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Prime minister wants reduced criteria for general director of RTCG

Photo: gov.me

PODGORICA, 29.05.2024. – Prime Minister Milojko Spajić’s office has submitted a revised Law on the National Public Broadcaster (RTCG) for review to the European Commission without public consultation. This version contains substantial changes compared to the draft produced by the Working Group.

The criteria for the director of RTCG are significantly reduced – only five years of work experience, as well as the method of selecting NGO representatives to the RTCG Council (the Parliamentary Administrative Committee will have the final say). This is opposed to the initial proposal, which required ten years of experience for the general director and considered the number of proposals for NGOs as the deciding factor for their election to the RTCG Council.

The Ministry of Culture and Media has distanced itself from this proposal. Director of the Media Directorate, Nedjeljko Rudović, stated that they were excluded from the subsequent consultations with the European Commission and that they stand by the initial proposal of the multisectoral Working Group.

The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, as a member of the Working Group, believes that if the Government adopts this proposal, it will be a significant step backward and will undermine nearly two years of work by this body.

Director of pro-regime tabloid physically assaults Radar journalist

photo: N1

Weekly magazine Radar journalist Vuk Z. Cvijic was physically assaulted on the street in downtown Belgrade on Wednesday, Radar reported. He said he was punched in the head by Milan Ladjevic, the director of the Srpski Telegraf pro-regime tabloid.

“I was attacked by Milan Ladjevic, he punched me in the head, in a café near their office,” Cvijic told N1.

He said he was just passing down the street and that Ladjevic started throwing insults at him. “Then I started to walk away. He approached me again and then hit me,” Cvijic recounted.

He said he has known Ladjevic for a long time, but that they are not in any kind of contact or personal conflict.

“I have written articles in which I mentioned him in connection with a trial. I presume it has to do with that, since we have no personal conflict,” said Cvijic.

He said the police are at the scene, and that he has already spoken with them.

“I did not expect to be physically assaulted by someone who presents himself as a journalist. We live in a society of violence, but this came as a surprise,” said Cvijic.


BH JOURNALISTS: Decision on the Off The Record award is made by the jury of this event

FOTO: BH novinari

Banja Luka/Sarajevo, May 27, 2024. –  Steering Committee of the Association of BH Journalists would like to inform  BH public that it did not participate in the announcement of the competition, the selection of the best journalist and the awarding of the Banja Luka Journalists’ Club award as part of the Off The Record event, which was held in Banja Luka on Friday, May 24, 2024.  Also, Steering Committee of BH Journalists resolutely rejects any kind of pressure on the association and individuals, especially the spread of hate speech, misinformation and incitement via social networks.

Since the establishment of  ,,Off The Record” event in 2013, which was an idea of ​​ the Club of Journalists Banja Luka, it was under  complete responsibility of the Club itself, from the creation of  competition aswell as the invitation for journalists to participate, through development and adoption of the rules for giving awards to the jury and selection of the best journalist from Banja Luka.  Independence of  Banja Luka Club in organizing the event and choosing the best journalist is part of the democratic and decentralized understanding of freedom of expression, freedom of action and work of BH journalists. Such an approach was a part of  mutual respect within the Steering Committee of the association and trust that the leadership of  Banja Luka Journalist Club organizes and manages this event with the aim of gathering journalists, solidarity and strengthening professional dialogue amongst  journalists of this city.

We share with the BiH public the fact that, according to  rules of the Off the Record event, the jury, which consists of award-winning journalists from previous years, decides completely independently to whom it will give an award the best journalist, without the Club of Journalists Banja Luka and its management having any say in it, any influence whatsoever.

With an aim of calming the whole situation and reducing divisions in the journalistic community, the president of the Club of Journalists Banja Luka Siniša Vukelić and the secretary of the Club Ljiljana Smiljanić decided to submit their resignations. The Steering Committee of BH Journalists will soon appoint an acting coordinator for the Club of Journalists Banja Luka until a new leadership is elected.

Smiljanic and Vukelic have also submitted their resignations from membership in the Steering Committee of BH Journalists, which will be decided by the members of the Steering Committee at their next session.

Steering Committee of BH Journalists.

The SafeJournalists Network presented the Journalist Safety Index at the EFJ Assembly

photo: IJAS

Members of the SafeJournalists network presented yesterday the Journalist Safety Index for the countries of the Western Balkans at the Assembly of the European Federation of Journalists, which was held in Pristina from May 23 to 24.

The results show that the countries of the Western Balkans are mostly in the middle of the scale between “1” and “7”, which means that they have almost equal positive and negative sides and that none of these aspects predominate.

The main goal of the Safety Index is to measure the “safety environment for journalists” in the countries of the Western Balkans.

It is based on the already existing monitoring of the environment in which journalists and media work in WB countries.

It is based on international standards and best practices.


Although they are guaranteed by law to practice their profession freely, journalists are under various kinds of pressures that prevent the stability and protection of their work. Although they are formally protected, journalistic sources are a special target, and institutions send a clear message to sources that the disclosure of information is not welcome and that the system will not allow it. Access to safeguards is simple and good, but most procedures are rejected or stopped at further stages.

Although journalists have good access to protective mechanisms, the practice of not condemning threats and attacks, along with encouraging citizens to make threats by representatives of the authorities, raises mistrust and deters journalists from reporting.

The competent authorities, despite certain shortcomings, still have a good data collection system in place, but the system is still not efficient. The various results of the conducted investigations still give the impression of a selective approach. Harassment on social networks is becoming the biggest problem in the protection of journalists. The prosecution and especially the police are under pressure and influence from the authorities, which makes the processing mechanism ineffective.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Systematic legal changes in Republika Srpska; Legal interventions in the area of access to public information at BiH state level; Developement of legal regulation against hate speech and disinformation in Sarajevo Canton.

No special legal mechanism for protecting journalists from violence in an efficient manner, nor criminal legislation for hate speech and safety threats to journalists.

Political influences to the judiciary and the police as key points for the protection of journalists.

One positive thing: contact points in the police and prosecutor’s offices have been appointed, which can influence more effective investigations of attacks to journalists


RTCG director reelected despite numerous Court decisions, prosecutor open the case.

No special mechanism regarding hate speech protection.

Political instability affected Police Administration, while new Supreme Prosecutor open to media.

Cases of attacks on journalists are being investigated more promptly.;

Politicians continue to pressure the media;

SLAPP lawsuits are filed against those who hold critical views;

The material conditions are unsatisfactory, journalists are leaving the profession.

North Macedonia

In general, the perception in 2023 is that defamation and insult lawsuits were used more as a pressure tool in the past than they are today.

A positive change is the appointment of competent prosecutor Dejan Petrevski, who came as a replacement for the current prosecutor Iskra Hadži Vasileva, who was promoted at the end of 2023. Prosecutor Petrevski will monitor the proceedings in cases where journalists were attacked.

The Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in cooperation with the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) appointed three new special public prosecutors for the new three appeal areas of Tetovo, Bitolj and Štip. Through the established special line for communication with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, journalists will be able to be informed about the course of the procedure for physical attacks and violence. However, there are still no specific instructions from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Prosecutor’s Office for effective detection and prosecution of perpetrators of attacks and threats against journalists.

In 2023, the number of attacks on journalists decreased compared to the previous year. However, although the number of verbal and physical threats is generally decreasing compared to the last 10 years, it is worrying that journalists and media professionals are increasingly exposed to threats and harassment in the online space, That is, on social networks, some of which are serious threats to the physical safety of journalists. who work on investigations of corruption and other negative social phenomena.


During 2023, Kosovo has experienced an unprecedented decrease in terms of media freedom and journalists’ safety. In comparison to 2022 where there were 33 reported cases, the number of attacks on journalists has increased by 41, making 2023 the year with the highest number of violations of media freedom and attacks on journalists. Journalists reporting in northern municipalities have encountered life threats, verbal and physical attacks, as well as damage to personal and professional belongings.

Additionally, in June, there was a move by the government to revoke the operating license of one of the country’s largest national television, Klan Kosova. This reevaluation of the license was prompted by findings in the paperwork of the owning corporation by the Ministry of Trade, Entrepreneurship, and Industry. Local civil society organizations, in collaboration with the international presence in Kosovo, successfully prevented this decision from being implemented; however, it marks a significant threat to media freedom in Kosovo.

Throughout 2023, members of the ruling party conducted an online smear campaign against the media, journalists, and media freedom activists. Furthermore, the appointment of the director of the first channel of the Public Broadcaster of Kosovo was seen as political due to Mr. Rilind Gervalla’s affiliation with the ruling party, Levizja Vetëvendosje. Although heavily opposed by the community, Mr. Gervalla continues to hold the position of RTK1 director to this day.

Finally, the budget received by the Public Service Broadcaster is entirely determined by the Assembly, leaving it vulnerable to political influences. The allocated budget for 2023 is the lowest in recent years, posing a direct form of pressure as the Kosovan PSB can now only afford the salaries of its employees.

This year, the regular Assembly of the European Federation of Journalists is being held in Pristina on May 23 and 24. During yesterday’s day, in addition to the presentation of the SefeJournalists network, a round table entitled “Reporting in times of war” was held, and an invitation to participate in the mapping of the Media Freedom Platform (MFRR) was also presented. After that, the regular court procedures were started.

A round table on the topic “Fighting against SLAPPs” was held today.

Women MP-s of the Democratic Party (PD) “Rithemelimi” submitted a draft resolution to the Parliament aimed at enhancing the protection of female Journalists.


On May 23, 2024, the Democratic Party (PD) “Rithemelimi” of Albania submitted a draft resolution to the Parliament aimed at enhancing the protection of female journalists against verbal abuse and threats. This initiative was led by MP Ina Zhupa and MP Albana Vokshi and signed by 10 MPs of the PD “Rithemelimi” who emphasized the increasing hostility faced by journalists, which has been exacerbated by negative rhetoric from political figures.

Addressed to the Speaker of the Parliament, Mrs. Lindita Nikolla, the MPs request for a motion with debate, as well as review and approval in the plenary session of the Draft Resolution “For the protection of journalists from the violence of any kind; the end of impunity for perpetrators and the recognition of the indispensable role of free and independent media in the development of democracy in Albania”. The MPs request to initiate a debate in the Parliament regarding the unacceptable and unprecedented behavior of Prime Minister Edi Rama towards female journalists.

The resolution underscores the critical role of journalists in uncovering the truth and serving the public interest. It aims to ensure journalists can perform their duties without fear of retaliation.

The full draft resolution in Albanian

The European Federation of Journalists – EFJ held its Annual Meeting for the first time in Prishtina


For the very first time, Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, is hosting around 100 journalists and trade union representatives from 45 European countries.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo, a member of the European Federation of Journalists, is honored to host this annual meeting.

Opening remarks were given by the Chairperson of AJK, Xhemajl Rexha, the President of EFJ, Maja Sever, the Mayor of Pristina, Pëparim Rama, and the Ukrainian journalist sheltered in Kosovo, Lyudmila Makei.

Following the introductory speeches, a discussion on war reporting took place with panelists Tim Dawson, Deputy General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, IFJ; Florent Duplouy, lawyer, CoE Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism; Wade Goddard, photojournalist, War Photo Limited; and Sergiy Tomilenko, NUJU President.

AJK is thrilled to welcome around 100 journalists and trade union representatives from 45 European countries to Kosovo.

During the second part of the first day of the Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Journalists, The Western Balkans Regional Platform, SafeJournalists, presented the findings of the Journalists’ Safety Index in the Western Balkans for the year 2023.

The index was presented by Getoarbë Mulliqi – Researcher of SafeJournalists in Kosovo, Tamara Filipović Stevanović – Project Coordinator, Serbia, Milan Spirovski – Researcher, North Macedonia, Borka Rudić – Project Coordinator, BiH, and Dražen Ðurašković – Project Coordinator, Montenegro.

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) proceeded with the presentation of the work reports for the year 2023 and other necessary discussions.

For more information about the EFJ Annual Meeting, please visit the EFJ’s official website on the X social network. (@EFJEUROPE)


Belarusian Journalist Andrey Gnyot Faces Extradition from Serbia to Belarus

photo: pixabay

On 30 October 2023, Gnyot was detained upon his arrival to Serbia, based on an international arrest warrant issued by Interpol upon request by authorities in Belarus on alleged tax evasion charges.

In December 2023, the Higher Court in Belgrade ruled that the conditions for Gnyot’s extradition to Belarus were met. On 12 March 2024, after appeal, the decision was overturned and the case was sent for review. The process resumed on 26 March 2024.

Gnyot has remained in detention in the central prison in Belgrade ever since. His health has deteriorated significantly, according to CPJ’s review of his letter to his friend dated 11 May 2024. In the letter, Gnyot said his left foot had been partially paralyzed since April, and he was not receiving appropriate medical treatment.

Andrei Gnyot is a Belarusian journalist, director and political activist, and he is called the co-founder of the “Free Association of Athletes SOS BY”, recognised in Belarus as an “extremist party”. Gnyot’s friend told CPJ that if the journalist is extradited to Belarus, he could potentially face additional charges for creating or participating in an extremist group, which carries up to 10 years in prison, while a tax evasion charge carries up to seven years imprisonment, according to the Belarusian criminal code.

On 3 November 2023, Gnyot’s lawyer filed a request to delete Gnyot’s data with the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files. In February 2024, Interpol temporarily blocked access to Gnyot’s data in its database, pending verification that Belarusian security forces were complying with Interpol regulations.

Source: COE

AJK supports journalist Qëndresa Krelani and demands an immediate end to any denigrating campaigns against her


The sports journalist on the public television of Kosovo, RTK, Qendresa Krelani-Qeqa, is once again facing online derogatory campaigns.

In some recently shared videos, the statement of the former coach of the Kosovo National Team, Ghila, who mentioned taking advice from Krelani about the formation in a match, is being highlighted disrespectfully.

AJK strongly condemns these campaigns and urges all individuals, including colleagues in the sports industry, to put an immediate stop to them.

Krelani is an exceptional example of a woman in sports journalism, a predominantly male-dominated field. Her work is an inspiration and motivation for other women interested in sports journalism, and these campaigns against her are counterproductive to this cause.

AJK supports Krelani and encourages her to continue her work in the interest of the public.

BIRODI: Vucic’s TV Pink appearance breaches ODIHR recommendations, Constitution and laws


“Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, appearing today on TV Pink, continued to violate international standards, ODIHR recommendations, the Constitution, and laws in the election campaign for local elections, while TV Pink violated media guidelines.

In the BIRODI statement, it was noted that Vucic, appearing in the morning program on TV Pink as the President of the Republic of Serbia, spoke for three-quarters of the time as an unannounced leader of the list for local elections in Belgrade, Nic, Novi Sad, and Cacak.

As stated, in the interview, which lasted 63 minutes including the announcement, one-quarter of the time was spent on the topic of the Srebrenica genocide resolution, while three-quarters of the time was devoted to local elections and promoting the successes of the government.

„The interviewer, through her questions, comments, the content of the broadcast reports, and the displayed graphics, influenced that the guest and the list for local elections, to which the guest lent his name, were presented positively or extremely positively, while opposition electoral lists for local elections were presented negatively or extremely negatively,“ BIRODI stated.

Therefore, the Bureau called on the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media to determine whether the interview with the President of the Republic violated the Regulations on the Protection of Human Rights in the Field of Media Services and the Regulations on the Manner of Fulfilling Obligations of Media Service Providers during the election campaign.“

Source: N1