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NUNS to Serbia’s Interior Minister: Stop targeting journalists

Foto: N1

The Independent Association of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS) told Aleksandar Vulin, the Interior Minister, on Wednesday to stop targeting media people after he claimed a reporter was a member of an opposition party.

NUNS said that „journalism isn’t and must not serve in political subterfuge, nor must it be a tool in show-downs with political opponents ahead of elections. No one, particularly people from the authorities, should treat our colleagues in such a way.”

Vulin told the pro-regime B92 TV with national frequency, that Vuk Cvijic, an investigative journalist with the independent NIN weekly, was a member of the People’s Party, led by Vuk Jeremic. Jeremic is one of the tough opponents of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) headed by President Aleksandar Vucic.

NUNS recalled that was not the first time that Cvijic was falsely branded as a political activist. The pro-government tabloid Informer had to retract its news about Cvijic after reactions from journalists’ organisations.

NUNS also said that “unfortunately, it has become a common practice by the state officials and pro-regime media to label independent journalists as opposition parties’ members or activists, falsely accusing them of political activities.”

„We’ll register this case in our Database of Attacks and Pressures on Journalists and report it to our regional SafeJournalists.net base and inform all international organisations,” NUNS added.

The ministry again called on the media to register


PODGORICA, August 5, 2021 – The Ministry of Public Administration, Digital Society, and Media recently re-invited media owners to join the process of registration, which is proscribed by the Law on Media adopted in July last year.

Article 9, paragraph 1 of the Law on Media stipulates the obligation of the Ministry to keep Media Records.

If the intention of the legislator is realized, Montenegro could, for the first time, get a single database of all media operating in the country.

Until now, those records were only partial, because the Agency for Electronic Media kept a database on online and electronic media, while the recording of printed publications was left to the ministry in charge of the media, and those data were never publicly available.

The intention of the Law is that every person has the right to access the Register.

“According to the guarantees of protection of media pluralism, the goal of the Media Record is to transparently present basic information about the media in one place. The application for registration in the Register is submitted by the founder or an authorized person”, the Ministry states in a repeated invitation, which was sent for the first time in March.

Law on Media doesn’t predict penalties if media do not register.

Open call for preparation of media laws


PODGORICA, 04.08.2021. – Ministry of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media has invited the interested public to get involved in the preparation of the Draft Law on Audiovisual Media Services, the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Media and the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on National Public Broadcaster Radio and Television of Montenegro.

“Media reform will harmonize the media norms of Montenegro with the highest international standards in this area, with Directive (EU) 2018/1808 amending Directive 2010/13 / EU on AVM services, standards that promote freedom of expression, independence of the journalistic profession, strengthen overall independence national public broadcaster and regulator for the field of audiovisual media services “, the Ministry announced.

The deadline for submitting initiatives, proposals, suggestions and comments is September 27, 2021.







Risks to Media Pluralism: Political Influence, Media Concentration and lack of Social Inclusiveness


PODGORICA, August 2nd, 2021 – The existing legal framework in Montenegro is suitable for the development of media pluralism, but more in a quantitative than in a qualitative sense. The process of establishing the media, especially online, is extremely liberal. Existing regulatory and self-regulatory mechanisms, however, do not contribute to raising professional and ethical standards.

These are conclusions of the Montenegro report in Media Pluralism Monitoring for 2020, led by The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom.

In that sense authors suggest developing media strategy through an inclusive debate, followed by amendments to media legislation, in which community media would also be recognized.

When it comes to posing risks to media pluralism, the report especially emphasizes the risk to social inclusiveness.

“First, Access to media for local and regional communities scores a very high 97% risk due to the absence of any special guarantees or legal support scheme for local and regional media as well as to the inexistence of community media. Second, Access to women also scores a high risk (75%) because women remain highly underrepresented in informative and political programmes, although they produce the majority of broadcasted information. Third, the indicator on Protection against illegal and harmful speech scores a high risk (81%) because the fight against disinformation in Montenegro is very limited”.

Also, the political independence area includes high-risk indicators for political control over media outlets, editorial autonomy and independence of PSM funding and governance. The mainstream media in Montenegro are mostly politically affiliated, and the national public broadcaster RTCG has been under the direct control of the state government.

“Market Plurality area records high-risk indicators in the field of news media concentration and the commercial and owners influence over editorial content. Institutional capacities in the field of competition protection are still underdeveloped. There are no safeguards to ensure that state resources allocated to local and national public service media (PSM) do not cause disproportionate effects on competition. Also, there are no mechanisms that would enable adequate protection of local media from the unfair competition of big regional media companies”.

As the authors state, there are no mechanisms granting social protection to journalists in the case of changes of ownership or editorial line.

“Moreover, there are no regulatory safeguards, including self-regulatory instruments, which seek to ensure that decisions regarding appointments and dismissals of editors-in-chief
are not influenced by commercial interests. Montenegro also does not have in place effective measures that would prevent journalists to participate in advertising activities”.

The report states that the legal establishment of the State-level Fund for Encouraging Media Pluralism and Diversity is a significant innovation that has yet to prove its worth.

In order to avoid abuse, they suggest establishing effective control over the ways of money from the fund and the effectiveness of its spending, encouraging the development and maintenance of community media, especially media intended for vulnerable and marginalized social groups, with money from the fund.

They also suggest expanding horizontal and cross-media concentration limitations to include digital media. It would also be recommendable to establish a single ownership register for all media and a single regulatory authority that would monitor compliance with cross-ownership rules.

“Efforts to create and implement rules for digital news media that limit political influence have generally been sporadic, insufficient, and ineffective. The authors suggest introducing a clear set of rules and limits for transparent monitoring of social media campaigns in the
Rules on electoral advertising”, it is stated in the report.

The Media Pluralism Monitor 2021 (MPM2021) is a scientific and holistic effort to document the health of media ecosystems, detailing threats to media pluralism and freedom in European Union member states and some candidate countries.

SMCG: Urgently assess the safety of colleague Jovanovic


PODGORICA, July 30th, 2021 – Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) strongly condemns the endangerment of the safety of the journalist of the daily “Vijesti” Jelena Jovanovic with the alleged “denial” that came from the detainee Mario Milosevic, suspected of two murders. We demand from the competent authorities to urgently clarify all the circumstances of this event, as well as to make an urgent assessment of the safety of the colleague Jovanovic.

We are asking the Montenegrin Bar Association to initiate proceedings against Milosevic’s lawyer Natalija Karadzic, in which it would be determined whether, by passing such a letter, she acted in accordance with the ethics and rules of the profession and endangered the safety of the journalist.

Jovanovic recently received a letter signed by detainee Milosevic, through her lawyer Karadzic, in response to the published text. On July 28, lawyer Karadzic sent an e-mail to the official e-mail address of the journalist and the editorial office where she works, which she called a denial, in which the suspect in the two murders states where the journalist lives, insinuating that Jovanovic is paying off the apartment by writing articles about him. The journalist, who is a witness to the murder for which the prosecution suspects Milosevic, interpreted the allegations as serious threats and an attempt to intimidate and discredit her because the information about where she lives is not public.

We appeal to the institutions of the system to be especially efficient and careful when it comes to the protection of journalists who report on sensitive topics, such as crime and corruption. Journalist Jovanovic has been the target of attacks before, and such intimidation is only aimed at preventing her from doing her job.

In 2021, Trade Union of Media of Montenegro through the SafeJournalists.net network, recorded 13 incidents and attacks to the detriment of media employees, and we think it is high time that the competent state institutions do everything in their power to end the atmosphere of impunity.

Main Board of SMCG

AJK is concerned about the attempted forced entry In “Botapress” offices


On Friday, The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, was informed that an unknown person tried to break into the offices of the online portal “Botapress”.

AJK expresses its concern about this act towards this media, and calls the Kosovo Police to investigate the case as a priority, so that the journalists will have a safe working environment.

AJK also expects that the Kosovo Police will uncover the motives behind such an attempt.

Lawyer: Serious threats to journalists in Serbia, impunity prevents progress

Foto: YT Printscreen/Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije NUNS

The threats to journalists in Serbia, particularly on social networks, are extremely serious and won’t stop as long as there is still impunity and the state institutions don’t do their job, a lawyer and investigator with the Independent Association of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS) said on Tuesday.

Marija Babic added the official answer to reports of intimidation is “there are threats, but they remain threats.”

But she recalled the threats to Milan Jovanovic, who reported on local corruption, led to the burning of his house while he and his wife were inside it. He had received the threats before the arson, but they were not processed.

“We have to be aware that sometimes it goes beyond the threats,” Babic warned.

She said what was needed were the implementation of laws, the efficient work of the institutions, higher level of the police and prosecutors understanding of the journalism, and to what extent those threats influence the journalist and their work and media freedom and freedom of people generally.

“The institutions must start doing their job, primarily the police and prosecutors, and react timely in processing such cases. We have some mechanisms for that, but it is not enough,” Babic said.

The International Press Institute, IPI, reported in April that “in the first few months of 2021 alone, NUNS documented 21 different attacks against journalists. Death threats are common and online harassment of journalists has become increasingly normalised, with journalists investigating or reporting on crime and corruption facing particular dangers.”

A special team has been formed to shed light on Jovanovic’s murder

foto: dan.co.me

PODGORICA, July 27, 2021 – The Bureau for Operational Coordination (BOK), chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, has formed a special team that will work on shedding light on the murder of Dan editor Dusko Jovanovic, “Vijesti” published.

The team includes representatives of several competent institutions, which together will try to solve the most serious case of the attack on journalists from 2004.

The team will be led by Abazovic, and the formation of that body, whose only task was to find out who shoot Jovanovic on May 27, 2004, and who ordered the murder, was agreed last week at BOK sessions, and they already had certain activities.

A spokesman for “Vijesti” said that they had contacted international partners, whose services and investigators with extensive experience will help solve the murder.

Several people have been questioned in the investigation into the murder of the editor-in-chief of “Dana” in the last few months, “Vijesti” was told on the eve of the anniversary of that crime.

The new Board of AJK held their first meeting


Today the new AJK’s Board held their first meeting, where 8 out of 9 members of the Board participated.

In this meeting was discussed about the work, projects and engagement of the organization so far, in a report by the former Chairwoman of the Board, Gentiana Begolli – Pustina. Afterwards, the Board members discussed new projects and ideas, which will serve to further promote the work of journalists and improve their work environment.

The new AJK board, headed by journalist Xhemajl Rexha, was voted on July 19, in the AJK’s Assembly, where 320 members were present.