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Yet another threat to Serbia’s journalist on Twitter


BELGRADE, 22.03.2019. – A columnist of the Belgrade independent Danas daily Bozidar Andrejic received a threat from a Twitter user “Rade Mjesalica” saying he would beat up Andrejic, adding many swearwords and insults, the Beta news agency reported.

The Independent Association of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS) and the Association of Serbia’s Journalists (UNS) called on the police and prosecutors to urgently react and find out the real identity of the man who threatened Andrejic.

The threats came after the daily published Andrejic’s column “Prince Marko on Internet” (Kraljevic Marko na netu) in its weekly edition. The author wrote about the Internet and suspicious contents on Wikipedia and did not mention anyone by name.

Andrejic filed criminal charges against John Doe, UNS said in a statement, adding they expected those responsible for threats to be punished in line with the law.

NUNS added that every attack on a journalist was a threat to the media freedom and accordingly to democracy itself.

It said NUNS have called on the highest ruling officials on many occasions to “publicly and non-selectively” defend journalists and media.

The posts and comments on the mentioned Twitter account also insulted the Danas daily.

Threats to journalists both on social networks and in real life even from the state officials have become a practice in Serbia with the authorities reacting selectively.



BEOGRAD, 19.03.2019.- The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, which represents more than 8000 members, condemns the entry into the Serbian public service broadcaster Radio Television Serbia (RTS) by protesters.

The incident took place on Saturday, 16.03.2019 after the anti-government protests 1 of 5 million when a group of protesters gathered in front of the RTS building and entered it with a request to allow their leaders to address the public in a live broadcast. During the incident, the police force was deployed and after hours’ long confrontation, protesters left the building. No journalists were physically harmed. The police arrested 18 persons for participation in the incidents that took place over the weekend.

The latest development is a culmination of three months-long protests against the Serbian regime and unsuccessful requests to the public broadcaster to secure media pluralism in accordance with the law. Demands of the protest leaders to be hosted in the programme are yet to be met by RTS.

„On numerous occasions we warned the public broadcaster to uphold journalism standards and law and to resist political pressures by reporting in public interest comprehensively, timely and truthfully“- said Zeljko Bodrozic, acting president of the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia and added „However, violent entry into the RTS premises is not acceptable nor appropriate for democratic societies. It cannot be a part of any civilized solutions and we condemn it.”

The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety recognizes the complexity of the current situation in Serbia and joins IJAS in condemnation of this incident. We call upon the protestors to respect media workers and refrain from incidents that can easily turn violent. At the same time, we call upon the Radio Television of Serbia management to respect the law and open its studio to all political parties and representatives of citizens. We remind RTS that by not providing full coverage of the on-going protests Serbia-wide, public service broadcaster is not acting in the public interest and serving the Serbian citizens.

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia registered 10 incidents in 2019, one physical assault on journalists, 8 verbal threats and one attack on a media property.

Any attack on a journalist is a direct attack on freedom of expression and the right of citizens to be informed.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Prishtina – Sarajevo- Zagreb, 19.03.2019.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

NUNS i NDNV: Incident na RTS posledica opasnih tenzija u društvu za koje je najodgovornija vlast


BEOGRAD, 17.03.2019. – Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije i Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine upozoravaju javnost da sinoćnji incidenti u zgradi Radio-televizije Srbije predstavljaju posledicu višegodišnjeg širenja govora mržnje, gušenja medijskih sloboda i stvaranja atmosfere linča u društvu i ukidanja javnog dijaloga , za koje je najodgovorniji aktuelni režim na čelu sa valdajućom Srpskom naprednom strankom.

Pozivamo sve državne institucije da ovaj događaj najozbiljnije shvate kao alarm i konačno uspostave vladavinu prava i poštovanje zakona, jer se društvo nalazi na ivici tenzija koje bi, ukoliko eskaliraju,  mogle da imaju nesagledive posledice.

Podsećamo da smo u bezbroj navrata upozoravali na pogubnu tabloidizaciju medijske scene kojom je u javni prostor kontaminiran nasiljem. Takođe, upozoravali smo i javne medijske servise da prestanu sa potčinjavanjem novinarske profesije moćnicima na vlasti, te kršenjem zakona koji ih obavezuju na profesionalno, objektivno i nezavisno izveštavanje u skladu sa javnim interesom.

NUNS i NDNV smatraju da nasilni upadi u javni medijski servis nisu primereni demokratskim i civilizovanim društvima, te još jednom upozoravaju državne institucije da postupaju u skladu sa zakonima kako bi se ovakvi incidenti predupredili, umesto da koriste državnu silu i primenjuju nasilje nad građanima koji protestuju zbog gušenja njihovih osnovnih prava.

Smatramo ciničnim nastup generalnog direktora RTS-a Dragana Bujoševića, koji se mesecima oglušavao o zahteve građana, ali i zakonske obaveze javnog servisa, upodobljavajuću uređivačku politiku ove medijske kuće sa interesima vlasti.

Bujošević je morao mnogo ranije da stane u odbranu nezavisne uređivačke politike Javnog servisa Srbije, čija je odgovornost u stvaranju društvenih tenzija neupitna upravo zbog snishodljivog odnosa prema vlastima a nauštrb javnog interesa.

Pozivamo novinare i ostale medijske radnike na RTS-u kao i u pokrajinskom javnom servisu da ne pristaju na kršenje profesionalnih i etičkih standarda novinarstva i interesa javnosti i suprotstave se pritiscima vlasti i drugih centara moći koji su javni servis pretvorili u propagandnu platformu vlasti.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije
Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine

Beograd-Novi Sad, 17. mart 2019

RTS incident is a result of dangerous tension in the society, the government bears most responsibility


BELGRADE, 17.03.2019. – The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina warn the public that latest incidents at the public media service Serbian Radio Television (RTS) building are the result of  years long spread of hate speech, hindering of media freedom, creation of an atmosphere of lynch and the abolition of public dialogue. The actor most responsible for this is the current regime headed by the Serbian Progressive Party.

We call upon all state institutions to take this alarming event most seriously and to finally establish the rule of law in Serbia. The society is on the verge of tension that, if it escalates, could have perilous consequences.

We recall countless occasions when we warned against the fatal tabloidization of the media scene which contaminated the public space with violence. We also warned the public media service to stop with submission of journalistic profession to the powerful individuals in the government and with violations of the laws that require of it to report professionally, objectively and independently in accordance with the public interest.

The violent entry into the RTS premises is not appropriate for democratic and civilized societies. Once again, we warn the state institutions to act in accordance with the law and prevent such incidents, instead of using the state power to apply violence against citizens who protest because their basic human rights are being violated.

We consider the statement of Dragan Bujosevic, RTS CEO cynical. For months Bujosevic had been deaf regarding citizens’ demands and violated the public media legal obligations by re-shaping its editorial policy to meet the interests of the ruling regime. Bujosevic should have stood up and defended the editorial independence of the RTS. The public media responsibility in creating social tensions is unquestionable precisely because of this servile attitude towards the authorities and acting against public interest.

We call upon all journalists and other media workers at the RTS and the provincial public service station to stand against the violation of professional and ethical standards of journalism and public interest and to oppose the pressure of government and other centres of power that turned the PSM into a propaganda platform of the government.

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia

Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina

Belgrade-Novi Sad, March 17, 2019

State Department: Montenegrin media are still under pressure, Public Broadcasting Service is under the influence of DPS


PODGORICA, 15.03.2019. – Independent media generally expressed a wide variety of political and social views, including through articles and programs critical of the authorities but they are faced with variety of problems such as selective and nontransparent public funding through the purchase of advertising with make undue influence on the  media market, states the Human Rights Report for 2018 that was published by the Department of State.  

In this document, especially in the section that is dealing with media freedoms in Montenegro, it is stated that television station and newspaper Vijesti continued to blame unfair media conditions, economic pressure from the government, and selective prosecution for its difficulties in making regular tax payments.

„On April 25, the Commercial Court rejected a 2014 lawsuit brought by Vijesti’s parent company, Daily Press, against the pro government tabloid Pink M Television for allegedly discrediting Vijesti’s reputation“, states the Report.

U.S. Department of State reminds on the case of journalist of daily „Vijesti“ – Olivera Lakic, who was shot and wounded by an unknown assailant in front of her home in Podgorica, as well as on the series of earlier attacks on Lakic.

„Independent and pro-opposition media complained about unfair treatment and economic pressure from government ministries and agencies“, says the Report.

They also reminded on the dismissal of members of Council of the Radio and Television of Montenegro and the General Director Andrijana Kadija, emphasizing that: „Six representatives of the nine-member council voted for Kadija’s dismissal. All six were affiliated with the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS)“. The Report states also that, later on, the Council elected Bozidar Sundic as General Director „who also had strong DPS ties“.

In addition, they recall that in December 2017, the Parliament dismissed NGO representative, Darko Ivanovic, from the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM), because of the alleged conflict of interest.

„Some media outlets continued to demonstrate a willingness to criticize the government. However, a lack of training and unprofessional journalistic behavior, combined with low salaries and political pressure, contributed at times to biased coverage“, states the Report.

„The government did not restrict or disrupt access to the internet or censor online content, and there were no official reports that the government monitored private online communications without appropriate legal authority“, says the report with the remark that MANS pointed out that they had such problem.

It is also written that estimated 71 percent of the population used the internet in 2017.

Simonović mi je tražio čoveka od poverenja


BEOGRAD, 15.03.2019. – Policajac iz Grocke Vladimir Mihailović dao izjavu u tužilaštvu povodom optužbi da je unajmio Dragoljub Simonović, predsednik opštine Grocka, da “mu reši problem sa novinarom”.

Mihailović detaljno ispričao i okrivio Simonovića kao nalogodavca, a NIN je imao uvid u njegov iskaz.

– Simonovićeva ćerka Jelena je kuma moje žene. Njih dve su u svakodnevnom kontaktu… Moja supruga je zaposlena u Opštini Grocka u kabinetu zamenika predsednika od 2012. godine – opisuje osumnjičeni policajac svoje poznanstvo sa Simonovićem. Zatim navodi kako mu je predsednik Opštine Grocka prišao na zabavi i tražio da se spali automobil Jovanovića.

– Meni je u jednom trenutku tokom proslave, kada smo ostali nasamo, prišao Simonović i pitao me da li mogu da mu pomognem jer ima neki problem sa Jovanović Milanom. Nije spomenuo da se radi o novinaru, niti sam ja znao o kome se radi, to sam posle saznao nakon što je zapaljena njegova kuća, što sam saznao od Igora Novakovića. Meni je Simonović rekao da pronađem neko lice u koje imam poverenja da opomene Jovanovića, te da je potrebno da mu se zapali automobil kao opomena. Meni je Simonović objašnjavao zašto mu je to potrebno, spominjao je nekakav sukob sa njim, ali mene to uopšte nije interesovalo tako da nisam zapamtio… Objasnio mi je ono što je meni bilo bitno da prenesem, a to je gde se nalazi kuća Jovanovića, da je u pitanju automobil „mercedes“ sive boje, te da je automobil parkiran u garaži u ulici… Simonović je u mene imao poverenja. Ja sam mu rekao da ću pokušati da pronađem osobu koja bi to mogla da učini – naveo je Mihailović.

On je zatim ispričao kako je angažovao Igora Novakovića, koga je znao odranije, a čuo je da se navodno „bavi zelenašenjem“, te je pretpostavio da će za neposrednog počinioca naći nekog iz kriminalne sredine.

– Rekao sam mu o čemu se radi, da je potrebno naći nekog ko će opomenuti Jovanovića tako što će mu zapaliti auto. Rekao mi je da će me obavestiti da li je nekog našao i koliko novca to lice traži… Posle nekoliko dana rekao mi je da je našao čoveka, nije mi rekao njegovo ime i da traži 1.000 evra. Meni je Simonović još na proslavi rekao da će za paljenje automobila dati 1.500 evra… Meni Novaković nije rekao kada će to lice zapaliti automobil. Saznao sam od Novakovića 12. ili 13. decembra. Poslao mi je poruku preko Vibera. Telefon sam resetovao tako da nije ostala poruka… Nisam imao s njim neposrednu telefonsku komunikaciju… Našli smo se ispred njegove kuće… Pitao me je kada ću mu dati novac, dao sam mu za 15 minuta u dvorištu moje kuće 1.000 evra – pričao je Mihailović u istrazi i objasnio da se kaje, tvrdeći da nije želeo da uzme novac.

– Nisam želeo da se ugrađujem u ovaj posao, nisam želeo nikakvu korist, za mene je jedini motiv – bio sam svestan pozicije koju ima Simonović u društvu, bio sam svestan njegove društvene moći – pa sam računao sa tim da mi može pomoći u mom životu i u životu moje porodice kazao je Mihailović.

AJM expresses solidarity with Croatian journalists


SKOPJE, 14.03.2019 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia expresses solidarity and support of fellow journalists from Croatia who have recently been a frequent target of threats.

Namely, a few days ago near the building in Zagreb, which houses the editorial boards of H1 television, Net.hhr and Telegram, a threatening message was found for journalists. “Death to journalists” was the message that was soon erased by the authorities in Zagreb shortly after the police was informed about it.

This threat followed after Croatian journalists protested in the beginning of March against persistent threats to journalists, violence against them, as well as against pressure from authorities on media advertisers.

“We are overwhelmed by the numerous lawsuits and the prosecution, nowadays everyone can sue us in this country. Public institutions are waging a war against journalists. We live in a country in which they can condemn us for publishing true information,” said the president of the Croatian Association of Journalists (HND) Hrvoje Zovko, before the protest which took place under the motto” You took the media, but we will not give up on journalism.”

AJM asks from the high authorities of Croatia to condemn these horrific threats and to help to decrease the pressure and threats on journalists, as an attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy and the rights of all citizens.

If you have marketing budgets for Serbia and Croatia – BiH market is free of charge


SARAJEVO, 13.03.2019.-Bosnia and Herzegovina, as one of the smallest European countries, has (relatively used) tourist potentials, export of goods and services in several branches (fields), relatively solid but unfortunately, due to low value of labor force, food industry whose potentials are limitless, and, above other things, media industry, but it has no possibility to use their full potentials.

As far as the media industry is concerned, Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered as the most liberal country in, many would say, Europe. What kind of elements made me think like this? In Bosnia and Herzegovina, as far as this particular issue is concerned, you could pretty much do whatever you want. I shall make a division list according to media segments:

Print houses

I do not want to talk about print houses too much. Basic problem is that the figures, concerning edition quantities, have for a long time been considered as unreliable and non – transparent. On the other hand, readers are convinced that most print houses are “dying off”. Because of this, potential clients` interest in commercial advertising is rapidly decreasing. It is obvious that print houses bear the greatest and biggest responsibility for this particular situation. The situation in Europe, in terms of print houses, is not as dramatic as here in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At a certain point of time, budgets in the world also experienced an evident decline, but the general trust managed to return to their readers. Of course, print houses shall never have budgets that they used to have during the last century.

Web sites and other digital media sources

The present situation, state, and development seem as great enigma not only to users (consumers) but also to those that create information, that is, to digital media sources. Possibilities are countless and unused, ideas that big creative teams can implement can be seen and we cannot see the end of this specific type of communication with users (consumers). But the problems in BiH are just the same as any other sector. You cannot register web sites anywhere because you can register your domain anywhere in the world. You can register your company and issue invoices for marketing services on the same web site.

Therefore, this web site is not registered under the name of this company, instead, it is virtually registered somewhere in the world. You cannot see the Impressum and hence cannot see the details regarding entrepreneurs (owners) of this web site including editors, news editors and those responsible for posting news and details about who shall be held responsible pursuant to BiH legislative provisions and who shall, if necessary, be accused of defamation (libel) etc. Therefore, the web site is operating in a completely illegal way; they can do whatever they like, as they mostly post and copy fake news, but still, they do benefit from the media cake in BiH. Clients are above anything else, mostly interested in whether the public talks about the above-mentioned web site and whether this web site can be considered as “in trend”.

They have no real view of the actual situation, real rating and according to this and pursuant to discount rates, they decide where they shall direct their financial means for commercial advertising and marketing purposes. Tens of web sites indeed do obey professional journalism, including obeying of present legal provisions, respecting market rules and to some extent, they do obey copyrights and these can surely have a bright future. As far as commercial advertising on other digital media sources in BiH is concerned, clients in BiH face the problem with general ignorance and unprofessional approach to financial budget allocations. Certain clients are convinced that digital sources are good enough to create communication with consumers and that registering your facebook page is sufficient as well, in order to complete the business campaign. However, what they do not know is that the work actually begins at this point.


There are very few entities that operate and work pursuant to BiH legal provisions. Those that on one hand register their companies, obeying entire BiH legislative, mostly obey legal regulations related to setting the positions on the other hand. Besides, in BiH there is no legislation as in most European Union countries because outdoor positions can be set anywhere you like. Hence, we have a countless number of these commercial advertisements attached by the road signs in urban areas, but also outside urban areas too and these sites can be seen only in the Balkan region and nowhere else. Unfortunately, clients are not interested whether you dispose of required documents for advertising position concerning its illegal point of view; instead, clients are mostly interested where their signs are set and posted, including the prices.

Electronic media

BiH radio stations managed to survive first “assaults” launched by alternative media houses and there are many reasons for this. In this particular part of the media industry, you have no possibility of illegal registration and illegal work. The CRA issues a permit, monitors and supervises technical conditions and also controls program contents. In regard to marketing budgets, anyone is entitled to their own budget part and almost all parties involved are eventually satisfied to a certain extent and level.

Television has remained the strongest media source in BiH and in the world too, by both the impact and influence it has on the audience and by the consuming time, but also according to the budget rate. However, the toughest competition in BiH is in this particular business sphere, which includes enormous damping prices, most unsuitable business atmosphere, comes from illegal marketing strikes launched from neighboring states etc. Some decided to start this kind of business mainly for profit making, some did it because of political goals, and I have a feeling that third group decided to launch TV business because they had nothing better to do.

You can do business in BiH as you like without any problems. You can register an offshore company anywhere in the world and once you get a license to broadcast the program in this country, although you actually produce the program in BiH with known address and familiar employees, that is, BiH citizens with local guests in the program. Therefore, everything is actually targeted to BiH market, but form a legal point of view, you have absolutely nothing to do with BiH. Additionally, you could come in handy to cable systems in BiH since these cable operators do not obey BiH legal provisions. The above-mentioned media houses, on the other hand, have the opportunity to sell their marketing space and room and accordingly, expand in terms of taking over the marketing share in BiH media market.

These cable channels, apart from marketing incomes, also have additional incomes in BiH, deriving from the sales of rights to cable operators. This is referred to as the sale of contents. The presumption is that there is around BAM 80, 0 million included in this business segment. If you add marketing budgets that flow away or amounts that have (because of this anomaly significantly decreased in BiH), TV media market in BiH loses over BAM 100, 00 million as a result. On the other hand, public services, particularly Federal Television which is considered as the biggest “commercial” media house in BiH, and which dictates the market rules, is the leader as far as “damping” prices are concerned, ravaging down the BiH market. Recently, one email message reached the most significant media houses in BiH, where one BiH agency was sending reports about its international client.

From this message, it was clear that the GRP price at Federal TV was disgracing EUR 20, 00. The prices provided by OBN and PINK BH were higher than EUR 30, 00. FTV began with this particular policy in 2010 which could be marked as the beginning of prices distorting with all media houses, not just on TV. When client see the price provided by most viewed media house, according to research and survey conducted in BiH by Nielsen/Audience measurement, then international clients with other media houses, including radio, printed media, web sites, outdoor, etc. decrease their budgets and media are hence forced to lower their prices.

Prices in GRP in neighboring countries range over EUR 80, 00. The question is why FTV sells the services they provide for such low prices? They do not pay taxes and legal contributions (pension and retirement funds), they do not pay their duties towards BHRT; their debts reach tens of millions of BAM. They only pay their employees monthly salaries and wages and pay for foreign programs and no special intelligence is required in order to be “successful” in this sense. The worst thing is that state institutions, by remaining silent to this problem and turning their blind eye, omit to control this problem and thus support illegal actions, including disloyal competition presented to other media houses. By having this completely liberal way, mostly in television contents, the point is that we failed to protect domestic and local culture, art, political and economic life, because the influence deriving from foreign media has changed the consciousness and public views and it is changing the language on a daily basis, especially with younger generations.

It is well known that when clients negotiate about terrestrial and cable TV stations in Belgrade and Zagreb, and if they agree mutually about the satisfactory budget, they get BiH market for free. All in all, media service prices in BiH are settled in such way so anyone making and drafting plans for the forthcoming year is certain that they will not reach their business plans and incomes, and incomes plan cannot be decreased. In the beginning, you are almost certain that you won’t be able to pay your employees their monthly wages and salaries or that you won’t be able to pay taxes and legal contributions (pension and retirement funds). Commercial media have permanently been controlled by inspection official authorities and you cannot get away with paying for your duties (taxes included), as oppose to public service broadcasters.

Therefore, not all media houses in BiH are working under equal conditions. Media houses operate detrimentally to professionalism and all rules set by objective professionalism. For how long can this situation last? The only solution I see is that we have more media (including oriented media houses, electronic media, outdoor media, new media, associations etc.) that would eventually change their prices and business conditions and to try to make certain joint – based sales, even if it means taking a risk of having complete failure. Someone has to make cuts and say ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– ninth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.


Interior minister: Zig news portal journalist will be provided security services


BELGRADE, 12.03.2019. – Journalist of the Zig news portal Milan Jovanovic will still be provided security services now that the main suspect in the case of his house arson has been released, Minister of Internal Affairs Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Sunday.

“We’re not speaking here about the measures that the police use in protecting the persons. Jovanovic was not for a second deprived of the security services in the way that the police believed was adequate,” he added.

Stefanovic spoke at an event of handing over seven new fire trucks which the ministry ordered for the Emergency Response Sector, announcing new investments in the future.

“We’re continuing the process of modernising and enhancing the police and firefighting-rescue units, because that’s the work we want to do for the safety of all our citizens and increasing the capacity of work of our units,” said the minister.