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Serbia’s Journalist says three people abducted him


BELGRADE, 19.06.2018. – Stefan Cvetkovic, a journalist for the northern town of Bela Crkva who was missing for 30-40 hours, told at a news conference that three men, two of them wearing masks, took him out of his car and held him “somewhere in the town.”

He said he had seen that one man had a badge similar to those worn by police officers, and a gun, before they allegedly put a hood on his head, adding they treated him well.

Cvetkovic said that eventually, after 30-40 hours the men asked him where they should take him. They left him close to the place he mentioned.

He added that the police did not find him, but that he called them.

Cvetkovic told reporters he received medical treatment because of slight dehydration and spent time from Friday to Sunday afternoon under police protection

He added he failed the polygraph when asked if he had worked for foreign service.

After his disappearance, media reported that he was often a target by the local politician and criminals and that he was branded a foreign mercenary.

In the meantime, local police from the Vojvodina town of Pancevo filed criminal charges against Cvetkovic for reporting a false abduction and illegal detention.

Local Prosecutor’s Office said “it had to investigate the charges, present all the evidence. Then Cvetkovic, as well as witlessness, would have to give statements in that respect, and eventually, it would be up to a court to decide whether he was guilty or innocent.”

In its earlier statement, the same Prosecutor Office said Cvetkovic was treated as a victim, not a suspect.

Ilić: Nedopustiva praksa zvaničnika u slučaju Cvetkovića


BEOGRAD, 19.06.2018. – Poverenik za samostalnost javnog tužilaštva Goran Ilić izjavio je da konferencije za novinare i izjave najviših državnih zvaničnika o tome do kakvih informacija se došlo u predistražnom postupku u slučaju nestanka novinara Stefana Cvetkovića, predstavljaju pravi primer “nedopustive” prakse koja je “oprečna zakonu”.

“Veoma je čudno da o preduzetim radnjama u postupku kojim rukovodi, javnost ne obaveštava javni tužilac, već funkcioneri koji po logici stvari i zakonu ne bi trebalo da imaju puna saznanja o radnjama preduzetim u predistražnom postupku. Kada se uporede brojne informacije koje su izneli državni funkcioneri na konferenciji za novinare sa izjavom nadležnog javnog tužioca, stiče se utisak da nadležni javni tužilac ima veoma skromna saznanja o postupku kojim rukovodi”, rekao je Ilić agenciji Beta.

Prema njegovim rečima takva praksa je ne samo suprotna zakonu, već ugrožava poverenje javnosti u rad javnog tužilaštva i stvara utisak da se predistražni postupak ne sprovodi po Zakoniku o krivičnom postupku.

Podsetio je da, prema Zakoniku o krivičnom postupku javni tužilac rukovodi predistražnim postupkom, što znači da svi učesnici tog postupka postupaju po nalozima javnog tužioca i bez odlaganja ga obaveštavaju o tome šta su preduzeli.

Zakonik ne poznaje mogućnost da bilo ko drugi, sem javnog tužioca, izdaje naloge organima sa policijskim ovlašćenjima, da vrši uvid u podatke i obaveštenja, prikuplja i analizira dobijene dokaze, objasnio je Ilić.

Dodao je da u Srbiji, već dugo, više od deset godina, postoji praksa da izjave o toku predistražnog postupka daju visoki državni funkcioneri koji objašnjavaju šta je urađeno, odnosno iznose ideje, informacije ili mišljenja o tome kakav će ishod predistražnog postupka biti.

Na konferenciji za novinare u petak detalje iz predistražnog postupka u slučaju nestanka novinara iz Bele Crkve Stefana Cvetkovića iznosili su predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, ministar unutrašnjih poslova Nebojša Stefanović i direktor Bezbednosno-informativne agencije Bratislav Gašić, dok tužilac iz Okružnog javnog tužilaštva iz Vršca Tihomir Knežević nije prisustvovao tom obraćanju javnosti.

AJM condemned the attacks on journalists during the protest in front of the Parliament


SKOPJE, 19.06.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia strongly condemned the physical attacks on journalists and cameramen on the protest against the contract for the name dispute, which happened yesterday in front of the Parliament. The fact that dissatisfied citizens are still pouring their revolt on journalists is very worrying. We call the Ministry of Interior to urgently identify the attackers and bring them to justice.

AJM also protests against the detention of Infomax journalist Borislav Stoilkovic, for allegedly refusing to legitimize himself and for filming the faces of police officers.

The explanation of the MOI that they detained Stoilkovic because he refused to legitimize himself is strange, because the footage while he is being detained clearly shows his journalistic press card.

Filming the police officers on protests cannot be the basis for detaining journalists because such a ban is not written in any law. In addition, the recording of police behavior in protests is of high public interest in order to record possible abuses.

The obligation of the authorities is to protect the journalists and provide them with safe work conditions while reporting from protests.

AJM condemns the behavior of journalist Stoilkovic, who, instead of reporting from the protest, became a direct participant in it. We remind our colleague that hate speech and calling for violence are not related to the journalistic profession. It is not freedom of speech, but instead it is its most brutal negation.

Basic Court in Pristina appoints a coordinator on journalist’s cases


PRISTINA, 18.06.2018 – The Basic Court in Pristina appointed the judge, Arben Hoti as a coordinator of this court who will deal with cases of media and journalist’s.

President of the basic Court in Pristina, Aferdita Bytyci said on Monday that she has appointed the judge, Arben Hoti as a coordinator who will deal with cases of threats and attacks against journalists.

“We inform you that for the cases of media and journalists to be treated by the Basic Court in Pristina, we have appointed the judge/vice president of the Court, Mr. Arben Hoti. For each case that it is being treated by Basic Court in Pristina and its branches, you can contact judge Hoti,” president Bytyci said in a letter.

The appointment of Judge Arben Hoti comes after a meeting held recently between representatives of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo with the chairman of the Kosovo’s Judicial Council, Nehat Idrizi and president of Basic Court in Pristina, Aferdita Bytyci.

AJK welcomes the appointment of Judge Hoti because we believe that from now on the cases related to journalists are going to be treated seriously from the side of judges, which would inevitably have an impact in protection of media freedom and journalist’s safety as well as in increase of professionalism in media.

AJK encourages all media and journalists that are in any judicial contest, whether criminal or civil, to contact the Association by sending the detailed information of the cases. By doing this, we would together with the Court create a precise database of cases and the coordinator would work on the cases.

We reiterate that beside the Basic Court, also the State Prosecution has appointed a National Coordinator for cases of journalists as well as there are local prosecutors that will deal exclusively with cases of threats against the journalists.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo praise the dedication and readiness of justice and security institutions to deal with cases of journalists that would create a safer and secure environment for doing journalism in the country.

We must harmonize the Free Access to Information Law with International Standards


PODGORICA 13.06.2018. – The Free Access to Information Law has to be amended in order to comply with international standards, said Executive Director of Access Info Europe Helen Darbishire , stating that the law must apply to all information, and that the exceptions must be limited.

At the round table “Compliance of the Law on Free Access to Information with International Standards”, organized by the Network for the Promotion of the Non-Governmental Sector (MANS), Darbishire said that the Montenegrin Law is largely in line with international standards, but that, as she pointed out, certain shortcomings have to be improved.

“We need to focus on the negative aspects of the Law, which primarily refers to Article 1 of the Law, which contains a series of exclusions, which are unacceptable and in violation of international standards and the Constitution of Montenegro, and have a negative effect on practice. It is not acceptable that the first article of the Law on Free Access to Information prescribes that the right to access and use will be in accordance with this Law. Article 1 is also contradictory because it states that certain laws do not apply to this law, but other norms, “Darbishira said.

She assessed that this phenomenon is worrying and that it is contrary to the established practices of the European Court of Human Rights.

“The Law on Free Access to Information has to be amended to link with international standards, as well as with the Montenegrin Constitution. Exceptions must be limited, and they must be in line with those exceptions laid down in the European Convention, “Darbishira said.

Executive Director of NGO MANS, Vanja Ćalović Marković, said that since 2005, when it was adopted, the Law on Free Access to Information is “one of the biggest gifts in the fight against corruption and spill types of abuse”.

“The law is like an oxygen for the fight against corruption and we have managed to discover and prevent many cases of corruption. Unfortunately, many corrupt officials know this, because of which they are doing everything they can to change that law, “said Markovic Ćalović.

She stated that the law was changed last year in a secret procedure, “without public participation”.

“Without participation, not only non-governmental organizations and citizens, but also any participation of state institutions that implement this law, and primarily the Agency for Free Access to Information”, explained Ćalović Marković.

According to her, there is no record of the session of the committee, on which, as she stated, some deputies proposed amendments to the Law.

“The government accepted these changes as an integral part of the Draft Law, and based on the then Proposal of this law, we have more secrets today than ever in Montenegro, and in secrets is corruption”, said Ćalović Marković.

Representative of the Ministry of Public Administration, Jadranka Vukčević, said that the Law on Free Access to Information encourages the openness of public administration and enables citizens to, as she stated, create a realistic picture of its functioning.

“That is why our priority is to create the conditions for full implementation of the Law, which is of particular importance in its control function, through which citizens and other entities can gain direct insight into the work of the authorities, which is also an instrument for preventing bad business, treatment, abuse of powers and corruption”, explained Vukcevic.

According to the law, she also foresees restrictions on access to information, which, as she said, establishes a balance between the public’s right to know and the need to prevent excessive endangering of legitimate interests, from the publication of information.

“Although the area of free access to information has improved in the previous period, it does not mean that there is no room for its further improvement, especially since it is a process that should lead to a growing confidence of citizens and economy in the work of public administration, which is recognized through the Action Plan for implementation of public administration reform strategies by 2019”, said Vukcevic.

The representative of the European Commission, Maja Smrkolj, stated that the right to access information of public interest is significant for the context of joining the European Union.

“This right is directly related to the right to freedom of speech and the right to political participation, including the right to vote. Also, this is one of the fundamental rights for good administration and transparency of public administration,” Smrkolj said.

Šta se zna o slučaju Cvetković, dok javnost čeka njegovo obraćanje


BEOGRAD, 18.06.2018. – Prvi rezultati istrage o nestanku Cvetkovića biće poznati za tri do četiri dana, za N1 je potvrdio tužilac Osnovnog tužilaštva iz Vršca Tihomir Knežević.

U međuvremenu, novinarska udruženja zahtevaju od državnih organa da objasne gde je on od trenutka pronalaženja boravio, budući da je iskaz dao u svojstvu oštećenog.

Nestao u sredu. Pronađen u petak. Otkad mu se, paradoksalno, gubi svaki trag, do danas popodne, kada ga je ekipa N1 srela u gradu u kom živi, Beloj Crkvi.

Ministar policije tvrdi Cvetković je bio na “bezbednom mestu”.

Iz istrage iznosi samo ono što sme.

“Na jedno od direktnih pitanja da li je u svemu učestvovao neko iz njegovog privatnog miljea, dakle neko iz njegovog ličnog okruženja, Cvetković rekao “ne”, a poligraf je pokazao da to baš nije tačno”, naveo je ranije danas ministar Stefanović.

To, tvrdi, Stefanović potpuno jasno pokazuje da je u svemu učestvovalo više osoba. Tabloidi bliski vlasti idu i korak dalje. Imaju, pišu, saznanja iz istrage da je, uz pomoć domaćih i stranih faktora, Cvetković, kažu, lažirao svoju otmicu.

Novinarska udruženja osuđuju curenje informacija iz istrage u medije. To je, kažu, katastrofalan način komunikacije državnih organa sa građanima.

Saopštenje NUNS i NDNV: Zahtevamo od nadležnih državnih organa da što pre saopšte javnosti dosadašnje nalaze istrage, bez spinovanja i političke propagande. Pozivamo i Stefana Cvetkovića da se što pre, ako je u mogućnosti, obrati javnosti i saopšti šta mu se dogodilo, gde se nalazio ovih dana i zbog čega se nije oglašavao.

U nedelju rano ujutru, Cvetković se javio majci koja je, za agenciju Beta, potvrdila da joj je rekao da stiže kući.

“Pa zašto nije bio dosad? U čemu je problem? To su najjeftinije prevare. Taj čovek mora da se pojavi na televiziji da bismo mi znali. Zašto njega toliko dana drže izvan javnosti”, pita novinar Slobodan Stupar.

Dok javnost čeka da novinar objasni svoju verziju, zvanična mu, čini se već sada, ne ide na ruku. Jer suprotno tvrdnjama novinara, ministar policije iznosi detalje istrage da u Cvetkovićem vozilu, osim njegovih, nisu pronađeni tuđi otisci i DNK.

Sporna je, kaže Stefanović, i izjava da su ga izvukli iz kola, jer svedoci tvrde drugačije.

Cvetkovićevu verziju da je bio na benzinskoj pumpi i da su ga pratili, demantuju i snimci video nadzora na kojima njegovog auta uopšte i nema.Ključni dokazi i dalje se veštače.

Zato je Osnovnom javnom tužilaštvu iz Vršca policija dostavila samo deo materijala. DNK analize s lica mesta, iz auta i s ručnog sata, kao i analize poziva – stići će za tri-četiri dana, potvrdio je za N1 tužilac Tihomir Knežević. Tek ti dokazi, kaže, mogu potvrditi priču Cvetkovića ili je dovesti u sumnju.

Who should be writing and recommending laws on commercial advertising?


SARAJEVO, 18.06.2018.- Commercial advertising industry relies on three main principles: media, agencies and commercial advertisers. Recently, consumers have been considered as additional and fourth principle, which, in my opinion, seems common sense principle as well. In order to advance commercial advertising in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is required to solve the problems within all three sides.

Media market in BiH is obviously undeveloped and non – transparent and in this text, I shall not focus on media houses and their politics and policies as these are mostly politics imposed by media owners / entrepreneurs and politics of those to whom the owners pledge their loyalty.

As far as commercial advertising is concerned, the existing non-transparency seems to be the biggest problem in this field. At present, one could hardly be certain and guarantee that the information regarding the audience viewership, readership and number of listeners, provided by media houses are actually genuine and true.

Viewership / audience measurement of television programs is crucial to commercial advertising. Ever since the measurement process in BiH is under the competence of Audience Measurement (AM), many parties involved are convinced that the provided information are actually not true, that is, they are biased and false. This was particularly evident when someone released the information about one of the AM owners that at the same time proved to be the owner of one of the local television station. They supported their suspicion by stating that audience viewership results and figures, for his particular television station, rapidly grew and significantly increased. Elimination of their competition companies by the AM, was based upon the legal act passed by the Institute for Measurement, as this act defined and determined that all measuring devices (instruments called people – meters) used for audience measuring, must be calibrated and serviced every six months in accredited laboratories only. Taking into consideration that AM is the only entity disposing of this kind of specific laboratory, they (AM) are thus the only party where people – meters can be calibrated and serviced. Naturally, the competition refuse, under any circumstances, to have their instruments measured in this laboratory, allowing thus their direct competitors to have access to confidential information and accordingly the suspicion regarding the functionality of the instruments being subject to service may arise. This particular act is hence illegal, irrational, and illogical and as such, it exists only in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, Mr. Dzemic, director of the Institute for Measurement in BiH, supports and defends this law by all means necessary for reasons that only he is aware of.

As far as printed media houses are concerned, information regarding printed, that is, sold editions, represent crucial point and no one can determine precisely the number of sold editions, because there is no audit in this particular field. ABC, organization conducting the audit of printed media editions has its members throughout the region, but not in BiH. ABC slogan is: “Do not advertise in media with no audit because they lie to you”. Printed media that do not allow audit of their editions actually do this for a single reason only: they do not want to release exact figures in public. This means that they lie and provide false information.

15 years ago European Commission organized first conference in Sarajevo, with the purpose to introduce the ABC audit. The attendees included directors and entrepreneurs of local printed media houses. ABC female director from Poland presented the idea, mission and goals of ABC. This particular period was considered as the golden era of international level donations where significant means and money had been allocated and donated to numerous media houses in BiH. Only this time, the focus was not on money donations of any kind. Consequently, when the owner / entrepreneur of certain media house suspected that the aim of this conference was not focused on money donations, he stood up and shouted:”Please tell us all here today if you are going to donate some money to us today. If not, I am leaving this conference, because I am not interested in any of this”. Naturally, he received nothing from the ABC.

MARECO also tried to do something about this issue at certain point, however, no printed media houses wanted to join in and became members. Therefore, they lied when they released the information regarding the sold edition figures. For instance, in Croatia, no printed media operates outside the ABC, because it there were, no company would want to advertise in such media house.

Non – transparency with commercial advertising pricing also represents a great problem. I am certain that any media house, drafting and planning their budgets, aimed for commercial advertising purposes and media house that has access to price lists for commercial adverting with local TV houses, could easily count on up to 70% lower prices from those indicated in price lists and this should eventually result in a success. TV houses reduce their prices to a ridiculous level in this ruthless competition combat, struggling for every single euro as a result. Price reducing eventually presents every party with loss. Eventually, advertisers that ruthlessly suffocate and pressurize media houses shall be the biggest losers in this process and this is why most media houses have insufficient funds to pay decent and reasonable wages to their journalists. Their journalists accordingly write and publish negative, non-affirmative articles and texts, as a result of such depressive working environment. Bad and negative news create fear with viewers and listeners as well. A scared person spends less and advertisers’ benefit is thus reduced, although it was advertisers (from the very beginning) that had caused such situation in the first place. The state itself also loses a lot of money, since (according to certain information, based on an unofficial survey conducted), the state budget income shall be decreased by over BAM 7, 00 million of tax money, because the amount is calculated on lower process of media space loaning.

Agencies find almost impossible to avoid their part of responsibility for exceptionally poor state in commercial advertising market. Most of them are not ready for large–scale processes, primarily in the industry development. Big advertisers mostly take all the risk here. No one seems to be investing in the market of small and medium enterprises and to invest in their advancement, so they could eventually become significant party on the market in the near future. Once they become significant, they become very hard to convince about the importance of commercial advertising on the market. They become big and important without commercial advertising. We have certain cases in BiH that illustrate this occurrence. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs started with their careers from their garages, but no one in BiH is interested in such stories. Small advertiser portfolio seems insignificant and not desired by anyone; clients usually want the whole cake and they want it immediately! These kinds of clients represent a limiting factor in the process of commercial advertising industry, because their attitudes, as far as the issue of commercial advertising is concerned, represent their lack of character. They are simply nothing.

Still, the biggest responsibility of media houses, agencies and advertisers is outlined through the fact that they keep refusing and rejecting the establishing of advertising industry association in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The regulation itself, which represents the fundamental task and assignment of any association, is crucial to development of commercial advertising industry. SOS (Slovene Adverting Chamber), HURA (Croatian Association of Communications Agencies) and UEPS (Serbian Association of Marketing Communications) are all in charge with regulations only as far as this field is concerned. Complete absence of such associations or organizations in BiH confirms the fact that BiH market, by its scope and quality, significantly lacks behind the above mentioned regional markets. Only UMI (Media Industry Association) exists and operates in BiH. However, this cannot be considered as proper association; it is more like a trading association whose members gather around only when they have to share the costs regarding the information on audience viewership, as far the television program is concerned and nothing more.

Three years ago, Sasa Savic, MediaCom director, a leading American media agency, gave a lecture in Sarajevo. Sasa was born in Sarajevo but has been living in New York City for years and three years ago he was awarded most successful media figure in the USA for accomplished business performances. After delivering an inspirational speech, the questions by the participants followed. Director of local Sarajevo – based media agency raised the following question:”L’Oreal in Germany disposes of significantly bigger budget means and money for commercial advertising and they allow and approve their marketing agency in Germany better commission fees that what we get in Sarajevo for the same work. Both their budget and commission fees are thus bigger than ours in Sarajevo. How can we possibly fight with this obvious discrimination”? “Establish association, determine your rules and insist on their implementation”, Sasa replied shortly.

As far as the process of passing the laws is concerned; laws that should regulate relations within the commercial advertising industry, the association can be the only relevant and competent party, recommending the appropriate and adequate laws and no other party. Laws are passed so they could fulfill someone’s interests. It could be state, its citizens or some other interest –based group. Advertising laws can be passed by the association that works for the interest and benefit of the industry and not the individuals that are in advertising business; instead all experts in this industry should be involved in passing the laws. I am afraid that the initiative regarding the passing the Law on Advertising, was launched by the foreigners. There are many reports in this field confirming that many local agencies have become skilled in withdrawing and taking the money from foreigners based in BiH. If these agencies manage to receive budget money in the future as well, and create and recommend laws so that money could end up on their accounts, I am afraid that we may conclude with discrepancies in the forthcoming laws that would eventually ruin and worsen already poor and bad situation of what we have today.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– fifth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.

Missing reporter alive and healthy, Serbia’s President says


BELA CRKVA, 15.06.2018. – Stefan Cvetkovic who went missing on Wednesday night is alive and unhurt and is in a local police station in the northern town of Bela Crkva, Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic told a news conference.

He did not give many details, except that Cvetkovic was found in the Bela Crkva wider area and that he gave his version of what was going on since the night between Wednesday and Thursday which “our security services will look into.”

Serbia’ s police, gendarmes, divers and helicopters were involved in a search since the disappearance was reported. Neither Vucic, nor Interior Minister, nor the chief of the Security Service shared any more details with the journalists.

Cvetkovic is said to have been working on a story about the January assassination of a Kosovo Serb leader Oliver Ivanovic. The investigation into the murder produces no results so far.

Nestanak Stefana Cvetkovića objavljen na Platformi Saveta Evrope


BEOGRAD, 15.06.2018. – Evropska i Međunarodna federacija novinara Srbije (ЕFJ / IFJ) juče su Platformi Saveta Evrope za zaštitu novinarstva i bezbednosti novinara prijavile nestanak novinara Stefana Cvetkovića.

Na Platformi Saveta Evope se navodi se da je u noći između 13. i 14. juna u Beloj Crkvi prijavljen Cvetkovićev nestanak.

Platforma Saveta evrope za zaštitu novinarastva i bezbednost novinara ima za cilj da unapredi zaštitu novinara, tako što beleži pretnje i nasilje nad medijskim profesionalcima, kao i bezbednosnim mehanizmima za rano upozoravanje i brzo reagovanja u okviru Saveta Evrope.  Slučajeve fizičkih napada na novinare ili pretnji slobodi medija Savetu evrope će dostavljati partnerske organizacije- Evropska federacija novinara, Međunarodna federacija novinara, Reporteri bez granica, Udruženje evropskih novinara.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije juče je obavestilo Evropsku federaciju novinara o Cvetkovićevom nestanaku i pretnjama koje je dobijao iz kriminalnih i političkih krugova prethodnih godina.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije i Nezavisno udruženje novinara Vojvodine (NDNV) juče su u saopštenju podsetili i na Sporazum o saradnji i merama za podizanje nivoa bezbednosti novinaraizmeđu MUP Srbije, Republičkog javnog tužilaštva i 7 novinarskih i medijskih udruženja koji je potpisan krajem 2016. sa osnovnim ciljem da se uspostavi efikasnija krivičnopravna zaštita novinara.