the Government or the Assembly. The invocation of epidemiological risk in this case is not justified because if some can , then the other would have to attend too. The NKT, with its recommendation, terminated the job of photographers and cameramen, and with the restriction began much earlier, it resulted in the dismissal of a number of colleagues.
We seek and call for the solidarity of our colleagues. Let us be in solidarity with the people in the media in which we work, but also with all media workers, because the divisions they impose are not ours, but also because it has repeatedly shown that we are all the same for the consequences and that only united we can fight for a better position”, it is stated by the SMCG.



There are 905 current lawsuits against journalists and the media in Croatia, with prosecutors claiming almost HRK 68 million, according to the results of an annual poll conducted by the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) earlier this year, published to celebrate World Press Freedom Day (May 3rd). Of the 23 media outlets that responded to CJA’s poll, 18 have a current lawsuit over violation of honor and reputation in their journalistic articles.

The largest number of lawsuits are filed against Hanza media (Jutarnji list, Slobodna Dalmacija and Sportske novosti), with as many as 502, weighing an average of HRK 100,000. Styria (Večernji list and 24 sata) follow in the poll, with 170 lawsuits including an average amount per claim of about HRK 156,000.

The CJA itself has three active lawsuits. Croatian Radio and Television (HRT) has an active criminal proceeding against CJA’s President Hrvoje Zovko, as well as a claim for damages of HRK 250,000, claims against CJA in the amount of HRK 200,000, and within the same lawsuit, a claim for HRK 50,000 against Sanja Mikleušević Pavić, president of CJA’s branch at HRT. Let’s not forget, this is a unique case of lawsuits by the management of the public media service against its own employees, as well as the professional journalists’ association.

Of the total number of 905 lawsuits, 859 refer to civil lawsuits over violation of honor and reputation led against the publishers, their editors and journalists for published texts and articles, while the other 46 are currently active criminal lawsuits. The most prominent among prosecutors are politicians, businessmen, public figures, local government units, companies, associations, chambers and even judges themselves

A total of lawsuits covered by CJA’s survey claim at least HRK 67.8 million. The amounts of initial lawsuits in civil proceedings are often much higher than the final ones, which says a lot about the effect these actions actually have on the media and journalists – the goal is to intimidate and encourage censorship and self-censorship.

Večernji list, for example, has 93 active litigation cases, in which the average claim amounts to HRK 155,719. In 2019, they had a total of 28 verdicts, with an average amount of HRK 21,919.

“The sum of 905 lawsuits against journalists and the media, although slightly lower than last year, shows that the persecution of the media and journalists in Croatia is still ongoing. It should be noted that the actual figure is higher, as the number of 905 lawsuits make part of the collected data from only 18 media outlets. We want to clearly warn the domestic and international public that lawsuits are the most common means of intimidating journalists and the media to give up serious investigative stories. High compensation claims seek to destroy them financially. Emotional distress seems to be a lucrative business because it is only treated with high compensation claims. Of particular concern is the fact that high-level state officials, local sheriffs, and judges themselves are involved in filing these lawsuits. This war on lawsuits against journalists and the media is a great shame for Croatia”, said Hrvoje Zovko, president of the Croatian Journalists’ Association, commenting on this year’s CJA poll.

Without regard to this poll, according to information provided to CJA from the Ministry of Justice, the total number of active criminal cases in which the defendants are journalists, in all courts in Croatia as of December 31st, 2019, was 111. Additionally, during last year, a total of 416 civil lawsuits were filed against journalists with claims for damages.

According to last year’s CJA poll, which included responses from 19 media outlets, in February 2019, there were 1,163 litigation cases active in Croatia. Although this year’s numbers are smaller, these are still cases of SLAPP (Strategic lawsuit against public participation), with lawsuits aimed at censoring, intimidating and silencing critics by burdening them with legal proceedings, a serious and dangerous mechanism that threatens the freedom of media.



U Hrvatskoj je trenutno aktivno 905 tužbi protiv novinara i medija od kojih tužitelji potražuju gotovo 68 milijuna kuna, pokazuju rezultati godišnje ankete koju je Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo provelo među medijima početkom godine, a objavljuje ju ususret Svjetskom danu slobode medija, koji se obilježava 3. svibnja. Od 23 medija koji su odgovorili na anketu, 18 ih ima aktualni sudski spor zbog povrede časti i ugleda u svojim novinarskim prilozima.

Najviše tužbi ima Hanza media (Jutarnji list, Slobodna Dalmacija i Sportske novosti), njih čak 502, teških u prosjeku 100 tisuća kuna. Nakon nje je Styria (Večernji list i 24 sata) sa 170 tužbi s prosječnim iznosom po tužbenom zahtjevu od oko 156 tisuća kuna.

I sam HND ima tri aktivna sudska spora. Protiv predsjednika HND-a Hrvoja Zovka Hrvatska radiotelevizija vodi kazneni spor, kao i spor za naknadu štete od 250 tisuća kuna, protiv HND-a potražuje 200 tisuća kuna, a u istoj tužbi protiv predsjednice Ogranka HND-a na HTV-u Sanje Mikleušević Pavić 50 tisuća kuna. Podsjetimo, riječ je o jedinstvenom slučaju tužbi javnog medijskog servisa protiv vlastitih zaposlenika, ali i strukovne novinarske udruge.

Od ukupnog broja od 905 tužbi, 861 se odnosi na parnične postupke za naknadu štete zbog povrede časti i ugleda koji se vode protiv izdanja, njihovih urednika i novinara zbog objavljenih tekstova i priloga, dok su trenutno aktivne 44 kaznene tužbe. Među tužiteljima se najviše ističu političari, gospodarstvenici, osobe iz javnog života, jedinice lokalne samouprave, tvrtke, udruge, komore pa čak i sami suci.

Ukupno se tužbama obuhvaćenim HND-ovim istraživanjem traži najmanje 67,8 milijuna kuna. Iznosi inicijalnih tužbenih zahtjeva u građanskim postupcima često su puno veći od pravomoćno dosuđenih, što puno govori o efektu koji ti postupci zapravo imaju na medije i novinare – cilj je zastrašiti i potaknuti na cenzuru i samocenzuru.

Večernji list, na primjer, ima 93 aktivna parnična postupka u kojima je prosječni iznos po tužbenom zahtjevu 155.719 kuna. U 2019. godini imali su ukupno 28 presuda s prosječnim dosuđenim iznosom od 21.919 kuna.

“Brojka od 905 tužbi protiv novinara i medija, iako nešto manja u odnosu na prošlu godinu, pokazuje da pravosudni progon medija i novinara u Hrvatskoj i dalje traje. Treba napomenuti kako je stvarna brojka i veća jer je smo ovaj podatak dobili od tek 18 medija. Želimo jasno upozoriti domaću i međunarodnu javnost kako su tužbe najčešće sredstvo zastrašivanja novinara i medija kako bi odustali od ozbiljnih istraživačkih priča. Visokim odštetnim zahtjevima želi ih se uništiti financijski. Čini se da su duševne boli unosan biznis jer se liječe samo velikim odštetnim zahtjevima. U svemu posebno zabrinjava činjenica da u podizanju tužbi sudjeluju i visoki državni dužnosnici, lokalni šerifi, pa i sami suci. Ovaj rat tužbama protiv novinara i medija velika je sramota za Hrvatsku”, kaže predsjednik HND-a Hrvoje Zovko i dodaje kako HND ovu tužnu brojku objavljuje ususret Svjetskom danu slobode medija, koji se obilježava 3. svibnja.

Neovisno o ovoj anketi, prema podacima koje je HND dobio od Ministarstva pravosuđa, ukupan broj novih aktivnih kaznenih predmeta u kojima su tuženici novinari na svim sudovima u Hrvatskoj na 31. prosinca 2019. godine bio je 111. Također, lani je protiv novinara pokrenuto novih 416 parničnih predmeta za naknadu štete.

Prema lanjskoj HND-ovoj anketi na koju je odgovorilo 19 medija, u Hrvatskoj je u veljači 2019. bilo aktivno 1163 sudskih sporova. Iako je ovogodišnja brojka manja, i dalje je riječ o SLAPP-u (Strategic lawsuit against public participation), tužbama kojima je cilj cenzurirati, zastrašiti i ušutkati kritičare opterećujući ih sudskim postupcima, ozbiljnom i opasnom mehanizmu koji ugrožava slobodu medija.

Savjet Evrope: Ubistvo Duška Jovanovića među najstarijim neriješenim slučajevima

foto: dan.co.me

PODGORICA, 01.05.2020. – Slučajevi nekažnjenih ubistava novinara u Evropi, uključujući ubistvo direktora i glavnog i odgovornog urednika „Dana“ Duška Jovanovića, ukazuju na višestruke nedostatke i kašnjenja u istragama krivičnih djela, kao i neotkrivanje izvršilaca, organizatora ili naručilaca ovih zločina, konstatovano je u godišnjem izvještaju „Skinite ruke sa slobode medija: Napadi na medije u Evropi ne smiju postati normalni“.

U izvještaju koji su partnerske organizacije pripremile za platformu Savjeta Evrope (SE) koja promoviše zaštitu i bezbjednost novinara, Crna Gora se nalazi u grupi zemalja (Malta, Turska, Ukrajina, Rusija, Azerbejdžan, Srbija i Velika Britanija) koja ima neriješena ubistva novinara. Slučaj ubistva Duška Jovanovića nalazi se na četvrtom mjestu najstarijih zločina nad novinarima u Evropi, koji do danas nijesu rasvijetljeni.

“Ovi slučajevi ukazuju na višestruke nedostatke i kašnjenja u istragama krivičnih djela, koji su posledica neuspjeha u sprovođenju zakona i organa gonjenja. Često, u istragama nijesu preduzete potrebne radnje da se osiguraju dokazi o mogućim vezama između ubistava i novinarskog posla, i veze između osumnjičenih i lokalnih, regionalnih ili državnih vlasti. Kao rezultat toga, čak i kada su počinioci ili ubice procesuirani, organizatori ili nalogodavci često ostanu neidentifikovani. Zato nekažnjivost često otkriva šire, sistemske nedostatke u vladavini zakona”, konstatovano je u izvještaju.

Partnerske organizacije su preporučile da se države članice pozabave ovim dubokim nedostacima kroz sveobuhvatnu istragu i usklađen program pravosudnih reformi, u skladu sa implementacionom strategijom Savjeta Evrope zasnovanom na preporuci Komiteta ministara o bezbjednosti novinara.

“Parlamentarna skupština treba da nastavi da vrši pritisak na države članice da se pozabave nekažnjivošću, uključujući praćenje svih slučajeva ubijenih novinara”, citirano je u izvještaju.

Navodi se da do kraja 2019. godine nije kažnjen 31 slučaj napada na novinare u Evropi, od kojih se 22 odnose na neriješena ubistva. Na platformi Savjeta Evrope registrovane su 142 ozbiljne prijetnje medijskim slobodama, uključujući i 33 napada na novinare, 17 slučajeva kažnjavanja, odnosno zatvaranja novinara, 43 slučaja uznemiravanja i dva slučaja ubistva novinara.

BH Journalists: Public protest to Fahrudin Solak, director of the Federal Civil Protection Directorate


SARAJEVO, 30.04.2020. – The Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association and the Free Media Help Line send a public protest to Fahrudin Solak, director of the Federal Civil Protection Directorate, over his request to the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office of Sarajevo Canton to urgently initiate an investigation in order to examine “biased and false allegations” in connection with the procurement of one hundred respirators, worth 10.5 million convertible marks.

In his request to the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office, director Solak states, among other things, that “in the last few days, untrue media reports have been published against the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Civil Protection Headquarters, as well as the Government body managing the protection and rescue operations and the Federal Civil Protection Directorate as an expert service, in connection with the procurement of respirators for medical facilities due to the coronavirus virus pandemic.” Furthermore, Mr. Solak requests from the investigating authorities to “promptly investigate and examine biased and false allegations. “

After most media outlets in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been reporting in detail over the past few days about the non-transparent and extremely suspicious purchase of respirators, approved by Fahrudin Solak with his signature, he and his associates are now manipulatively trying responsibility for any illegal activities, that have yet to be determined, to transfer on journalists and media outlets?! Such actions are a brutal attack on freedom of the media and freedom of expression, and the misuse of the crisis and Covid-19 to prevent journalists from carrying out their tasks.

The BHJA Steering Committee and the Free Media Help Line strongly condemn Fahrudin Solak’s request to the Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office, which not only contains false accusations against journalists and the media, but vividly illustrates the complete ignorance and denial of the role of the media in a democratic society. It is shameful and unacceptable that Mr. Solak and other persons involved in the procurement of respirators try to direct the interest of the investigative organs to the media that have been reporting on the said purchase in the most responsible, professional way, and corroborated with official documents.

We emphasize that this is not the first time that representatives of the authorities, or even of the judicial authorities in BiH, have labeled, as the main “culprits” for various affairs, journalists and the media who have disclosed those affairs and made them public. This kind of a request to the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office is not only a direct attack by representatives of federal institutions on journalists and media outlets in BiH, as well as violation of the right to freedom of expression and information of citizens, but also an attempt of unlawfully institutionalized influence and pressure on investigative bodies dealing with this case.

About all of the above, the BH Journalists and the Free Media Help Line will inform all relevant domestic and foreign organizations and institutions dealing with the protection of media rights and freedoms, as well as representatives of the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Savet Evrope: U Srbiji raste broj napada i pretnji novinarima


BEOGRAD, 29.04.2020. – U Srbiji je broj napada na medije, uključujući pretnje smrću novinarima, tokom 2019. godine bio u porastu, navodi se u godišnjem izveštaju Platforme Saveta Evrope za unapređenje zaštite novinarstva i bezbednosti novinara.

Zapaljiva retorika često dolazi od državnih zvaničnika, dodaje se u danas objavljenom izveštaju partnerskih organizacija Saveta Evrope pod nazivom „Ruke dalje od slobode štampe: Napadi na medije u Evropi ne smeju da postanu nova normalnost“.

U Srbiji je zaključno sa 31. decembrom bilo 21 aktivno upozorenje na Platformi, od kojih je šest novih slučajeva prijavljeno tokom 2019, a država je odgovorila na četiri.

„Jedan od najozbiljnijih slučajeva zastrašivanja desio se u februaru, kada je televizijska stanica N1 primila pismo u kojem se njenim novinarima i njihovim porodicama preti smrću, a redakciji da će biti razneta“, navodi se u izveštaju i podseća da je zbog tih pretnji 70-godišnji muškarac iz Nove Pazove osuđen na osam meseci zatvora.

Još tri slučaja prijavljena 2019. odnosila su se na novinare televizije N1.

Dopisnica N1 sa Kosova Zana Cimili je u julu primila pretnje smrću preko društvenih mreža, a Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova je obavestilo Platformu da je osumnjičeni stavljen u kućni pritvor, uz zabranu korišćenja interneta.

U avgustu je ekipi N1 i novinaru televizije Federalna iz BiH Dejanu Kožulu prećeno tokom izveštavanja uoči fudbalske utakmice Lige šampiona u Beogradu.

Podseća se i da je novinar N1 Miodrag Sovilj u novembru bio meta verbalnih napada zvaničnika i provladinih medija, pošto je predsedniku Aleksandru Vučiću postavljao pitanja o navodnoj korupciji vladinih zvaničnika.

„Nakon što je predsednik hospitalizovan iz zdravstvenih razloga, njegovi saradnici i provladini mediji su protiv Sovilja pokrenuli kampanju blaćenja, pretnji i zastrašivanja, optužujući ga da je pogoršao predsednikovo zdravlje“, navodi se u izveštaju Platforme.

U izveštaju se podseća i na antivladine proteste u martu, kada je oko 100 demonstranata upalo u zgradu RTS-a. Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova je u odgovoru Platformi navelo da je nekoliko demonstranata osuđeno.

Među novim slučajevima na koje je upozoreno je i hapšenje uzbunjivača Aleksandra Obradovića, optuženog za otkrivanje poslovnih tajni državne fabrike namenske industrije Krušik.

U izveštaju se pozdravlja osuđujuća presuda za četiri pripadnika nekadašnje državne bezbednosti za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije, ali se napominje da i dalje nema napretka u istrazi ubistva novinarke Dade Vujasinović.