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Journalism annual awards’ ceremony


PRISTINA, 20.11.2020 – Under the slogan “Journalists on the frontline”, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMIK) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), today held the annual awards ceremony of journalism.

Jeta Xharra and Visar Prebreza from KALLXO.com, were awarded the “Ibrahim Rexhepi” Journalism Prize for Economy, which was supported by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, headed by the Head of Mission, Ambassador Jan Braathu.

OMIK also supported two awards for the “Two best pandemic stories”, that were awarded to journalist of the Radio Television of Kosovo, Jehona Zhitia and the journalist of Klan Kosova, Arbreshë Uka.

While, for the “Women’s Empowerment Journalism Prize”, Donika Lamaxhema was awarded for her story published in Kosovo2.0, an award given and supported by the Head of the UN Women Office in Kosovo, Ms. Vlora Tuzi Nushi.

The annual journalism awards ceremony was moderated by Gentiana Begolli Pustina, who, among other things, expressed gratitude to our colleagues for the devotion given during this year.

“Unfortunately, in an empty seated area and a dimmer atmosphere than in the previous years, we shall begin the awarding ceremony of the Journalism Prize for Economy “Ibrahim Rexhepi”, as well as the other traditional award for Women’s Empowerment. Even though it is a tradition for these awards to bring joy and optimism to our community, for they appreciate journalists’ annual work on particular topics, unfortunately today not all of the award winners are with us in here – one of them is quarantined. This is a living proof that our colleagues have endangered themselves and their families so they wouldn’t only comply to their duties, but also by accomplishing their mission, which is the right and on time informing.”

Ambassador Braathu also addressed the participants through a video, congratulating the journalists for their work.

“We commend the journalists that follow the trail of public money spending and serve as watchdogs over events that shape the interactions between the economy, politics and the society in Kosovo. If anything, I think we need more economic reporting in Kosovo. Economic reporting not only about the things that should be better but also about some of the things that are good, in those that we do see progress. For example, in the private sector. The pandemic has also come with its set of challenges for the media community in Kosovo. Some of these challenges however, are challenges that journalists have faced for a long time. They are nothing new. Taken together they add up to an escalation that illustrates how hard it is to serve accurate and timely information to the general public.”

The journalists were also thanked by the Head of the UN Women Office in Kosovo, Vlora Tuzi Nushi.

“Just like doctors, the journalists have played one of the most important roles in saving lives, because if we had not received information from you, we would not have known how to take care of ourselves, nor what is happening because we were all isolated without being aware of the great risk that was threatening us. I appreciate your work in the field and the challenges you have faced, all the more so given the political changes that have taken place, so you were right on the front,” she said.

Today’s event was held in honor of World Press Freedom Day, which is celebrated on May 3, but due to the situation with the COVID 19 pandemic, the event has been postponed to November.


If it wants to join the EU, BiH must ensure media freedom at full capacity


Sarajevo, November 20, 2020 – The growing number of attacks and threats to journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina is extremely worrying, and representatives of the authorities and institutions must be much more actively involved in the problems of protection of journalists and ensuring media freedom if BiH wants to obtain candidate status for the European Union – this was pointed out at the presentation of the report Indicators of level of media freedom and safety of journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019, which was held today in Sarajevo, organized by the BH Journalists Association.

According to Ambassador Johann Sattler, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the media have a great responsibility and ask questions that are very important for citizens, and it is imperative that they do their job in a safe environment.

– The fact that in 2019 there were 56 cases of attacks and threats to journalists is really a large number. We often have verbal attacks on journalists, not only physical ones, and these are problems that the media face in the entire region. BiH cannot get EU candidate status if there is no media freedom both offline and online, and in that sense all standards must be met. This is the task of this country and government officials, according to the European Commission, must work on media freedom as one of the 14 key priorities that BiH must meet before joining the EU – said Ambassador Sattler.

He added that it was unacceptable that public institutions in BiH had not yet started collecting data on attacks on journalists.

– It is great that associations like BH Journalists do it, but it should be done by state institutions, as it is in other EU countries. Another problem is the small number of incidents that have been fully investigated and resolved. Certain laws, such as public advertiser laws, must also be implemented. Part of the process includes steps forward in terms of digitization. Many journalists I have spoken to here have expressed concern for their own safety while doing their job and this is unacceptable. There are, of course, economic limitations, low salaries in the media compared to other professions, and this is especially pronounced now in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Relevant organizations must enable the media in BiH to perform their role with full freedom of expression and you can be sure that the EU Delegation is on your side – said Ambassador Johan Sattler.

The BH Journalists Association has been actively working on the problem of protection of journalists and media freedom for years and it is a tragic realization that none of the key elements that belong to the indicators of media freedom changed significantly, said Marko Divković, President of BH Journalists.

– The fact that we had 56 attacks and threats to journalists in BiH last year speaks volumes about that. One of the key problems is the huge number of defamation lawsuits against newsrooms and journalists. In this way, journalists are put under a special kind of pressure, which is a sword that constantly hangs over their heads. On the other hand, we have a misunderstanding of the role of the media by the representatives of the judiciary, as well as the political sphere that sees the media either as a means in their service or as enemies – said Divkovic.

In 2019, a total of 56 cases of attacks, threats and pressure on journalists were registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and only by mid-November 2020, 67 incidents were reported to the Free Media Help Line. Last year, there were 9 physical attacks on journalists and media employees, more than in 2018 and 2017. Of particular concern is the increasing incidence of online violence and the increasing number of threats that journalists receive through social networks and in comments on Internet portals. Despite reporting threats to the police, in most cases those behind threatening messages to journalists remain anonymous and unsanctioned, which further discourages media professionals and undermines their trust in the police and justice system.

Tamara Filipović Stevanović from the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) pointed out that the situation in the field of media freedoms in the entire region has worsened compared to previous years.

– Last year we had 67 recorded incidents in Serbia, and this year by mid-November we already have 68. We are also recording a significant increase in the number of incidents in other countries in the region. As for Serbia, we are some black record holders in the region. Journalists are still physically endangered for doing their job and only last year we had 11 physical attacks, and this year we have recorded as many as 27. The number of verbal threats has also doubled – said Filipović Stevanović.

BiH Human Rights Ombudsman Jasminka Džumhur emphasized that since last year when we discussed the same topics, there has been no progress.

– If we want to protect journalists, we must have a legal provision for that in the criminal law. The plan for resolving cases in court is also inadequate, and we have the problem of inefficient inspection supervision when it comes to violations of employment rights. When it comes to attacks on journalists, it is especially indicative when it is done by government officials, who should refrain from all such statements – said Dzumhur.

The director of the Center for Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Federation of BiH, Arben Murtezic, reminded that two years ago, the HJPC instructed all prosecutor’s offices and courts to separately record all cases related to journalists. However, this recommendation of the HJPC has not yet taken root in judicial institutions.

– There is generally a problem between the judiciary and journalists in BiH, a kind of antagonism and misunderstanding between the two professions that are equally important to society. However, I do not think that this fact is reflected in individual cases concerning journalists and the media. Certainly, there should be a strategy of relations with the media in the judiciary in order to improve these relations – Murtezić emphasized, and added that the judiciary has made a significant effort when it comes to defamation lawsuits, and that some progress has been made in the courts also understanding the specifics of the profession and the rights of journalists.

Journalist Vanja Stokić described her experience with online death threats she received after she posted a photo with two migrants on Facebook.

– When the case came to the Prosecutor’s Office, the prosecutor decided not to conduct an investigation, believing that it was not a death threat, but an expression of personal attitude and dissatisfaction. The BH Journalists hired a lawyer and we filed a complaint, but that complaint was also rejected. I had that system of support from fellow journalists, but also from lawyers, human rights experts, readers of our portal, and that encouraged me. However, this decision of the Prosecutor’s Office is really devastating and I feel betrayed by the system – said Stokić.

Journalist Nedim Pobrić, author of the analysis “Investigations and prosecution of attacks on journalists and media workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina” conducted within the Safejournalists project, said that the phenomenon of increasing violence and threats against journalists is not a subjective perception of the media community, but a statistical fact .

– We tried to get individual data from judicial institutions and the answers we received were really devastating. Most of the threats made to journalists, and even in cases where the identity of the perpetrators was known, generally ended up with investigations suspended. As for physical attacks on journalists, in many cases proceedings have been initiated and cases have been formed, but these are lengthy processes and sanctions are often inadequate. Creating a more efficient framework for investigating and prosecuting attacks on journalists is one of the key priorities for BiH’s accession to the European Union. In the report from October this year, the European Commission stated that nothing has been done in recent years in order to make that framework more efficient and functional, which speaks enough about the engagement of our representatives of authorities and institutions – Pobrić concluded.

The report Indicators on the level of media freedom and safety of journalists 2019 was produced as part of the fourth regional assessment of the level of media freedom and security of journalists in the Western Balkans, within the project Regional Platform for Media Freedom and Safety in the Western Balkans supported by the European Union.  The presentation of the report was organized as a hybrid event (online and offline) with the participation of 27 journalists, representatives of international and media organizations, the judiciary and state institutions, and in compliance with all epidemiological measures.


Warning to RTCG due to hidden TV promotion


PODGORICA, 20.11.2020 – Radio Television of Montenegro received a warning from the Agency for Electronic Media of Montenegro due to hidden TV promotion during the show “Good morning Montenegro”.

Contrary to the regulations within the show on TVCG1, the public service broadcasted commercial content without clearly expressing it as such, openly advertising a retail chain in Montenegro.

The Agency said that such content should be clearly marked as commercial audiovisual communication, that telepromotion must be clearly observed, and that sponsored content must be highlighted as such, and that sponsored programs must not directly encourage the purchase of sponsor goods.

“An anonymous complaint, registered with the Agency for Electronic Media under No. 02-1122 of October 19, 2020, is accepted,  and the Public Company “Radio and Television of Montenegro” from Podgorica, the public broadcaster of the “First Program of Television of Montenegro” (TVCG1), received a warning as an administrative-supervisory for violation of … the Law on Electronic Media, … Policy on Commercial Audiovisual Communications and Broadcasting Approval, during broadcasting of the culinary column ‘Tastes of the Morning’, which was broadcast on October 17, 2020, in the period from 09:40:55 to 09:48:11 (7 minutes and 16 seconds), as part of the morning program “Good morning Montenegro”, it is written in the decision of the Agency.

The presentation of the report “Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019”


Sarajevo, 19.11.2020. – BH Journalists Association organizes the presentation of the report “Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019”, which will be held on Friday, November 20, 2020 at 12 o’clock, at hotel “Marriott” in Sarajevo.

This Report was produced as part of the fourth regional assessment of the media freedom and journalists’ safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the presentation of the Report, we will discuss not only on media freedoms, physical and verbal attacks on journalists and their processing, but also about the overall media image and environment in which journalists work in Bosnia and Herzegovina today, as well as their economic position and the legal framework within which they operate.

Journalists’ associations from six Western Balkan countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Croatia and Serbia), with support from the European Commission, joined forces in 2016 to monitor and promote the media freedom and journalists’ safety in their respective countries – thus creating the Western Balkans Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety.

Based on a common research methodology specifically developed for this purpose, these organisations collect data each year, evaluate recent developments and engage in advocacy activities to change the political, legislative and institutional environment in which journalists and the media work.

The results achieved in the first three-year cycle have shown that journalists’ associations in the region can play a decisive role in advocating for greater media freedom. The European Union has recognised this achievement as a key step towards the comprehensive democratisation of Balkan societies, and decided to continue supporting the Regional Platform in the coming years.

Given the current epidemiological situation, the event will be organized so that a certain number of participants (max. 12 persons) will be present at the presentation in Sarajevo and other participants will join us via Zoom platform.

New help to the media of 80.000 EUR


PODGORICA, 18.11.2020. – The Council of the Agency for Electronic Media recently made a decision to release commercial and public broadcasters from paying the obligation of the fourth quarterly installment of the broadcasting fee for 2020. This reduced the regulator’s budget by 80,000 euros.

The agency helped the media in a similar way in March, when it exempted them from paying the second quarterly installment of the broadcasting fee for 2020, also in the amount of 80,000 euros.

“In August 2020, several broadcasters addressed the Council of the Agency and expressed their expectation or interest in the possibility of providing additional support or other measures not to jeopardize the continuity of their work in a situation caused by the spread of COVID-19 virus corona. The Council of the Agency continuously monitored the impact of implemented measures and the effects of possible future measures on the operations of these entities and the Agency in 2020. In doing so, it tried to reconcile the need for assistance, on the one hand, and the obligation of rational planning and spending. funds available to the Agency”, it was said from AEM.

Thus, at the session of the Council on November 17, a decision was made to provide this type of assistance to the media again.

Til June direct financial support of the Government of Montenegro to the Montenegrin media amounted to more than 310,000 euros, and an additional 300,000 euros is the value of obligations that the media were released or their payment was delayed, and they had the opportunity to defer tax and contributions for 90 days.

The government announced that subsidies for salaries were also provided to employees in the media, who were classified in the category of endangered activities. A credit line has been provided with the Investment and Development Fund for credit funds in the amount of up to EUR 600,000.

Support is committed to all print media (Pobjeda, Vijesti, Dan, Dnevne novine), commercial television broadcasters with national coverage (TV Vijesti, TV Prva, TV Nova M), portals with the highest number of visits (Vijesti, CdM, Analitika, FOS, Antena M) as well as for 14 local public broadcasters.

AJM SSNM and CMEM: Ministry of Interior and Public Prosecutor’s Office to sanction hate speech against journalists


Skopje, 15.11.2020

The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Council for Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMЕM) strongly condemn the hate speech that we have witnessed in the past few days against several journalists, NGO`s and calls on the competent authorities and institutions, especially the Ministry of Interior and the Public Prosecutor’s Office to react immediately to put an end to such attacks because they directly affect the freedom of expression and freedom of the media.

In the last few days, journalists Boris Georgievski, Ljupco Popovski and Borjan Jovanovski have been the subject of attacks, insults, defamation and hate speech on social networks because they had their own, different view of the closing words of the commentator of the match Georgia – Macedonia, Toni Stojanovski . We mention that an argumentative expression of opinion on the professionalism or unprofessionalism of a certain procedure is a free expression and must not be the subject of hate speech, just as the commentator Stojanovski must not be the subject of hate speech for his closing remarks.

Previously, the entire editorial office of the Meta Agency, as well as the employees of the Metamorphosis Foundation, were subject to attacks and hate speech, and their colleague Bobi Hristov was also subject to insults and attacks after inappropriate comments by a party president and MP.

Free media and journalists are the basis of the functioning of any democratic society, and a precondition for that freedom is the ability of media professionals to work in an atmosphere free from threats and insults.

Journalists work for the public and their actions are allowed to be criticized, but only if it is well-argued, cultural and does not provoke hate speech, calls to endanger their safety and the like.

At the same time, we call on the media, especially some of the online media, not to transmit / publish messages with propaganda content that stimulate the already boiling atmosphere.

AJM, CEMM, SSNM and MIM: condemnation of hate speech on social networks after the publication of an article in the portal “Lider.mk”


Skopje, 13.11.2020 –

The Association of Journalists (AJM), the Council for Media Ethics of Macedonia (CEMM), the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Macedonian Media Institute (MIM) condemn the hate speech against the team of the NGO “Metamorphosis” which is intensively spread on social networks after the publication of an article in the portal “Lider.mk” entitled ” (PHOTO) these are the people who delete content from Facebook in North Macedonia”.

Irresponsible publication of such prejudiced content, which does not respect the basic rules of journalistic reporting, including invasion of privacy and non-contact of the affected party, not only causes great damage to the reputation of the employees of this organization, but also endangers security through explicit calls on social networks for public lynching and physical liquidation. The same consequences are caused by the media that decided to republish the text of “Lider.mk”. Also disturbing is the fact that the text is shared on social media profiles of political entities in the country.

All media that publish content on social networks, at the same time, are responsible for removing comments that contain explicit hate speech, and the same goes for “Lider.mk”.

At the same time, we request the Ministry of Interior to conduct an urgent investigation to determine the identity of the persons who incited hate speech through comments on social networks, and then the Public Prosecutor’s Office to initiate a case through which they will be sanctioned, in accordance with the Criminal Code. These two institutions need to understand the seriousness of the impunity for hate speech in the Republic of North Macedonia, which must stop in order to avoid acts of hate speech. The frequent presence of hate speech has imposed the need to confront this phenomenon in a systematic and common approach.

All the efforts by the professional journalistic and media community would be in useless if there is no response from the institutions that are competent to sanction hate speech.

AJK: Obstruction of the Klan Kosova team is unacceptable


PRISTINA, 12.11.2020 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), with concern has accepted the information that the production team of Klan Kosova was obstructed in the “Shani Nushi” hall in Gjakova.

The team consisting: Petrit Mulliqi (director), cameramen Urim Bajçinovci, Rinor Topalli, Mustafë Tenezhdolli (Re-play), Bajram Emini (audio), Liridon Sefa (lighting), Gazmend Salihu (driver) and Dardan Haxhija (IT ArtMotion), have been prevented from performing their official duties by the person in charge of the hall and a member of the security.

The obstruction happened on 11th  of November around 17:00 o’clock, when the team had requested assistance from the manager to put the equipment in the hall and to prepare for the broadcast of the match Vllaznimi – Trepça.

According to the Director of the Sports Program in Klan Kosova, Agon Fehmiu, the entry of the team in the hall were denied from its manager and it was followed by insults, threats and physical attacks.

“After contacting with the officials of KBF and KB Vllaznimi to report the case, initially the official of KB Vllaznimi arrived at the hall but despite his presence, the threatening behavior and insults of the hall manager towards the Klan Kosova team were not interrupted. Meanwhile, with the call of KB Vllaznimi for police assistance, the Kosovo Police patrol arrived at the hall around 18:30 o’clock, which was late and made it impossible to broadcast the basketball game “, said Fehmiu among others.

Regarding the case, AJK has sent questions to the Kosovo Police, who have announced that the dispute occurred after the team of Klan Kosova tried to enter the hall two hours before the match.

“The police patrol responded to the case, contacted both parties involved in the dispute and received information from the security staff that the team of “KLAN KOSOVA”, tried to enter the center two hours before the time of assigned. Their entry was denied and this led to a verbal dispute. The police patrol also contacted the head of the television team who was present, and they received the same statement from him on not allowing them to enter two hours before, but then they were allowed to enter, and this team refused to enter and left”, it is said among other things, in the response of the Kosovo Police for AJK.

Police have also announced that they have not initiated a case after assessing the case.

Obstructing the Klan Kosova team while they was on their duty is completely unacceptable.

AJK calls on the competent bodies and responsible institutions to take measures towards the behavior of the manager of this hall.

Censorship and self-censorship: The wounds of Montenegrin journalism


PODGORICA, 11.11.2020 – Although there is little information about open censorship in the Montenegrin media, covert censorship has almost become domesticated and an integral part of newsrooms. Whether it is the politicization or macretization of the media, on the one hand, violence against journalists or their poor economic position, on the other hand, there are numerous reports of this type of influence on reporting.

Political influence is best reflected during the election process, where international observation missions also noted the polarization of the media scene and biased public information. It is therefore not surprising that the OSCE / ODIHR EOM found after the August parliamentary elections that “the lack of editorial reporting limited the availability of analytical and impartial information to citizens”. On the other hand, the struggle of a large number of media outlets for a very limited marketing market has made them vulnerable to their influences, therefore, it is not surprising that journalists testify about pressures if they report on advertisers.

Journalists in Montenegro are prone to self-censorship for many reasons, and one of the most significant is the growing violence against media workers. Since 2015, 43 attacks on journalists or the media have been registered in Montenegro, much of which has remained unsolved, including the murder of “Dan” editor Dusko Jovanovic and the wounding of journalist Olivera Lakic.

Although defamation was decriminalized in 2011, Montenegrin legislation still has provisions that run counter to international standards and limits freedom of expression. Therefore, we are witnessing numerous arrests during the year, and they concern “spreading panic and riots” and “disturbing public order and peace” through posts on social networks.

The number of court proceedings for violation of honor and reputation is not encouraging at all, only during the period 2016-2018. year, as many as thirty were launched. A mitigating circumstance is that judges have undergone numerous trainings, so they often cite the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in their decisions. The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro monitors active cases of violation of honor and reputation to the detriment of journalists or the media and since the beginning of the year we have attended more than 80 hearings in courts throughout Montenegro.

The poor economic situation is best described by the fact that, according to the latest available data, the average salary of a journalist in Montenegro is lower than the national average. If we add to that that they were mostly not paid for overtime hours and work during the holidays, with the negative impact of the COVID19 pandemic, it is not surprising that analytical journalism and investigative stories are rare.