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HRT da odbaci žalbu protiv Zovka, svog urednika i predsjednika HND


PODGORICA, 21.09.2018. – Regionalna platforma snažno osuđuje započeti proces prekida radnog ugovora Hrvoju Zovku te traži od uprave HRT-a da poštuje profesionalna i radna prava svojih novinara i odbaci žalbu protiv Zovka.

Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara, koja predstavlja više od 8.000 članova snažno osuđuje započeti proces prekida ugovora o radu Hrvoju Zovku, uredniku i novinaru Hrvatske radio televizije (HRT) i predsjedniku Hrvatskog novinarskog društva (HND),  te traži od uprave HRT-a da odbaci žalbe protiv njega.

Dana 13. septembra 2018., zbog stalnih pritisaka, pokušaja cenzure i neosnovanih napada na njegovo profesionalno ponašanje, kao i zbog organizacionog haosa u HRT, Zovko je podneo pisanu ostavku na mjesto izvršnog urednika HRT4, info kanala HRT. Svoju ostavku je detaljno obrazložio i ona je prihvaćena na sastanku sa Katarinom Periša Čakarun, urednicom Informativno-medijskog servisa HTV. Istog dana, samo dva sata kasnije, Zovko je pozvan na još jedan sastanak kako bi ponovo obrazložio svoju odluku. Tokom tog sastanka, Zovko je bio izložen verbalnim napadima, optužbama za neprofesionalnost, aktivizam i angažman u Hrvatskom novinarskom društvu. Zovko je ove navode odbacio, a sastanak se pretvorio u raspravu koja je iskorišćena kao uvod u započinjanje procedure vanrednog otkazivanja ugovora o radu. Incijativa je pokrenuta 14. septembra zbog “teških povreda obaveza iz radnog odnosa, te uvreda i prijetnji urednici Informativno-medijskog servisa HTV-a Katarini Periši Čakarun”.  Uprava HRT je Radničkom Vijeću  predložila najstrožiju sankciju protiv Zovka – prekid ugovora o radu. Ovo tijelo treba da odgovori na predlog najkasnije u ponedjeljak, 24. septembra.

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo je ukazalo na to da je Zovko počeo da se bavi novinarstvom 1995. godine, a da radi u HRT-u od januara 1998. i naglasilo da u periodu od 20 godina nije bila nijedna primedba na Zovkov novinarski rad. Imajući u vidu Zovkovu profesionalnu biografiju, HND je saopštilo da ima bojazan da je pravi razlog otkazivanja ugovora o radu Hrvoju Zovku zapravo njegov angažman u HND gdje je izabran za predsednika u junu 2018. godine.

Platforma se snažno protivi ideji da osoba može biti pod pritiskom ili da njen/njegov posao može biti ugrožen ili izgubljen zbog članstva ili angažmana u profesionalnom udruženju. Potez HRT predstavlja direktan pritisak na Zovka kao profesionalnog novinara i indirektni pritisak na Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo. Udruženja okupljena u Platformu podsjećaju da novinari imaju prava da se učlanjuju u profesionalna udruženja i da u okviru njih deluju. Dešavanja u HRT, kao i neočekivana efikasnost mendažmenta ove kuće, mogu obeshrabriti novinare da traže ostvarivanje tog prava.

Imajući u vidu da Radničko Vijeće HRT treba da odgovori do 24. septembra, te da njihova odluka nije obavezujuća za upravu HRT, članice Platforme pozivaju HRT da obustavi proces prekida radnog ugovora Hrvoju Zovku i pokaže domaćoj i međunarodnoj javnosti da hrvatski javni servis poštuje profesionalna i radna prava svojih novinara, garantovana nacinalnim zakonima i međunarodnim konvencijama.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 21.09.2018.

Udruženje BH novinari

Sindikat novinara Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

HRT da odbaci žalbu protiv Zovka, svog urednika i predsednika HND


BEOGRAD, 21.09.2018. – Regionalna platforma snažno osuđuje započeti process prekida radnog ugovora Hrvoju Zovku te traži od uprave HRT-a da poštuje profesionalna i radna prava svojih novinara i odbaci žalbu protiv Zovka.

Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara, koja predstavlja više od 8.000 članova snažno osuđuje započeti process prekida radnog ugovora Hrvoju Zovku, uredniku i novinaru Hrvatske radio televizije (HRT) i predsedniku Hrvatskog novinarskog društva (HND),  te traži od uprave HRT-a da odbaci žalbe protiv njega.

Dana 13. septembra 2018., zbog stalnih pritisaka, pokušaja cenzure i neosnovanih napada na njegovo profesionalno ponašanje, kao i zbog organizacionog haosa u HRT, Zovko je podneo pisanu ostavku na mesto izvršnog urednika HRT4, info kanala HRT. Svoju ostavku je detaljno obrazložio i ona je prihvaćena na sastanku sa Katarinom Periša Čakarun, urednicom Informativno-medijskog servisa HTV. Istog dana, samo dva sata kasnije, Zovko je pozvan na još jedan sastanak kako bi ponovo obrazložio svoju odluku. Tokom tog sastanka, Zovko je bio izložen verbalnim napadima, optužbama za neprofesionalnost, aktivizam i angažman u Hrvatskom novinarskom društvu. Zovko je ove navode odbacio,  a sastanak se pretvorio u raspravu koja je iskorišćena kao uvod u započinjanje procedure vandrednog otkazivanja ugovora o radu. Incijativa je pokrenuta 14. septembra zbog “teških povreda obaveza iz radnog odnosa, te uvreda i pretnji urednici Informativno-medijskog servisa HTV-a Katarini Periši Čakarun”.  Uprava HRT je Radničkom Vijeću  predložila najstrožiju sankciju protiv Zovka – prekid ugovora o radu. Ovo telo treba da odgovori na predlog najkasnije u ponedeljak, 24. septembra.

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo je ukazalo na to da je Zovko počeo da se bavi novinarstvom 1995. godine, a da radi u HRT-u od januara 1998. i naglasilo da u periodu od 20 godina nije bila nijedna primedba na Zovkov novinarski rad. Imajući u vidu Zovkovu profesionalnu biografiju, HND je saopštilo da ima bojazan da je pravi razlog otkazivanja ugovora o radu Hrvoju Zovku zapravo njegov angažman u HND gde je izabran za predsednika u junu 2018. godine.

Platforma se snažno protivi ideji da osoba može biti pod pritiskom ili da njen/njegov posao može biti ugrožen ili izgubljen zbog članstva ili angažmana u profesionalnom udruženju. Potez HRT predstavlja direktan pritisak na Zovka kao profesionalnog novinara i indirektni pritisak na Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo. Udruženja okupljena u Platformu podsećaju da novinari imaju prava da se učlanjuju u profesionalna udruženja i da u okviru njih deluju. Dešavanja u HRT, kao i neočekivana efikasnost mendažmenta ove kuće, mogu obeshrabriti novinare da traže ostvarivanje tog prava.

Imajući u vidu da Radničko Vijeće HRT treba da odgovori do 24. septembra, te da njihova odluka nije obavezujuća za upravu HRT, članice Platforme pozivaju HRT da obustavi proces prekida radnog ugovora Hrvoju Zovku i pokaže domaćoj i medjunarodnoj javnosti da hrvatski javni servis poštuje profesionalna i radna prava svojih novinara, garantovana nacinalnim zakonima i medjunarodnim konvencijama.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 21.09.2018.


Udruženje BH novinari

Sindikat novinara Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Spisak svedoka konačno na dnevnom redu


BEOGRAD, 20.09.2018. – Suđenje za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije, novinara i vlasnika listova „Dnevni telegraf“ i „Evropljanin“, trebalo bi danas da bude nastavljeno u Specijalnom sudu u Beogradu.

Sud bi na današnjem, ali i na dva glavna pretresa koji su zakazani za narednu nedelju, trebalo da se bavi pisanom dokumentacijom, ali i da konačno donese odluku o svim svedocima koje su predložili učesnici u postupku.

Među brojnim imenima koja su poslednjih godina figurirala kao potencijalni svedoci, svakako u prvi plan iskaču imena bivšeg i aktuelnog predsednika Srbije, Tomislava Nikolića i Aleksandra Vučića. Mediji su u više navrata isticali da odbrana planira da pozove Nikolića i Vučića koji su u trenutku ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije bili članovi savezne i republičke vlade.

Jedan od potencijalnih svedoka o kojem bi sudsko veće trebalo da odluči je i Dragan Kecman, policijski službenik koji je od samog početka istraživao ubistvo Ćuruvije. Kako piše Cenzolovka, portal Fondacije Slavko Ćuruvija, Kecman se od juna 2015. godine nalazi na spisku svedoka koje je predložilo Tužilaštvo za organizovani kriminal. Ovom zahtevu se pridružio i branilac prvooptuženog Radomira Markovića advokat Vladimir Marinkov.

Kako ističe Cenzolovka, Kecman, ne samo da je bio uključen u istragu nego je, prema službenim beleškama, na tom slučaju radio od 11. aprila 1999, kada je Ćuruvija ubijen u centru Beograda. Kako dodaju, radi se o policajcu koji je potpisao krivičnu prijavu protiv onih koji su naredili, organizovali i izvršili ubistvo, ali je, isto tako, veoma dobro upoznat i sa prilikama koje su pratile istragu, uključujući i opstrukcije koje su je pratile.

Podsetimo, Dragan Kecman je u maju ove godine već svedočio pred sudskim većem, ali isključivo na okolnosti koje su vezane za način na koji su prikupljeni podaci sa baznih stanica mobilne telefonije. Ovi dokazi bi trebalo da otkriju komunikaciju i kretanje optuženih na dan ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije.

Veće Specijalnog suda dva puta je ove dokaze izbacivalo iz spisa predmeta, navodeći da nisu pribavljenu u skladu sa zakonom, da bi Apelacioni sud iste te dokaze dva puta vraćao.

Suđenje za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije traje već duže od tri godine. Prvooptuženi za ovaj zločin je nekadašnji načelnik Resora državne bezbednosti Radomir Marković, koji se tereti da je naložio ubistvo. Kao organizator tereti se Milan Radonjić, bivši načelnik beogradskog centra RDB-a. Prema navodima optužnice, neposredni izvršilac ubistva je Miroslav Kurak, rezervista RDB-a, a pomagao mu je Ratko Romić, nekadašnji obaveštajni inspektor u Drugoj upravi RDB-a. Marković se nalazi na izdržavanju zatvorske kazne, dok su Romić i Radonjić u kućnom pritvoru. Miroslav Kurak se nalazi u bekstvu, i njemu se sudi u odsustvu.

Slavko Ćuruvija je ubijen na Uskrs 11. aprila 1999. godine ispred zgrade u kojoj je živeo u Svetogorskoj ulici.

Ambassador Braathu promises support for AJK


PRISTINA, 21.09.2018 – The President of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Gentiana Begolli – Pustina was received today in a working meeting by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jan Braathu.

President Begolli-Pustina briefed Ambassador Braathu on the recent developments in AJK and its new structure elected from the last assembly held on 31st of July. She also talked about the current activities and projects of AJK and the plans and goals for the future.

The meeting called for intensification of cooperation between AJK and the OSCE mission and the realization of joint activities related to journalists’ security, investigative journalism and advocacy of freedom of expression.

Ambassador Braathu once again congratulated Begolli-Pustina for the new task and expressed the readiness and willingness of the OSCE mission to strongly support the work and engagements of the association.

Ambassador Braathu highly appreciated the role of professional and independent organizations in the development of democracy and revealed some of the opportunities for co-operation and support for AJK.

HRT të refuzojë ankesat kundër Zovkos, redaktorit të saj dhe presidentit të HND-së


ZAGREB, 21.09.2019 – Platforma Rajonale e Ballkanit Perëndimor për Avokimin e Lirisë së Medias dhe Sigurisë së Gazetarëve, që përfaqëson më shumë se 8000 anëtarë, dënon ashpër fillimin e procedurës për përfundimin e kontratës së punës për Hrvoje Zovko, redaktor dhe gazetar i Radio Televizionit Kroat (HRT) dhe kryetar i Asociacionit të Gazetarëve të Kroacisë (HND) dhe i kërkon menaxhmentit të HRT që të refuzojë ankesat e bwra kundër tij.

Më 13.09.2018, për shkak të presioneve të vazhdueshme, përpjekjeve të censurës dhe sulmeve të panevojshme ndaj sjelljes së tij profesionale, si dhe kaosit organizativ në HRT, Zovko kishte dërguar një dorëheqje me shkrim nga pozita e redaktorit ekzekutiv të HRT4, kanalit informativ të HRT-së. Dorëheqja e tij u shpjegua plotësisht me shkrim dhe u pranua në një takim me Katarina Perisa Cakarun, redaktore e Shërbimit Mediatik të Informacionit të HRT-së. Në të njëjtën ditë, vetëm dy orë më vonë, atij i ishte kërkuar një takim tjetër për të justifikuar përsëri vendimin e tij. Gjatë atij takimi, Zovko iu nënshtrua sulmeve verbale, akuzave për sjellje joprofesionale, aktivizëm dhe angazhim në Asociacionin e Gazetarëve Kroatë.

Ndërsa Zovko kundërshtoi pretendimet, takimi u shndërrua në një grindje e cila ishte përdorur si pretekst për fillimin e një procedure të Njoftimit të Posaçëm të shkarkimit më 14.09 duke cituar “shkelje të konsiderueshme të detyrimeve të punës dhe fyerjeve dhe kërcënimeve ndaj Katarina Perisi Cakarun”. Menaxhmenti i HRT-së rekomandoi sanksionin më të fortë kundër Zovkos, ndërprerjen e kontratës së punës. Bordi i Punës duhet të përgjigjet deri të hënën 24.09.2018.

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve Kroatë deklaroi se Zovko ka hyrë në botën e gazetarisë në vitin 1995 dhe ka filluar punën në HRT në janar të vitit 1998, duke theksuar se gjatë një periudhe prej 20 vjetësh nuk ka pasur asnjë ankesë për sjelljen profesionale të Zovkos. Duke pasur parasysh të dhënat profesionale të Zovkos, CJA deklaroi se Shoqata me të drejtë ka frikë se preteksti i vërtetë për shkarkimin e Zovkos është angazhimi i tij me CJA ku ai mori rolin e presidentit në qershor 2018.

Platforma kundërshton fuqimisht idenë se një person mund të jetë nën presion dhe se pozita e tij e punës mund të rrezikohet ose ta humbasë për shkak të anëtarësimit ose angazhimit në shoqatën profesionale. Veprimet e HRT-së përfaqësojnë një presion të drejtpërdrejtë mbi Zovkon, si një gazetar profesionist dhe presione të tërthorta në Asociacionin e Gazetarëve Kroatë.

Platforma përkujton se gazetarët kanë të drejtë të jenë pjesë e shoqatave profesionale dhe të veprojnë brenda tyre. Veprimet e fundit nga HRT-ja dhe efikasiteti i papritur i menaxhmentit në rastin e tij, mund të shkurajojë gazetarët nga ndjekja e kësaj të drejte.

Duke qenë se Bordi i Punës i HRT-së duhet të përgjigjet deri më 24.09.2018 dhe vendimi i saj nuk është i detyrueshëm për Menaxhmentin e HRT-së, Platforma i kërkon HRT-së të mos procedojë me ndërprerjen e kontratës së Zovkos dhe t’i tregojë opinionit kombëtar dhe ndërkombëtar se transmetuesit publik të shërbimit publik kroat respektojnë të drejtat profesionale dhe të punës së punonjësve të saj, të garantuara me ligjet kombëtare dhe konventat ndërkombëtare.

HRT to reject complaints against Zovko, its editor and CJA president


ZAGREB, 21.09.20018 – Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, representing more than 8000 members, strongly condemns the initiation of job contract termination procedure for Hrvoje Zovko, the editor and journalist of the Croatian Radio television (HRT) and the president of the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) and urges HRT management to reject the complaints made against him.

On 13.09.2018, due to on-going pressures, attempts of censorship and undue attacks against his professional conduct, as well as organizational chaos in HRT, Zovko had sent a written resignation from the position of the executive editor of HRT4, the info channel of the HRT. His resignation was fully explained in written and accepted on a meeting with Katarina Perisa Cakarun, the editor of HRT Information Media Service. On the same day, only two hours later, he was asked for another meeting to justify his decision again. During that meeting, Zovko was subjected to more verbal attacks, accusation of unprofessional conduct, activism and engagement in the Croatian Journalists Association.

As Zovko disputed the claims the meeting turned into a quarrel which was used as a pretext for initiating a procedure of Special notice of dismissal on 14.09 quoting “significant breach of work obligations and insults and threats to Katarina Perisi Cakarun”.  HRT Management recommended the strongest sanction against Mr Zovko, termination of employment contract, and the Working Board has to respond by Monday 24.09.2018.

Croatian Journalists Association stated that Zovko has entered the world of journalism in 1995 and started working at HRT in January 1998, highlighting that over a period of 20 years there hasn’t been a single complaint about Zovko’s professional conduct. Given Zovko’s professional record, CJA stated that the Association rightly fears that the real pretext for Zovko’s dismissal is his engagement with CJA where he took the role of president in June 2018.

The Platform strongly opposes the idea that a person could be under pressures and that his/her working position could be endangered or lost due to membership or engagement in the professional association. Actions of HRT represent a direct pressure on Zovko, as a professional journalist, and indirect pressures on the Croatian Journalists Association.

The Platform reminds that journalists have a right to join professional associations and to act within them. Recent actions by HRT, and unexpected efficiency of its Management in his case, could discourage journalists from pursuing that right.

Given that HRT Working Board has to respond by 24.09.2018, and its decision is not binding for the HRT Management, the Platform urges HRT not to proceed with termination of Zovko’s contract and demonstrate to the national and international public that the Croatian public service broadcasters respect its employees’ professional and labour rights, guaranteed by national laws and international conventions.

Procedure against Zovko is an attack against CJA


ZAGREB, 21.09.2018. – The Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) strongly condemns the starting of procedure for special notice of job contract termination for Hrvoje Zovko, the Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT) journalist and editor, and the CJA President.

The procedure that has started based on a report against him, given by Ms. Katarina Periša Čakarun, editor of HRT Information Media Service, is in its final stage. The HRT Management very quickly recommended the strongest sanction for Zovko – termination of his employment contract – to the Working Board. The Board has to respond by Monday. The Board’s final decision though is not binding for the Management.

Several days ago, Hrvoje Zovko filed a request for resignation from the position of executive editor of HRT4, the info channel of the HRT, with an explanation in writing indicating pressures and censorship following a day after the request. He also complained about unprofessional choices of topics and organizational chaos at HRT. Following that written complaint he was asked by his editor Katarina Periša Čakarun for a meeting and she accepted his resignation. Just two hours after that Zovko was invited for another meeting with his editor Periša Čakarun and then she made many objections regarding his work, some of them because of his engagement in the CJA. All of these objections Zovko found to be unargumented. That conversation turned into a quarrel – an occurrence common in newsrooms on daily bases. But the Management used it as a pretext for a draconian punishment – a special notice of Zovko’s job contract termination. For context, no disciplinary process, not even a mildest sanction, was started against persons responsible for a recent incident of HRT teletext that described a partisan action in 1942 during which some 500 children were liberated from an Ustasha’s concentration camp for children – as an attack on a home for child war orphans committed by partisans. We want to point out that alleged draft of decision against Zovko, explaining the situation that resulted in the report against Zovko in most simplified and malicious way, was published in spite of witnesses’ and Zovko’s denial.

CJA is convinced that the procedure and HRT decision would not have happened if Zovko had not been the CJA President. Therefore we find the possibility of Zovko’s sudden job contract termination to be a direct attack of HRT Management against CJA.

We also want to point out that membership in the professional journalists’ organization for HRT journalists has not been well regarded by the HRT Management and many of our colleagues, active CJA members, have been exposed to notices, warnings and professional marginalization. All of that has been going on in an organization that should promote freedom of speech. Zovko has been a CJA member since 1997 and since January 1998 has been working at the HRT as journalist and editor. He was awarded several times and has never been sanctioned.

CJA finds that one’s membership and engagement in a professional journalists’ association ought not to be the reason for any pursuit, pressure or any other kind of harassment at one’s place of employment. Terminating an employment contract for the CJA President Zovko for reasons stated by HRT is unjustified and unconscionable.

CJA has informed European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ), SEEMO, EBU, Reporters Without Borders and other relevant international organizations about these events.

Life – danger country: 7th force representatives – third rate citizens


SARAJEVO; 21.09.2018.- “State (country) provides criminals with the protection. This is a life – danger country”, claims Milanka Babic – Kovacevic, a female journalist working for “Direkt”, the city of Gacko local web site.

“I have reported threats directed against me at least 15 times and 30 times the threats were explicit. I have 5 cases undergoing court procedure at the moment”, stated Dragan Bursac, the journalist working for BUKA (local) website and Al Jazeera Balkans regional TV house.

“I experienced horrible things and there were many of them with state body officials confronting with me and including assaults by certain bullies, or I should say, local wannabe sheriffs”, Refik Vejsilagic, Federal Television cameraman recalls the images and situations he had gone through on the professional field.

“This state cannot impose sanctions against those who have been attacking and assaulting journalist and media staff, because it is the state that has actually been attacking and assaulting”, explained Avdo Avdic, Zurnal magazine journalist.

These sentences and statements best outline the present state and situation as far as journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina is concerned and they particularly outline investigative reporting. Threats, insults, offenses, verbal and physical assaults, degrading and devaluing journalists display just some of many terms that journalists face on daily basis whilst performing their duties and during their daily work. Circumstances are even more extreme since you, a journalist, are often exposed to surrounding pressures imposed by the members of local community (or even members of your society in general), particularly if you are engaged as journalist in smaller communities, like the case of Milanka Babic – Kovacevic, a female journalist working for “Direkt”, the city of Gacko local web site.

Mrs. Babic – Kovacevic was recently verbally assaulted at the bank office in the city of Trebinje, because of the story she had previously released regarding the tragic traffic accident where three persons had lost their lives. This case has been subject to court proceedings for over a decade and its conclusion is nowhere near the end. “Mladjo Zelenovic, a person whose name has been listed on the international warrant list and also the person, who had also previously been convicted, verbally assaulted me at the bank office in Gacko. He was yelling at me in public and his body language clearly indicated his aggressive intentions as he openly threatened me shouting: ”I could kill you now”, Babic – Kovacevic recalls this accident.

This female journalist reported the entire case to official authorities, including Free Media Help Line, as part of the BH Journalists Association. She claimed that she was not frightened by threats coming from certain people, although she did feel uncomfortable though. She emphasized that insecurity and uncertainty in smaller communities, such as Gacko, is much greater than in other larger communities. Being a female journalist and doing investigative reporting, represents a great challenge by its own nature, if we take into consideration the fact that those imposing threats or assaulting female journalists are in most cases conservative and primitive people, because on one hand, they feel much more comfortable when they threat female journalists, rather than threatening male journalists on the other hand.

“I somehow believe that criminals completely lack any kind of honor as this is in contrast with the criminal mindset. They (criminals) are indeed cowards because they hit weaker parties and people are often inclinable, as far as the maltreating and bullying of weaker persons is concerned, and this is exactly how they (criminals) treat female population”, added this female journalist from Gacko.

Dragan Bursac, a journalist from Banjaluka city reckons that journalists are unaware of their rights and that reported cases of assaults on journalists represent only an iceberg peak in comparison with massive number of cases where journalists decided not to report assaults because they did not want to disturb peaceful atmosphere and working environment in media houses they worked for. He also believes that every journalist being assaulted must report the case to the Free Media Help Line and then additionally report it to official police authorities.

Dragan Bursac personally reported the most recent assault to official authorities in Banja Luka. “A person whose identity was well – known (and the person whose full name was also well – known) was threatening me several times and was accordingly processed. Police authorities managed to locate him since, surprisingly enough, he was not even attempting to hide from the public. This case was then submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka and the proceedings have, ever since, been going on for about nine months. Consequently, he texted me recently (some seven days ago) and his message was: ”As you can see, neither court nor Prosecutors Office can do anything to me”, and I absolutely agreed with him on this, despite the fact that he had previously threatened to kill me”, emphasized Mr. Bursac.

Bursac claimed that journalists in BiH are considered as third rate citizens. It is humiliating that assaults on journalists are not legally considered and treated as assaults on official authorities, even though we have witnessed that cases with “plain civilians”’ have been processed much faster and more accurate, comparing to cases where journalists have been involved, that is, threatened or assaulted.

Avdo Avdic, Zurnal, info magazine investigative reporter has been facing threats and assaults for years because of his work. He believes only people (with no firm and solid political background or interest-based group) charged for assaults on journalists have been processed legally in the decent period of time. Last threats that Mr. Avdic faced were directed by the bodyguard of Gordana Tadic, a chief state prosecutor. “I experienced two assaults by the bodyguard of Gordana Tadic (a chief state prosecutor). The first time, it happened at Mrs. Tadic’s home in the town of Zivince and he did not threaten me directly then; instead, he warned me that I should not behave in “such way” and should not make records about chief prosecutor either.

The second time, it occurred in Prosecutor’s Office at the facilities of Court of BiH, when he approached me in the corridor and, in front of all the witnesses there, told me the following: ”Do you want to see what it looks like when I f…k?” Mr. Avdic reported the entire incident to Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Sarajevo. After six months, since the case had been legally reported, no one was prosecuted, despite the fact that there were witnesses and video surveillance that would surely confirm all allegations and claims filed in by Mr. Avdic. Although, according to Criminal Law provisions, specific investigations, cases or proceedings may last over six months period. Zurnal magazine journalist has been a target and subject to numerous assaults for over two decades of his work, and court proceedings were completed and terminated in two cases only.

“While working on the story about terrorism in Sandzak region, we had been threatened by Abid Podbicanin and Izudin Crnovrsanin. The Police arrested both of them after our call. Podbicanin later died while fighting in Syria as a member of ISIS terrorist and military group and Crnovrsanin was recently convicted for terrorism in Serbia and additionally sentenced to several-year prison punishment, upon his return from Syria as well. Another case included Sadik Bahtic, who at the time of this incident was an MP. Mr. Bahtic literally forced out Refik Vejsilagic, a Federal Television cameraman, from the Press Conference. He was later convicted for misdemeanor and was fined with miserable BAM 300.00 – 400.00 fine, concluded Mr. Avdic. If we take journalism through television, no story could be conducted without the work of cameramen. In cases of assaults and threats, purposely directed against journalists, cameramen have always been people left on the margins, since their work was minimized, including their great contribution to the entire reporting process.

Refik Vejsilagic has been a long time cameraman working for the Federal Television and his trade is also considered and defined as the 7th force. “TV Journalism is not one man story only; in fact, it’s a teamwork consisting of a driver, cameraman and myself. However, I would not go into these kinds of stories unless I had complete trust in people I have been working with. When you find yourself in a “nowhere land”, the only person you could rely on at that moment is your colleague and workmate. I have always worked with people that have never left me alone and abandon me”, said Mr. Vejsialgic. He added that he always wanted to show everything that has been happening on the field and around us, by using his camera lenses. He remembered the time when he was video recording for “60 minutes”’, a political TV magazine, and anthological scenes.

Assault on journalists team in the village of Gluha Bukovica, where this team was making a report on pedophilia affair in Islamic Association, was well – known to wide and general public, by the statement:” Do you want me to “go” through you”, because this threat was directed to FTV cameraman himself. “This was a story about the small and underdeveloped village, with uneducated and completely illiterate people living there. During these moments, adrenalin takes over and you find yourself thinking extremely fast. You seek the closest and shortest possible escape route. This incident was very rough. In this, very unpleasant situation, there was a man, who could have defeated me with a glance, and he was standing right in front of me. We were trapped in the house where this little girl, who had been sexually harassed, was living and this house was on top of the village. Who knows what would have happened if they came for us then. Special police arrived, later on, to evacuate us from this village”, Vejsilagic tells his story.

Currently and depending on a scope of assaults or threats on journalists, this kind of incident should legally be considered and treated as felony or misdemeanor. The state failed to establish a functional and legal framework that would provide protection for journalists from eventual assaults, that is, our state failed to pay particular attention to the protection of journalism as a professional occupation. Irisa Cevra, a female lawyer said that criminal laws and their provisions have not clearly defined types of assaults on journalists, as these legal provisions should have provided journalists with protection. Furthermore, she added that official authorities, particularly legislative and judiciary bodies must take larger – scope protection measures in order to provide protection for journalists from possible assaults. She reckoned that legal framework must be amended and accordingly, assaults on journalists must be clearly defined as the felony or criminal deeds and through the law on public peace and order, these assaults must be identified and recognized as a special type of criminal felony.

“This kind of recommendation was indicated in Special Report regarding the position and cases of threats and journalists in BiH, issued by the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman/Ombudsmen of BiH in 2017 and it was supported by the OSCE Mission to BiH. This report was done in accordance with the international standards by the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe and European Union”, claimed Irisa Cevra, a female lawyer. High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina failed to provide answers to the following question: How many assaults and threats have been reported from 2000 till present day and how many cases were concluded too. “The information on processing criminal felonies is taken from the System for automatic managing of cases in courts and prosecutor’s offices (CMS/TCMS) where the list of criminal felonies is in accordance with current criminal laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bearing in mind that current criminal laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not define that criminal felony which, by the nature of the threat or assault, may be executed exclusively against journalists during at the time when they perform their work duties. HJPC (original VSTV) of BiH is accordingly unable to withdraw such information and data from the CMS/TCMS system”, replied the HJPC officials.

The only statistical information regarding assaults and threats directed against journalists in BiH are available in publication “Indicators of the level of media freedoms and journalists’ safety” issued by the Association of BiH Journalists. Pursuant to this information and data provided, during the period between 2013 until 2016, there were 65 registered cases of verbal threats, 21 cases of physical assaults, seven cases of death threats, and 15 cases of mobbing and 35 cases of miscellaneous discrimination. During the period between 2013 and 2017, there were 217 cases of assaults on media houses, syndicates, work unions, Press Council and other online media houses.

Only 15% of cases had been investigated and resolved. According to information provided by Free Media Help Line, during the period between 2006 and 2016, there were 495 cases of threats or assaults on journalists.

“I do this because I like and enjoy doing this kind of work and I exceptionally respect this profession. I like people I work with as well and consider them as my family members. All my friends are directly related to the field of journalism. This is my life no matter what good I can get from it and I do not consider doing anything else in my life”, concluded Refik Vejsilagic, a Federal Television cameraman.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin–the second edition of the special serial of BHJ online bulletin implemented as part of the following project: Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX). 

Regional Platform: HRT to reject complaints against Zovko, its editor and CJA president


ZAGREB, 21.09.2018. – Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, representing more than 8000 members, strongly condemns the initiation of job contract termination procedure for Hrvoje Zovko, the editor and journalist of the Croatian Radio-television (HRT) and the president of the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) and urges HRT management to reject the complaints made against him.

On 13.09.2018, due to on-going pressures, attempts of censorship and undue attacks against his professional conduct, as well as organizational chaos in HRT, Zovko had sent a written resignation from the position of the executive editor of HRT4, the info channel of the HRT. His resignation was fully explained in written and accepted on a meeting with Katarina Perisa Cakarun, the editor of HRT Information Media Service. On the same day, only two hours later, he was asked for another meeting to justify his decision again. During that meeting, Zovko was subjected to more verbal attacks, accusation of unprofessional conduct, activism and engagement in the Croatian Journalists Association.

As Zovko disputed the claims the meeting turned into a quarrel which was used as a pretext for initiating a procedure of Special notice of dismissal on 14.09 quoting “significant breach of work obligations and insults and threats to Katarina Perisi Cakarun”.  HRT Management recommended the strongest sanction against Mr Zovko, termination of employment contract, and the Working Board has to respond by Monday 24.09.2018.

Croatian Journalists Association stated that Zovko has entered the world of journalism in 1995 and started working at HRT in January 1998, highlighting that over a period of 20 years there hasn’t been a single complaint about Zovko’s professional conduct. Given Zovko’s professional record, CJA stated that the Association rightly fears that the real pretext for Zovko’s dismissal is his engagement with CJA where he took the role of president in June 2018.

The Platform strongly opposes the idea that a person could be under pressures and that his/her working position could be endangered or lost due to membership or engagement in the professional association. Actions of HRT represent a direct pressure on Zovko, as a professional journalist, and indirect pressures on the Croatian Journalists Association.

The Platform reminds that journalists have a right to join professional associations and to act within them. Recent actions by HRT, and unexpected efficiency of its Management in his case, could discourage journalists from pursuing that right.

Given that HRT Working Board has to respond by 24.09.2018, and its decision is not binding for the HRT Management, the Platform urges HRT not to proceed with termination of Zovko’s contract and demonstrate to the national and international public that the Croatian public service broadcasters respect its employees’ professional and labour rights, guaranteed by national laws and international conventions.