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Coalition for Media Freedom: May 1st Should Remind Us that Fight for Better Working Conditions is Never-ending


Today is International Labor Day, a day to remember the demonstrations of the labor movement held in Chicago in 1886. That is, a day that should be a reminder to everyone that the fight for better working conditions is never-ending.

On this occasion, we would like to emphasize that the position of journalists and media workers in Serbia is far from enviable. The work is uncertain, the fees are low, while the pressure comes from all sides, in all forms, often as threats, but also physical attacks. Institutions bear the greatest responsibility for such a situation in Serbia, and that is why we call on them to create a better environment for the work of journalists.

Our research shows that the social and economic position of journalists and other media workers in Serbia is still unfavorable. A big problem is the insecurity in which many journalists work, without guaranteed working rights, with insecure contracts under which they are hired.

In the most difficult position are those journalists who work outside the employment relationship, in temporary and casual jobs, under a work contract and have no protection whatsoever.

The bad financial situation has influenced some journalists to work in several media in order to provide basic means of living or to do other jobs outside of journalism. Young journalists face the same problems.

Bad conditions are influenced by the overall state of media freedom, as well as various pressures, which ultimately have direct consequences for the mental health of journalists.

Journalists are almost daily targets of political officials. Instead of answering the journalist’s questions, they verbally, often with street vocabulary, deal with the journalists. In this way, journalists are made legitimate targets in the public eye, and many face various threats, which endangers their safety. Threats and attacks against journalists are rarely punished, and if sanctions are imposed, they are minimal.

The Coalition for Media Freedom therefore calls on the institutions in Serbia, as the most responsible for the current situation, to create better conditions for the work of journalists, and citizens to be allies of journalists in the fight for a better position, because journalists are always on the ground to support the struggle of citizens to achieve their rights, among which are better labor rights.

The study visit in Skopje with participants of the Academy on Dealing with the Past Journalism, and Conflict-Sensitive Reporting took place


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo, in cooperation with forumZFD – Program in Kosovo, organized a study visit to Skopje from April 26th to 28th.

During the study visit to North Macedonia, journalism students and journalists who were part of the Academy visited the premises of the Association of Macedonian Journalists. There they met with Milan Spirovski – Researcher, and Biljana Nasteska – Kalanoska – Communication Officer. Participants of the academy engaged in discussions to understand the role of media and journalists in North Macedonia, including the challenges, opportunities, and the role of the AJM.

Among other things, media ethics were discussed, including legal frameworks and regulations governing journalism in North Macedonia. The journalists also discussed the socio-political context of North Macedonia and its impact on journalism practice.

Further, the visit continued with the meeting at the Council for Media Ethics in Macedonia (CMEM). There we were welcomed by Biljana Georgievska – Executive Director, Kristijan Nushkov – Project Coordinator, and Fatos Grubi – Project Assistant. During this meeting, participants discussed the Council’s work, the standards and ethical guidelines established by CMEM for media professionals in North Macedonia. They also discussed CMEM’s role in promoting responsible journalism through the adherence to ethical standards and codes of conduct.

The final meeting of the study visit took place at Pikasa Analytics, where journalists had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Pikasa’s work from Meriton Nagavci, a data analyst. During the visit, participants discussed the latest trends in online media and their impact on various topics, including those related to dealing with the past.

The Academy on Dealing with the Past Journalism and Conflict Sensitive Reporting began in March of this year in collaboration with the forumZFD- Program in Kosovo. A series of trainings were organized on reporting about dealing with the past, conflict-sensitive reporting, dealing with fake news in the context of historical events, and the role of media in the reconciliation process. The aim of these trainings was to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively report on conflict-sensitive journalism and sensitively handle past events.

Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj’s Public Remarks and Accusations Against Journalists and Media Analysts


On 30th April 2024, during a meeting of the Tirana City Council, Mayor Erion Veliaj made a series of inflammatory remarks directed at analysts from opposition television channels. In response to accusations against him, Veliaj referred to the analysts as “scoundrels” and “scum,” alleging that their attacks were motivated not by public concern but by personal interests, specifically the denial of building permits by the Tirana Municipality. On the same day in the morning, Mayor Veliaj’s communications office released a notice to the media, clarifying a WhatsApp post by Veliaj. The post included a quote from Roosevelt: “Judge me by the enemies I have made,” and featured a photo collage of journalists, television analysts, media administrators, and chief editors, whom Veliaj now considers enemies.

The remarks were made on the same day Mayor Veliaj appeared before the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecution concerning investigations into the Tirana incinerator.

Mayor Erion Veliaj’s inflammatory remarks against media analysts at the Tirana City Council meeting on April 30, 2024, pose significant implications for media freedom and public trust. Veliaj, who is known for avoiding press conferences, delivering pre-packaged materials to the media, and previously engaging in anti-media rhetoric and verbal attacks, has intensified concerns by labeling journalists and analysts as enemies. The incident also raises legal and ethical concerns about the potential misuse of public office to intimidate critics or provide favors to those who support him. 






Cartoon Exhibition on Media Freedom is officially open


The Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo, in partnership with the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, has officially opened the Media Freedom Exhibition today. The exhibition is being held to mark the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, which is celebrated globally on May 3rd.

At the opening ceremony, the Ambassador of the Netherlands, Carin Lobbezoo, and the Chairperson of the AJK Board, Xhemajl Rexha, addressed all the attendees.

This exhibition showcases the cartoons selected from the Western Balkan Cartoon Competition for Media Freedom. A total of 186 applications were received from 95 artists from Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. A jury of experts from these countries selected 44 cartoons to be featured in the exhibition.

The first place in the cartoonist competition was awarded to Dusan Petricic from Serbia, with the second place going to Armend Ajredini from North Macedonia.

The exhibition will remain open until May 3rd at the Lapidarium of the National Museum of Kosovo.

BH JOURNALISTS: Minister Konaković must stop targeting the media and journalists

Foto: BHJA

Sarajevo, 25th of April 2024. – The BH Journalists Association´s Steering Committee and the Free Media Help Line strongly condemn the inappropriate statements by Mr. Elmedin Konaković, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) and the targeting of the journalists and media at the press conference yesterday in Sarajevo.

By abusing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs public space and his own ministerial position, Mr. Konaković tried to criminalize a number of media and journalists without argument and any evidence, calling them “part of the media-judicial mafia”. just because they wrote about the police-judicial action of arresting persons who are suspected of various criminal offenses and connection with the “Tito and Dino” drug cartel. Konaković said that certain media and journalists are trying to “make connections” to him with the mentioned criminal group and that with their inscriptions they are “threatening the European path of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

The BH Journalists´ Steering Committee reminds that Mr. Konaković has been verbally and brutally threatened the BH media for years from his  various positions in the public authorities, and attacking especially those journalists who write critically about the ways in which he performs his public duties. At the same time, Mr. Konaković politically misleads the public, especially through social networks, interpreting criticism directed at him as a public official, only as an attack on state institutions and/or the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its European path.

For the BH Journalists´ Steering Committee, it is particularly significant that Mr. Konaković did not use legal and legitimate means in any reaction to the possible unprofessional work by the journalists and media such as denials, requests for the corrections in media articles, and filing complaints to the independent (self) regulatory bodies or through defamation lawsuits.

The BH Journalists´ Steering Committee once again publicly condems    Konaković’s behavior yesterday, considering it an inappropriate attack on media freedoms and the journalists´ professional integrity aimed  to criminalize the media and ruining their reputation in the public, including minimizing the investogative contribution of the BH media in exposing this international criminal grpup. In that context, BH Journalists Association  warns Minister Konaković that a system of legal actions against him will be launched for the freedom of expression violations, if he does not stop the constant pressure on the media and journalists.


Steering Commmittee of the BH Journalists Assocciation


AJK condemns the insults and threats against sports reporter, Lorik Gashi


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo has received with concern the threats that have been made against the sports journalist/editor at Channel 10, Lorik Gashi.

Gashi has shared the communication that Muhedin Ferati, the president of the club Phoenix, had with him on social networks, where he repeatedly insults and threatens him.

“I will f*** your family members. Post the news, I will f*** your family members. I will say one more word to you, if you won’t remove that fake post, then there will be consequences”, it is written in part of the message.

AJK strongly condemns the insulting and threatening language used by the manager of this club. We urge the FFK to act on this case, as well as Kosovo Police to prioritize this case.

Such threats seriously endanger the work of journalists, of all sectors, including sports reporters.

Gashi reported on the delay in salaries for the football players at the club managed by Ferati.

Civil Society Organizations: REM Must Extend Deadline for Public Discussion on New Regulations

Photo: Pixabay.com

Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) has determined that the public discussion regarding the draft of fifteen regulations, the adoption of which is the responsibility of this body, lasts 20 days, that is, from April 5 to 25, which according to the law is the minimum period for its implementation. Bearing in mind that these regulations are of essential importance for the functioning of the electronic media and that numerous organizations are interested in participating in the public debate, and that the deadline for submitting proposals for changes to the draft is minimal, we request that it be extended until May 25.

We emphasize that the organizations within the Coalition for Media Freedom are significant actors on the media scene, who have actively participated in all previous initiatives related to the regulatory framework in the field of media services. In addition, organizations dealing with human rights, promoting the development of democracy and civil society are also interested in the issues covered by the proposed drafts.

We believe that it is very important to actively participate in this public discussion, and that is why we request that the REM extend the deadline for submission of objections, proposals and suggestions on the mentioned draft regulations, so that we can perform appropriate analyzes and research of good practice. Also, we think it is important to hold at least one more discussion in the REM premises.

The Law on Electronic Media stipulates that the Regulator conducts a public hearing procedure in the preparation of the general act, and that the public hearing begins on the day of publication of the draft act on the Regulator’s website and lasts at least 20 days. Therefore, the Law leaves the possibility for the public discussion to last even longer, as it foresees the importance of obtaining the opinions of experts and the general public.

Due to all of the above, we believe that our request for the extension of the public hearing is well-founded and feasible, as well as that the Regulator should show that it wants a constructive hearing with the aim of adopting the best acts.


Asocijacija medija

Asocijacija onlajn medija (AOM)

Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine (NDNV)

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS)

Poslovno udruženje Asocijacija lokalnih i nezavisnih medija „Lokal Pres“

Slavko Ćuruvija Fondacija

GS KUM Nezavisnost

Asocijacija nezavisnih elektronskih medija (ANEM)

Građanske inicijative


Novi Optimizam


Trag fondacija


Partneri Srbija

IJAS: 25 Years Since Death of RTS Workers – Innocent Victims of Serbian Government and NATO


Tomorrow marks the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia building and killing of 16  workers of media public service.

On the night between April 22 and 23, 1999, during a news broadcast, at 2:06 AM, a bomb from a NATO bomber hit part of a building in the center of Belgrade.

People who were at their workplace at the time lost their lives: Jelica Munitlak, Ksenija Banković, Darko Stoimenovski, Nebojša Stojanović, Dragorad Dragojević, Dragan Tasić, Aleksandar Deletić, Slaviša Stevanović, Siniša Medić, Ivan Stukalo, Dejan Marković, Milan Joksimović, Branislav Jovanović, Slobodan Jontić, Milovan Janković and Tomislav Mitrović.

Although NATO put the RTS building on the list of legitimate targets and announced the bombing, the employees of the state television were not evacuated but were deliberately sacrificed, and their deaths were misused for the propaganda purposes of the then regime.

Dragoljub Milanović, the former director of RTS, was the only one convicted of this crime, although neither the state nor the military leadership did nothing to protect RTS employees. 25 years have passed since the crime, and their responsibility is not mentioned. The chain of responsibility for the death of the workers was not determined, and their death was treated as a consequence of the responsible person’s failure to comply with the regulations on protective measures.

There is no doubt that RTS was used as a means of war propaganda, but that cannot be the reason for the bombing and there is no reasonable justification for an armed attack by the NATO. We remind that before this terrible war crime in Belgrade’s Aberdareva Street, during the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992 – 1995), the armed forces led by Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić in Sarajevo demolished, among other things, the building of the newspaper Oslobođenje and severely damaged the building of RTV dom, and in those bombings there were human casualties. The similar crime happened three years ago when the Israeli military forces bombed a building in Gaza that housed several media outlets, including Al Jazeera and the Associated Press, under the pretext that there were members of Hamas hiding in the building. Therefore, we are witnessing the same attacks on the media under similar charges and without prosecuting the perpetrators, and we fear that this can happen again.

Since many of those who ruled Serbia in the nineties of the last century are in power today, on this occasion we remind them of the consequences of the media darkness from that time. One of the consequences is the death of RTS workers, the other is many innocent people who suffered and  died because of propaganda that has been shamelessly abused in RTS reporting in the 1990s.


Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS)


The last module of the Academy on Dealing with the Past Journalism and Conflict Sensitized Reporting was held


Journalism students and journalists participating in the second edition of the Academy were taught about the role of journalism in the reconciliation process on Saturday.

In this module of the Academy, taught by Besa Luci, Editor-in-Chief, participants explored basic conflict terminology, the essence of conflicts, and the role of journalism in either exacerbating or resolving them. The session also emphasized the importance of reconciliation and peace-building. Through the elaboration and discussion of different historical events, the dual role of media and journalism in conflict and post-conflict scenarios was emphasized. While media has been used to fuel hatred and conflict, it also plays a crucial role in fostering peace and reconciliation. This includes providing platforms for truth-telling, sharing narratives, and facilitating dialogue to transform relationships and rebuild trust.

During the lecture, two important schools of thought were also discussed, peace journalism, promoted by Johan Galtung and Jake Lunch, and conflict-sensitive journalism. Among other things, they discussed how journalism in conflict-affected societies is crucial for shaping public perceptions and knowledge about identity, history, conflict, and peace efforts. Journalists are not merely information distributors; they also shape and structure the conflict, influencing how the public perceives it.

With this module, the Academy on Dealing with the Past Journalism and Conflict Sensitive Reporting was concluded. This program was supported by the Civil Peace Service Forum – Kosovo. In the following weeks, participants of this Academy will be part of a study visit to the region, where they will have the opportunity to exchange information and experiences with colleagues.