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Chadikovski visits SPO: To reject the indictment against Bozhinovski


SKOPJE, 28.05.2019 – President of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia Mladen Chadikovski met today with prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Prosecuting Criminal Offences Related to and Arising from the Content of the Illegally Intercepted Communication (SPO). At the meeting they discussed about the case that the SPO leads against Zoran Bozhinovski.

On the eve of the hearing which is to be held tomorrow at 12:00 in the Criminal Court in Skopje, Chadikovski noted that with the espionage charges, besides Turkey, Macedonia is the only country in Europe in which there are such accusations against journalists. This case can seriously affect the image of the state in the world and the relevant institutions that measure the freedom of the media.

“Such charges create an effect of censorship in the journalistic profession and negatively affect the reputation of the country, therefore it is necessary to withdraw this indictment against Bozhinovski, in a process which already lasts for too long, beyond the reasonable deadlines,” said Chadikovski. We remind that the Association of Journalists of Macedonia will continue to observe this, but also all other processes against journalists in our country. At the meeting, it was also requested that the SPO, should act in accordance with all international conventions, in particular the European Convention on Human Rights and Democracy, requested by the Council of Europe.

By the SPO it was shown understanding for the position and expressed requirements of AJM and they pledged once again to review the whole case.

Regional Platform: Sanction the attacker Zoran Jovanovic


BELGRADE, 28.05.2019. – The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, which represents more than 8,000 members, strongly condemns the physical attack on Zoran Jovanovic, photographer of Vecernje novosti daily and welcomes the prompt reaction by the police.

On Friday, May 24, while Jovanovic was on duty photographing the area where the parking zone will be located in Carlija Caplina St. in Belgrade when an unknown man approached to him and told him he can’t take any photos. After Jovanovic explained that he is doing his job and needs the photo as an illustration for the article regarding the new parking zone, adding that the street is a public space where taking photos is allowed, the man began to yell. He kicked Jovanovic and his camera, and finally spat him. He then threatened to set the driver Svetozar Miranovic and their vehicle on fire.

The case was immediately reported to the police, and it reacted quickly – they reached the place of attack and arrested the abuser.

“Tensions in our society grow from year to year and journalists and media professionals feel it very painfully. This time, our colleague Jovanovic was attacked while he was doing his job. It’s great that the police responded quickly and we hope for a fast judicial epilogue. Unfortunately, this makes the third physical attack IJAS registered in our database since the beginning of the year,” said Zeljko Bodrozic, president of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia.

Since the beginning of 2019, IJAS has recorded 56 pressures, physical and verbal attacks on media professionals.

The Regional Platform supports IJAS in its efforts to protect journalists and freedom of speech and call on relevant authorities to conduct the proceeding to the end and adequately sanction the perpetrator.

We remind that every attack on a journalist is an attack on the public interest, democracy and human rights.

The Platform will inform all European institutions of this incident and request their intervention in the area of media freedom and safety of journalists in the Western Balkans region.

Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Pristina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 28.05.2019


BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

The state is not ready to deal with the case of the murder of Dusko Jovanovic

foto: dan.co.me

PODGORICA, 27.05.2019. – On the day that marks the 15th anniversary of the murder of the editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper “Dan” Dusko Jovanovic, unfortunately, we must repeat the conclusion that the state of Montenegro did not do anything to solve the murder and showed that it was completely uncapable to solve this case.

Trade Union of the Media of Montenegro (SMCG), exactly one year ago, through the International (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), set up the case of murder of Jovanovic, on the CoE Media Freedom Platform of the Council of Europe, which collects data on attacks, threats and the difficulties faced by journalists from 47 countries across Europe. The state’s duty was to inform the Council of Europe of the results of the investigation and the status of the case, which was done only two months ago.

The Permanent Representation of Montenegro to the Council of Europe in the case “Impunity in the case of the murder of Dusko Jovanovic” stated that during 2018, the High State Prosecution and the Special State Prosecution conducted two cases on the basis of reports by a private detective, but did not provide the results of those investigations. We remind that these reports have been rejected, and it can be concluded that during the past year the state failed to reach the perpetrators and perpetrators of this crime.

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro again urges all the authorities to continue the investigation and not remain silent on the attempts of other bodies, primarily the Commission for investigating cases of attacks on journalists formed by the Government, to make a contribution in order to look at the case of the murder of Dusko Jovanovic from a new perspective. The Commission sent a letter to the Government more than seven months ago suggesting that a foreign expert from Europe or the United States would be hired to solve the case of the murder of Dusko Jovanovic, but the Government’s response has not yet arrived.

Dusko Jovanovic was killed on May 27, 2004 in front of a newspaper editorial board in Podgorica. After 15 years, only Damir Mandic was convicted as a co-perpetrator of the murder, at the age of 19 years.



Trial opens into arson attack on journalist’s home


BELGRADE, 24.05. 2019.–A Belgrade court on Friday opened the trial for the arson attack on the home of a journalist in the Grocka suburb, hearing an opening statement from the prosecution but not the defence lawyer who appeared in court but could not stay claiming to have another trial at the same time.

An N1 reporter in the court said that a large number of people who said they were there to support the former Grocka municipality chief Dragoljub Simonovic who has been charged with ordering the arson and firearms attack on the home of Milan Jovanovic, a journalist with the local Zig Info portal who reported on corruption in the local administration.

An earlier hearing was postponed after Simonovic, an official of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) at the time of the attack in mid-December, failed to appear in court. A clerk for his defence lawyer told the court that he had not received a summons.

Simonovic, who was arrested and spent 30 days in jail, has been charged along with three others for the arson attack. The prosecution is demanding the maximum penalty of eight years.

Simonovic is suing Jovanovic and his editor for emotional harm caused by their reporting.

AGK concerns by the actions of prison guards against journalist Mirlind Behluli


PRISHTINA, 23.05.2019 – The Association of Kosovo Journalists has seen concerned with the action of prison guards against journalist of T7 Mirlind Behluli.

Mr. Behluli was following up a daily event in Dubrava when he was impeded by some prison guards to interview a former KLA soldier, a former prisoner in the Dubrava Prison, as well as a witness in The Hague Tribunal, who came on the stage suddenly by  accusing political who were in persons.

AGK calls upon state officials, and all those who are called to protect and maintain the rule of law, so as not to hinder journalists in carrying out their duties.

AGK encourages all journalists not to stop reporting on any breach that is made in the course of their work.

Sutra suđenje za paljenje kuće novinara Milana Jovanovića


BEOGRAD, 23.05.2019. – Suđenje optuženima za paljenje kuće novinara portala „Žig info“ Milana Jovanovića biće održano sutra u 9 sati u Drugom osnovnom sudu u Beogradu.

Prethodni pretres odložen je jer se na suđenju nisu pojavili bivši predsednik Opštine Grocka Dragoljub Simonović, koji je optužen da je naložio paljenje kuće Jovanovića i njegov branilac. Advokatska pripravnica tada je saopštila da Simonoviću nije stigao poziv za ročište kao i optužni predlog, podseća UNS.

Osim Simonovića, za koga tužilaštvo traži maksimalnu kaznu zatvora od osam godina, optuženi za paljenje kuće Milana Jovanovića su Vladimir Mihailović, Aleksandar Marinković i Igor Novaković.

Pevačica Bojana Cvetković Šijački priznala je da je pomagala u podmetanju požara i zaključila je sporazum o priznanju krivičnog dela. Na osnovu sporazuma osudjena je na šest meseci kućnog pritvora uz nošenje nanogice i novčanu kaznu od 50.000 dinara.

Nakon što je optužen za paljenje kuće Dragoljub Simonović, za nanet „psihički bol i strah“, tužio je Milana Jovanovića i urednika portala „Žig info“ Željka Matorčevića zbog tvrdnji u podnesku Pravobranilaštvu Grocke i tekstova na ovom portalu.

Jelena Ćuruvija: Zašto su kod kuće osuđeni za ubistvo?


BEOGRAD, 23.05.2019. Jelena Ćuruvija, ćerka bivšeg vlasnika Dnevnog telegrafa, izjavila je za Danas da nema razumevanja za odluku Apelacionog suda da Ratko Romić i Milan Radonjić, bivši pripadnici Državne bezbednosti, prvostepeno osuđeni za organizaciju ubistva novinara Slavka Ćuruvije, konačnu odluku suda dočekaju u kućnom pritvoru.

The SSP rejected the report on the investigation into the murder of Dusko Jovanovic

foto: dan.co.me

PODGORICA, 23.05.2019. – After a detailed investigation involving the Italian authorities and forensics from Visbaden and Danilovgrad, the Special State Prosecutor dismissed as an unsubstantiated report made by a private detective in connection with the investigation into the murder of Dusko Jovanovic. That was said from the Prosecutor’s Office to daily newspaper Dan.

Based on all the evidence collected and the checks carried out, as has been announced, there is no basis for suspicion that the persons who are mentioned in the report of the detective as organizers and helpers participated in the murder of the editor of the Dan.

The detective who made the report requested that through international legal assistance compare the DNA of Italian citizens who allegedly participated in the murder of Jovanovic with traces that were found on a rifle that was flown to Visbaden.

According to the order of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office of February 12, a DNA expert report was submitted to that body.

“After analyzing that reports, as well as all of so far collected data and evidence, it was assessed that there is no reasonable doubt that Guzepe Gordano, Antonio Prikoko and Giole Carmelo Manjola, who are designated as direct perpetrators in the detective report, have committed the criminal offense of Serious Murder as well as other criminal offenses for which prosecution is undertaken no official duty,” the prosecution has said.

As they added, neither the allegations about the organizers and the aides mentioned in the report did not establish the facts that would indicate the suspicion that those persons participated in the murder of Jovanovic in any way.

The expert from Visbaden Martin Ekert confirmed at the trial that the traces of Damir Mandic, who were so far only sentenced in the case of Jovanovic’s murder, were found on a rifle that was found in the “golf 3” from which Jovanovic was fired.

The Montenegrin Court of Appeals two years ago confirmed the verdict of the Higher Court in Podgorica, condemning Mandic to 19 years in prison for executing association in the murder of Jovanovic.

Apelacioni sud odbio da odredi zatvor, prvostepeno osuđeni za ubistvo Ćuruvije ostaju u kućnom pritvoru


BEOGRAD, 22.05.2019. – Apelacioni sud u Beogradu pravosnažno je odbio žalbu Tužilaštva za organizovani kriminal da se prvostepeno osuđenim pripadnicima DB-a za ubistvo novinara Slavka Ćuvije odredi zatvorska kazna, umesto kućnog pritvora u kome su skoro dve godine. Žalba Tužilaštva usledila je nakon prvostepene presude kojom su Milan Radonjić i Ratko Romić osuđeni na višegodišnje kazne zatvora dok se Miroslav Kurak, trećeoptuženi u ovom slučaju, već godinama nalazi u bekstvu.

Radonjić i Romić su od jula 2017. u kućnom pritvoru uz elektronski nadzor, nakon što su prethodne tri i po godine proveli u pritvoru Okružnog zatvora u Beogradu.

Njima je ova mera produžena 5. aprila odlukom Specijanog suda nakon izricanja prvostepene presude, kojom je Radonjić osuđen na 30, a Romić na 20 godina zatvora zbog krivičnog dela teško ubistvo u saizvršilaštvu.

Portparol Apelacionog suda Mirjana Piljić je potvrdila za Insajder da je žalba tužilaštva odbijena, pored ostalog, jer po nalaženju tog suda „ne stoje žalbeni navodi tužilaštva“.

Tužilaštvo je u žalbi tvrdilo da – način i težina izvršenja krivičnog dela za koje su okrivljeni oglašeni krivim nepravosnažnom presudom kao i visina kazne ukazuju da im treba odrediti pritvor zbog opasnosti od bekstva i zbog uzmemirenja javnosti, koje može uticati na pravično vođenje krivičnog postupka.

Međutim, Apelacioni sud je utvrdio da je pravilno prvostepeni sud zaključio da okolnosti koje ukazuju na uznemirenje javnosti kao i na opasnost od bekstva nisu više takvog intenziteta da bi im bio određen pritvor, koji je najstroža zakonska mera za obezbeđenje prisustva okrivljenih.

„Njihovo prisustvo moguće je obezbediti sledećom zakonskom merom po težini, a to je mera zabrane napuštanja stana uz elektronski nadzor“, navela je Piljić obrazlažući stav Apelacionog suda.

U kućnom pritvoru i zbog toga što su „davno“ počinili delo

Taj sud je u odluci ukazao da su okrivljeni proveli u pritvoru preko tri i po godine, da se skoro već dve godine nalaze na meri zabrane napuštanja stana uz elektronski nadzor – koju nisu zloupotrebili, kao i da se terete da su krivično delo izvršli 1999. godine.

„Po mišljenju Apelacionog suda, imajući u vidu protek vremena, fazu u kojem se krivični postupak nalazi, kao i odredbu zakona koja propisuje da ne primenjuje teža mera ako se ista svrha može postići blažom merom – pravilno je prvostepeni sud našao da se produženjem kućnog pritvora dovoljno ostvaruje svrha obezbeđenja prisustva okrivljenih u postupku odnosno, da predstavlja dovoljnu garanciju da se neće kriti i da bez odobrenja suda neće napustiti stan, odnsno da će biti dostupni sudu“, zaključio je Apelacioni sud.

Sudsko veće Specijalnog suda osudilo je 5. aprila ove godine četvoricu nekadašnjih pripadnika Državne bezbednosti (DB) na ukupno 100 godina zatvora zbog ubistva novinara Slavka Ćuruvije. Na po 30 godina zatvora osuđeni su Radomir Marković i Milan Radonjić, dok su Ratko Romić i Miroslav Kurak osuđeni na po 20 godina zatvora.

Radomir Marković u zatvoru već služi kaznu od 40 godina zatvora zbog četvorostrukog ubistva na Ibarskoj magistrali u oktobru 1999. godine, a kako se u sprskom pravnom sistemu kazne ne sabiraju, ostao je osuđen na jedinstvenu kaznu od 40 godina zatvora.

Obrazlažući presudu, sudija Snežana Jovanović rekla je da je Sudsko veće većinom glasova odlučilo da su optuženi krivi što su 11. aprila 1999. godine, po nalogu nepoznate osobe, sa umišljajem ubili vlasnika listova Dnevni telegraf i Evropljanin, beogradskog novinara Slavka Ćuruviju.

Naime, Miroslav Kurak koji se u optuznici pominje kao direktni izvršilac ubistva, on u presudi pomenut kao takav, već nepoznato lice (NN), čiji identitet nije utvrđen.

Novinar, urednik i vlasnik Dnevnog telegrafa i Evropljanina Slavko Ćuruvija ubijen je 1999. godine u haustoru zgrade u kojoj je živeo. Istraga je vođena godinama, a optužnica na kojoj su se našli pripadnici Državne bezbednosti podignuta je tek 1. juna 2015, nakon formiranja Komisije za istraživanje ubistava novinara.

Posle skoro četiri godine, odbacivanja i vraćanja dokaza u postupak, sveopšte amnezije svedoka i blažim merama pritvora za optužene doneta je prvosepena presuda na koju i Tužilaštvo i zastupnici optuženih imaju pravo žalbe.