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BHJA: The management of FC Sarajevo and its supporters must ensure free and safe work of media crews


Sarajevo, 08.12.2019. – The Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association is publicly protesting to the management of the Football Club “Sarajevo” and its fan groups over the latest attack on Nova BH and TV Hayat cameramen, which occurred during protests in Sarajevo where fans of the club showed their dissatisfaction with the recent dismissal of coach Husref Musemic.

Nova BH cameraman Sedin Lepic was attacked by one of the supporters of FK Sarajevo and sustained minor head injuries, while a group of fans damaged recording equipment of Faruk Avdovic, a Hayat TV cameraman.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists strongly condemns attacks on media teams and preventing cameramen from performing their professional tasks freely and safely. Particularly worrying is the fact that FC Sarajevo fans repeat attacks on journalists and media crews, without adequate reaction from the club itself and the leadership of its supporters groups.

The BH Journalists Steering Committee calls on the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Sarajevo Canton to investigate these attacks urgently and to take legal measures to sanction the attackers, and requires the management of FC Sarajevo and its supporters to take adequate measures to stop violence against media professionals. If this violence does not cease, BH Journalists will invite the media to boycott sports events organized by the FC Sarajevo or its supporters, said the BH Journalists Steering Committee.

NIN to continue reporting on Krusik, editor says


BELGRADE, 06.12.2019 – NIN weekly Editor in Chief Milan Culibrk told N1 on Thursday that he expected more attacks on the magazine over its coverage of the Krusik arms deal affair.

Commenting the posters mimicking the cover of NIN with a picture of the man who killed Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic and the caption NIN Award to Assassin, Culibrk said that no one would stop the magazine from covering the Krusik affair.

A whistleblower leaked documents showing that the father of Internal Affairs Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, Branko, was involved in dubious contracts to re-sell munitions made in Krusik to a Saudi buyer. NIN also came under fierce attack last week over front page photograph of President Aleksandar Vucic in front of sniper rifle at an arms fair. The weekly was fiercely attacked from the ruling coalition and decided to reprint its front page without a photograph.

“Someone is raising tension and blaming NIN and its editorial staff for something they never did,” Culibrk said, adding that they are prepared to pay the price and continue reporting on the Krusik affair.

AJK offices are broken into


Pristina, 06.12.2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo informs the opinion that our offices located in the premises of Public Housing Enterprise on the street “Perandori Justinian” in Pristina are broken into. Thieves stole valuable items that were the organization’s working tools: a camera, a television and a laptop.

Kosovo Police was immediately informed for this case and the forensics team arrived at the scene to conduct the necessary investigations.

AJK is extremely concerned with this situation and strongly condemns this act. Given the fact that in front of AJK offices is Mother Teresa Cathedral, as well as other premises, which have cameras around, AJK asks the Kosovo Police to maximally engage in investigating the case until finding the perpetrators of this penal act.

VKS: Insajder tim i Vučićević povredili čast i ugled novinarke Nataše Mijušković tekstom u Informeru


BEOGRAD, 05.12.2019. – Vrhovni kasacioni sud (VKS) potvrdio je prvostepenu presudu Višeg suda u Beogradu kojom se „Insajder tim“. d.o.o. i Dragan Vučićević proglašavaju krivim, jer su tekstom u „Informeru“ iz novembra 2016. povredili čast i ugled novinarke Radio televizije Srbije (RTS) Nataše Mijušković.

AJK seeks justice for murdered and missing journalists in Kosovo



Pristina, 05 December 2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo has demanded justice for all killed and missing journalists in Kosovo during the period 1998 – 2005. At a conference organized by the AJK in co-operation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, where relatives of the murdered journalists were present, it was said that lack of justice in these cases represents a black spot for the institutions of both countries, Kosovo and Serbia.

The head of the OSCE Mission to Kosovo, Jan Braathu, said the cases of missing and killed journalists are not an ethnic issue.

“This is not an ethnic issue between Serbs and Albanians. This is about the people, civilians, journalists who have done their job. We need to talk about these people. They are not statistics, they are fathers, brothers of somebody. We owe this to their families.” said Braathu.

He also added that impunity for crimes committed against journalists affects freedom of reporting and opens the door to similar attacks in the future. Ambassador Brathuu also called on prosecutors and judicial authorities to work closely together to clarify the fate of the 15 journalists.

The president of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Gentiana Begolli Pustina, said that journalists would not stop seeking justice for their murdered colleagues by calling for assistance from international organizations in establishing a special fund that would support journalists’ investigation, not only to help light the case of our colleagues, but also as a sign of remembrance of their work.

“I said it yesterday in Gracanica, and I still say it today, for me as a mother of two, as a journalist, as a representative of Kosovo’s journalists, I don’t even care for a moment what ethnicity the killer has, their religion or function. It is important for me to see them where they should be, along with other criminals. And all of us expect this, just like you family members and us journalists.” said Begolli Pustina.

The lighting of these cases was also requested by the representative of Serbian journalists in Kosovo, Budimir Nicic.

“The resolution on the 15 journalists killed in Kosovo was approved last year, however, the Commission has not yet been set up. We demand that the truth about the suffering of our colleagues, regardless of nationality, be revealed and that the perpetrators be prosecuted and punished.  Four journalists are reported missing and 11 killed, for whom their family members have demanded justice today.” said Nicic.

Beriana Mustafa, the daughter of the murdered journalist Xhemajl Mustafa, said that it is important for them as family members to know who and why killed their loved ones.

According to her, talking about murdered journalists, seeking justice for them is not only a moral obligation but a fundamental right.

“Whatever the verdict of the justice institutions is, they (murdered family members) will not be resurrected. But for me, as the daughter of Xhemajl Mustafa, it is important that at least one night when we can sleep and close our eyes, we will be spiritually calm, because the murderers are in prison, and not every morning, each of us family members wake up to the question of why our family members were murdered.” said Mustafa.

Dijar Popova, the son of the murdered journalist of “Rilindja” newspaper Shefki Popova, said our institutions have failed to uncover the killings of their family members.

“It is said that two people waited at the entrance of the apartment and executed him. My dad was a devoted friend who has done his job with the greatest devotion. Speaking 18 years after the case, the institutions in this case have failed since EULEX, UNMIK. We hopelessly wander through all the institutions that have repeatedly closed our door saying that the investigation is continuing. For 18 years we cannot understand how no single case has been uncover.” he said.

The wife of journalist Afrim Maliqi, Sevdije Maliqi, recounted some touching moments when her husband was killed by Serbian forces on December 3, 1999. Maliqi announced that she has never been invited by any justice institution to speak about her husband’s case.

“The anniversary of his death, was also his birthday. Seems that his writings for someone have been unbearable. He has always been followed up. Even when we were together, we were followed by suspicious people. Living at the time with journalists, our life like we had, was not easy.” she said.

Serbian journalists were also present at the conference. Jelena Petkovic, who will soon publish a book about the murder of our colleagues and journalist Ivana Petrovic, who shared some memories of her murdered colleague. Serbeze Haxhiaj, Die Morina , Mimoza Lakna and Zekirja Shabani were other panelists who spoke about the fate of journalists murdered before, during and after the war in Kosovo.

Present at the conference was also the General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists, Ricardo Gutierrez, who emphasized that for the institution that represents the resolution of these cases is of particular importance and how the mechanism will stay with the AJK and associations of Serbian journalists to deepen co-operation on this point.

The event was also welcomed by OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Desir.

A special guest at the event was also Kosovo’s first Ambassador to the US, Avni Spahiu, a friend and colleague of many of the murdered and missing journalists in Kosovo.

At the end of the conference, recommendations were also given on how to further the issue of the 15 murdered and missing journalists in Kosovo.



False NIN cover with image of Djindjic assassin in Novi Sad


NOVI SAD, 05.12.2019.- Posters mimicking the cover of Belgrade weekly NIN with a picture of the man who assassinated Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic have been put up in the center of Novi Sad on Wednesday.

The poster includes the inscription NIN Award presented to Zvezdan Jovanovic (the war veteran and member of the Serbian State Security Special Operations Unit who killed Djindjic). It also included fake images of NIN editor in chief Milan Culibrk presenting the award. An inscription on the poster reads: this image is false and is used as a parody.

NIN was fiercely attacked by members of the ruling coalition after it published a cover page with a photograph of President Aleksandar Vucic standing in front of the barrel of a sniper rifle at an arms fair.

Media and Human Rights: The LGBTQ community lives in fear of discrimination and violence


Tuzla, 4.12.2019. – In order to create a safer environment for the LGBTQ community, work needs to be done to advocate for the human rights of this marginalized group and to sensitize the public and officials in public institutions – this was highlighted during a public discussion “Mapping Human Rights in the Media with a Focus on Protecting the Rights of LGBTQ Persons”, held today in Tuzla.

Marko Divkovic, President of the BH Journalists Association, believes that the rights of LGBTQ persons are dealt by the media manifestly or incidentally, and that editors should work to increase the number of media content on the rights and interests of this social group.

“When it comes to media coverage of the human rights of marginalized groups, some journalists act as if they were not about people with their own needs, so they create media based on sensationalism, spreading stereotypes and prejudices”, Divkovic said.

Research on the human rights status of LGBTQ persons shows that over 60 percent of members of this community have experienced discrimination, without 83 percent reporting a violation of human rights, since they fear for their security and do not trust institutions. Dajana Bakic, executive director of the Tuzla Open Center, says LGBTQ people still do not report the problems they face because of fear of being “out” and that they would have to admit that they have experienced discrimination based on gender identity, which is difficult in a homophobic and patriarchal society.

“The LGBTQ community lives in fear of the discrimination and violence it may experience from institutions and the general public. Also, LGBTQ people are not sufficiently aware of the available mechanisms and where they can report human rights violations and seek protection”, Bakic emphasized, adding it is very important that the media treat this issue professionally and objectively, without sensationalism and with a research approach to the problems and the needs of LGBTQ people.

Zoran Pelemis from the “Your Rights BiH” Association thinks that all social actors should give greater contribution to promotion and protection in order to fully respect human rights in BiH.

“We cannot talk about judicial practice when it comes to cases of human rights violations against LGBTQ people, because we have a difficult time getting to the cases. The reason is that LGBTQ people rarely decide to report a crime, precisely because of fear and distrust in the system”, said Pelemis, noting that cases of human rights violations against members of the LGBTQ community would help to find out what is the practice of certain courts in BiH and whether they act in accordance with the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

Enes Osmancevic, a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Tuzla, points out that the media are promoters of the social values ​​system, but the old system that used to be in effect has been destroyed and now the BH community is unable to establish new values.

“Wherever you scratch the surface, you will find human rights abuses. Those of us who want to live freely have become the minority because the logic of collective identities has plagued the individual persons, and this is not only a problem in this environment, but a problem of civilization”, says Osmancevic.

Participants of the public discussion concluded that the media should report more on the specific life stories, successes and problems of LGBTQ people, respecting the standards of journalistic ethics, in order to improve the quality of media content on this topic by professional and ethical approach, and contribute to greater public awareness. Also, one of the mechanisms for improving the position of members of the LGBTQ community in BiH is sensitization of the public and constant education with representatives of BiH institutions.

The public discussion held in Tuzla is part of the project “Media for Human Rights”, implemented by the BH Journalists in cooperation with the European Federation of Journalists and the Pro Educa Training Center, with the financial support of the European Union.

SMCG presented the research of published articles in Montenegro media


PODGORICA, 02.12.2019. – Almost 70 % of published articles in Montenegro newspapers and news agencies were published by consulting just one source, while 15 percent contained some form of manipulation. This happens more often in the headline than in the text, and the affirmation of business through hidden advertising is often.

These are data from research “Analysis of the Montenegrin Media – Standards, Manipulation and Objective Reporting”, conducted by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro from January 22 to April 22 2019.

During the monitoring of the press (Pobjeda, Dan, Vijesti and Dnevne novine) and the news agency Mina, total of 7,746 articles were analyzed. You can download the full report here.

“This research identified several very interesting indicators – characteristics of all media, regardless of their editorial policies and approach to journalism. Thus, for example, no one is immune to sensationalist headlines, all media, without exception, “arrange” some news at the way which is on the edge of objectivity. It seems like the purpose of such texts is to send a message which is consistent with editorial policy, and at the same time the facts are set aside”, said in the Analysis.

After reading each text, the SMCG team who worked on this monitoring answered 26 questions. The principles for the analysis of the texts were agreed with the mentoring assistance of experts from the Faculty of Political Science. The analysis or monitoring, was based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of media releases, where each question was one indicator which was monitored and compared.

“Although professionally written texts are predominated, the analysis showed that every fifth text in the title had some form of manipulation. The vast majority of texts (77%) relied on information obtained from official sources. Also, it was noticed that dozens of texts don’t have a source”, said in the Analysis.

The research showed that journalists generally do not try to find more interlocutors but they write texts with one or at most two sources. In the analyzed period, the media mainly consulted just one source (68.5%), while in slightly more than 14% of texts they consulted two sources. For the most part, the media published texts that respected the principle “comment is free, facts are sacred.”

“The research showed that the vast majority of texts were correct and there is no manipulation in them. Nevertheless, it was noted that manipulation was found in the texts that most influenced public opinion and which were key articles in the analyzed period. Manipulation was detected in 15% of the analyzed texts. The most common type of manipulation was media framing (10.5%), and hidden advertisements and pseudo-events are in the second place”, says in the Analysis.

Monitoring of published texts in news agency Mina and Mina Business showed that in most cases (96%) the reason for writing a text was some current event, while the 33 texts was initiated by journalists.

“In most cases, only one source (75%) is quoted in the texts, indicating that neither the agencies are immune from transmission of serviced information, press releases and consulting fewer number of sources than is necessary for a professional text. However, this fact is not surprising, given that mostly service information and short news were published. Research found that manipulation was present in a negligible number of cases (1.2%)”, says in document.

The research “Montenegrin Media Analysis – Standards, Manipulation and Objective Reporting” is part of the project “DO – Investigative journalism, DISCOVER – Media literacy”, conducted by SMCG as a partner organization in cooperation with a NGO 35mm, the Faculty of Political Science of University of Montenegro (FPN) and the Crime and corruption reporting network – (LUPA).

The research was preceded by a year of work, which included preparation and training for 20 students on media literacy, followed by a period of mentoring, monitoring and analysis of several Montenegrin media.