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EFJ supports AJM – The court decision of the events of “27th of April” should be reconsidered


On 27 April 2017, during protest in Skopje, which later resulted in the storming of the Parliament building by nationalist demonstrators, a total of 21 journalists were threatened or barred from reporting at the scene. One of them, Goran Trpenoski, was dismissed yesterday by the Civil Court in Skopje, which did not recognise his status as a journalist. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its affiliate AJM/ZNM challenge the interpretation of the Macedonian court and call on it to review its decision.

Goran Trpenoski covered the events of 27 April 2017 for the online media Sakamdakazham (sdk.mk). He was threatened and decided to sue for obstruction of the right to access information and for psychological damage. Yesterday, in her verdict, judge Jovanka Spirovska Paneva explains that at the time Trpenoski was not a journalist because he worked for the online media sdk.mk, which according to the Media Law is not considered a media outlet. Furthermore, in this verdict, the court does not recognise the right to information as a constitutional right.

The EFJ and AJM believe that the verdict violates European legal standards of press freedom as defined by the European Court of Human Rights. The verdict also violates the case law of the Macedonian Court of Appeal which confirmed that professionals working for online media should not be denied the title of journalist.

The EFJ joins its affiliate AJM in demanding a review of this ruling, which violates press freedom.The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is the largest organisation of journalists in Europe, representing over 320,000 journalists in 72 journalists’ organisations across 45 countries

Names of Serbia’s journalist killers known, prosecutors ask for evidence


BELGRADE, 14.04.2021. – Veran Matic, the head of Serbia’s Commission for Investigation of Journalists’ Murders, said on Tuesday that the names of those who slain Milan Pantic, a Belgrade Vecernje Novosti daily correspondent from the central Jagodina town in 2001 were known, but were free since the Prosecutors’ Office for Organized Crime said it did not have enough evidence.

Matic told the state RTV Vojvodina the police investigation was over and that they “have a picture of what had happened, and who committed the murder, but that they are still free.”

He added it was difficult to prove since the crime scene was contaminated immediately after the murder. Still, it was clear they were a group for “contract killings, regardless of a motif.”

Matic said the Commission believed that it was an organised crime linked to concrete privatisation,” about which Pantic wrote.
“We asked the Special Prosecutors’ Office to take over the case, but it said that we had to prove that was the organised crime issue before they dealt with it,” said.

Pantic was gunned down on June 11, 2001, outside the building he lived in.

Eight years of struggle for a better position of media employees


PODGORICA, 13.04.2021. – Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) is marking eight years of struggle for a better position of journalists and media workers and for the improvement of professional standards and freedom of the media.

On the occasion of the birthday, we are introducing a new service – Know your rights, and we are also launching a new website of the organization.

SMCG was founded on April 13, 2013 in Podgorica as a branch union of the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro (USSCG). Since then, about 600 members from more than 20 Montenegrin media have joined the SMCG, which makes up almost half of all employees in the media sector in Montenegro, so SMCG is the largest media organization in the country. SMCG is also a member of the largest international journalistic organizations – the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

During the past eight years of difficult and challenging struggle for a better position of media workers in Montenegro, we have implemented a series of public campaigns, actions and protests in order to improve the economic and social status of media employees, solve attacks on journalists and improve professional standards of journalists and media workers. We also provided free legal aid and legal advice to hundreds of our members and other media workers. Thanks to our proposals in the process of amending media laws, the autonomy and independence of journalists within newsrooms has been improved. SMCG is also the first organization in Montenegro to run the most up-to-date base of attacks on journalists and media workers for years, propose changes to the legislative framework and make concrete proposals on how to increase the protection of journalists. In 2017, SMCG launched an initiative to adopt a new Branch Collective Agreement for the media in order to improve the labor rights of journalists and media workers and increase their salaries, but, unfortunately, negotiations eventually failed because employers were unwilling to accept our proposals. We will renew the initiative in the coming period because the position of media employees is still at an unsatisfactory level in relation to the role that the media have in Montenegrin society.

In the past eight years, we have conducted dozens of researches on the media scene in Montenegro, the position of journalists, the application of media laws and attacks on journalists, which represent a valuable database on the state of media freedom and are often cited domestically and internationally.

Our vision is Montenegro as a democratic society in which media employees work professionally in the interest of citizens and who are satisfied with their material status, where their labor rights and professional freedoms are respected and where they objectively inform citizens, without fear of being pressured by their work. Salaries of journalists and media workers are generally still below the national average, some work illegally and without adequate contracts and their rights are often violated. Due to all that, the biggest challenge in the coming period remains the improvement of the material status of employees in the media, to which SMCG will give its full contribution. Also, big problems remain censorship and self-censorship, various pressures on the free work of journalists and attacks on journalists, and all this will continue to be the subject of our organization’s attention.

On the occasion of the eighth birthday, SMCG is launching a new service – Know your rights. We have expanded the legal team, which will, every other week, except for labor rights, answer the professional dilemmas and questions of our members. We invite the membership, but also the interested public, to ask questions to our lawyers via social networks, e-mail or telephone.

We will publish the answers to all these questions and dilemmas on the new website, where our associates will also publish thematic articles in the field of journalism and media.

We call on all journalists and media workers in Montenegro to be in solidarity, professional in their work, to resist pressure and to work together to improve their position because united we can do a lot and polarized, as we are now, we become easy prey to various influences while our status is not significantly improving.

AJK: FFK must take measures against the sexist language of Tahir Batatina towards the journalist Qendresa Krelani


PRISTINA, 12.04.2021- The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, is extremely concerned with the sexist and offensive language used by the football coach, Tahir Batatina, towards the sports journalist of RTK, Qëndresa Krelani.

Batatina during a TV show addressed the journalist with the words: “You in journalism can only peel newspapers, or clean something, but commenting football in this way no …. you are not on my level, this is not journalism, starting from your appearance … ”

The sexist, offensive and totally inadequate language used by Batatina is extremely disturbing and unacceptable. For AJK, it is not only worrying how little women are represented in the media, but also the way they are represented.

AJK calls upon the Football Federation of Kosovo – FFK, to take action against coach Batatina for the used language, and encourages all the female journalists that despite the stereotypes of the society, to not give up practicing their profession, in any field they want to report.

SMCG condemned attack on RTV Budva’s team


PODGORICA, 09.04.2021. – Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) strongly condemns yesterday’s attack on the team of Radio-television (RTV) Budva at the roundabout at the entrance to Budva during the traffic blockade due to the announced change of the Decision on criteria for acquiring Montenegrin citizenship. According to the testimonies of colleagues, a group of people stopped the RTV Budva team at the blockade, which was returning from work, not allowing them to pass. On that occasion, they behaved inappropriately, hit the official car and threatened to even come to RTV Budva.

We call on the Police Administration to investigate the actions of the commander of the police of the Budva Security Center, Dejan Rakocevic, who, at the request of the journalist team to allow him to pass, said that he would consult with those who banned vehicles and attacked the RTV Budva car. A logical question arises: from whom can citizens and journalists expect protection in such situations if not from the police?

SMCG strongly condemns yesterday’s behavior of certain supporters of the Patriotic-Comitatus Alliance of Montenegro, who insulted, cursed and shoved the journalists of Television Vijesti during the blockade in Bogetici near Niksic.

The journalistic work and editorial policy of any media in Montenegro cannot be a reason to attack journalists or media workers while doing their work.

These cases once again prove our thesis that journalists and media workers have been under special attack during numerous protests in recent times and that they are increasingly collateral damage to fueled political passions in our society. That is why we once again call on politicians and citizens to be tolerant, because the continuation of such actions can cause even more serious consequences. We also call on the Police Administration to pay special attention to journalists and other media workers during reporting on such gatherings and to protect them from attacks.

BH Journalists wrote to the Government of Serbia with a request for vaccination of media workers from BiH


SARAJEVO, April 9, 2021 – The BH Journalists Association sent a request to the representatives of the Government of Serbia to consider the possibility of vaccinating journalists and other media workers from BiH in health care institutions of the Republic of Serbia.

According to the letter sent today on behalf of BH Journalists by the Secretary General of the Association Borka Rudić, there are a total of 6,000 media employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina. So far, close to 1,000 people have been vaccinated in Serbia, and about 5,000 are waiting to be vaccinated.

– We would be grateful if you would approve vaccination in Serbia for at least one part of this number, if not all. We in BH Journalists would be grateful if you would accept our request with due care and consider all possibilities of donating vaccines for journalists from BiH, through vaccination in Serbia or through donation of vaccines to governments in BiH (at any level). If there are such possibilities, our Association would fully take over the preparation of the list of journalists who want to be vaccinated, as well as all other technical tasks related to the organized arrival for vaccination – states the letter sent by BH Journalists to Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar and Minister of Culture and Information and Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia Maja Gojković.

Female journalists and the pandemic in BiH: Pressures, gender discrimination, impaired health…


SARAJEVO, 09.04.2021. More than 10 percent of female journalists in BiH have lost their jobs and incomes since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of women journalists state that the scope of their work tasks has increased significantly – 33.3% of them state that their work obligations have increased to 50 percent, while 5.4 percent worked twice as much as in the period before the pandemic. Despite the increased scope of professional tasks, only 13 percent of female journalists were paid extra for their work, while for the rest of them, their salaries remained the same as before the pandemic.

It is a worrying fact that more than 77% of journalists state that the crisis situations caused by the pandemic have disrupted their mental stability and mental health, and 25% of them say that their physical health has been disrupted.

In the last five years, the Free Media Help Line, which operates within the BH Journalists Association, has recorded about 70 cases of human rights violations and pressure on female journalists in BiH. When it comes to pressures, most of them are sexually motivated violence, misogyny, discrimination, uncivilized methods and street language. Although they are generally less exposed to physical attacks than their male counterparts, the trend of increasing online threats and attacks on female journalists has been observed in the last two years. One of the bigger problems is that female journalists are not sufficiently educated about their rights, mechanisms for the protection of labor and social rights and ways in which they can protect themselves from gender discrimination.

Most women journalists state that although they formally work in the same conditions as men, their problem is often the harmonization of professional and private obligations, and this is especially pronounced during a pandemic.

“The pandemic only increased the pressure. Unfortunately, I have witnessed numerous situations, like most of us, that female journalists have been exposed to pressures, gender-based insults, name-calling and even violence,” says one journalist.

Another female journalist points out that it is very difficult for a woman to organize work from home: “Private and business obligations are intertwined, so most find themselves in the position that the working day lasts from morning until late at night.”

Representation of women in management positions in BiH media is still very low.

According to a survey of BH Journalists, men are in more than two thirds of directors and editors-in-chief positions (68.5%), while the share of women is below one third (31.5%).

The largest disparity in the representation of women and men in the main management positions is in the television sector, where as many as three quarters of directors and editors-in-chief are men. The share of women in the position of director in the media is 25.3 percent, and men 74.7 percent.

(Source: Indicators on the level of media freedom and safety of journalists in BiH 2020, BH Journalists)





Serbia’s company sues media for reporting from opposition party news conference


BELGRADE, 08.04.2021. – Belgrade’s Millennium Team d.o.o.’ sued several media in the country, demanding 100,000 Euro compensation per a single lawsuit for their reporting from an opposition party’s news conference about the company’s businesses, the Coalition for Media Freedom said on Tuesday.

The Coalition said it worried because it saw the lawsuits as pressure on N1, Newsmax Adria, Nova.rs, Belgrade Danas daily and local JUGpress and Inforvranjske from the southern towns of Leskovac and Vranje.

All those media were sued for their „credible reporting on the information presented at the People’s Party’s news conference in Leskovac and Vranjska Banja, early in February,“ the Coalition said.

‘Millennium team doo’ demand compensation of damage to reputation and material damage.

The Coalition recalled the company had not demanded denial of any information published by those media before the lawsuits, nor had it offered an answer to the People’s Party claims.

„The huge compensation the company demands in lawsuits is a bare pressure which, only by the fee for responding to the lawsuit, leads to shutting down the sued local media. It’s a pressure to send a message to all other media that they can be shut down overnight if they do not respect power,“ the Coalition said in a statement.

It added that the lawsuits „seriously endanger public information, the freedom of expression and the right of people in local communities to be informed about everything without censorship.“

The Coalition’s members are the Media Association, Association of Online Media (AOM), Independent Society of Vojvodina Journalists (NDNV),  Independent Association of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS), Business Association of Local and Independent Media’ Local Press’ and ‘Slavko Curuvija’ Foundation.

„Founded in 2003, Millennium Team has grown into a regional leader in its field, developing commercial activities on the territory of our country and the region, and has been continuously growing ever since,“ the company website said.

Millennium Team said it, „a regional leader in its field, has been commissioned as a contractor for the Belgrade Waterfront project (built by the UAE Eagle Hills company), the biggest construction site in Southeast Europe, since the beginning.“


Coalition for the Freedom of Media: Threats of high damages amount put pressure on the media


BELGRADE, 06.04.2021. – Members of the Coalition for Freedom of the Media express deep concern over the pressure exerted on a number of media outlets, which were sued by the company “Millennium team Ltd.” from Belgrade in which they demanded huge compensation for material damage.

Local media JUGpress from Leskovac and Infovranjske from Vranje, as well as the daily Danas, the portal Nova.rs and cable televisions N1 and News Maxadria, were all sued for credible transmission of information presented at the press conferences of the People’s Party in Leskovac and Vranjska Banja in early February this year, and “Millennium team doo” in the lawsuits requires determination of the violation of reputation and compensation for material damage in the amount of 100,000 euros per lawsuit.

We note that “Millennium Team Ltd.” did not officially deny any of the information before filing the lawsuits, nor did it ask the defendant media to publish their response to the allegations made at the press conferences of the People’s Party.

The huge compensation that this company demands in lawsuits is an open form of pressure which, only on the basis of paying the fee for responding to the lawsuit, practically leads to shutting down the sued local media, and  sends a message to all the other media that they can be shut down overnight if they do not respect the power of large companies, and with this the public information and freedom and the right of citizens in local communities to be informed about all events without censorship are seriously endangered.

Members of the Coalition for Freedom of the Media are:

Association of Media

Association of Online Media

Independent Journalists Association of Vojvodina

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia

Association of Local Independent Media “Local Press”

Slavko Curuvija Foundation