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AJM rewarded the best photographs from the refugee crisis


SKOPJE, 21.11.2016 The Association of Journalists of Macedonia in cooperation with the US Embassy in Skopje, UNHCR and the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association, on Friday held a ceremony at the Museum of Macedonia in Skopje and presented awards for best photography on the topic refugee wave in 2015 in Macedonia.

The first prize for best photography was given to Maja Zlatevska from the newspaper “Dnevnik”, the second went to Ognen Teofilovski from “Vest” and the third to Gjorgji Licovski from the portal “Sakam da kazam”.

The President of AJM Naser Selmani, in his welcoming speech congratulated the winners and thanked all those who participated in the contest. Selmani said that the refugee wave was a test of ethical reporting for Macedonian photographers, who from the first day followed the refugee crisis reporting for domestic and foreign media.

“Through their photos we comprehended the difficult fate of these desperate people. Migrants were presented in the true light, as victims of senseless wars. Before their photos no human being can not remain indifferent to the plight of the refugees, “said Selmani.

He added through giving awards to professional photographers we strengthen the unity of the journalistic community. “I want to call to remain united so that together we can easily deal with common challenges such as the escalation of attacks against journalists, photoreporters and cameramen” said Selmani.

Laura Brown, the person responsible for public relations at the American Embassy said that the safety of journalists is very important so that they can fulfill their mission. “We in the United States believe that the work of journalists is very important, especialy in times of crisis, as the refugee and political crisys in Macedonia,” said Brown.

She praised the courage and professionalism of photographers because their work contributes to the transmission of the human dimension of the refugee crisis.

UNHCR Representative in Skopje, Tihomir Nikolovski said that by the images of photographers are the voice of refugees.

Nita Cavolli, a representative of the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association said that an image is the most piercing communication channel, because, through it the suffering of refugees is passed and it develops a sense of solidarity and compassion.

After the award ceremony, held at the Museum an exhibition was held where the the 50 best photographs of 20 photoreporters were presented who participated in the contest.

This activity of AJM is part of a project supported by the US Embassy dedicated to Macedonian photographers, within which a Manual for safety of photoreporters and professional ethics was printed.

Photo Source: SDK

AJM, November 20

2016, Skopj

Determine who endangered the safety of Dusan Vojvodic, Za media owner


BELGRADE, November 15, 2016. – The Coalition of journalists’ and media associations (JAS, IJAS, IJAV, ANEM and Local Press) requested from the Zajecar police and prosecutors to launch an investigation regarding loosening screws on journalist and Za media production owner Dusan Vojvodic’ car wheels, and to determine whether this incident is related to his journalistic work. Vojvodic described the incident that took place on November 2, when he left Zajecar for Sokobanja with a colleague Dejan Todorovic.

“Between Zvezdan and Banja Gamzigrad, we heard a sound of a car that resembled the vibrations. First, we did not pay any attention. When we left from Sokobanja to Belgrade, the sound grew louder. On the highway, we concluded that we cannot drive faster than 100 kilometers per hour. We made a few stops to check what it is. When we stopped at the motel ‘Pojate’, Dejan Todorovic took the wheel wrench and found that the bolts on the front and the rear right wheels were loosed. We tightened them and arrived to Belgrade, ” Vojvodic said, adding that he had changed the tires on October 28, and drove his car the day before, and there was no problem with wheels.

“I think that someone did that overnight, between November 1 and 2, before my trip to Sokobanja” says Vojvodic.
As he points out, he thinks that the loosening of bolts is caused by his journalistic job, because “through his research and journalistic work (he) pointed a number of abuse and fraud in the City Administration of Zajecar, but also the destruction of artesian fountain in the city, as well as the pollution of the artesian water by Hotel Serbia Tis”.

“The owners of this hotel have filed a criminal complaint against me because of the letter I sent to the authorised ministry the day before the inspection, but the Prosecutor’s Office in Zajecar rejected it. I was treated by the actor Vujadin Milosevic and Bosko Nicic, former Mayor of Zajecar, and they said that the crystal night is awaiting for me once they take the power “, Vojvodic said.

He added that Za media, in addition to “the stories about fountains, is engaged in serious research on the public funds spending and embezzlement of hundreds of millions of dinars in Zajecar.”

As he says, he does not want to “point the finger” at anyone, but wants to point out the possible motives for the attack because “dealing with journalism earned him a lots of enemies and it is quite certain that this was done intentionally.” Dušan Vojvodic reported the incident to the police.

The Coalition points out that the duty of the police is to ensure the safety of all citizens, particularly journalists who do the work of public importance and facing threats by those whose illegal activities indicate.

Coalition expect from Zajecar police and prosecutors to investigate as soon as possible, and to inform the public about results.

Journalists Association of Serbia (JAS)
Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS)
Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina (IJAV)
Independent Association of Electronic Media (ANEM)
Business Association Local Press

AJM agrees with EU assessments of the media


SKOPJE, 10.11.2016 The Association of Journalists of Macedonia agrees with the opinion of the European Commission that the state of press freedom this year in Macedonia deteriorated. Commission report on Macedonia’s progress this year, rightly concludes that most Macedonian media lack political pluralism and that national television stations are backing the ruling party.

We conclude that most assessments of the Commission regarding the violence against journalists, media financing and the Macedonian Radio Television and the media regulator coincide with the views of AJM.

The Commission confirms that journalists are exposed to all sorts of attacks, while the authorities do nothing to punish abusers, which include politicians. Clearly it states that physical assaults, illegal wiretapping and poor working conditions of journalists aim to encourage self-censorship.

The European Commission does not seek to legitimize government campaigns that serve to exert pressure on the media, but requires full transparency for money spent so far for this purpose. The report insists on the criteria for publishing the free media campaigns that are of genuine public interest.

Unequivocally confirmed concerns of AJM editorial and financial independence of the Macedonian Radio and Television, which is still unable to provide objective and accurate reporting of different views and opinions of the public.

The Commission appreciates the efforts of the news organizations for media reform, but concluded that there was no political commitment to promote media pluralism and independence.

AJM supports the European Commission calls for an inclusive dialogue with the journalistic community to take drastic measures to strengthen the independence and pluralism of the media.

Photo: MIA

Skopje, November 10, 2016

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Reaction to the President Hashim Thaçi’s press conference

Kosovo's President Hashim Thaci

PRISTINA, 30.10.2016 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo considers the actions of the President Hashim Thaci as unacceptable, who did not take any questions from the journalists. We wish to remind President Thaci that he is bound by law to answer to the interests of journalists. Today’s act of the presidency reflects the disrespect of journalists and neglect of our work. At the same time we demand from the presidency to apologize to all journalists for what happened today.
The President should have in mind to accept questions by journalists and answer them in his future addresses, since the presidency as an institution should be a focal point for transparency. We would also like to take this opportunity to call on all heads of institutions to be more open to media. Facebook statuses are not a proper way of communication, therefore all those individuals holding senior institutional positions in Kosovo have to seriously think about improving their communication with the journalists.

Demanding Effective Investigation About the Attempted Murder of Sasa Lekovic


ZAGREB, 01.11.2016. – Journalist associations from the Western Balkans are demanding an effective investigation of the attempted murder of Sasa Lekovic, president of the Croatian Journalists’ Association (HND).

They expressed their expectation that the initiated investigation would determine the circumstances regarding the damaged Lekovic’s car urgently.

Journalists’ associations from the Western Balkans are pointing out that this case is only the culmination of almost daily threats, insults and pressure on Sasa Lekovic, which followed his election as president of the CJA in 2015.

It is extremely important that the state recognizes threats against journalists as a direct threat to freedom of speech and democracy, and we demand that all previous attacks on Lekovic and other journalists are processed efficiently and with appropriate seriousness.

Journalist associations from the region of the Western Balkans expressed full solidarity with colleague Lekovic and warn the Croatian Government that only with effective investigation and punishment of the perpetrators in this case they can demonstrate their democratic nature and real commitment to European values, in which freedom of expression and security of journalists are fundamental human rights .

The Association of Journalists of Macedonia
Association BH Journalists
Croatian Journalists’ Association
The Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Trade Union of Media Montenegro
The Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia

Новинарските здруженија бараат ефикасна истрага за обидот за убиство на новинарот Саша Лековиќ


СКОПЈЕ, 01.11.2016 Очекуваме покренатата истрага по итна постапка дека ќе ги утврди околностите во врска со оштетувањето на автомобилот на Лековиќ.

Новинарските здруженија од регионот на Западен Балкан предупредуваат дека овој случај е само кулминација на готово секојдневните закани, навреди и притисоци на Сашо Лековиќ кои следат по неговиот избор за претседател на Хрватското здружение на новинарите во 2015 година. Многу е важно Хрватска да ги препознае заканите на новинарите како директни закани врз слободата на говорот и демократијата, и бараме сите досегашни напади врз Лековиќ и другите новинари да бидат процесуирани ефикасно и со соодветна сериозност.

Новинарските здруженија од регионот на Западен Балкан изразуваат солидарност со колегата Лековиќ и ја предупредуваат Владата на Република Хрватска дека само со ефикасна истрага и со казнување на сторителите во овој случај може и практично да се покаже демократичноста и реалната посветеност на европските вредности, во кои слободата на изразување и сигурноста на новинарите претставуваат основни човекови права.

Здружение на новинарите на Македонија

Здружение  на новинарите на Босна и Херцеговина

Здружение  на новинарите на Хрватска

Здружение на новинарите на Косово

Синдикат на медиуми на Црна Гора

Независно здружение на новинарите на Србија

01.11.2016 година

Traži se temeljita istraga pokušaja ubojstva Saše Lekovića


ZAGREB, 01.11.2016. – Novinarska udruženja iz regije očekuju da će pokrenuta istraga utvrditi okolnosti u vezi sa oštećenjem Lekovićevog automobila po hitnom postupku.

Novinarska udruženja iz regije upozoravaju da je ovaj slučaj samo kulminacija gotovo svakodnevnih prijetnji, uvreda i pritisaka na Sašu Lekovića koje su uslijedile nakon njegovog izbora za predsjednika HND-a 2015. godine. Izuzetno je važno da Republika Hrvatska prepozna prijetnje novinarima kao direktne prijetnje slobodi govora i demokracije, te zahtijevamo da svi dosadašnji napadi na Lekovića i druge novinare budu procesuirani temeljito i sa odgovarajućom ozbiljnošću.

Novinarske organizacije iz regije iskazuju punu solidarnost sa kolegom Lekovićem i upozoravaju Vladu Republike Hrvatske da samo efikasnom istragom i kažnjavanjem počinitelja u ovom slučaju mogu i praktično pokazati svoju demokratičnost i stvarnu posvećenost europskim vrijednostima, u kojima sloboda izražavanja i sigurnost novinara predstavljaju osnovna ljudska prava.

Udruženje novinara Makedonije
Udruženje/udruga BH novinari
Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo
Udruženje novinara Kosova
Sindikat medija Crne Gore
Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Peshevski needs to resign or be dismissed!


SKOPJE 31.10.2016 The Association of Journalists of Macedonia strongly condemns the misconduct of Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Pesevski, which last week after a press conference where he was presenting a report of “Doing Business” for Macedonia, insulted a journalist from the daily newspaper Vest because she asked whether the government is considering to increase the age limit of 67 years for retirement.

Pesevski irritated by the insistence of the journalist to get a precise answer about the government’s intention to increase the age limit for retirement and turned to the journalist with a counter question: “Are you able to say yes or no if I ask you whether your parents know that you are a prostitute?”

Pesevski shows that he has no basic domestic education and political culture, which borders with bullying and primitivism. This attack is not only directed toward a professional journalist, which main task is to ask unpleasant questions to politicians, but it is an attack on media freedom.

Such attacks aim to belittle and intimidate journalists not to request a report of the work of public officials and to kill the sense of the role of journalism in a democratic society.

We are disappointed by the behavior of our colleagues who were present at the event and did not react to the insults of Pesevski. We appeal in the future in similar situations journalists jointly react and show greater solidarity.

Utterly hypocritical for politicians is to ask the media to report professionaly of the election campaign while also physically attacking and insulting journalists without incurring any liability.

We ask Vice Premier Pesevski who last year in broad daylight attacked a journalist to publicly apologize to the journalist but also to take political liability. Also either he should resign or Prime Minister Emil Dimitiriev has to dismiss him. We remind Dimitirev that for similar harm to a journalist serbian prime minister sacked the defense minister.

At the same time we call on VMRO-DPMNE to disassociate itself from the behavior of their minister and member of the party leadership and ask them not to submit his candidacy for MP in the next election. Otherwise, we will consider that VMRO-DPMNE justifies and allows violence and inappropriate behavior towards journalists.

31.10.2016, Skopje

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Napad na predsjednika HND-a Sašu Lekovića – nepoznati počinitelj sabotirao Lekovićev automobil


ZAGREB, 28.10.2016. – Predsjedniku Hrvatskog novinarskog društva Saši Lekoviću na autoputu Bregana – Lipovac otkazao je automobil. Pregledom automobila ustanovljeno je da je nepoznati počinitelj sabotirao automobil – na prednjem desnom kotaču prepilio je dva vijka, ne bi li tijekom vožnje oni pukli i prouzročili kobnu nesreću za Lekovića i druge osobe.

Leković je automobil uspio zaustaviti u zaustavnoj traci autoceste nakon čega ga je odvukao kod mehaničara koji je utvrdio što je uzrokovalo nezgodu. Informaciju o sabotaži Leković je objavio na svom Facebook profilu, koju prenosimo u cijelosti:

“Znate da sam ja dosadan tip koji na FB-u postavlja samo postove u vezi sa novinarstvom i medijima te ponekad neku mjuzu. No, ovo je zanimljivo i mislim da je zaslužilo da bude objavljeno. Just in case. Danas poslije podne nasred autoputa auto mi je „poludio“. Počeo se tresti a potom krivudati.

Uspio sam ga zaustaviti u zaustavnoj traci i shvatio da mi je prednji desni kotač iskrivljen i prednja plastična „maska“ izvaljena iz ležišta. Kako je auto star prva misao bila je da je to uzrok. No, kako imam odličnog auto mehaničara koji mi „radi“ aute već gotovo 25 godina a auto je bio na tehničkom i registraciji prije dvadesetak dana ništa mi zapravo nije bilo jasno.

Odšlepali su me do prvog ozbiljnog auto mehaničara koji je auto preuzeo, obećao da će ga pregledati i ustanoviti uzrok kvara što je prije moguće. Čovjek me nakon nekog vremena obavijestio kako je ustanovio da su dva zavrtnja/šarafa na desnom prednjem kotaču prepiljena do pola i da je nakon 300 kilometara vožnje to uzrokovalo pucanje. (Naime, pokupio sam zavrtnje/šarafe, tj. njihove ostatke, na mjestu nezgode i ponio ih sa sobom).

Nije prvi puta da se netko „igra“ zavrtnjima/šarafima na kotačima mojega auta. Jednom su ih samo odšarafili napola, ali je auto bio relativno nov pa sam brzo shvatio da nešto nije u redu. Ovaj stari ionako stalno „drnda“ pa ne primijetim odmah promjenu.

To je inače jedna od češćih metoda „opstrukcije“. S obzirom da današnji dan mogu računati kao „rezervni“ rođendan evo i „rođendanske“pjesme „majstorima…”

Podsjetimo da je Saša Leković izložen stalnim prijetnjama već godinu i pol dana, otkako je postao predsjednik Hrvatskog novinarskog društva. Posljednji puta Leković je bio spomenut i u pismu kojeg je prije desetak dana zaprimila Sandra Bartolović, novinarka Forum.tm, na kojemu je stajao potpis ‘Ustaške zmije’. Nekoliko dana prije toga, Leković je bio spomenut i u prijetećem pismu kojeg je primila ravnateljica Hine Branka Gabrijela Valentić, koje je bilo potpisano sa ‘Jedan HOS-ovac’.