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AJM: Institutions to take urgent action on threats to Jordanovska and Koroveshovska


SKOPJE, 13.01.2020 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia condemns the threats and insults directed against the editor of “TV Alfa”, Iskra Koroveshovska by the person Emil Jakimovski. This is the same person who recently sent similar threats to journalist Meri Jordanovska.

The fact that concerns in both cases is that these threats contain elements of gender discrimination and such pressure on women journalists is a serious obstacle to freedom of expression, media freedom and the right of citizens to be informed.

AJM has been in contact with the Ministry of Interior on both cases and we were promised that MoI would work to completely clear these attacks. We also call on the Public Prosecutor’s Office to play an active role in rapidly investigating threats in order to prevent similar cases in the future.

The impunity of such acts has put the country at 95th place in the World Reporters Without Borders media freedom index, therefore we call for speedy and effective processing of these two cases.

We encourage colleagues not to succumb to such threats and insults and report them to AJM, in order to raise awareness among citizens that violence against journalists is unacceptable, but also to motivate competent institutions to actively protect our colleagues.

These threats should also be an additional incentive for the Ministry of Justice and the Assembly of the NMK to amend the Criminal Code, which will guarantee greater security and safety for journalists and media workers.

AJK condemns Slavko Simic’s personnel physical assault and their behavior towards arbresh.info team



PRISTINA, 11.01.2020 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo has received information that the arbresh.info team was physically attacked yesterday during their reporting of the visit of Kosovo Assembly Vice Chair, Slavko Simic, at the same time Vice President of the Serbian List, to the village of Prilluzha Municipality of Vushtrri.

According to reports by arbresh.info, Simic visited a secondary school and later the so-called parallel municipality of Prilluzha. The arbresh.info team was banned to be present to report about the meetings, while Serbian media were allowed to be present.

Moreover, as reported by arbresh.info journalist Elmedina Ballazhi, after her attempt to enter the second meeting, she was attacked by Simic’s personnel, striking her with the elbow in the chest and closing the door for her and the cameraman.

After two meetings, Simic again refused to declare for journalist Ballazhi. Despite these setbacks, he has denied through a written response to arbresh.info that the person who striked the journalist is part of his personnel.

“It wasn’t my personnel. Your journalists are always respected. I’m sorry for all these misunderstandings. See you in Pristina, and thank you for understanding.” wrote Simic.

The AJK strongly condemns these acts of Simic’s personnel, and we demand that they immediately distance themselves from these unacceptable acts. State officials should be transparent in their work and assist all journalists in fair and impartial reporting.

Poverenik SNS Niš vređao novinara “Južnih vesti” nakon teksta o stranačkom zapošljavanju


NIŠ, 11. 01. 2020. – “Nebitni ste”, “lažovi”, “nepismeni”, samo su neke od uvreda koje je poverenik niških naprednjaka i vlasnik Kopernikus televizije Zvezdan Milovanović uputio novinaru Južnih vesti, samo sat vremena nakon što je objavljen tekst o partijskom zapošljavanju, koji je zasnovan na procureloj Viber prepisci SNS funkcionera.

Milovanović je poverenik gradskog odbora Srpske napredne stranke. Danas je rekao da zbog porodičnih problema ne može da komentariše pisanje predsednika Opštine Medijana Nebojše Kocića o zapošljavanju partijskih funkcionera i aktivista, ali je nakon objavljivanja teksta želeo da govori.

Međutim, ne o tome zašto se umesto na konkursima, o zapošljavanju raspravlja na nivou stranke, u Viber grupi. Pozvao je novinara i usledile su uvrede.

Da ne izmišljate laži niko vas ne bi ni čitao. Jer ste nebitni, nepismeni, niste novinarski potkovani, niko od vas nije završio fakultete za to. Ma, nebitni ste, bre! – vikao je Milovanović.

Milovanović negira da je učestvovao u spornoj prepisci, iako je i sam član iste Viber grupe, u kojoj je i organizovao funkcionere i aktiviste oko mitinga na kojima se pojavljivao predsednik SNS Aleksandar Vučić.

Povernik Milovanović je novinaru pretio i tužbom, jer smatra da se razgovori snimaju.

Tužiću te! Tužiću te! Koristiš snimljene razgovore i to koristiš ko izjavu – rekao je Milovanović.

Podsetimo, prepiska funkcionera Mesnog odbora SNS Medijana, u koju su novinari Južnih vesti imali uvid, a gde predsednik ove Opštine Nebojša Kocić govori da najpre mora da se obezbedi posao za poverenike, odbornike i ostale stranačke aktiviste da niko od njih ne bi bio nezadovoljan, dokaz je partijskog zapošljavanja u Nišu.

Sam Kocić svoje stavove iznete među stranačkim kolegama javno nije želeo da obrazloži.

Female journalists: Workers without trading hours


By: Arijana Saračević Helać

Sarajevo, 09.01.2020. – A month has passed by and I can still hear the voices from the Sarajevo performance and female journalists’ exhibition echoing in my ears. These voices witnessed all horrors that professional female journalists had been facing. They had to endure horrors from their bosses, political party representatives, real, actual and anonymous owners of social media profiles, all the way to real and plain criminals and mafia too. We have been “hopeless, stupid, we have had menstruation and hormonal disorders, we have been tagged as whores, ugly housewives”, Etc. All of us “were” (at least once) women described as ones above, that is, us, female journalists. In fact, most of us have been devoted to our professional occupation, knowledge, love and the truth. On one hand, we are just one of many entities in our society without rights; while on the other hand we clean, wash, cook and most of the time we do this while others sleep. We are literally exhausted, but at the same time ready to work again.

Offences and insults by Dodik and Bakir

I have been working as female TV journalist for over 30 years. My whole professional period I have been working with the same enthusiasm; same motifs and goals required for my stories. I have never taken a single sick leave day off and I am not sure whether that should be considered positive and affirmative. I did not take seriously all my bronchitis and fevers (high body temperatures) seriously thinking that my stories would as a result vanish or fade away. I have had my ups and downs, still I would clean my knees, stand up again and simply carry on. Female journalists are easily recognized, people simply like them or don’t like them; at least they have heard about them and very few people realize that our motifs reflect public interests, including law – based and law – obeying society and state where laws apply equally to everyone.

I recall a dialogue that had taken place during the war, when a respectable member of parliament asked ever lusty and ardor Raska Denjalic (female journalist), why she would always decide to go on the field work at the same time as her husband? They had a five years old daughter and it would have been unfair should she had lost both her parents at the same time. This picture later actually “moved” to my home and I believe, moved to homes of many of my female colleagues. We have been female workers without regular trading hours; women that have courage, not applying any common sense, with tendency to leave their babies home alone; to leave their ill mothers and at the same time, to focus completely and utterly on our work.

In patriarchal society, such as our own, female journalists were “low –ranked” in comparison with their male colleagues. Our society was unable to comprehend that professional journalism is neither trade nor occupation that is for sale. This is what the majority thinks, and it is our task to prove them wrong by working hard and by being utterly devoted to our professional occupation. I am a mother of two grown boys and both of them were growing alongside horrors I had to go through and experienced personally. Most of the time I had to go to work in late night hours and I would always return to kiss them both while they were sleeping.

I also spent most of the time on wheels (car), including weekends where I had to work and have montage for my stories and reports completed before broadcasting. I used to be followed, frightened, scared, verbally massacred and neither of these reflected to my stores as, as far as I have been concerned, they mattered only. Along with journalism, this also has been my personal choice.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to count the number of direct assaults by the governing official authorities or religious organizations directed against me while I was performing my duties. Countless insults and offences imposed by Milorad Dodik who had, during the press conference, in front of my colleagues and entire public audience replied to me with the following words: „I don’t give a fuck”! I do want to emphasize this, since this was the very first insult and offence directed to a female journalist with no one reacting and responding to it.

No long after this case, I received similar replies by the same politician. I had similar experience during the SDA and HDZ sessions. For instance, Bakir Izetbegovic said in public that “I should be cooking and ironing during late hours, instead of “following” and investigating their work”. Also, I even experienced a physical assault by certain member of Brcko District parliament, namely Mr. Sakovic, who was beating me and my cameraman in front of local official authorities and highly ranked OHR representatives, including Mr. Gregorian as well.

Violence against us often emerged in forms of devaluing, degrading, humiliating, sexually – based insults and offence and sick disturbing, interrupting, harassing and even direct death threats and these mostly occur on social media sources and often from real profiles whose owners are apparently “high morale family orientated men” or merely political party plumes or aigrettes, often including woman as well.

After being invited as a guest during the “Interview 20”, hosted by Sanela Prasovic, we both begun “targets” insulted and offended by Dzenan Selimbegovic, highly ranked state presidency official and former counselor of Bakir Izetbegovic, Bosniak member of the Presidency. It was a horrible, weekly – lasting crime conducted against us with the message of the people with the same opinion claiming that “we should have been impaled”, just because we told the truth that during 2 May 1992, the integrity of BiH was saved in RTVBiH studio, instead of being saved in Presidency of BiH building or some military bases. Selimbegovic’s excess was a genuine case of current political elite ruling in our country which clearly displayed irresponsibility, arrogance, haughtiness, primitivism, ignorance, lack of knowledge, non-professionalism and puppets.

Always with firm and personal attitude and dignity

I have managed to hide most assaults on me from the public eyes and even from my own family simply because I did not want to disturb their normal lives and I often failed to succeed in this, including the last case that got the entire community involved. I reckon that we should talk about these things and must encourage our female journalists’ colleagues, in order not to have these anomalies accepted as common and usual occurrences in our society.

During the “We are FEMALE journalists” exhibition, held at the Collegium Artisticum premises, 20 of us gave support and couraged ourselves to speak openly about who we were and what we had been experiencing in the past. Unfortunately, 35 of them changed their minds because they feared that they might lose their jobs and get sacked. I believe today they are less frightened.

My investigative stories often presented me with problems and caused the damage to my personal property, including the threats directed to my family and my sons too to that extent that even the kidnapping of my boys was at certain point of time planned. My dignity was violated countless times with the purpose of creating degradation and humiliation of my status in our society. What I considered important was the fact that I never had any doubts whether I should have continued with my work in different way, even when they threatened to kill me and when they threatened to kidnap my kids, ruin my career, humiliate my friends Etc.

We, as professional journalists do not do business with criminals, mafia and politicians; we work on our own and have our own stands, views and attitudes and we do this in our editing offices, in front of our superiors, bosses and all the way to entire society we live in. This is the only way to encourage female journalists and women from other fields and branches that have been mobbed, sacked from work; women that earn less than their male colleagues. After all, this is our mission.

(The author is a longtime journalist and editor at Federalna televizija (FTV); this article was published in E-journalist bulletin no.70/71)

Immediately release a journalist from custody


PODGORICA, 06.01.2020. – Main Board of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro asks that Montenegrin journalist Andjela Djikanovic urgently be released from detention and she must have a possibility to defend herself on freedom from all possible indictments.

We believe that arresting the journalists is extremely unacceptable and that charges against Djikanovic are too strong. Djikanovic published the news, which turned out to be incorrect, but she withdrew and apologized as soon as she was denied. The controversial news was on the FOS media portal just one hour, and we think that this is a too short period to cause panic. The fact that the news was withdrawn shows that Djikanovic’s intention was not to bring disorder among Montenegrin citizens, which is why we believe that the prosecution’s claims are too sharp and do not reflect what really happened.

On the other hand, we also find it problematic that the Fos Media portal did not stand up for its editor-in-chief and journalist in any way and that the management and the owners of that media did not react at all on this occasion.

Over the past 10 days, it is evident that the tensions in Montenegro are extremely high, but the arrest of journalists will not help to calm the situation. We are also remind that this is the third, and the most drastic incident in which journalists are involved after it became certain that the Law of Freedom of Religion will be adopted. The first was the arrest of journalist Drazen Zivkovic during his journalistic work, and later the ban of the free movement of media crews during the protests of citizens against this law. Once again, we take the opportunity to appeal to competent authorities, especially the police and the prosecution, to pay attention to the way they treat journalists and news crews. We do not run away from our own responsibility but refuse to be held responsible for everything that happens in society.


Main Board of SMCG

AGK dënon kërcënimin që i është bërë gazetares së “KALLXO.com” gjatë monitorimit të një seance gjyqësore


PRISHTINË, 27.12.2019 – Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës dënon ashpër kërcënimin ndaj gazetares së KALLXO.com në kohën kur po monitoronte një rast të fajdesë në Gjykatën e Gjakovës.

Siç raporton KALLXO.com, para shpalljes së aktgjykimit në rastin ku S.Sh. po akuzohet për fajde, i njëjti ka kërkuar nga mediet e pranishme që të mos fotografojnë dhe të shkruajnë me iniciale, përkundër që një gjë e tillë nuk është kërkuar nga Gjykata.

Si rrjedhojë, pasi që gazetarja e KALLXO.com ka vazhduar me kryerjen e detyrave të saja, njëri nga shoqëruesit e të akuzuarit i është drejtuar monitoruesve me fjalët “nëse kta dojn me pas jetën e lumtur mos t ‘fotografojnë”, duke kërcënuar qartazi dhe duke tentuar të pengojë punën e monitorueses.

Rasti është raportuar në Policinë e Gjakovës dhe AGK kërkon nga këta të fundit hetimin e shpejtë dhe ndërmarrje të masave të menjëhershme.

Rikujtojmë se ky është rasti i dytë kur gazetarët pengohen gjatë monitorimit të seancave gjyqësore andaj sërish i bëjmë thirrje të gjithë akterëve relevantë si në sistemin e drejtësisë ashtu dhe në të gjitha fushat tjera që të ndalin presionin, ofendimet dhe kërcënimet ndaj gazetarëve.

AJK condemns the threat toward KALLXO.com journalist during a court proceeding


PRISTINA, 27.12.2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo strongly condemns the threat toward KALLXO.com journalist while she was monitoring a case of usury in the Gjakova Court.

As KALLXO.com reports, before announcing the judgment in the case where S.Sh. is being charged with usury, he has asked the media present not to take pictures and report with initials, although this has not been requested by the Court.

Consequently, as the KALLXO.com journalist continued to perform her duties, one of the accused’s companions addressed the monitors with the words “if they want a happy life, not to take pictures”, clearly threatening and trying to hinder the work of the journalists/monitors.

The case has been reported to the Gjakova Police and the AJK calls upen them to conduct an immediate investigation and take immediate action.

AJK recall that this is the second case within a month when journalists are prevented from monitoring court proceedings, so we again call on all relevant actors in the justice system and in all other areas to stop pressure, insults and threats against journalists.

Serbian president gets more time than others on Serbian TV stations


BELGRADE, 27.12.2019. – Research conducted by two independent watchdog organizations showed that more than a third of the reporting on the five Serbian TV stations with national coverage were about President Aleksandar Vucic and the ruling coalition.

The five stations are the Serbian state TV (RTS) and the private Pink, Prva, Happy and O2.

According to the CRTA organization, almost 75 percent of the reporting on politics on those stations was devoted to the ruling coalition and more than a third to Vucic. The RTS devoted 80 percent of its news to the ruling parties.   CRTA said that the officials of the ruling coalition were presented in a positive light while the opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) got negative publicity and the other opposition parties were given neutral coverage.

The Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) said that the five stations devoted more than 33 hours to President Vucic between September 1 and November 30. The most coverage was on TV Pink which devoted 60.6 percent of its news coverage to the president while the other stations ranged from 10.9 percent on the RTS to 6.1 percent on TV Happy. The coverage of Vucic was predominantly positive.

Birodi said that the most balanced coverage of the Serbian President was on N1 TV.

Pašalić: Treba videti da li je hapšenje Obradovića bilo po zakonu


BEOGRAD, 26.12.2019. – Zaštitniku građana u ovoj godini bio je 15 odsto više obraćanja građana nego u prošloj, a najčešće su bili iz socijalne sfere i imovinsko-pravnih odnosa, izjavio je danas ombudsman Zoran Pašalić.

Najviše žalbi je na postupke naplate izvršitelja zbog duga Infostanu, jer prilikom prinudne naplate angažuju advokatske kancelarije, što dodatno povećava troškove dužnicima, rekao je Pašalić u jutarnjem programu TV Prva.

On je objasnio da je Zaštitnik građana zbog toga gradu Beogradu i Infostanu uputio zahtev za odgovor da li su morali biti angažovani advokati, kao i pitanje da li Infostan ima pravnu službu i da je zakonski rok istekao u ponedeljak, ali da nije odgovoreno.

Zato smo uputili urgenciju po hitnom postupku, sa rokom od sedam dana da odgovore, a ako to ne učine, preduzimamo mere, naglasio je Pašalić.

Na pitanje o slučaju uzbunjivača iz valjevskog „Krušika“ Aleksandra Obradovića, Pašalić je odgovorio da treba prvo videti koja su ovlašćenja Zaštitnika građana u tom slučaju, jer se ona mogu odnositi samo na tok hapšenja, do trenutka dok tužilaštvo nije preuzelo slučaj.

On je precizirao da treba videti da li je hapšenje bilo po zakonu, da li je postojao nalog, potom da li su pri hapšenju primenjeni zakon i propisi i na kraju, treba uzeti izjavu Obradovića o tome.

I onda ćemo videti u kojem će se pravcu potom ići, ukazao je Pašalić.